Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 914: Curse

Green rainbow penetrates the body!

Infinite blue sword light shot out from the Cursed King's body, completely submerging him like a surging sword tide.

In an instant, the sound of "Sword Roar" roared incessantly, even the space was crushed by it, emitting a majestic and fierce terrifying wave that destroyed the heaven and earth!

After Su Yuan struck with Fu Chaosheng's green sword, he didn't even look at it.

As a newly promoted king, Fu Chaosheng may not be able to kill the Curse King even if he comes here personally, let alone his condensed blow?

So what Fu Chaosheng told Su Yuan at the beginning was that this sword could "withstand the king level for a moment."

Even though the cursed king was suppressed a little by the divine ban at this moment, the damage caused to him by this sword was only stronger.

As for wanting to kill it? That is absolutely impossible!

Having just realized the powerful survivability of the king-level origin, Su Yuan naturally would not have any luck again.

After leaving behind the truly liberated Nalan Yingjuan, Su Yuan opened the door to space and immediately left with the demon...

Su Yuan shrunk to the ground and moved forward quickly while staring closely at the bloody curse mark on his body.

There were constant "ouch" sounds coming out of Ruanruan's mouth, and the swallowing black light was as deep as ink. She had really used all her strength to suck the milk!

But the bloody curse seal was as shallow as tissue paper, but it was extremely stubborn!

After a while, suddenly, the glazed azure flashed slightly.

Su Yuan's face darkened, knowing that Nalan Ying had been killed, which meant that the Curse King had recovered!

Su Yuan started to sense, and there were endless mountains in front of him. Although the transmission from Qingming Realm was a little clearer, it was undoubtedly still far behind.

It is simply unrealistic to teleport away directly. You must resolve the bloody curse seal and get rid of the Curse King first...

"I'll stop him." At this time, the demon suddenly stopped.

Yao Po also understands that he must fight for some time.

Yao Po said to Su Yuan: "But I have to continue to hold the divine fire and divine wind. Without the promise of returning to the ruins and being haunted by evil spirits, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long."

Until now, the demon soul has not yet resolved the evil evil and its promise to return to the ruins.

In addition to the powerful amplification of these two skills themselves, the power of time to return to the ruins of the Promise of the Return to the Ruins, and the immortality and corruption of the Immortal Evil Fire can greatly weaken the influence of the spell.

Su Yuan looked at the demon soul and knew that this was a life-or-death moment and he couldn't think too much about it.

After just thinking for a moment, Su Yuan responded: "Okay, I will try to resurrect you as soon as possible."

The monster grinned and didn't say much. He raised his hand to form a seal and a circle of silver light spread out in front of him.

As early as when it came out of the blood realm, the demon soul had already anticipated this situation and used the ability of "divine subjugation" to place a teleportation order in advance.

"Let's go! If you survive, we can all survive!"

After the demon spirit finished speaking, the silver light suddenly disappeared.

Naturally, Su Yuan knew what Yao Po said, and his immeasurable power spread out at full speed, rushing toward the horizon at full speed.

After a while.

"Pfft!" Ruanruan said with a bit of surprise, "Master, swallow them all!"

Su Yuan opened his omniscient vision and took a closer look. Sure enough, all the blood hunting curses on his body had been resolved!


Su Yuan's eyes lit up. In this way, he finally got rid of Tuo's pursuit.

Turning his hand and pulling out the demon sword, Su Yuan thought about "recalling" the demon spirit.

However, there was a dense red light on the demon sword, but there was still no response.

It wasn't for any other reason, but because the monster refused the call.

In fact, both Su Yuan and Yao Po understand that now, if they can delay for more time, they must delay for more time.

If the demon comes back at this time and the Curse King catches up again soon, all the efforts will be in vain!

Su Yuan's eyes condensed, and he immediately put away the demon sword and looked forward.

Here, we are far away from the Dahuang Ridge. There are many mountains and rivers ahead!

Further out, you can go to the inland islands near the east coast.

Using all his strength, Su Yuan stepped forward and the space was greatly shortened. It was really extremely fast.

In terms of mobility, teleportation is lighter, but in terms of long-distance movement, shrinking the ground into an inch with immeasurable power is naturally stronger.

For a moment, Su Yuan concentrated all his energy on the use of immeasurable power.

The large space at the entrance was continuously shortened again and again, and was quickly spanned by Su Yuan.

He had just experienced a battle with Sanying before, and now he was facing a huge threat at the king level.

In the crisis of life and death, Su Yuan concentrated all his energy and energy and used his immeasurable power to overload.

Time after time, Su Yuan's infinite convergence space became larger and larger each time, and the distance spanned became further and further...


Suddenly, there was a sword roar.

A silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and he suddenly came back to his senses from the state of rushing on with the help of Wuliang with all his strength.

Looking down, the Demon Sword completely dimmed with a tremor.

Although he had expected it, the demon persisted a little longer than he expected.

But at this moment, as the demon soul fell, Su Yuan's mood was still quite heavy.

The demon sword is a treasure that I got from the Sword Relics of Demon City Academy when I was at the gold level.

The demon soul incarnation was born after he upgraded his demon sword, and has been following him since then.

Although he is an incarnation, he is also a friend.

And this was already the third time that the demon incarnation died in battle because of him.

Su Yuan clenched the dim demon sword and could feel that it might not be so easy to resurrect the demon soul this time.

However, it is useless to think too much about this matter. Su Yuan suppressed his thoughts and had to find a way to escape now!

Su Yuan looked up, but he didn't expect that he had escaped so far in the blink of an eye.

This time, it shouldn't be difficult to escape...

While Su Yuan was thinking, he suddenly felt a chill from head to toe, and a creepy feeling came over his heart.

Then his eyes flashed, and everyone in all directions seemed to fall into a dark, extremely abstract abyss of curses.

At this time, a huge cursed body with a height of 100 meters and a vague figure suddenly appeared in front.

This cursed body has some colorful brilliance all over its body, and its vague face is somewhat similar to the cursed king. A pair of bloodshot pupils stared at Su Yuan closely, and then...


A shrill scream rang out from his mouth, and then, all the colorful brilliance on his body rushed up from his body in a twist, turning into streams of cursed air and rushing towards Su Yuan!

Su Yuan's pupils shrank and he couldn't move. He could only mobilize his mental power to resist.

But the opponent's energy was too strong, but in the blink of an eye, many colorful brilliance rushed to him one after another.

A strong sense of crisis and a bone-chilling chill continued to hit Su Yuan's heart, and the cursed body, which had lost all its colors and returned to black, disappeared into the surrounding environment in the blink of an eye.

Su Yuan's eyes suddenly returned to normal, as if everything was in a trance for a moment.

But in front of him, Ruanruan was looking at him with horrified eyes.

"Master? Master, master! What's wrong with you!"

Su Yuan suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness. After a brief inspection, he discovered the terrifying changes in his body.

His appearance was fading, his spirit was listless, his ears were dull, his eyes were dim, he was sweating profusely, pustules were growing out one after another, and his whole body was already filled with a filthy stench.

It is also because of this that the soft golden pupils are full of panic and worry!

Su Yuan's heart trembled, and he immediately understood that this must be a spell cast by the King of Curses from across the sky!

Although I don’t know the specific method, even the female priest can cast curses out of thin air, let alone the curse king who understands the law of curses?

Su Yuan did not guess wrong. This technique is called the Five Decline Reflexive Curse. It is a spell that is cast based on the damage caused to the target's body.

Depending on the amount of damage caused, the damage will be accumulated and the five-depleted spell power will be rebounded.

In fact, Su Yuan did not cause much damage to the curse king, otherwise this curse would be even more terrifying, and even the king level would have difficulty resisting it!

This is why King Curse is so taboo to others even though he is one of the few new kings in the past thousand years.

First, it has no power of its own and is fearless when it comes to being alone.

The second is that its spells are weird, and it is easy to dodge open guns and hidden arrows, which is more difficult to deal with secretly than in frontal battles.

But now, it is indeed not that appropriate to cast such an anti-injury spell on a mere Burning Sun class.

However, the Blood Hunting Curse had been broken at this time, and among the several spells in his hand, only this one was the most suitable.

Even if he couldn't kill Su Yuan directly, he could still make Su Yuan unable to escape.

Otherwise, given Su Yuan's speed, he would be moving so fast that even the Curse King himself would have a hard time catching up!


Su Yuan immediately deployed the gods to descend to the earth, and used his star power to suppress this strange spell.

The hegemonic spiritual light from the gods descended from the earth covered the whole body, and had amazing resistance to various negative states, which immediately slowed down the erosion of these curses!

But it's just a little slower... This is the power of the king-level curse law, and the terrifying curse power is still eroding Su Yuan's body.

My vision is blurred, my ears are gradually deafening, my body is weak, and poisonous spots and abscesses are spreading all over my body...

"Back in time!"

Su Yuan used time reversal without hesitation, and all the focus of the power of time was on looking back at the spell power on his body.

The golden shadow surged, and a large golden time rune was suppressed by the Five Decaying Curse just as it rushed up.

The two fought fiercely, and not long after, the epic quality of time travel was defeated again.

But fortunately, turning back time is not without any effect, and the power of the Five Decaying Curses outside the body is a little weaker...

"This is going to be very bad..." Su Yuan couldn't help but feel a wry smile in his heart.

Su Yuan only felt that his perception was getting slower and slower, and his eyes were getting blurry and dark, almost unable to see clearly.

"Master! Master, your skin is rotting! What should I do...! Cry!"

Looking at Su Yuan's declining body in front of him, his soft eyes were filled with tears in the blink of an eye.

The power of devouring the Blood Hunting Curse before was already very tiring, but at this moment, Ruanruan launched his devouring power again, desperately devouring the strange power of the curse on Su Yuan.

However, Ruanruan is only in the Double Ninth Realm. Although the Devouring Law is effective, the progress is slow and it is a drop in the bucket...

"Ruanruan, let's go first..."

Su Yuan spoke with some difficulty, even what he said could not be heard clearly.

Ruanruan recovered from the intense worry, and Su Yuan was unable to move at this moment.

With a flash of water on his body, Ruan Ruan immediately separated into a clone and transformed into the Great Sun God Wu, carrying Su Yuan up. He fluttered his wings and was about to fly up.

Su Yuan raised his eyelids and looked around, and said: "Ruanruan... when walking in the water, be careful to hide your breath..."

Su Yuan could just act on his own, but the Great Sun God Crow was too eye-catching.

Not to mention being seen by others, there will be traces of scorching heat wherever it passes.

You know, Ruanruan's completely mimetic incarnation cannot use the Law of Devouring.

Fortunately, there are many large rivers leading to the inland islands below, so you can walk in the water.

"Woooooo... Ruanruan is so stupid!" Ruanruan blamed herself.

"It's okay..." Su Yuan, who was unconscious, gently touched his soft head.

And with the aura turning again, the Great Sun God Crow immediately transformed into a sea-covering Lingkun, opened his mouth and swallowed Su Yuan into his body, and then swam towards the sea current below, sinking to the bottom of the sea in an instant.

Although the sea-covering Lingkun is not as fast as the Great Sun God Wu, fortunately, it will not leave any traces when diving into the water, and it can properly isolate the aura on Su Yuan's body.

Afterwards, Ruanruan drove Su Yuan forward while frantically devouring and decomposing the spell power on Su Yuan...

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