Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 918 Palace Master

Yuantong Island.

First there was the memory of the monster. At this moment, Su Yuan learned about the recent development of the Western Desert from Ashley.

Due to the circulation of the earth's air, two tiger veins were born in the entire Western Desert, and there were dozens of other wolf and dog star veins!

Coupled with the fact that it is connected to the sea in the west, the Western Desert, which was originally just a vast land, has become green mountains and rivers, thousands of miles of green space, bustling with business and full of ideas.

More and more talents are pouring into the Western Desert, and the order reestablished under the Qingming Palace... except that there is no king level, the Western Desert has gradually become a region comparable to the five central regions.

Moreover, because the starting point is low, the future is promising.

"So, the Western Desert Alliance Conference is being held now?" Su Yuan asked Ashley.

Ashley nodded: "The conference involves many matters such as talent management and resource allocation in the Western Desert, the teaching and exchange of alchemy talismans, etc...

The conference will officially end tomorrow, and all parties are still conducting final negotiations with each other and packing up supplies. "

Su Yuan's eyes were full of thought, it would be better to hit the sun than to choose another day. It has been so long, and since he came back once, it would be a good time to show his face.

I looked at the sky and saw that it was morning, so today would be the day.

"Then, let's extend it for one day, and I'll come out too." Su Yuan said.

"Okay!" Ashelia nodded, "I'll make arrangements right now."

Ashley left immediately.

When Ashelia left, Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light and he came to the hut under the sacred ancient tree.

With silver light floating in his eyes, Su Yuan opened his omniscient vision and could see Yang Yifeng sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

He is described as haggard, his complexion is withered, his beard and hair are turning white, and wrinkles are appearing all over. He looks much older than before.

At this moment, there was no energy fluctuation in Yang Yifeng's body, and he seemed to have entered some kind of sitting state to relax his body.

When Su Yuan saw this, his heart tightened.

"Although he has continued his life with the Phoenix Vein of the Blue Underworld, the fundamental problem of his origin has not been resolved."

Without rushing to wake up the teacher, Su Yuan looked at him for a while and then left first.

"Notify the Neptune Gang, Water Cloud Alliance, Storm Alliance... everyone in the Western Alliance to go to the square again!"

"Inform the members of Qingming Palace on Seven Star Island, except those stationed on the island, to go to Yuantong Island!"


A large number of Qingming Guards flew out from all directions on the island, spreading out quickly to deliver the news. There was a hint of excitement and excitement on everyone's faces!

At a certain entrance on the island, several elders grabbed one of the middle-aged Qing Mingwei who was about to leave after delivering the news.

One of the burly elders with red beards said: "Old Xu, don't leave in a hurry!"

The middle-aged Qing Mingwei said: "Elder Wu, I don't have time to talk to you today. I have to go to several other halls to deliver news!"

The Hong-bearded elder quickly waved his hand and said, "Without further ado, let's ask what's going on. Isn't the West Desert Conference about to end? Some of the more distant forces have already left the island. Why do we suddenly want to go to the square together again?"

The middle-aged Qing Mingwei thought for a moment, then suppressed his excitement and whispered: "Although I am not sure, judging from the reaction above...it seems that the palace master is back!"

"Palace Master!"

Elder Hongbeard and other elders in the hall were all surprised, and then a burst of expectation and curiosity rose in their eyes.

The master of Qingming Palace is extremely mysterious. He has rarely been seen since he selected Yuantong Island and founded Qingming Palace a few years ago.

But the deeds left behind by killing Cao Yuanzheng and integrating the Western Desert can amaze all those who come after him.

Now, under the guidance of Palace Master Su, Xi Mo is on the right track and prospering, which can be said to be a great achievement.

At the same time, due to the favorable time, place and people, the development speed of Qingming Palace and even the entire Western Desert was beyond imagination.

Su Yuan had only been away for such a period of time, and there were too many new faces in Qingming Palace who had never seen Su Yuan before.

This is the case for Elder Wu who came from Xunyang Territory.

In addition, it is forbidden to disseminate image files above the palace master in Qingming Palace, so there are only some descriptions passed down by word of mouth.

Therefore, many people who came later only knew that Palace Master Su had silver hair and was extremely young, but the details were not clear.

The middle-aged Qing Mingwei said: "Okay, I'll leave first, and you guys should get ready!"

Elder Wu said: "Okay, okay, this matter is important, then go ahead!"

After seeing the middle-aged Qing Mingwei leave, Elder Wu immediately turned around, glanced around, walked to the glass of the window nearby and carefully arranged the blue-eyed abyss robe.

"Elder Liu, how am I doing, am I in good spirits?" Elder Wu asked an elder next to him while looking at it.

"It's okay, Elder Wu, can you help me see if it's appropriate to wear my small merit medal here?"

The two of them were taking care of it, while a rather young Zangyue-level elder next to them went directly outside.

"Xiao Mo, get ready, what are you going to do?"

"The silver hair I dyed last time is a little faded. I have to go to Master Li to have it touched up quickly!"


Not long after, everyone on Yuantong Island, including the four coastal gangs such as the Sea King Gang and the Shuiyun League, as well as the central Western Desert forces such as the Shenjiazhuang and the Gale Faction, all received the summons and returned to the square.

At noon, the sun is shining brightly.

On the long table in the center of the square, the palace masters of Qingming Palace are on the left, and the people in charge of Zhuoyang from other forces are on the right.

The upper seat, the noble sea-moon wood chair engraved with the Eye of the Abyss, was empty.

Even Luo Bingtong and Aixilia, who had always been responsible for presiding over the affairs of Qingming Palace, were now sitting on the seats on the left.

"It seems that Palace Master Su of Qingming Palace is back!" Around the square, people who had received the gossip in advance were talking about it.

When the sun reached the middle of the sky, there was a flash of silver light in the field.

In just a blink of an eye, a silver-haired young man wearing a red-eyed abyss robe sat down on the main chair!

"I've kept you waiting for a long time."

A faint voice came. Although it was not loud, it reached the ears of everyone in the square clearly.


"Master Qingming Palace!"

"You are indeed young!"


Regardless of whether they are newcomers or veterans, regardless of their level of status, everyone's eyes are focused on the silver-haired young man sitting on the Haiyue chair.

Su Yuan also looked at the Zhuoyangs from various forces such as Yang Qian, Xiang Qing, Lu Feng, Shen Family Villa Master, and with a thought in his mind, a tyrannical star power that shocked many Zhuoyangs suddenly spread out!

The pupils of Yang Qian, Lu Feng and other Zhuoyang all shrank suddenly, and the surrounding gangs also felt a terrifying pressure that was almost suffocating!

But in just a blink of an eye, this coercion disappeared, like an illusion.

"Three Yang Realm!"

Yang Gan and others were all frightened.

When Su Yuan besieged and killed Cao Yuanzheng, leader of the Vulcan Alliance, in Huoyun City, he was in the Chuyang realm, right?

Everyone knows that Su Yuan advanced to the Double Ninth Festival after killing Cao Yuanzheng in one battle. Why is he suddenly in the Three Yang Realm now!

And this terrifying pressure... is much more terrifying than Cao Yuanzheng, who was also in the Three Yang realm!

They were able to work together to kill Cao Yuanzheng in the Chu Yang realm, but now in the Three Yang realms? ... Yang Qian, Lu Feng and others all felt their hearts skip a beat, they simply couldn't imagine it.

"Palace Master"

"Palace Master Su!"

Except for Luo Bingtong, who is now the deputy palace master, everyone on the left and right stood up and bowed to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan looked at Yang Gan and others in front of him, then raised his eyes to look at the people around the square, and nodded slightly.

"sit down."

Many Zhuoyang sat down together in shock.

Seeing this scene, many of the elders, deacons and even the lower three levels trained on the island felt strong excitement and excitement around them!

"Is this the Palace Master of our Qingming Palace? He actually suppressed Gang Leader Yang Qian and Alliance Leader Xiang Qing all at once. He has such a strong aura!"

Who doesn’t want the boss of his own force to be strong? And the Su Yuan in front of him is young, mysterious and powerful...

Everyone in the Qingming Palace, and even the Star Card Masters from other sects, couldn't help but look at Su Yuan with eagerness and reverence in their eyes!

In fact, suppressing Yang Qian and the others is nothing to Su Yuan...

After all, Su Yuan had killed many more Zhuoyangs than Yang Qian and others combined!

After shocking everyone with his display of strength, Su Yuan slowly spoke:

"Now that the disaster is coming, not long ago, dragon veins were born in the southern continent.

Even the super masters of the ten major sects will be killed in a catastrophe if they are not careful. "

Although the West Desert is developing vigorously, it is still in a corner and the news is quite delayed. Su Yuan immediately told everyone in detail about the current situation and the fight for the dragon vein.

Regarding the southern continent, although Yang Qian and others are on the coast, they have never been there before because of the star sand on the sea.

Hearing the battle for dragon veins, everyone's eyes were opened and they also felt frightened.

Although I don’t know how powerful the super masters such as the Great Fierce Monster, Dongfang Yi, and Hua Tiandu that Su Yuan mentioned are.

But to be able to become the top master of the Southern Continent King, one can imagine his strength!

In addition, Su Yuan's description was quite detailed, as if he was at the scene. Yang Qian and Zhuoyang were even more frightened, and there was a sense of urgency in their hearts.

As for everyone around, they were all fascinated by what they heard, feeling that it was wonderful and eye-opening!

In addition to the confrontation between the north and the south in the Eastern Continent, it turns out that the outside world is so exciting!

"Palace Master Su, did you see this at the scene?" During the break, an elder raised his hand and asked.

"Hmm... I guess." Su Yuan nodded. After all, he was the main participant, so he was naturally watching the event.

"so amazing!"

"No wonder it can be explained so clearly."

"As expected of the Palace Master of our Qingming Palace!"

Everyone was excited when they heard what Su Yuan said!

The first dragon vein, the duel between super masters, being able to witness such events up close is already quite remarkable!

Su Yuan continued: "The Dragon Veins of the Southern Continent is born, and the ancient demon is resurrected. It won't be long before we can come to the Eastern Continent.

Please proceed with caution. If each gang has needs or emergencies, they can report to Qingming Palace for help.

And if there is an order from the palace at a critical moment, I hope you can respond to the call and cooperate fully.

I also hope that you will not lose sight of the overall situation of the West Desert because of your own selfishness, otherwise... don't blame me for turning your back on others! "

At the end of the sentence, Su Yuan's voice turned cold.

Yang Qian, Lu Feng and others all felt a chill in their hearts and responded respectfully: "I will obey the instructions of Palace Master Su!"

Su Yuan nodded, and after giving some more details, he began to guide Yang Qian and others' practice on the spot.

With Su Yuan's current cultivation level and vision, it is more than enough to guide Yang Qian and others in these remote places.

Yang Qian and others received advice in public. Although they felt a little embarrassed, this was a rare opportunity and they all raised questions about their practice.

With just a few words from Su Yuan, Yang Qian and others gained a lot, especially in terms of skills!

As for true liberation... people like Yang Qian and others don't have to think about it at all. They have to think about it... and they can only think about it slowly after entering the Three Yang Realm.

"Then, let's stop here." Su Yuan looked at Ashley, "Ahilia, you can discuss other specific matters with you."

"Yes, boss." Ashley agreed.

Su Yuan nodded, looked at Luo Bingtong, and said with a smile: "Bingtong, come with me first."

Luo Bingtong nodded: "Yes."

Then with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan took Luo Bingtong directly back to the Qingming Realm.

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