Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 920 Treatment

Prince Ming's Mansion, somewhere in the inner hall.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the silver light outside his body flickered, and then a large area of ​​​​the world surged and turned into a shadow of the world that emerged outside Su Yuan's body.

Green Underworld, recall!

"Self-maintaining a space, the way of space is really mysterious." Kong Zheng saw this and praised.

Su Yuan cupped his hands and said, "King Ming is so complimentary. Please wait a moment, King Ming. I will go and ask for the teacher."

Kong Zheng nodded slightly: "It doesn't matter."

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light and he entered the Green Underworld.

Except for Yang Yifeng, everyone else in the circle had already come out first.

In front of the wooden house of the sacred ancient tree, Su Yuan knocked on the door gently: "Teacher."

Not long after, Yang Yifeng opened the door, with a skinny figure and a gloomy complexion.

"You're back, Su Yuan?"

Su Yuan nodded: "Teacher, are you awake?"

Yang Yifeng twitched his lips a little feebly: "I just noticed a change in the space, and I know it was you who moved this world. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"It's not that there is any situation..." Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, then his eyes narrowed, "It's just that today, I have to replenish my origin for you, teacher!"

Yang Yifeng's dejected face was startled for a moment, and then bursts of light suddenly lit up!


Su Yuan nodded and said: "Seriously!"

Immediately, Su Yuan briefly informed Yang Yifeng of the agreement with Bai Ze and Kong Zhengzhao's method of restoring his origin.

After hearing this, Yang Yifeng couldn't help but be deeply touched and secretly pleased.

Although Su Yuan said it lightly, how difficult is it to fight for dragon veins for monsters in the Southern Continent? Yang Yifeng can certainly imagine it!

However, what Yang Yifeng didn't expect was that his search for a way to return to heaven was fruitless, and the final way to return to heaven was in the Demon City!

"King Kong Ming has been famous for too long, and he has been in the Demon City since I knew it, and his sharp edge has been restrained.

If it is true as you said, then there must be several kings who died under his hands, which is really confusing..."

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Then let's go out now. Don't let King Ming wait too long."

Yang Yifeng's eyes lit up and he said expectantly: "Okay!"

There was a flash of silver light on the two of them, and Su Yuan immediately led Yang Yifeng out of the Green Underworld.

Looking at Kong Zheng who was even more beautiful than the beauty, Yang Yifeng cupped his hands and said: "Little old man Yang Yifeng has met King Kong Ming."

Kong Zheng gave a slight salute: "I have already heard of the reputation of Fengling Ba Dao."

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "King Ming is trying to kill me. My reputation in the past was insignificant. Now that the little old man is old and dying, he cannot compare to the evergreen king Ming."

Kong Zheng said: "This is wrong. So what if we are old and old, or what if we are dying? Those who survive the disaster will surely have good fortune in the future!

After today, you will be stronger than before every day, so why worry about not being able to return to the peak, or even surpass it!

What's more, if you have a student like Su Yuan, you will make many people envious. "

Yang Yifeng's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, and then he smiled and said: "What Prince Ming said is true, then...according to what Su Yuan said, I will trouble Prince Ming this time."

"No problem." Kong Zheng slowly unfolded the five-color treasure fan, and a colorful light suddenly spread out to wash away the scene. "It involves the power of the source, and the energy will be relatively large. Su Yuan, please step away first."

Hearing this, Su Yuan raised his head and looked at Yang Yifeng.

Yang Yifeng also smiled and waved: "Go ahead."

"Okay," Su Yuan cupped his hands and said, "Then I'll leave it to Prince Ming."

Su Yuan came out of the inner hall, and Luo Bingtong, who was wearing a small white dress, was waiting outside obediently.

"How about it?"

Su Yuan said: "King Ming is already treating the teacher."

Luo Bingtong shook Su Yuan's sleeves: "Don't... worry."

Su Yuan smiled, took her to the side and sat down, took out the communication talisman and sent a message.

Su Yuan himself was not that familiar with Prince Ming, nor did he trust him that much.

It concerns the teacher. After Su Yuan came to Demon City, he had already visited Dean Cai Qinglong and informed him of the purpose of his visit.

At this moment, since Prince Ming had begun treating the teacher, Su Yuan synchronized the progress with Dean Cai.

Afterwards, Su Yuan took out the sky patrol black card and checked it.

Since entering the range of Dayan, Xuntian Heika's positioning has been restored. In the past two days, there have been calls from within the department.

But now the teacher had to watch, so Su Yuan refused for the time being.

Judging from the intelligence in Heikali, in just two or three months, although there was no large-scale confrontation between the north and the south, there was already an undercurrent.

There have been several direct or indirect confrontations between the Sky Patrol Division and the Secret Society of Truth.

Among them, the thing that made Su Yuan raise his eyebrows the most was...

"Did Liu Dongming actually become a member of the Secret Society of Truth?"

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly as he checked the information on the black card.

[Secret Society of Truth—Devil]

[Name: Liu Dongming]

[Introduction: Great Yanren, traitor of Xuntian Division, former third seat of the Suzaku Emperor]

[Ability: Based on his performance in the Tiantian Division, it is currently known that he can easily make the objects he comes into contact with extremely fragile. 】

"Weakening? It seems to be an ability similar to the priestess's curse of vulnerability..."

Su Yuan was thinking when suddenly, Qiongqi came closer.

"I didn't expect you to have reached this level." Qiongqi said.

Su Yuan suppressed his thoughts, looked at Qiongqi in front of him, and said with a smile: "It was due to chance."

In fact, Su Yuan was quite emotional. The last time he saw Qiongqi, he was frightened, but now he was in the same realm as him.

"Come! Mr. Su, let's spar!" Qiongqi said in a deep voice, and a violent and fierce wave of terror surged from his body.

Su Yuan looked at Qiongqi. The strong oppression coming from him was faintly stronger than that of Xiang Liu, Ju Ying and other evil spirits!

Coupled with the bone-shattering black wind... he is worthy of being the number one thug under King Ming.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he immediately responded: "Okay!"

Because of the Curse King, now he has lost his divine wind, divine fire and even his demon soul.

The three important methods are difficult to use. It just so happens that you need to re-constant your strength.

But the only thing worth being happy about is that there has been some improvement in soul power.

Su Yuan immediately took Luo Bingtong and Qiongqi into a certain martial arts training hall...

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Above the Demon City, the clear sky suddenly darkened.

In an instant, wind and clouds gathered together, lightning flashed and thunder roared, wind and thunder intertwined and roared over the demon city!

"What happened!"

All the people in Demon City, whether ordinary people or star card masters, were frightened by this sudden vision.

And if you look closely, the center of this wind and thunder is clearly Prince Ming's Mansion!

A certain guest room in Prince Ming's Mansion.

Upon noticing the strange phenomenon, Su Yuan immediately opened his eyes from trance, his eyes lit up and he immediately came to the Palace of Prince Ming.

Luo Bingtong also followed.

And two hours later, accompanied by footsteps and laughter, Kong Zheng and Yang Yifeng walked out of the inner hall together.

At this moment, Yang Yifeng, although his face was pale and his steps were weak, his eyes were full of light, which was completely different from the dying look before!

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