Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 937 Two Enemies (2)


Before Tong Xueer could think about it, Tiger suddenly shouted loudly, and a dense aura suddenly shot up from outside his body like smoke.

Being hit, injured, angry... Tiger's eyes glowed with a strong scarlet light, and his body expanded again and he swatted at Tong Xueer!

Tong Xueer's eyes narrowed slightly, and she immediately greeted him with a fist.

However, the fists clashed, and this time, Tong Xueer was knocked back on the spot!

"This power is stronger than before!"

Tong Xueer's eyes fell on Tiger's hot and violent red eyes, and her expression changed slightly.

But before Tong Xue'er could stabilize her body, Tiger flicked his tail, and his long and strong tail suddenly stretched like rubber and shot towards Tong Xue'er.

Although Tong Xueer was frightened, she wanted to break it open with her fist.

But there seemed to be an inexplicable force. Tong Xueer was in a daze, and the punch was nimbly avoided by Changwei!

"Huh?" Tong Xueer's pupils shrank suddenly.

And Tiger grinned, knowing that it was Tisa's lucky power, his strong tail immediately wrapped around Tong Xueer and quickly contracted to pull her back!

"Smelly girl, I'll smash you into a meat pie!"

Tiger's eyes flashed with fierceness, he shouted violently, opened his hands like millstones, and threw them at Tong Xueer who was dragged to him!


The air waves exploded, the void trembled, and dark space cracks appeared in a circle of space around the two of them.

Tong Xueer's body suddenly appeared with large cracks like a porcelain doll.

In the distance, Tisa, who had been staring at the battlefield, suddenly noticed a strong "misfortune" hanging over Tiger.

Tisa's expression changed slightly. It was too late to remind Tiger. As he raised his hand, the phantom of the scale appeared behind him, and a lot of luck poured towards him.

Almost at the same time, among the Liuhe Hunyuan beads that were constantly rotating in the distance, one of the black beads turned into Tong Xueer as the brilliance circulated!

Tong Xueer, who was hit by Tiger's fists, suddenly collapsed and turned into a dark, violently trembling Hunyuan Pearl!

The ferocious grin on Tiger's lips paused for a moment, and then he felt a terrifying and strong sense of crisis well up in his heart. He immediately crossed his arms in front of him and tried to retreat!

Tong Xueer sneered and made a seal in her hand: "Hunyuan collapses!"


The Hunyuan Pearl in front of Tiger trembled violently, and the deep black light on it was like a black hole that suddenly expanded, wrapping him inside in the blink of an eye.

A large space collapsed and collapsed, and the entire field was trembling!

"Lord Tiger!"

Both Bob and Carly looked shocked. Is this the true king of the Tiantian Division?

Such a terrifying blow would make one's scalp numb, and it would be impossible for him to survive!

Tong Xueer's face turned pale, and she also looked intently into the black light.

Hunyuan Collapse is a skill used by Tong Xueer with the help of her extremely heavy Liuhe Hunyuan Pearl.

Combined with the power of the Hunyuan Pearl itself and its ability to change its weight, the weight of the Hunyuan Pearl can be infinitely raised and released in an instant.

It continuously creates extremely terrifying and huge impacts within a certain range, crushing everything inside into powder. The power is beyond the reach of magical powers!

However, this technique consumes a lot of energy and requires preparation in advance.

And long before the battle started, Tong Xueer had already secretly condensed this technique in one of the Hunyuan Pearls.

The purpose is now the counterattack of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi + Hunyuan Beng!

Not long after, the aura gradually dissipated, and Tiger's figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

His arms and chest were covered in blood and flesh, and he looked extremely miserable, but his aura had not weakened much.

"How can it be!"

Tian Hui and Shi Cheng were both extremely surprised. They were very aware of the intensity of Tong Xueer's attack.

Not to mention one Three-Yang Realm, even several Three-Yang Realm's simultaneous defense and resistance would be extremely difficult to stop. With just one breath, they would be crushed into flesh and blood by the raging power of Hunyuan!

But Tiger managed to survive without being seriously injured.

Tong Xueer looked up and immediately saw the scale of God tilting towards Tiger behind Tissa!

"It's indeed him!"

Tong Xueer's expression darkened. She didn't expect that Tisza's auxiliary ability was so strong that Tiger, who was attacked by Hunyuan Beng, could only suffer such injuries.

"We must deal with him first!" Tong Xueer realized that it would be impossible to violently kill Tiger without dealing with Tisa.

But at this moment, an astonishing fluctuation suddenly came from the field.

Tiger's eyes were scarlet, and his body was covered with flesh sprouts and bones. In just a moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, he transformed into a ferocious humanoid tyrannosaurus, which was already twice the size of an ordinary person. The point is reached!


The terrifying pressure of star power swayed away, and even the sea water was forced to sink suddenly!

"Where...are you looking!!"

Tiger slowly raised his head and his red eyes fell on Tong Xueer.

Tong Xueer felt as if she was being stared at by a ferocious beast. The next moment, the air shook violently, and Tiger rushed forward at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"This speed?!"

Tong Xueer's pupils shrank suddenly, and she immediately controlled the Hunyuan Pearl to block her body.

However, there was a loud bang, and Tong Xueer was knocked out together with the Hunyuan Pearl!

Tong Xueer formed seals at high speed, the star power surged, and the octagonal Earth Roulette quickly condensed in front of her.

"The Wheel of the Earth...!"


Before the Earth's Wheel was completely condensed, it was directly smashed to pieces by Tiger's huge, bone-shattering fist!

Seeing the humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex that easily broke through the Earth's Wheel, Tong Xueer couldn't help but be shocked.

Tong Xueer raised the strength of her right fist with all her strength, and punched forward to meet him.

But at this moment, Tiger's strength was too strong, and it had exceeded the limit that the Burning Sun level could reach.

The fists clashed, and Tong Xueer groaned, and was knocked back dozens of steps on the spot. Blood seeped out from her arms, and her entire long sleeve was torn to pieces in an instant by Yu Jin!

"Tiger, you have basically reached your complete body." Seeing this scene, Tissa nodded slightly.

As long as he is angry when attacked, Tiger's power can be infinitely enhanced.

Moreover, not only its terrifying power, but also the entire physical body will be greatly improved!

In this process, I just need to ensure that he doesn't die.

And now, Tiger has entered the "furious" state of the "Humanoid Tyrannosaurus". Under normal circumstances, it is enough to sweep away 99% of the opponents...

"Rock Dragon Spear!!"

Just as Tiger was about to continue rushing towards Tong Xueer, four powerful dragon-shaped rock spears shot out and pierced Tiger in an instant!

But it was Tian Hui on the other side who stopped him.

Not just Tian Hui, but also Ice Sky Cover, Angry Tornado... various methods were used by the masters of Xuanwu Yu.

According to Tong Xueer's instructions, everyone had been watching Tisa and the others and did not act rashly.

However, Tisa didn't seem to have the intention to take action directly. Now that Tong Xueer was in danger, everyone used their skills to help resist Tiger.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Rock, ice, water... various powerful and powerful skills hit Tiger one after another, causing a roaring sound.

However, when the aura dissipated, there were no critical injuries on Tiger's body except for some flesh wounds.

On the contrary, Tiger's eyes flashed red, an increasingly ferocious aura came out of his body, and his terrifying power level continued to rise!


Tiger swung his fist to break the ice canopy above his head, then held the dragon-shaped rock gun on his body, crushed it one by one with a little force, and threw it directly to the Xuanwu Yu people in the distance.

"Fuck them all!"

Rock dragon broken spears flew out one after another, and their power was even stronger than what Tian Hui had just fired!


Several people high up in the sky were startled and quickly launched a defense, but were blown away by the huge force and injured on the spot.

As soon as Tiger raised his head, he looked at Tian Hui in front of him. In a flash, he turned into a black shadow and rushed forward!

Tian Hui instantly felt that every hair on his body stood on end, and even his breathing was a little sluggish.

At this moment, a huge black shadow appeared on the sea below him.

Then, a white whale was seen leaping high from the sea and swallowed Tiger who was rushing towards Tian Hui in one mouthful!

In just a moment, the white whale fell into the sea and swam towards the depths of the sea, disappearing from everyone's sight little by little.

"Shi Cixi's Whale Falling Technique!"

Everyone's eyes were filled with joy. This technique was extremely mysterious and could ultimately banish the person who swallowed it into the boundless sea with no way out, making it difficult to find a way out.

But Tong Xueer, who had regained her breath, looked at this scene and felt something bad in her heart.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the deep sea, and the entire sea surface shook violently.

"What's going on!" Everyone in Xuanwu Yu looked at the sea, and their expressions changed.

"Dong dong dong...!"

The sound continued, the sea surface shook violently, and endless water waves surged up!

Suddenly, the bad feeling in Tong Xueer's heart became stronger, and Tian Hui and other Xuanwu Yu masters also realized that something was wrong.

And soon, the vibration and sound stopped, and a large area of ​​blood-red color continued to emerge from the place where the beluga fell, dyeing a large area of ​​​​the sea water red in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on!" Everyone was horrified.

Then, the ferocious Tiger slowly emerged from the sea of ​​blood, and finally stepped on the red sea.

And in his hands as big as a millstone, he was holding a bloody human figure.

"Shi Cixi?!"

The expressions of everyone in Xuanwu Yu changed drastically.

A cruel and exciting smile appeared on Tiger's lips, and with a little force, he crushed Shi Cheng's head!

Tong Xueer's pupils shrank, and then her expression darkened to the extreme!

But Tiger killed one person first, and an increasingly shocking look of cruelty rose in his scarlet eyes.

"You all have to die!!"

Tiger smiled ferociously, stepped on the turmoil of the sea, and his whole body suddenly rose into the sky again like a cannonball.

But just as Tiger flew into the air, there was a loud "bang", and a small, dark fist fell from the sky and slammed into Tiger's shoulder!

But I saw that most of Tong Xueer's skin, including her right hand, was covered with obsidian-like crystals, and the limit of weight changes was greatly increased!

Tiger only felt a far greater power than before coming from Tong Xueer's hand, and a large amount of blood burst out on his shoulder.

"Whoever dares to kill me!!"

Tong Xueer's eyes were bloodshot and her murderous intent surged. The sound of "click" kept coming, and more of her fair skin turned into black crystals visibly to the naked eye. Even her left eye was completely crystallized.

But Tiger's pupils shrank, and he could feel that the power on Tong Xueer's fist was still increasing at an alarming speed!


Tong Xueer shouted loudly and punched Tiger directly into the sea!

Then he stepped on the air with one step, rushed into the water, made a fist with his palms, and punched Tiger on the chest...


The four seas collapsed, and endless waves rose into the sky.

And Tiger was suddenly hit and fell into the seabed thousands of meters deep!

Chapter 2 will come later...

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