Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 922 The Nine Central Meridians

The imperial capital, Yanting.

Su Yuan took Ruanruan and Bingtong back to the beast control space and stepped into the Tianxuan Department.

"It's Su Sanxi!"

"Su Sanxi is back!"


Silver hair and silver eyes are extremely rare among star card masters.

As Su Yuan flew forward, many envoys from the department immediately recognized him.

After Su Yuan came back, he didn't go anywhere else, but went directly to the Scripture Hall.

You can use means, but you can’t do without them.

Right now, the divine wind, divine fire demon swords are all sealed, and he still needs to find more trump cards.

Then the most important thing is to put the remaining formation of Zhuxian on the schedule as soon as possible!

"Su...Su Sanxi, what you want to borrow is "The General Outline of the Formation" and "The Thirty-six Volumes of the Heavenly Formation"..."

The guard on the first floor of the Sutra Hall was a young envoy with freckles. When he saw Su Yuan coming to borrow the classics, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Well, thank you."

Seeing that Su Yuan was relatively easy to talk to, the young envoy felt a little more relaxed and said, "It's time to register..."


Su Yuan put away the borrowed array books and then left the Sutra Hall.

But before he took a few steps, he received a message from Lin Mo.

"It seems that the department has really been busy during this period..." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly and he immediately went to the Suzaku Palace.

In a certain meeting hall in the Suzaku Palace, Lin Mo and Su Yuan were sitting opposite each other.

Lin Mo looked at Su Yuan and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Su Sanxi for entering the Three Yang Realm. Jiang Cixi has already told me about his deeds in the Southern Continent.

In the midst of the chaos, you took action resolutely and used your strength to get the dragon's veins to feed back to you. Even the throne of the throne praised you for your decisive action. "

"Your Majesty, thank you." Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, then asked, "As soon as I came back, Messenger Lin called me over. I guess there is something important in the department, right?"

Lin Mo looked slightly condensed, nodded and said: "Yes, just a week ago, there was movement in the dragon vein.

Most of the many areas where dragon vein signs have been detected before have been eliminated. Currently, there are a total of nine places where dragon veins may be born. "

Su Yuan's pupils narrowed: "Nine, so many?"

Lin Mo explained: “These nine locations are not too far apart from each other and are roughly distributed horizontally in the central region.

Based on the total amount of earth energy currently gushing out and the changes in star power, Si Nei speculated that at most three dragon veins could be born in these locations. "

"So that's it." Su Yuan nodded slightly.

"Now, the three True Lords of Qinglongyu, Xuanwuyu, and Qilinyu have all taken action and headed to several dragon vein points on the front line."

Lin Mo said, turning over his hand and taking out a map.

Su Yuan looked up and saw nine locations marked on it.

The Savage Forest, the Gola Mountains, the Mediterranean Sea, the Snow Burial Mountains, the Snow Fog Forest...

"Messenger Lin, you just mentioned the three imperial masters of Qinglong, Xuanwu and Qilin. What about Fang Zhenjun of White Tiger Yu and Zhenjun Nangong of Suzaku Yu?"

"The two of them..." Lin Mo smiled and said with a slightly solemn expression, "They have already gone to hunt the Knight of Truth!"


Su Yuan's eyes narrowed.

The two of them attack together, with such strength, it is really terrifying...

You know, when I looked at the Burning Sun Ranking before, Fang Yuan was number one on the Burning Sun Ranking.

Although the Burning Sun ranking may not be accurate when it comes to being in the top ten, there is definitely a reason why it is ranked first.

Su Yuan asked: "So, am I going to...?"

"Here." Lin Mo pointed on the map, "Gola Mountains."

"Oh? What a coincidence."

This Gola Mountain Range is where I, Tian Hui, and Gongsun Wu went to explore last time.

The chariot and the priestess were also killed in this mountain range.

Lin Mo said: "First of all, only He Xianyin from Bai Huyu is here now."

"What is the next seat for Bai Huyu..."

Su Yuan's eyes revealed his thoughts. When the Hongmeng Realm opened before, this man had already understood the second unique skill. He was absolutely talented.

In the entire White Tiger Clan, even True Lord Fang Yuan only mastered one unique skill.

Later, the original Xi Linhao was killed by [God of Death] Kira, so He Xianyin naturally took the second place.

"Secondly, this place is relatively close to the Mediterranean Sea. With Su Yuan's mobility, if the dragon veins in the Mediterranean Sea are indeed real, you may have time to support us."

Su Yuan's eyes fell on the Mediterranean Sea, which was the Dragon Vein Point guarded by Xuanwu Zhenjun Tong Xueer.

The image of the young, lively, slightly out-of-touch girl in the Four Elephant Hall suddenly appeared in Su Yuan's mind.

The contrasting appearance of Yiyu Zhenjun left a deep impression on Su Yuan.

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "Messenger Lin, I have another question."

Lin Mo said: "Su Sanxi, feel free to ask."

Su Yuan asked: "How are these dragon veins distributed? Should they be distributed starting from the True Lord?"

Lin Mo was quite surprised, and then suddenly said: "It means that you haven't been in this position for a long time, so I don't know.

In fact, Dayan has always had a vacant throne, and in order to maintain effective combat power during the Earth Tribulation, the superiors have already promised the throne to the Four Imperial Lords in advance.

In other words, no matter how many dragon veins are won in the end, as long as the true king-level combat power does not fail and survives, then the Tianxun Division will eventually ensure that he becomes the king! "

Hearing this, Su Yuan nodded secretly after thinking for a moment. This was very reasonable.

The situation in the Eastern Continent is not as complicated as that in the Southern Continent, with ten sects, Taoist demons, evil cultivators, monsters...

In the Eastern Continent, as long as the star beasts in the ancient forbidden territory do not come out, then it will basically be a battle between the north and the south, or... a battle between the two behemoths, Dayan and Qiguang!

Because the country is larger and more planned than the sect, it is naturally easier to reserve dragon veins and maintain combat power.

Lin Mo continued: "The second seat, the third seat, and even Ruan Zhenjun of Qilin Yu will give the dragon vein based on their past achievements and their performance during the earthly calamity.

In addition, Dragon Vein is not only allocated to the Tiantian Patrol Department, but also to the Military Supervision Department, the Education Department, and even the Strange Works Department. "

"Understood." Su Yuan nodded, then stood up, "Without further delay, I'll set off now."

Lin Mo also stood up and warned in a condensed voice: "No matter which of the nine veins are real and which are imaginary... there will definitely be dragon veins this time, and they will definitely collide with Qi Guang head-on. The three of you should be careful!"

"no problem."

Su Yuan nodded, then left Yanting and continued heading north...

After a long time.

A-13 level station, command camp.

A lieutenant said: "Report! There are two people approaching... They are already close! So fast!"

Admiral Luo Cheng, who was in charge, immediately said: "Turn on the projection on the city wall!"

Soon, a silver-haired young man appeared outside the city wall, followed by a white-haired girl holding a slime.

[Identification, Zhuque Royal Three Seats, Su Yuan]

"General Luo, a master from the Tianxuan Division has arrived!"

After checking it, Luo Cheng's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Open the city wall formation and notify He Cixian."


Luo Cheng, on the other hand, went directly out of the command camp and prepared to greet them.

Seeing the city wall formation open, Su Yuan flew in with Luo Bingtong, and soon saw Luo Cheng and others in front.

"Su Sanxi." Luo Cheng came forward with several generals and greeted.

Su Yuan returned the salute: "General Luo."

And soon, a ray of white light came from not far away, transforming into a man with long gray hair and a thin body.

Su Yuan looked at the other person and thought that this person was Bai Hu's second seat He Xianyin!

"White Tiger Yu He Xianyin has met Su Sanxi." He Xianyin looked at Su Yuan with a smile on his lips.

Su Yuan said: "How many times have I seen this?"

"I have long heard that Su Sanxi killed the chariot and the priestess of the Secret Society of Truth, and became the first person in the Tianxian Department to kill the Knight of Truth.

It is a pity that except when the Qilin Yu was established, I was not able to communicate much with Su Sanxi. It is a great honor for me to be able to work with him today. "

"What a serious statement Xi made. This is also due to the contributions of Tian Sanxi and Gongsun Yushi. It is not my fault alone."

"Really..." He Xianyin smiled noncommittally after hearing this, "Anyway, I'm looking forward to the fact that Su Sanxi's arrival will allow me to meet people from the Secret Society of Truth."

Su Yuan looked up and down at He Xianyin in front of him.

Although this person was smiling, his whole body exuded a somewhat cold and dangerous aura.

Being stared at by him made my skin crawl. It felt like... being stared at by a snake?

Of course, Su Yuan was not being sarcastic, he was just saying that the White Tiger Queen in front of him, who was worthy of having mastered the second unique skill, actually felt a little bit in danger to himself.

At this time, He Xianyin's eyes fell on Su Yuan's side, his eyes moved slightly, and he asked with a smile: "Su Sanxi, is this next to you...?"

"It's my... beast." Su Yuan said.

Behind Su Yuan, Luo Bingtong held Ruanruan in his arms with both hands, and just followed Su Yuan quietly.

"Pfft!" Ruanruan looked at He Xianyin with a pouted mouth, and the aura on his body also made Ruanruan feel a little uncomfortable.

He Xianyin smiled with a sudden look on his face: "No wonder, I can feel a bit of the aura of the star beast.

Although the two beasts of Su Sanxi are only in the Chongyang realm, they seem to be very simple...

In my opinion, even some people in the Three Yang Realm may not be their opponents. "

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, He Xianyin had good eyesight.

Bingtong and Ruanruan, a dragon who masters the power of time, and a reincarnated demon king who masters the law of devouring.

With the current strength of the two of them, it might not be a big problem to deal with Nie Wu.

Getting back to the topic, Su Yuan asked: "What's the situation like in the Gola Mountains?"

Speaking of business, He Xianyin calmed down a little and said:

"I went to investigate once a week ago. The earth's energy slowly gathered and I didn't find any enemies around."

"A week ago..." Su Yuan glanced at the sky, "If He Cixi doesn't mind, I'd like to check it out again."

He Xianyin chuckled: "This is the best. I originally planned to investigate again tomorrow. Since you, Su Sanxi, have arrived, it's a good time to check it out together."

Admiral Luo Cheng next to him said: "For investigation, I can also send some people to accompany you two to assist in the investigation."

He Xianyin shook his head slightly and said to Luo Cheng: "Your people cannot detect enemies who are good at hiding, but we can easily detect enemies who are not good at hiding.

And if you really encounter an enemy or an ambush, you still need to take care of others. "

Although He Xianyin said it bluntly, Luo Cheng didn't feel embarrassed because it was indeed the case.

Luo Chengdao: "Those two, please be careful. If there is an accident, I will report the news immediately after sending the signal and bring people to support."

Su Yuan nodded and said, "Thank you."

Afterwards, Su Yuan and He Xianyin immediately flew to the Gola Mountains.

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