Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 935 Liberation one after another

"[Power] is coming!"

In the formation, Tian Hui, Shi Cheng and other Xuanwu Yu people all looked at concentration and cheered up.

Tiger flew closer, looked at the surging Yellow River water in front of him, raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, and then punched it down...


The rolling water of the Yellow River suddenly stagnated, and then suddenly turned into water splashes all over the sky and collapsed!

Arman spent a lot of effort and went all out to break the Yellow River water, but it was broken on the spot by Tiger's casual punch!

Tiger's face remained as usual, and he stepped in a few steps from the splashing yellow water, as if this level was nothing to him.

"He's in! Even liquid objects can be broken as if they were solid with one blow!"

Shi Cheng and Tian Hui, as members of the main formation, couldn't help but look condensed when they saw Tiger defeating the first turn of the Little Jiuqu Yellow River so easily.

Logically speaking, for a "fist", a liquid like "water" should use softness to overcome hardness.

No matter how powerful and terrifying your strength is, you still won't be able to exert enough force to hit it with one punch.

But when Tiger's punch fell, the water of the Yellow River seemed to be a whole body in the first turn, and it was exploded in an instant!

"It seems that this is one of the manifestations of his soul power." Tian Hui said calmly.

Shi Cheng was surprised and said: "Pay attention to the control formation...!"


Before he finished speaking, in just a few breaths, a gap was made in the second layer of Yellow River water!

"So strong!"

"Pay more attention! Change your formation to stop him first!"

"No, why did he hit the weak point of the formation again..."


Tiger landed another punch, and the third layer of Yellow River water shattered in response!

Small Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, one level is stronger than the other.

But there are weaknesses in the long river, which are usually the key to breaking the formation.

At this moment, Tiger was obviously just punching at will, but he was extremely lucky to hit the weak points of these formations one after another, which had the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort!

"Bang bang bang...!"

The fourth level, the fifth level, the sixth level...the seventh level!

Tiger drove straight in, and the water of the Yellow River kept bursting under a pair of iron fists!

Outside the formation, seeing the Yellow River Formation continue to crumble, the eyes of the female follower, who had been a little frightened just now, were filled with a bit of shock and excitement.

"Seventh level barrier, Lord Tiger is really powerful, he is simply unstoppable!"

Tisa's face was expressionless, but the silver-haired middle-aged housekeeper next to him heard this and said:

"Carly, this is not only because of Lord Tiger's own tyrannical strength, but also...the 'luck' given by Lord Tissa."

The female attendant Carly looked confused and turned to look at Tisa.

But he saw the brilliance in Tisa's eyes flowing, always staring at the formation.

"Mr. Bob, what does this mean?" Carly asked in a low voice.

Bob said slowly: "On the battlefield, if you are also hit by flying arrows...

For a lucky person, the arrow will pass through the important part, not only leaving no major injuries, but also not even affecting the movement.

Unfortunate people may be hit in the heart or head and die on the spot!

Lord Tissa is able to control these fortunes and misfortunes. This ability is like the protection of gods... He is simply the son of gods! "

Having said this, Bob looked at Tisza's back, a bit of fanatical admiration already appearing in his eyes.

But Carly frowned: "Mr. Bob, I still don't quite understand, what does Master Tiger's breaking of the formation have to do with luck..."

Bob said: "Arman broke into the battle before and unfortunately died in it.

And this 'misfortune' was transformed into an equal amount of 'luck' by Lord Tisza, and was blessed by Lord Tiger.

That's why... Master Tiger was able to break through this formation with such overwhelming force! "

Carly's pupils shrank suddenly, and she suddenly raised her head to look at Tisa, and now she understood completely.

While being frightened by Tisa's magical ability, he felt a strong chill coming to his heart.

Does this mean that Arman’s death just now was deliberately done by Tisa!

Bob seemed to know Carly's thoughts and said calmly: "You don't have to be alarmed. If you don't have to, I will not give up any of my subordinates easily.

On the contrary, because of the Lord's blessing, the people under his command can also obtain extraordinary 'lucky' when taking action.

Cultivation speeds up, more treasures can be found in secret realms, and some hope can be found in desperate situations...

And if someone did die...either it was extremely unfortunate;

Or, he encountered a situation that even adults found difficult, such as the seventh-level barrier ahead. "

After hearing this, Carly couldn't help but feel enlightened after some thought.

It seems that he was favored by Master Tissa during the knight selection, and it didn't take long for him to break through to the Three Yang Realm.

Later, my understanding of cultivation increased greatly, my strength improved by leaps and bounds, and I successfully received the divine blessing... This journey has been smooth sailing!

It was not until some time ago that he was recruited by the Secret Society of Truth and became Lord Tissa's attendant.

But even though Bob said this, Carly still felt a little uneasy.

At this moment, a holy light suddenly lit up in the Yellow River formation, and then there was a shocking and tyrannical wave.

"This... is true liberation!" Carly's expression changed slightly, "Isn't the luck given by Master Tissa not enough?"

Tisa looked at the formation and whispered to himself: "The seventh-level barrier is really powerful. It finally forced Tiger to be liberated."

Even with the blessing of luck and being able to continuously hit the weaknesses of the formation, the seventh-level formations used by many Sanyang masters are not that simple...

Whether it was the original Eight-door Golden Lock Formation or the Yin-Yang Tianshui Formation set up by Bai Ze, neither one person could break it open at will.

"But..." Tisa's eyes narrowed slightly, "Now that Tiger has been liberated, this barrier ends here."

"Bang bang...bang!"

As if to confirm what Tisza said, within just a moment, three explosions were heard from the formation.

The turbulent water of the Yellow River stagnated for a moment, and then suddenly collapsed, falling into the sea water below like a heavy rain!

Suddenly the sky and the earth were clear, the line of sight was clear, and the entire sea was no longer blocked.

And Tiger stood in mid-air, with bulging muscles and a ferocious face. His whole body expanded in a circle, and a thick tail grew out of his back!

"You actually destroyed the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation all by yourself with just your physical body?!"

Tian Hui and all the masters of Xuanwu Yu looked at Tiger in front of them in shock, looking like a humanoid monster!

Even Tong Xueer, who was behind, had his eyes fixed.

"Xuanwuyu, Xuantian Division, finally broke your turtle shell!"

Tiger sneered, his eyes filled with fierceness, and even the space seemed to be unable to withstand the huge force it exuded with a single step, causing black space cracks to appear!

In just a blink of an eye, Tiger appeared in front of Shi Cheng who had taken back the array, and punched him down!

Shi Cheng's pupils shrank and he crossed his arms to block the situation in front of him.

"The mountain that cannot fall!"

However, the next moment, accompanied by the sound of cracking bones, air waves exploded, and Shicheng suddenly turned into a black shadow and flew out and fell into the sea!

"That's all..."

Tiger grinned, looked at Tian Hui next to him, and shot again.

Tian Hui's expression condensed and she was about to launch a defense.

But at this moment, shrinking to an inch, there was another petite figure standing in front of him, and he opened his palm to catch Tiger's fist...


When fists and palms were exchanged, there was no explosion in the air as expected. Instead, it was like hitting cotton. Tiger's sandbag-sized fist was actually caught by Tong Xueer's palm, which was not half as big as Tong Xueer's.

At this moment, Tong Xueer's short hair was blowing up with the airflow, and her fair skin, including her face, had many obsidian-like broken chips growing out.

Shockingly, the true liberation has also started!

Tong Xueer grabbed Tiger's fist with her left hand and pulled it. She made a fist with her right hand and punched Tiger directly on the chest.


With this punch, the air shook!

Tiger's pupils shrank, and he felt as if a tank had hit him hard in the chest, and he was knocked out dozens of meters away on the spot!

Soon, Tiger quickly stabilized his body and rubbed his somewhat stuffy chest.

"A heavy weight is like a light weight, a light weight is like a heavy weight...transformation of light and heavy things?"

Raising his head to look at Tong Xueer, who was blocking Tian Hui, Tiger's eyes suddenly burst with intense excitement and ferocity.

"Zhenjun Xuanwu, you really surprised me!"

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