Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 936 Two Enemies

Tong Xueer protected Tian Hui and looked at Tiger in front of her.

The petite body that was originally less than the tip of Tian Hui's nose is now as thick and reliable as a mountain!

Tong Xueer quickly ordered: "Tiger's frontal strength is too strong, let me deal with it, Tisa's ability is weird, just be careful and vigilant, don't act rashly."


Tian Hui responded, then pulled away.

"We still have something to think about!"

With a loud shout, Tiger rushed over again, raised his fist and punched him!

Tong Xueer raised her arms and fought with him, causing the air to explode and tremble!

Neither Tiger nor Tong Xueer have obvious weaknesses in their close combat skills.

However, Tiger still needs an extra tail at this moment...


With a muffled sound, Tong Xueer, who raised her arms to resist, was firmly pulled away by Tiger's strong tail.

The fair arm with some black crystal fragments was visibly reddened to the naked eye.

"Ha! Such a petite but powerful body... I really want to crush you!"

Tiger gained the upper hand with one blow, his eyes became even more excited, and he immediately rushed through the air again!

Tong Xueer's expression was slightly condensed, and a black light flashed outside her body, and six dark balls the size of eggs appeared.


Tong Xueer raised her hand and pointed, and black beads shot towards Tiger immediately.

Tiger, who was rushing forward at high speed, frowned at these unattractive black beads. Although he was wary, he did not change his direction because of this.

After nimbly dodging two black beads in succession, the third black bead was unavoidable and Tiger directly punched it.


There was a sound of breaking bones in the hand, and an astonishing force came out from the black bead, beating Tiger to a standstill on the spot.


Tiger's pupils shrank suddenly, and then the fourth, fifth, sixth... and the remaining three black beads all hit Tiger.

"Bang bang bang!"

The strength is as strong as the back of the paper, and its power reaches a thousand levels!

Tiger's chest, abdomen, and left shoulder were all dented, and he was knocked out on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, six black balls flew back to Tong Xueer.

"Liuhe Hunyuan Pearl!"

Seeing the black ball fly away from Tiger, Tian Hui and other Xuanwu Yu people were all happy in their eyes.

The Liuhe Hunyuan Pearl was a sealed sacred artifact given to Tong Xueer by the higher authorities five years ago.

Five extremely heavy and heavy fifth-level materials of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were smelted in it. Because they were too heavy, they were divided into six pieces, reaching the limit that the bead and space could barely bear.

The power of one bead is far stronger than the five mountains!

Even if you don't use the ordinary Burning Sun, you may not even be able to pick it up.

When Tong Xueer's true form is liberated, she can control all six Hunyuan Pearls.

At this moment, Tong Xueer thought, and the six Hunyuan beads were divided into two halves.

Three of them continued to suppress Tiger, while the other three hit the three Tiszas in mid-air!

Carly and Bob both had stern expressions on their faces.

Hunyuanzhu is hard for even Tiger to handle, not to mention others.

Carly immediately put her left hand on her chest and shouted: "The moaning stream of the sea!"

Along with the tumbling, whirlpool-like sea currents, Kali turned into a sexy and beautiful Naga mermaid in an instant.

Naga's body was covered with water, blurred slightly and then divided into three parts, and she opened her hands towards the three Hunyuan Pearls.

"Kraken Shield!"

The sea water surged beneath him, rising into the sky like a torrent and converging between the hands of the three Naga mermaids, turning into a constantly rotating water vortex shield!

"Bang bang bang!"

The Hunyuan Pearl hit the water vortex shield, but it was as if it was stuck in a quagmire, and the huge force was constantly being removed from it.

The three Kali were all clenching their teeth and their bodies were trembling!

Obviously, even if true form liberation is launched, it is quite difficult for Carly to block the attack of Hunyuan Pearl!

After a while, the three Hunyuan Pearls ran out of power and flew back immediately.

Carly secretly breathed a sigh of relief, her face turned a little pale.

"Carly, I'm so lucky to meet you." Behind Carly, Tisa spoke calmly.

"No...you're welcome, that's too great of you, it's my honor!"

Although Tisa was expressionless when she spoke, Carly was still flattered!

After all, Tisza comes from the Dilans family among the five major families. Before joining the Secret Society of Truth, he was already a famous super master among the five major families.

And Bob next to him is the butler of Dylans who has been following Tisza.

"Can you relieve yourself?"

Ahead, Tong Xueer took back three Hunyuan Pearls and frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, the other party's True Form Liberation actually had such power, and even the attacks of three Hunyuan Pearls were caught by him.


But with a flash of light, a blue sea dragon rose into the sky from the sea water, jumped up to the backs of the three Tisza people, opened its huge mouth and bit them!

The man inside the water dragon was none other than Shi Cheng, who was knocked into the water by Tiger from the very beginning!

"Sea Dragon's Bite!" Shi Cheng shouted violently.

Carly was shocked. She had mobilized the water star power before, but she didn't realize that Shicheng was hidden in the sea water.

And at this moment, another cross of holy light suddenly lit up!

But Bob turned into a burly lion man with a bare chest and silver hair. He turned around and waved his claws to block the water dragon's mouth with a "clang" sound.

The cold light was piercing, and the terrifying ice element rushed to the water dragon's body, starting from the beginning and quickly spreading towards the ice of the stone city inside.

Shi Cheng's expression condensed and he got out of the sea dragon without hesitation!

In just one or two breaths, the sea dragon turned into a silver ice sculpture.

"Freeze and tear, torture of severe cold!"

Bob grabbed it with his hands, and the frozen giant sea dragon seemed to be torn into pieces by invisible claws, and turned into countless ice cubes and exploded on the spot!

Bob looked at Shicheng and wanted to take action.

Shicheng fell directly into the sea, covered his body again and disappeared.

Tong Xueer wanted to control the Hunyuan Pearl to hit Bob and the others again, but at this time, a slightly angry roar came from Tiger, who was being forced back by the other three Hunyuan Pearls.

I saw that the muscles outside Tiger's body expanded, and his already strong body became bigger again, and several thick and protruding bones grew out of Tiger's body, making it even more ferocious and terrifying!

"It really hurts...!"

The swollen Tiger roared angrily, raised his fist and hit the Hunyuan Pearl again. This time, he actually knocked three Hunyuan Pearls away!

"Come again!"

Before it stopped, Tiger stepped on the sea and punched the sea with both fists.

Suddenly, the sea water shook violently, and a large column of water rushed up and hit Tong Xueer.

Tong Xueer's heart condensed, and she had no time to take care of Tisa and the others. She immediately raised her hand to form a seal, and the surging dark spiritual light gathered and turned into a constantly rotating octagonal shield.

"The Earth's Wheel!"

"Dong dong dong...!"

The Wheel of the Earth is a legendary skill, and it can also inherit part of Tong Xueer's ability to lift light and easy, and its defense is amazing!

However, at this moment, facing the water jets thrown by Tiger, he was trembling continuously!

"Hit cattle across the mountain!"

Tong Xueer's heart froze, and she suddenly understood that Tiger could transfer his terrifying power through the medium.

But in the blink of an eye, Tiger had rushed forward and punched the Earth's Wheel.

"Break it open!!"


The Wheel of Earth's Spin collapsed on the spot under the iron fist after only a brief stalemate, and this punch continued to fall towards Tong Xue'er behind!

However, Tiger's pupils shrank,

But after turning on the Earth Wheel, the six Hunyuan Pearls outside Tong Xueer's body had turned into dark and deep thorns.

"Local Five Elements, Hunyuan Sky Piercer!"


Although Tiger's own defense is not weak, it is not enough to prevent the attack of the sealed holy weapon controlled by Tong Xueer.

Six black thorns pierced Tiger's body in an instant, leaving six bloody holes.

But the strange thing is that these six black thorns seem to have lost their accuracy, and none of them can hit the key point!

"This is……?"

Tong Xueer's pupils narrowed slightly and she immediately looked into the distance.

I saw a flash of light flowing in Tisa's eyes, and an invisible energy was constantly being sent to Tiger...it was just luck!

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