Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 917 Parting

I don’t know how long it took, a few hours, or a day or two.

For a moment, the golden sand slowly converged and returned to the hourglass on Mu Kexian's white wrist.

At this moment, Mu Kexian has changed into the lotus white robe of the Taishangmen. The abscesses and filth all over his body have completely dissipated, and his ice skin and jade body are spotless.

However, although his injuries were gone, his cultivation level had dropped to only gold level!


Ruanruan, who was waiting outside, ran over immediately and looked nervously at Su Yuan, who was unconscious and had also changed into clean and refreshing clothes.

"Shh..." Mu Kexian put his index finger to his lips, chuckled and whispered to Ruanruan, "He's fine, he'll wake up in a while."

Ruan Ruan was slightly startled. It was still rare to see a smile on Mu Kexian's face.

"Well! Thank you, Sister Mu!"

Ruanruan nodded gratefully, and then carefully inspected Su Yuan's body.

At least on the surface, the previous abscesses and filth were completely gone, and he was completely back to normal.

Ruan Ruan was overjoyed, and tears suddenly flashed in her eyes. Fear and joy filled her heart.


At this time, Mu Kexian next to him glanced at Su Yuan for a few times, then slowly stood up and walked towards Lingkun.

Ruanruan came back to her senses, turned around and asked, "Sister Mu, where are you going?"

Mu Kexian smiled and said, "I'm leaving. Take good care of him."

Ruan Ruan said: "Why don't you come back to the Eastern Continent with us! Master... should also agree."

After Mu Kexian sacrificed his life to save him, Ruanruan has recognized Mu Kexian from the bottom of his heart.

And Ruanruan believes that if the master wakes up, he will definitely say something to leave him alone.

At least, he must repay Mu Kexian for saving her life and try to improve her cultivation.

When Mu Kexian heard this, there was a moment of confusion and hesitation in his eyes.

However, as if he felt something vaguely, Mu Kexian quickly shook his head.

After giving Su Yuan a steady look, Mu Kexian immediately left Lingkun's body with a slight step.

Ruan Ruan was still a little stunned, but the demon emperor's soul next to him looked at Mu Kexian and thought of something.

"The Supreme Master...could it be that skill?" The demon emperor's ghost frowned slightly.

But Mu Kexian came out of the water and used the weak star power to steam dry his clothes, but he couldn't help but turn around and look into the sea.

It was not until Canghai Lingkun disappeared from his perception that Mu Kexian turned around after a long time.

His cultivation level dropped to the lower third level, and he could not even fly. Mu Kexian could only return step by step to where he came from.

As he walked, gradually, some mysterious changes seemed to occur in Mu Kexian.

With every step he takes, a bit of fresh air lingers around him.

With every step he took, his cultivation level, which fell to the gold level, rose at an alarming rate.

And with every step you take... an important memory gradually becomes blurred and dispersed from your mind...

In the secret realm of Tianshan Mountain, he suddenly appeared and saved himself from his junior brother who had fallen into evil ways. The hero originally saved the beautiful girl from having her rotten teeth, but he fell into it easily...

Ancient fragments, met him again, fought against various factions and took away the tiger veins.

Qixia Dragon Vein, met three times, he slayed the demon and defeated the evil, and won the dragon vein.

Then we went to the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect together, to the Great Wilderness Ridge, until we reached Lingkun’s body and the golden sand just now...

The precious memories, which were not many in the first place, were crushed into inch-by-inch fragments and gradually dissipated from my mind.

Until a certain moment, Mu Kexian suddenly stopped.

The clear energy surging around him turned purple, and the purple energy filled the sky. His terrifying aura actually reached the Three Yang Realm!



Crystal tears hit the ground, and a line of clear tears slipped from Mu Kexian's face at some point.

"Who... is he?" Mu Kexian's unwavering eyes showed a bit of confusion, "It seems that he has forgotten something important..."

However, in just a blink of an eye, the remaining stunned look in Mu Kexian's eyes was completely replaced by the spreading coldness.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in the horizon, and a Taoist nun with white hair and black eyebrows, a thin and beautiful face but a bit old suddenly appeared in front of her.

When Mu Kexian saw this, he immediately bowed and said, "Master."

This Taoist nun is none other than the Emei Spirit Master, one of the Supreme Master Spirit Masters.

Emei Lingzun looked at Mu Kexian, who was surrounded by purple energy and had a transcendent posture in front of him. His eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Being in love, forgetting love... no matter how ruthless, it is indeed right."

Emei Spirit Master carefully looked at Mu Kexian in front of him, but suddenly noticed something, grabbed his soft left arm and took a look.

In an instant, Emei Spiritual Master's expression suddenly became ugly. He raised his head and looked towards the end of the river in the distance, with a strong murderous intention on his face.

"What's wrong, Master?"

Mu Kexian noticed the murderous intention in Emei Spirit Master and asked calmly.

Emei Lingzun glanced at Mu Kexian, but thought of something and suppressed the murderous intention in his heart.

"Nothing." Emei Spirit Master turned around, "Let's go, follow me back to the sect."

Emei Spirit Master immediately flew up with Mu Kexian, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

After a long time, Su Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

"Master, you finally woke up!"

In Shang's somewhat dazed vision, Slime was leaning softly next to him. When he saw this, he immediately jumped forward excitedly.

"Master, Master!!" Ruanruan kept rubbing Su Yuan's face.

After a while, Su Yuan felt that his clothes and face were wet.

Su Yuan gave a wry smile, and after feeling his own condition, he grabbed the soft and put it away.

As for the Demon King's split soul, it has fallen silent.

"Ruanruan, tell me how I got better. Also...it seems that fellow pastor has been here?"

"Well, it was Sister Mu who saved the master!"

Ruanruan nodded immediately, and then explained in detail the situation in which he summoned the demon emperor's soul, and Mu Kexian's appearance to use the time sacred weapon to cure Su Yuan... including what he saw faintly from the golden sand at the end.

"Has she even lost her cultivation?"

"Well, only the gold level is available..."

When Su Yuan heard this, he was silent for a long time, feeling complicated.

Although I know that Mu Kexian may be obsessed with himself because he has practiced the Taishang Art of Forgetting Love.

But no matter what, being able to achieve this level is still impressive.

The most attractive time for a woman is not when she is far away and cannot find her...

It’s the time when you try your best to do all kinds of things for the people you like.

However, the onlookers know clearly...those who are inside may not be able to understand it.

Su Yuan sighed secretly, feeling that he owed Mu Kexian a lot.

The other party did so much, but finally left without any delay.

With a gold-level cultivation level, I don’t even know if I can return to Taishangmen safely in the end.

Even if she returns safely, how will she be treated if her cultivation plummets to the gold level?

However, Su Yuan himself couldn't go back to find her directly at this time.

Although he didn't know the specific situation and the Curse King didn't catch up, Su Yuan still didn't dare to slack off at all.

"King of Curse..." Su Yuan's eyes flashed with cold light, "One day, I will kill you!"


After many days, Su Yuan noticed that the Qing Ning Realm had been teleported. His eyes lit up and he activated the teleportation without hesitation.

The silver light behind him suddenly flourished, as if the world had descended and completely swallowed up the void around Su Yuan, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yuantong Island, Qingming Realm.

"Welcome back, boss."

As soon as Su Yuan opened his eyes, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, a cold body leaned against his side.

"Su Yuan, is everything okay?"

Beside him was Bing Tong, and the one who opened his mouth to welcome him was Ashelia with a bit of a smile in front.

Next to him, there were people from Qingming Palace such as Mo Fei, Yang Aoshan, and Li Su.

Ashelia had been praying before, and not long ago, she finally got an answer.

Through the oracle, he had a premonition that Su Yuan was about to return, so he notified everyone.

As for Luo Bingtong, she also returned from the Dragon Palace as quickly as possible.

Su Yuan thought of the life and death crisis in the Southern Continent, and looked at the familiar people in front of him, suddenly feeling a little like he was in another world.

"Go home..."

Su Yuan smiled and felt relieved immediately.

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