Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 933 Encounter

Somewhere between the north and the south, two figures, one white and one red, were running rapidly.

The two of them were wearing a white tiger cloak and a red bird cloak respectively, and their identities were self-evident...

It is none other than True Lord White Tiger Fang Yuan and True Lord Vermillion Bird Nangong Li!

At this moment, the auras of the two of them were still a bit unstable, as if they had just experienced a fierce battle.

"It took so many days to remove two people. The efficiency is really low..." Fang Yuan's words were slightly cold.

But Nangong Li's face remained as usual, and he thought thoughtfully: "Since there is a [Wheel of Fortune] that seeks good fortune and avoids misfortune, it is not easy to catch those two people. If it weren't for your murderous pursuit, the two previous ones might not even be able to catch them." I can’t even catch up.”

Speaking of the two people from before, Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with disgust.

"I didn't expect that [my lover] was actually a man, and he actually tried to use seduction techniques on me. It's really disgusting!"

Thinking of the scene where [Lover] Fang Yuan used the charm technique, and the two even hugged each other, Nangong Li next to him couldn't help but smile a little.

"However, you cut him into thousands of pieces of rotten flesh, so you should have relieved your hatred, right?"

Fang Yuan had a look of disgust on his face: "Even if you cut the meat into tens of thousands of pieces, it still won't calm the nausea in my heart!"

That's right, Fang Yuan and Nangong Li just recently tracked down the "Lovers" and "The Hanged Man" from the Secret Society of Truth.

These two people, [Lovers] are good at mental charm and control, and their abilities are quite weird and tricky.

The other [The Hanged Man] mastered the powerful immortal power under the law of life, and continuously gained more amazing power through sacrifice and self-mutilation. He also used the immortal power to recover his injuries, becoming more and more abnormal.

However, both Fang Yuan and Nangong Li are super masters of the Dayan Xuntian Division.

The [Lover]'s weird ability was a little more tricky, but as for the [Hanged Man]... it was directly killed by Fang Yuan's terrifying output!

Although these two people were successfully dealt with, the process made Fang Yuan extremely unhappy, and he is still feeling aversion to this day.

And based on Fang Yuan's "interrogation" of "The Hanged Man", it turns out that the reason why these Knights of Truth are so difficult to catch is the "Wheel of Fortune".

The wheel of fortune seeks good fortune and avoids misfortune. The "unfortunateness" of two true kings coming together is really too great.

Although the Wheel of Fortune cannot lock the positions of Fang Yuan and Nangong Li, it can somehow allow the Knights of Truth operating outside to avoid Fang Yuan and Nangong Li.

This is quite similar to Asilia [Prayer of the Elf Girl].

Fang Yuan looked at Nangong Li and said, "Since being together is too dangerous, it's better to search separately.

Otherwise, if this continues, by the time the nine meridians in the middle are settled, not many truth knights will be killed. "

Nangong Li did have such thoughts, but remembering Fang Qingxiao's advice, he thought for a moment and shook his head.

"The abilities of the knights in the Secret Society of Truth are mostly weird. It is better to be slow than to be careless.

Even if you and I are separated, we may not be able to cope. "

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows. If it had been someone else, he might not have paid attention to it.

But Fang Yuan could still listen to Nangong Li's words.

Frowning and thinking for a while, Fang Yuan said: "Then we will search for three more days. If we find nothing within three days, we will go separate ways."

Nangong Li sighed secretly, knowing that for the stubborn Fang Yuan, this was already quite a concession.

In addition, the two of them came out to hunt members of the Secret Society of Truth to prepare for the battle of dragon veins and establish an advantage.

Now that the Central Nine Meridians are about to be settled, it is indeed necessary to kill a few more Knights of Truth.

Even if you take some risks because of this, it is necessary.

"Okay then...huh?"

Nangong Li was about to respond when suddenly his eyes turned cold and he looked up.

Fang Yuan was already aware of it and looked forward with slightly squinted eyes.

I saw three people wearing cloaks of truth and with different temperaments waiting in front of me.

One of them is a blond, handsome and elegant noble man.

The person on the left is a thin man with a goatee.

The last middle-aged man on the right has a tough face, broad shoulders, and an unattractive iron sword hanging from his waist.

Nangong Li saw this person clearly, and a cold light suddenly shot out in his eyes.

"Liu Dongming!"

This last person is none other than Liu Dongming, the former third seat of the Suzaku Imperial family who defected from the Sky Patrol Division!

Liu Dongming said in a cold voice: "Nangong Zhenjun, you are fine."

Fang Yuan glanced at Liu Dongming coldly, and then looked away.

This was Zhuque Yu's matter, and Fang Yuan knew that it should be left to Nangong Li to resolve.

Fang Yuan looked at the other two people and quickly looked them up.

Although there is no precise information about the 22 Knights of Truth.

But as far as the name is concerned, except for the [Fool] who still doesn't know, everyone else already knows it.

"Liu Dongming, plus [Wheel of Fortune] Tisa and [Magician] Jack, three people?" Fang Yuandao.

"No..." Tissa shook his head calmly, "I am only responsible for guiding the way, this is just a clone."

"Is it?"

Both Fang Yuan and Nangong Li's eyes moved slightly.

Although the two of them are not good at divination, deduction, cause and effect, and destiny, they do understand a little bit.

People who use these powers usually cannot lie, otherwise changes in cause and effect and destiny will have a considerable impact on themselves.

Without waiting for Fang and Yuan to investigate carefully, Tisa said to Jack and Liu Dongming: "Then I'll leave this place to you."

Liu Dongming nodded slightly.

Jack smiled and said: "No problem, we will receive the two true kings well."

There was a flash of brilliance on Tisa's body, and then suddenly turned into a spiritual light and disappeared from the place.

"They are really clones." Fang Yuan sneered and looked at the two Jacks, "Do two people dare to come to us?"

Jack smiled and said: "Of course not. I don't dare to be careless when dealing with the two true kings. Naturally, I have made sufficient preparations for this visit~"

When Nangong Li heard the words, he thought quickly in his mind.

From the current point of view, it was Tisa who used the deaths of [Lovers] and [The Hanged Man] to lock the two of them.

In other words... the two [lovers] are probably the decoys chosen by the Secret Society of Truth, otherwise Tissa, Liu Dongming and others would not have come so quickly.

If this is the case, then the Secret Society of Truth must have made adequate preparations. I don't know what dangers are waiting for the two of them during this trip.

It's a pity that we don't have experts who are good at the art of destiny... It's not that we don't have any. It is said that Qilin Yu's Wen Renci is very good at the art of cause and effect, but he has just gone to the Southern Continent and has not returned...

Next to him, Fang Yuan didn't have that much patience and had already turned over his hand and took out a horizontal knife.

Since Jack and others are waiting here, they must be going through something.

"I didn't find you, but instead came to my door... Since you are so confident, let me see what methods you have!"

Fang Yuan drew his sword and slashed continuously, and the sharp sword light that tore through the cracks flew out to kill [Magician] Jack.

Jack's expression changed slightly, and as the dark light flickered, phantoms outside him flickered one after another.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

The sword light cut through many illusions, and many rugged peaks behind were easily cut away without any obstruction!

And after Jack flashed through several rays of sword light in an illusion, he patted his chest with lingering fear: "It's so dangerous, so dangerous..."

Before he finished speaking the word "harm", Jack's eyes blurred, but he suddenly found that Fang Yuan had disappeared from sight.

At the same time, a chilling and cold murderous intent emerged from behind very close to his back!

"not good……!"


Fang Yuan slashed with the knife, and with Jack's stunned look on his face, he was cut into two halves.

However, Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows because no blood flowed out after this slash.

And Liu Dongming next to him showed no sign of taking action.

Fang Yuan, who had killed countless people, naturally knew that it looked like he was hitting the target, but in fact, he was missing.

"What a fast sword, worthy of Fang Zhenjun..."

Jack, who had already been cut into pieces, sighed in admiration, with a slight smile on his lips.

Then, the cloak of truth with 22 card patterns on it suddenly grew in size and flew up to cover Fang Yuan behind him.

Fang Yuan was already prepared for the ineffective attack and immediately retreated.

But in his eyes, this cloak was like blocking out the sky and the sun, covering Fang Yuan in the blink of an eye!

Suddenly, the inside of the cloak was shaking, as if Fang Yuan was breaking open the cloak of truth.

Nangong Li's expression changed slightly, he raised his hand and pointed: "Fire Bird!"

Flames surged, and suddenly a flaming bird as tall as two people flew out from in front of Nangong Li, trying to help Fang Yuan, who was wrapped in the cloak of truth.

However, the flames burned, and the cloak of truth was easily burned like ordinary cloth.

And Fang Yuan among them... also disappeared out of thin air!

Nangong Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and vaguely felt some weak spatial fluctuations.

"Space transfer?"

And Jack's severed body suddenly connected together like a spring with a flash of inspiration.

Jack grabbed it in his sleeve and took out a cloak of truth again like magic and put it around him.

Afterwards, Jack bent down and saluted Nangong Li, and said with a chuckle: "I am a clumsy person, and I am able to 'transform a living person' with one hand. I hope Zhenjun Nangong likes it."

Nangong Li's voice was low: "Where did you take Fang Zhenjun?"

Jack smiled and said: "Nangong Zhenjun, don't worry, with Fang Zhenjun's terrifying strength, I can't move him very far, I just sent him to two other powerful colleagues.

There is no way, the two true kings are too strong, I can only use a little trick to separate them first.

As for Mr. Nangong Zhenjun, Mr. Liu and I will receive you together.

Come to think of it, my arrangement of the characters is still in line with Nangong Zhenjun's wishes? "

Nangong Li glanced at Jack, and then his eyes fell on Liu Dongming...

The next moment, an extremely dangerous aura suddenly swayed from Nangong Li's body!

"Okay, then today I will personally eliminate the traitors... Huanghuang Lihuo Divine Court!"

In an instant, the flames burst into the sky, and the infinite flames soared into the sky. Within a few breaths, a majestic and majestic Red Flame Divine Court was outlined outside a few people!

Suddenly, the entire world was filled with the fire of the Divine Court.

Among them, Jack, who was smiling, and Liu Dongming, who was indifferent, both had dignified looks in their eyes at this moment!

On the other side...

Fang Yuan felt the world spin for a while, and then suddenly appeared in a huge dark duel field.

In front, two people wearing truth uniforms stood opposite.

"Welcome to the Death Arena..."

A dry voice came from a figure in front who was shrouded in a dark robe and whose body shape and face could not be seen clearly.

"[God of Death] Kira?" Fang Yuan looked at the other person with a cold light in his eyes, "Is it you who killed Lin Hao?"

"That's right." Kira nodded slightly.

The murderous intent in Fang Yuan's eyes suddenly surged!

But just in the blink of an eye, Fang Yuan suddenly calmed down strangely, and only an endless chill came from his body.

"Very good, I didn't go to you, but you came to the door yourself... Then, go to hell!"

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