Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 919 King Ming

In the Green Underworld, Su Yuan flipped his hands and a golden star card fell into his hand.

It is the one [Rongling Wangshen] obtained from Song Tianduo.

"Bingtong, I now have a star card related to beast control. Maybe I can use it with you. Take a look."

Luo Bingtong took the star card and blinked, tilting her head to look at Su Yuan.

"If it's not suitable..."

"Inlay." Luo Bingtong picked up the star card and handed it back to Su Yuan, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, "Now...!"

"Okay." Su Yuan smiled and pinched her little face, then picked up the [Rongling Wangshen], and immediately embedded it in his mind.

Suddenly, all kinds of mysterious experiences about the fusion of beast control poured into my mind like an enlightenment.

After a while, Su Yuan opened his eyes, raised his hand to form a seal and pointed at Luo Bingtong's eyebrows.


As Su Yuan's fingertips fell, the runes suddenly flickered.

Following a mysterious fluctuation, a deeper and closer connection was quickly established between Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong based on the beast control contract.

In just a short moment, the two of them were in physical contact with each other, and could even directly touch each other's soul.

With the establishment of this connection, Su Yuan could feel that his six dimensions had been more or less strengthened.

Especially the strength and defense were suddenly improved.

It's not just a pure increase in qualifications, but also the racial advantages brought by Luo Bingtong's status as a legendary dragon.

"Strengthen the beast control!"

Su Yuan nodded secretly. It was very common for beast masters to use beast masters to improve certain aspects of their attributes.

It was also because of this that Song Tianduo's body was quite hard at the beginning.

"Then..." Su Yuan raised his hand and stroked Luo Bingtong's head, "Shall we give it a try?"

Luo Bingtong's eyes lit up: "Yeah."

Su Yuan activated Rong Ling Wang Shen, and in an instant, silver and blue brilliance lit up from the two of them, quickly blending together.

After a short moment, the aura dissipated, and a more delicate Su Yuan appeared on the scene again.

His eyes are silver and blue, his hair is a little longer, and his appearance is... a bit more refined than before.

In addition, what is even more eye-catching is that Su Yuan also has a pair of crystal dragon horns and a snow-white long tail.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying dragon's power swayed from Su Yuan's body!

This technique is led by the beast master, and combined with the characteristics of the star beast, just like the stone power of the beast master, some of the characteristics of the beast will appear on the body.

"The strength and defense have improved a lot again! I can control the power of ice, and... it seems that I can use some ice pupil skills!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, he raised his right hand, and astonishing ice elements quickly gathered at his fingertips.

"Holy Dragon Flash!"

With just a moment of momentum, the extremely compressed white dragon flash shot out ten thousand meters away, destroying everything it passed, either shattering or freezing!

"With such power and such speed of charging, it is simply a big move that can be released at any time. In actual combat, the strength is simply astonishing. It is indeed the signature skill of the Dragon Clan!

However, the proficiency level of the skill seems to be limited by [Rongling Wangshen].

Bingtong’s time ability cannot be used either. It seems that we need to upgrade the level of [Rongling Wangshen] first..."

Su Yuan carefully experienced all aspects of the abilities after merging the spirit for a while. After gradually mastering it, he released the fused spirit with a thought.

Silver and blue lights lit up, and the two separated.

Su Yuan only felt that his head was slightly heavy and part of his mental energy was depleted.

"It seems like mental strength is always a problem..."

Overall, this move is a big improvement for me.

Moreover, this technique also has its own summoning effect, which can directly summon the designated target beast into the beast space.

The strength of Fusion Spirit Watching God mainly depends on the quality, qualification, race, skill level of the master beast, as well as the compatibility with the master...

Except for Luo Bingtong's realm, which is slightly inferior to Su Yuan's, the rest are the top choices.

Now I am just entering the hall. After I am upgraded to supernatural powers, I don’t know which one is stronger or weaker compared to the promise of returning to the ruins and the evil evil...

"Speaking of Xuxie's manifestation of the saint, the divine fire and divine wind are now temporarily gone."

Su Yuan pulled out the dim demon sword and frowned.

It was okay to compete with masters from various sects for dragon veins, but being chased by the Cursed King almost cost him his life in Nanlu!

Although he managed to escape in the end, he paid a heavy price.

The demon spirit fell with the divine wind and divine fire, so the Xuxie Appearance and the Pact to Return to Ruins naturally became unusable.

As for Mu Kexian, her cultivation level was greatly damaged by this. Even if she could cultivate back sooner or later due to her talent, not everyone could easily accept such a blow.

"I don't know how she is doing now..."

Thinking of this, Su Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, his arm was suddenly hugged.

Su Yuan turned around and saw that it was Luo Bingtong.

"Come on, let's go together..."

She seemed to feel Su Yuan's mood. Although she didn't know what happened, Luo Bingtong still cast an encouraging look.

Su Yuan smiled and scratched her delicate nose, suppressing the matter.

"Then the next step is to wait for news from Bai Ze."

When Bai Ze stepped forward to stop the Curse King for him, he didn't know if he could successfully break through later, which made Su Yuan a little uneasy.

It's not a good feeling to place all hope on others, but I have tried my best, and there is really no better way at the moment.

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan took Luo Bingtong to look at the teacher again.

"Go directly to the Demon City!"

The affairs of the Tianxun Division can be put aside temporarily. The most important thing now is to make up for the teacher's origins!

First go to the demon capital to visit King Kong Ming. As long as King Bai Zecheng returns, the matter can be solved directly.

Moreover, there is no need to take the teacher away now, just go to the demon capital and then summon him.

Now, Su Yuan did not dare to let his teacher leave the nourishment of the Phoenix Vein and the sacred ancient tree.

"I... will come together." Luo Bingtong said.

"Okay." Su Yuan nodded with a smile and went to Prince Ming's Mansion. Luo Bingtong's relationship was naturally the best.

A few days later, the demon capital arrived at Prince Ming's Mansion.

Kong Zheng personally met with Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong.

In the extremely majestic hall, Kong, who is holding the Five Elements and Five Directions True Light Treasure Fan, is sitting on the throne, while Qiongqi is standing on the side.

Kong Zheng looked at Su Yuan and said, "When I first met you, you were just a star disciple who had just embarked on the path of a star card master.

In the blink of an eye, I am only one step away from the Three Yang Realm. Such a talent is really amazing..."

Kong Zheng was full of praise in his words, and there was a bit of a smile on his extremely beautiful, elegant and gentle face.

Su Yuan said respectfully: "Prince Ming has given you the reward. Compared with you, I am still far behind."

The more he grows, the more he feels the terror of the person in front of him.

When he first came to Demon City, Su Yuan heard from Wang Haiping that this was one of the top three masters in Demon City.

But now it seems that there are only three kings in Demon City - the Demon City Lord, Dean Cai Qinglong, and Kong Zheng.

Of course Kong Zheng was in the top three, so Wang Haiping didn't understand that well at all.

Among them, Su Yuan, the Lord of the Demon City, has never been seen, but Dean Cai Qinglong... has specialization in the art, and he is probably no match for King Kong Ming.

Kong Zheng smiled and said, "So, why did you come to my Prince Ming's Mansion this time?"

"To inform King Ming, I just returned from the Southern Continent and I made an agreement with Bai Ze..."

Su Yuan immediately met Bai Ze on the road and informed Kong Zheng about the agreement reached with him.

Qiongqi's face darkened: "This guy Bai Ze actually dares to use Prince Ming's things on his own initiative!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Qiongqi's words show that Kong Zheng does have something to restore the king's origin. Bai Ze's words are true!

But after Kong Zheng heard this, he smiled instead of getting angry. Instead, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Sticking to the rules can only follow the path that most people have taken, while a strong person must be good at adapting to changes and even breaking the rules when necessary. It seems that Bai Ze has made some progress this time."

Su Yuan's heart moved slightly and he couldn't help but look up at Kong Zheng again.

Kong was sitting upright with a calm smile on his face. Although his words were simple, they revealed strong confidence.

It’s not just talk, it’s more like experience gained after “breaking the rules” more than once.

With such a master, it seems that you can gain something in just a few words.

After Su Yuan thought for a while, he suppressed his thoughts.

The most important thing at the moment is the teacher.

Su Yuan asked: "Prince Ming, I don't know about my agreement with Bai Ze..."

Before Su Yuan could finish speaking, Kong Zheng raised his hand and unfolded the precious fan in his hand, and soon a colorful cloud like an aurora lit up from the fan.

For a moment, Su Yuan could feel tides, explosions, desolation, growth... all kinds of powers.

"These are indeed what I obtained after killing the king and refining them with the help of the treasure fan." Kong Zheng looked at Su Yuan and said slowly.

Su Yuan's heart was shocked. He just sensed so many different powers at first glance. King Kong Ming... actually killed so many kings!

"I have heard about Yang Yifeng's situation at Demon City Academy before. If Bai Ze really becomes the king, I can provide him with the origin and treat him."

Kong Zheng didn't make any excuses and immediately agreed.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately stood up and saluted: "Master Ming Wang is really quick to speak. Su Yuan would like to thank King Ming for this!"

Kong Zheng's eyes fell on Luo Bingtong next to Su Yuan, and he said with a smile: "If Xiao Bingtong hadn't been here, I wouldn't be so easy to talk to."

Seeing this, Su Yuan could only say thank you again.

Luo Bingtong also followed Su Yuan and said: "Thank you... thank you, Uncle Kong."


Kong Zheng looked at Luo Bingtong and nodded slightly, with a rare hint of endearment in his eyes.

"Then, you should stay at Prince Ming's Mansion first. As soon as there is news..."

Before he finished speaking, Kong Zheng suddenly raised his head and looked outside, his eyes moving slightly.

"It seems that coming early is better than coming by chance."

Su Yuan and Qiong Qi both looked slightly moved, realizing something.

The next moment, an arrow-like golden feather shot out from outside, flew back and landed in Kong Zheng's fingers.

This golden feather was given to Bai Ze by Kong Zheng. In addition to being a token, it was also used for communication.

After Kong Zheng checked it, his eyes were thoughtful and his expression was unclear.

Su Yuan didn't need to worry, Qiongqi couldn't help but asked: "Master Ming Wang, how is Bai Ze doing?"

Kong Zheng came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Although it's a lot slower than expected, but... it's still done!"


Qiongqi's eyes widened and he jumped up from his chair happily, very happy for Bai Ze.

Su Yuan was also overjoyed and immediately stood up and asked: "King Ming, what about the previous agreement..."

"Of course." Kong Zheng nodded and said with a smile, "Now that the matter is done, there is no need to wait for Bai Ze to come back. Just come with me."


Su Yuan was overjoyed and immediately followed Kong Zheng into the inner hall.

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