Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 932 False Pulse

Seeing this scene, Wood was completely panicked.

If there is a creation substitute, it will not be difficult for him to avoid this abnormal mental power.

But as Su Yuan said, the three creation substitutes rely on three tiger veins.

One creation substitute was used on Hua Tiandu, the other was defeated by He Xianyin, and the last one was suppressed by Fengmai just now!

"The Palace of Three Sins!"

Wood used the Palace of Sin again, but this time it was not to cover Su Yuan, but to cover himself!

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the joint spell of the other two clones, the Palace of Three Sins instantly rose from the ground to protect Wood himself layer by layer!

"Infinite moment!"

Su Yuan's expression remained as usual, and the immeasurable silver field instantly unfolded.

For a moment, He Xianyin beside Su Yuan and Wood's two clones not far away both stopped together.

Su Yuan held the demonic sword tightly, the divine seal between his eyebrows lit up, and the radiance of the gift shone down. He took one step and appeared in front of the Palace of Sin.

"God cuts, kills!"


"Cut again!"

With the gift of liberation + the light of the divine sword, Su Yuan struck three swords in a row, and each sword slashed open the palace of sin!

Within a few breaths, Su Yuan appeared in front of Wood.

At this moment, Wood's eyes were filled with silver light, and he was still trapped in the immeasurable moment.

Su Yuan was not polite, he pierced his chest with a sword, and the sword energy swayed!

In an instant, his heart was crushed and blood flowed across his body. Wood's body's functions quickly faded visibly to the naked eye.

At the same time, Su Yuan could feel a rather violent struggle coming from the Phoenix Vein.

Wood's death-substitution technique can actually be passively effective in several divine punishment prisons of his soul power.

But today's Phoenix Vein, as a tiger-level star vein that has grown up step by step and dominates one realm, may not be that easy to suppress three tiger veins, but if it is just one tiger vein...

Of course it’s no problem!

Wood's pupils trembled, and with the passage of life, he also woke up early under the heavy trauma.

Realizing his broken heart and body gradually losing control, Wood's face, already pale from blood loss, instantly turned pale, and his eyes widened in horror!

"Is not likely to!"

"I am the most gifted person conferred by Lord Constantine, how could I die here!"

"The miracle of eternal life! The miracle of eternal life from the Creator!"

Seeing his posture, Su Yuan couldn't help but secretly shook his head.

"In battle, you have too many clever tricks."

When Wood realized that he was going to die this time, the expression on his face changed rapidly, including panic, fear, despair...until the end, it turned into strong resentment!

"What did you say?!"

Su Yuan looked at Wood with a ferocious expression and said slowly:

“Always acting outside as a weak clone;

Use words to make us ignore the existence of [the moon];

The bluff after being killed twice in a row...

These things may have some effect, but little tricks will never work. "

Hearing what Su Yuan said, as if he was having a flashback, Wood's eyes, which were about to be reborn, became increasingly angry!

"Damn...what do you know!"

Su Yuan looked calm: "Although you act quite conceited, you are indeed very strong.

But these small actions reveal that you lack self-confidence deep down... and are extremely afraid of death.

Therefore, although you are strong, you are not strong enough. Strong people come from the inside out, and you are just a stubborn one. "

In Su Yuan's view, whether it was Feng Xuanqing in his early years or Hua Tiandu today...

But a truly strong person will die generously even when faced with death, without showing any signs of ugliness.

Even if they may not make it to the end of the road, those who make it to the end must be people like them!

Wood's pupils shrank, as if he had been stabbed in a painful spot.


"If you represent something else, forget it, but [the world]..."

Su Yuan paused, his eyes slightly cold.

"With such a narrow-minded focus on trivial skills, do you deserve the title [World]?

In my opinion, you are nothing more than a ‘warden’ at best! "


Something seemed to be broken in Wood's heart. His eyes suddenly widened and he stared at Su Yuan blankly.

His lips and teeth opened and closed, but he couldn't say anything at all.

Then the brilliance in his eyes dimmed, and he completely lost his breath...

As Wood died, Su Yuan pulled out the sword from his body.

At this moment, Su Yuan felt quite sad.

If it were normal, Su Yuan would not talk such nonsense to his enemies.

But this was, after all, the first space system star card master to die under his own hands.

Thinking of this, Su Yuan couldn't help but think of the female spider wearing a golden crown in the gray world...

With Wood's death, many spaces in the God's Prison also began to collapse.


At this moment, a high-pitched cry from the black phoenix came from the void.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately received the meaning from Fengmai.

"Go ahead and eat up these spaces."


The black phoenix let out a high-pitched cry of joy, and then escaped into the void again!

Su Yuan glanced at He Xianyin next to him and sent him out with a thought. Then he closed his eyes tightly and worked with Feng Mei to absorb the power of God Wood's Punishment Prison...

Outside, He Xianyin's eyes flashed with brilliance and he quickly came to his senses.

"This feeling of mental shock is really bad..." He Xianyin rubbed his eyebrows and looked around, "Is Su Sanxi still in that space?"

Feeling some faint fluctuations coming from the surroundings, He Xianyin also knew that Su Yuan had not come out yet.

Instant Boundless just forcefully injects a lot of junk information, but it won't miss any news.

So as He Xianyin digested all the junk information, he finally saw Su Yuan cutting open the Palace of Three Sins and killing Wood.

There was a bit of light on the horizon, and before I knew it, it was almost dawn after this battle.

"By the way, Dragon Veins!"

He Xianyin's eyes froze, and he immediately opened his senses to investigate.

At this sight, He Xianyin frowned.

"So much weaker?"

It only takes a battle, but the dragon vein energy at this moment is weaker than it was a few days ago!

He Xianyin took out the bronze earth guide plate and checked it, but found that the earth energy continued to drop as if it was deflated.

"Sure enough, it didn't fall here..." He Xianyin frowned slightly, already understanding.

Once strong, then weak.

There is no hope of forming a dragon vein here in the Gola Mountains. If this continues, the best result will be just a tiger vein.

He Xianyin turned over his hand and took out the communication talisman, which contained messages from General Luo Cheng one after another.

He Xianyin was about to reply when he saw several figures rushing towards him from the horizon. It was Luo Cheng who came with the other two generals stationed there.

The three generals, all the masters of the Three Sun Realm in the A-13 station are here!

"He Yushi!"

General Luo performed a military salute and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that He Xianyin was fine.

"Envoy He, I wonder what the situation is now?" General Luo asked quickly.

He Xianyin cupped his fists and returned the salute, saying concisely and concisely: "I encountered the knights of the Secret Society of Truth. In addition...the dragon vein here is fake."

"The Secret Society of Truth!"

General Luo and the other two generals looked shocked. They immediately raised their vigilance and quickly explored the surroundings.

"He Yushi, where is the Knight of Truth... By the way, there is also Yushi Su!"

He Xianyin smiled and said: "Don't worry, Su Sanxi..."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding space shook slightly, and then he saw a silver-haired young man walking out of the shattered and destroyed void.

Wearing a black robe with fluttering sleeves, his silver eyes seemed to have infinite space for annihilation and rebirth...it was Su Yuan.

He Xianyin's eyes condensed, and he could clearly feel that Su Yuan seemed to have become much stronger at this moment.

It seems that there is only one step away from that realm, within reach!

It seems that in this battle between space system star card masters, Su Yuan gained far more than he imagined!

And soon, the silver light in Su Yuan's eyes gradually dissipated, and the strong spatial power in his body also converged.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I didn't expect you, General Luo, to be here too."

General Luo met Su Yuan's silver eyes. He was a little frightened for no reason. He quickly gathered his thoughts and asked: "Su Sanxi, what Yushi said, that person from the Secret Society of Truth..."

"Everyone in the moon world has been killed." Su Yuan replied.

The moon, the world? Kill them all?

General Luo and the three of them were all shocked!

But Su Yuan felt the aura around him and frowned slightly: "What's wrong with this dragon vein?"

He Xianyin nodded and said: "I have tested it with a bronze ground guide plate, and the dragon vein here is fake."

"Is there any news from other places?"

"Not yet..." He Xianyin was talking, and suddenly his expressions changed slightly at the same time as Su Yuan's.

The two took out the black sky patrol card and checked it immediately——

[In the Central Mediterranean, the Dragon Vein is real, please rush to support! 】

Seeing this, Su Yuan and He Xianyin both narrowed their eyes slightly.

"Yushu Su, Yushi He, what's wrong?"

Su Yuan said: "It is difficult for the star veins here to become dragon veins, but it is expected to become tiger veins. General Luo can make his own decision. He Cixi and I still have some action."

General Luo looked at the expressions of the two men and roughly understood that there were changes in the dragon veins elsewhere, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Because in battles at the level of Su Yuan and He Xianyin, unless a formation is set up, the ordinary burning sun will not have much effect.

And if the news spreads, it may also leak the information and the whereabouts of Su Yuan.

General Luo saluted solemnly: "Two envoys, be careful!"

"General Luo, be careful." Su Yuan and He Xianyin returned the salute, then jumped away...

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