Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 923 The World

After a long time, in front of the Gola Mountains, a door to space opened.

Su Yuan and He Xianyin came out. As for Bing Tong and Ruan Ruan, Su Yuan took them back to the beast control space first.

"This scene seems familiar... But the last time I came here, it was with Tian Sanxi and Gongsun Special Envoy."

"Really..." He Xianyin's lips curved into a smile, "I just don't know what my luck will be like this time."

Seeing that He Xianyin was a little eager to try, Su Yuan immediately reminded: "He Cixi must not be careless. Although we killed two truth knights last time, the victory was not easy."

He Xianyin smiled and said: "Three seats are too worried. I naturally know the strength of the Knight of Truth, but if you don't fight with masters, how can you become stronger and how can you make achievements to fight for the throne?"

When Su Yuan heard this, since the other party knew what he was doing and had a clear goal, he didn't need to say anything more.

Su Yuan turned his hand and took out the bronze ground guide plate. After checking it briefly, Su Yuan nodded slightly.

The concentration of earth energy in this peripheral area alone is several times stronger than when I came here before!

"It seems that this dragon vein point has a good chance..."

He Xianyin thought deeply and said: "Now there are nine meridians in the middle, and the earth's energy flows rapidly and slowly. It is impossible to determine where it will end up until the last moment."

Su Yuan nodded slightly, and then went deep into the depths with He Xianyin.

"I heard that Su Sanxi had participated in the fight for the first dragon vein in the southern continent, and was it because of this that he successfully entered Sanyang?" He Xianyin asked casually on the way.

Su Yuan said: "It happened that there was a melee between the Dao Sect Demon Sect and the big demon, so I just missed something."

He Xianyin smiled and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Su Yuan cursed in his heart, Jiang Lan really spread this matter...

However, this information was to be reported in the first place, and it was not confidential. It was normal for a second-in-command like He Xianyin to know about it.

"Su Sanxi, I wonder how strong the masters in the Southern Continent are?" He Xianyin asked.

Su Yuan thought for a moment and said, "Very strong."

At this moment, Hua Tiandu is sleeping in his glazed sky.

"Oh? Even Su Sanxi said that, which makes me even more interested.

It is said that there are many sects and hundreds of flowers blooming in the southern continent. I really want to travel there.

Unfortunately, the last time I went to explore the southern continent, I happened to be on a mission and missed it. "

Su Yuan said: "Now that the great catastrophe has begun and the four continents are unblocked, we may encounter something unexpected at an unexpected time."

He Xianyin smiled and said: "This is the best~"

Su Yuan and He Xianyin went all the way deep into the Gola Mountains and first checked the place with the strongest earth energy, which was in front of the mountain where Su Yuan and Tian Huigong and Sun Wu determined that there was a dragon vein symbol.

Through the bronze earth guide plate, the earth energy here is indeed gathering at a high speed.

At this rate, regardless of whether there is a dragon vein or not, there will be results in less than a month.

Afterwards, Su Yuan and He Xianyin continued to explore to the north of the Gola Mountains. In the end, they found nothing unusual and left temporarily.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Su Yuan took out the "General Outline of Formation" and read it day and night.

To be promoted to the seventh-level formation master requires knowledge corresponding to 5 million experience points. Now that there is no Guixu Kamikaze acceleration, it is even more important to seize the time.

Just like that, half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

That night, the moon was high.

After Su Yuan took a nap on the desk for 2 hours, he took out the "General Outline of Formation" and read it again.

Because he had to sense the movements of the star veins in the Gola Mountains at any time, Su Yuan did not return to the Qingming Realm.

On the bed next to him, Bing Tong quietly consolidated the star power of the Chongyang Realm.

Ruanruan was lying on the desk next to Su Yuan's arm, closing her eyes and meditating. The black light on her body was constantly flowing, and the law of devouring seemed to have made considerable progress...

As Su Yuan turned the page again, he suddenly noticed strong fluctuations coming from the direction of the Gola Mountains.


Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he immediately took out the bronze ground guide plate, only to see the data on it suddenly soared!

"The earth's energy seems to be skyrocketing!"

Luo Bingtong and Ruanruan also sensed this and stopped practicing.

Su Yuan said: "There are changes in the star veins, I have to go and take a look."

"Yeah!" Luo Bingtong and Ruan Ruan both nodded.

Su Yuan raised his hand to take them into the Green Underworld, and then with a flash of silver light on his body, he came into the air and looked towards the north.

He Xianyin, General Luo and many other Zhuoyang generals also came out one after another.

"The earth's atmosphere ahead is changing drastically, and star veins are about to form. Admiral Luo, He Cixin and I will go ahead. Please wait in the city."

"Okay, be careful, you two!"

Su Yuan opened the door of space and set off with He Xianyin again.

With the speed of the two of them, it didn't take long before they arrived at the Gola Mountains again.

But he saw the energy of the earth surge, and the star power spread out like a tidal wave.

He Xianyin asked: "Su Sanxi, you have seen the formation of dragon veins in the Southern Continent before. Is this true or false?"

Su Yuan looked at the turbulent earth energy and nodded slightly: "From the current point of view, it is not much different from the formation process of dragon veins in the southern continent."

"Really, then it looks like..."

As He Xianyin was speaking, his expression suddenly changed slightly and turned into a streak of white light.

Su Yuan also noticed it and teleported hundreds of meters away with a flash of silver light.


There was an explosion where the two of them were standing just now, and a large area of ​​the ground shattered directly. Infinite gravel that was sharper than metal continued to shoot into the sky!

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, immeasurable force immediately blocked him.

And He Xianyin shook his sleeve, and a dagger suddenly fell into his hand. Like a white snake spitting a message, white light flashed in an instant, crushing all the flying gravel without even falling to the ground!

Afterwards, Su Yuan and He Xianyin looked towards the ground, their eyes condensed.

On the ground, a green-haired man in uniform stood in the large exploding pit.

The green-haired man smiled and said: "Such a reaction is worthy of the second place of Baihu Yu... Also, the S-level kill target is Su Yuan, Suzaku Yu."

"Knight of Truth..." Su Yuan's eyes fell on a certain card that lit up behind the green-haired man, and he couldn't help but his eyes moved slightly, "World?"

"That's right." The green-haired man flew up into the air and saluted the two of Su Yuan gracefully, "I, the Secret Society of Truth - World, Wood!"

Silver light floated in Su Yuan's eyes, and he immediately opened his omniscient vision and looked around carefully.

Soon, Su Yuan understood...

"So that's it, copy space?" Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He Xianyin next to him was also thoughtful when he heard the words.

Wood smiled and said: "As expected, he is also a user of the power of space. Have you already felt it?"

Even the power of the same attribute has many different qualities.

Fire elements include burning, explosion, ashes, dryness...

The water system has submersion, suffocation, speed, change...

As for the power of space.

Su Yuan's power is limitless, while Ba Shu's is cutting off.

The [World] in front of me... seems to be able to copy a space?

Because at this moment, the space that Su Yuan and the others are in is not the main world, but a duplicate space based on the main world!

It was such a perfect replica that even Su Yuan didn't notice when it was replaced.

"Are you alone?" He Xianyin wiped his dagger and looked around, "Didn't you say that the Secret Society of Truth always operates with two people?"

Wood smiled and said: "Not all...as long as you are strong enough, you can naturally act alone."

"Oh?" He Xianyin looked up at Wood, with a cold smile on his lips, "So it seems you are very confident?"

Wood said: "Of course, even in the Secret Society of Truth, I was rated as the strongest talent by Lord Constantine!"

"Is it the strongest talent..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

At least the power of space does have a higher starting point than other conventional powers.

However, simply copying a space is not enough to support the saying of "the strongest talent".

From this point of view, the other party's methods should not stop there.

"What a good time..." Wood looked up at the dark sky and the bright waning moon, and then his eyes fell on Su Yuan and the two of them, "In your words, this should be 'the moon is dark and the wind is high in the sky. , kill and release...'

Before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of cold light, He Xianyin suddenly shook his sleeve, and the dagger turned into a streak of silver and suddenly rose into the sky, passing by Wood's face!

Wood stretched out his fingers and wiped his face, but there was a wisp of blood, and his pupils could not help but shrink.

If it weren't for the sensing tentacles all over the place in my own copy space, and I just turned my head away in time, I might have stabbed my head through right now!

"You're talking too much nonsense..." Silver light flashed in He Xianyin's hand, and the dagger that flew out fell into his hand again.

Wood looked at He Xianyin below, the smile on his face was slightly stagnant, and then suddenly became a bit more sinister and violent.

"Very good." Wood grinned, "It seems that you are in a hurry to die!"

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