Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 916 Immortal

Dragon Palace, in the place of inheritance.

The original green mountains and green waters are now covered by thousands of miles of glaciers and frozen glaciers, and the whole world is quiet.

And upon closer inspection, even the falling snowflakes strangely stopped in the air.

This is not the freezing power of ice... but the freezing power of time!

After a while, the whole space fluctuated slightly.

All the mysterious forces converged towards a petite girl with white dragon horns and a pure white tail in the center.

Then, the heavy snow swayed and fell, the cold wind blew the ice branches, and the world seemed to return to normal.

This dragon girl is naturally Luo Bingtong who is in seclusion here.

At this moment, Luo Bingtong's eyes were closed tightly, and his aura had reached the Double Ninth Realm!

Moreover, an extremely powerful time fluctuation slowly spreads from its body, and it seems that it is only one step away from blooming and bearing fruit...!

At this time, Luo Bingtong suddenly opened his eyes, and his fair and delicate face suddenly turned pale.

Immediately afterwards, the intense power of ice and time roared violently away from his body, freezing the surrounding space with a "click" sound!

Through the connection in the spiritual contract, Luo Bingtong immediately understood that it was Su Yuan who was facing a life and death crisis.

"Su Yuan...!"

The beast control contract signed by Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong is an equal contract provided by Dragon Palace, and it will not hinder Luo Bingtong too much.

But at this moment, the expression on Luo Bingtong's small face changed drastically.

Anxiety, panic, worry... various expressions flashed one by one, and finally a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a strong murderous intention suddenly appeared!

For a while, Luo Bingtong suppressed her aura, then stood up and left the inheritance place...

Qingming Palace.

In the square, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, all the high-ranking officials of the Western Desert, including Xu Hengjiang of the Storm Alliance, Xiang Qing of the Shuiyun Alliance, and others, are in the center of the square.

People from various forces, and even ordinary casual cultivators, were seated on the surrounding seats.

Today happens to be the biennial Western Desert Alliance Conference.

But at this moment, there was a lot of discussion in the field.

I saw that the seat on the main seat in the center of the square, where the master of the Qingming Palace, Ashilia, was originally sitting, was empty at the moment.

Ashley, who was presiding over the meeting just now, suddenly changed her expression and hurriedly flew away.

"What happened to Palace Master Ai? He left suddenly!"

"I don't know, this is this year's West Desert Conference!"

"Moreover, Mr. Ai Dianzhu always makes no mistakes in his work. Why did he look a little panicked just now? This is the first time I have seen him..."


In the central place, Haiwang helped Yang Qian to ask Li Su: "Dian Master Li, what's going on with Palace Master Ai? You've been gone for so long?"

"There must be some emergency in the palace."

Although Li Su was surprised in his heart, he remained calm on the surface.

However, the only one who can make Ashelia perform like this is the Palace Master...

Could it be that something unexpected happened to the Palace Master?

Li Su's mind was spinning, and he suppressed some worry and uneasiness in his heart.

Looking at the people whispering around him, Li Su stood up and said with a smile: "Something happened in the palace. Palace Master Ai went over to deal with it urgently and asked me to take over. Please be patient."

No matter what happened, there was no need to let these Western Desert forces see anything for the time being.

In the Green Underworld, Ahilia has already arrived in front of the sacred ancient tree.

The figure of the Elf Goddess landed on the side. Ashelia faced the western sky from a distance, clasped her hands in front of her chest, closed her eyes and began to pray...

"Bless the boss..."

In the inland sea.

The demon emperor's divided soul was constantly draining the curse power from Su Yuan's body.

"What... do you mean by this?" Ruanruan's heart suddenly trembled when he heard what the Demon Emperor said.

The Demon King divided his soul and said: "Although the Devouring Law can absorb the magical energy, it does not have the ability to heal.

Now the king-level curse power is corroding the body, and the five degenerations are deep into the whole body. Even if the curse power can be eliminated, the established effects will be difficult to recover.

The skills you have mastered, such as Sea Soul Protection, can only deal with ordinary injuries.

Unless it is a legendary quality skill with a purifying and dispersing effect, it is probably of no use to him. "

Looking at Su Yuan on the ground, tears flashed in his soft eyes...

"Then...what should we do?"

The demon emperor's divided soul suddenly felt that his vision was blurry again. He raised his hand to wipe away his tears and frowned: "Stop crying. What's the use of crying."

With a flash of water on his body, the Demon King's clone soul split into another clone for Ruanruan again, so he didn't have to squeeze into one body.

Then, with a thought in the Demon King's clone soul, the glazed azure that the clone had transformed into suddenly fell into his hand and was inserted into Su Yuan's body.

In an instant, a strong vitality covered Su Yuan's body from the sword.

"This sword can provide a lot of vitality. Although it cannot remove the influence of the curse, it can still hang his life... huh?"

At this moment, the demon king's soul suddenly noticed something, turned his head and looked into the distance, his eyes flickering slightly.

"To untie the bell, you still need the person who tied it. Since we can find them all, maybe there is something she can do..."

I saw a very fast sword light shooting into the water, turning into a beautiful shadow and falling in front of Lingkun.

It’s Mu Kexian!

At this moment, Mu Kexian's hair was messy, his face was pale, his robes were torn and there were large areas of blood stains.

It was as if he had experienced a big battle before, and then he quickly chased after him with his sword and man united without stopping.

Mu Kexian looked at Canghai Lingkun, and with the guidance of the Supreme Forgetting Art, he was very sure that Su Yuan was in Lingkun's belly!

"Could it be that this evil beast swallowed him up!"

Mu Kexian's eyes suddenly filled with cold murderous intent, but he could feel a somewhat familiar aura from this Lingkun.

At this moment, Lingkun opened his mouth wide, and just when Mu Kexian retreated cautiously, a soft voice suddenly came from inside.

"Sister Mu, the master is seriously injured..."

Mu Kexian was startled, then reacted immediately.

Although he was still a little wary, since Su Yuan was inside, Mu Kexian flew in without hesitation.

The scenery in front of me changes, and it seems to be an internal space.

And soon, Mu Kexian saw two Ruanruan with different temperaments, and Su Yuan, who was lying on the ground in front of him, with a dull face and a declining aura...

"Su Yuan!"

Mu Kexian's pupils trembled, and his heart suddenly ached, and he came closer in a few steps.

Although Su Yuan was covered in filth and abscesses, Mu Kexian held Su Yuan's hand tightly without caring.

The Demon King separated his soul and said: "He is now cursed and has become seriously ill..."

Before the Demon King finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank.

But there was a spiritual light shining between the clasped hands of Mu Kexian and Su Yuan, which seemed to connect the two people.

Afterwards, the smelly sweat and filth gradually appeared on Mu Kexian's pure and pure body!

The radiance on his body quickly dimmed, and ugly, oozing abscesses sprouted from Mu Kexian's skin as white as snow...

For beautiful people, such changes are naturally difficult to accept.

But Mu Kexian's eyes were firm, as if he didn't notice the changes on his body at all.

"No matter what disaster, I will share it with you."

Mu Kexian looked at Su Yuan, who looked decayed and covered with sores, and could no longer recognize his true appearance, and held his hand tightly.

"Even if your face is different every time I see you, I recognize and know...that it's you!"

The technique used by Mu Kexian is the Heavenly Way, a Heavenly Way that has been upgraded to legendary quality.

The demon emperor's soul narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Mu Kexian in front of him, but he did not expect that the other party would make such an action as soon as he came up.

"Can you transfer skills that share damage? It's really mysterious."

Not long after, Su Yuan's complexion improved a little, and the erosion of Su Yuan by the spell's power eased a lot!

However, Mu Kexian's body has become almost like that of Su Yuan. The once jade body, graceful appearance, and graceful fairy posture are now dull and covered in wounds.

The Demon King secretly frowned and found that both Ruanruan and Mu Kexian were so tightly attached to Su Yuan on the ground, even at the expense of themselves.

Where does this kid get such charm?

Even though he was thinking this way, the demon emperor's divided soul still opened his hands to activate the Devouring Law at full speed.

With Mu Kexian sharing the curse, if you extract the curse power earlier, you will have a greater chance of curing him.

I do not know how long it has been.

The swallowing black light slowly faded away, the demon emperor's divided soul turned pale, and finally withdrew his hand.

No matter what, the power of the curse was completely swallowed up.

On the ground, Mu Kexian could no longer stabilize his body. He was holding Su Yuan's hand and half leaning on Su Yuan. With his five debilitating injuries, he was no better than Su Yuan.

In addition to sharing the damage, Mu Kexian was already using all his strength to treat the injuries using the Heavenly Way, but he could only manage to suppress the injuries from getting worse.

"So, what are you going to do next?" The Demon King's ghost looked at Mu Kexian, who was still conscious, "Your half-assed legendary skills can't save him."

Mu Kexian remained silent and looked at Su Yuan quietly for a while, then slowly raised his left arm.

At the cuff of the wrist, in the delicate and small hourglass, golden sand flows slowly... It is the moment when the sealed sacred instrument leaks!

"Sealed Time Sacred Artifact?" The Demon King's divided soul gaze fell on Xu Ji Shi Le, and he raised his brows, "In any case, it should be impossible for the Burning Sun level to fully exert the power of the holy instrument..."

And Mu Kexian looked at Xu Mo Shi Leu, his eyes couldn't help but be a little startled.

But feeling the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, he quickly made a decision.

As soon as his mind moved, the star power on his body turned into billowing Qi and surged towards the moment of leakage.

In an instant, golden light leaked out, and a supreme law of time swayed from it.

"Master once said that it is not impossible to unlock the seal and fully unleash the power of this treasure... as long as you are willing to give up your cultivation!"

As the golden light above the hour leak became stronger and stronger, Mu Kexian's Chongyang realm cultivation suddenly dropped rapidly!


Not to mention Ruan Ruan's wide-eyed eyes, even the demon emperor's split soul's pupils shrank suddenly, looking unimaginably at Mu Kexian, whose realm continued to plummet.

For a high-level monk, even death is probably better than losing his cultivation, let alone such a gifted person whose talent, talent, and appearance are all unparalleled?

The demon emperor looked at Mu Kexian with his separate soul. He was obviously only a Burning Sun leveler, but he was able to make actions that surprised him many times.

Within a moment, the aura on Mu Kexian's body quickly fell down from the scorching sun and back to the shining moon...until finally, it dropped to the shining star level!

At this moment, the golden light that leaked out for a moment was finally dazzling to the extreme.

The Demon King's divided soul expression moved slightly, and he immediately pulled Ruanruan back a few steps.

The next moment, the turbulent golden sand resisted from the time leakage and enveloped Su Yuan and Mu Kexian together.

Mu Kexian looked at Su Yuan, who was blind and deaf, stretched out his hand and unbuttoned Su Yuan's shirt.

A faint blush suddenly appeared on his face, and Mu Kexian couldn't help but think of the night on Moyun Peak.

After a moment's pause, Mu Kexian also stretched out his hand and placed it on his button...

Outside, the main body softly looked at the two people looming in the flying golden sand, and couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, a fist fell on his head.

"Pfft?!" Ruanruan was in pain and immediately turned around.

"Stop looking." The Demon King turned around and said to Ruan Ruan, "Follow me."

The demon king's divided soul probably knew that although the holy weapon was powerful, it seemed difficult to use it on others.

If you want to use it, I'm afraid the two of you have to get closer...

Ruanruan covered her eyes, and then couldn't help but curiously removed her fingers to reveal a gap.

The demon king's split soul glanced at the main body angrily and said, "If you want to better utilize the power of the law and become stronger, come with me."

Ruan Ruan's expression froze, and his whole person suddenly fell silent.

Although he awakened the demon emperor's divided soul and waited for Mu Kexian to come, it seemed that there was hope of curing the master.

But the strong feeling of powerlessness before still lingered in Ruanruan's heart.

Ruanruan immediately turned around and followed Demon Emperor Ruanruan to the side...

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