Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 938 Two Enemies (Three)


Tiger was thrown into the bottom of the sea. He vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot and tried to stand up.

But at this time, a dark stone pillar as thick as a bowl fell down to press on his abdomen, which was the Hunyuan Pearl.

In an instant, an astonishing force came from the stone pillar, making it difficult for Tiger to get up.

Tiger raised his hand to pull out the stone pillar.

However, several stone pillars fell one after another, directly pressing down on Tiger's limbs and chest.

"Liuhe Curse, Demon Suppressing Pillar!"

Tong Xueer formed a seal with her hands, and the black light on the six black pillars connected with each other, immediately pressing Tiger tightly underneath.

"Damn it!"

Tiger struggled wildly, but couldn't break free at all!

Not to mention the ordinary Three Yang Realm, with the Liuhe Curse cast by Tong Xueer in her current state, even the three Yang poles cannot easily escape!

After sealing Tiger in one fell swoop, Tong Xueer no longer cared about him, but her body suddenly broke through the sea and soared back into the sky!

It's not that Tong Xueer didn't want to kill Tiger in one fell swoop, but Hunyuan Bengjie couldn't kill Tiger even with all his hits, which caused him to continue to become stronger.

Even though more than half of the "Earth Marrow Demonic Body" is activated now, he is not completely sure of killing them in one fell swoop.

The safest way is to restrain Tiger and kill Tisa who has been assisting him first!

Tong Xueer's eyes condensed and she rushed towards Tisa!

Bob and Carly saw this and immediately flew forward to try to resist.

"True Lord, leave it to us!"

Without the need for Tong Xueer to take action, Tian Hui had already led several masters from Xuanwu Yu to launch an offensive to contain the two Bobs.

But in just a blink of an eye, Tong Xueer rushed to Tisa and punched him.

Tissa pulled out the cross sword to block, but Tong Xueer's body and the sword were lifted by Tong Xue'er as if they were heavy, and they flew away due to the terrifying force!

Just kidding, even Tiger can't stop Tong Xue'er in her true form at this moment, let alone Tissa who has a huge difference in strength?

Tong Xueer's eyes were full of coldness, and she chased after him without stopping. She moved her hands together and punched him one after another.

"Bang bang bang... bang!"

The air exploded, and Tissa's horizontal sword was blown out again, dragging out a neighing white air.

But Tong Xueer stopped where she was and frowned.

Although Tissa was constantly being repelled, there was no injury at all on his body!

His fist clearly hit the target, but it was as ineffective as hitting a ball of cotton.

Tong Xueer's eyes condensed slightly: "Can't you break through his magical power?"

Tong Xueer understood that this was because Tisa could not break through the power of luck, so she could not cause harm to him.

Tissa's lucky power can even greatly weaken Tiger's injuries, let alone using it on himself?

After thinking for a while, Tong Xueer immediately retreated and flew high into the sky. In this case, she could only use a more powerful attack.

Although the Liuhe Hunyuan Pearl is used to seal Tiger, Tong Xueer still has other magical powers!

Tong Xueer formed seals with her hands at high speed, and the rock elements surged high in the sky, and then suddenly expanded, reflecting thousands of mountains and valleys in the sky!

Looking at it like this, it is simply blocking out the sky and the sun, and even the limit of the field of vision cannot be seen!

"Yuanci·Thousand Mountain Pendant!"

The seal in Tong Xueer's hand changed again, and the elements of the high-altitude rock surged, turning hundreds of times, transforming into ten... ten merged into one!

Until finally, it turned into the only majestic and majestic mountain that exudes a strong magnetic field!

As Tong Xueer thought, black light suddenly circulated on this majestic mountain, and a force that was as light as heavy was exerted on it. The mountain, which was already a thousand mountains in one, was so heavy that it suddenly crushed the ten-mile void and shook it!

Tong Xueer can lift light weights and use her abilities to greatly increase the weight and strength of foreign objects.

However, foreign objects, even the Hunyuan Pearl, have their own power limits that they can withstand, so they were divided into six.

So usually, the larger the object, the better it can bring out Tong Xueer's strength!

At this moment, even if there is no Hunyuan Pearl, the magical power of Qianshan Falling + Tong Xueer's true liberation... the power of this mountain is even higher than the Hunyuan Pearl!


Tong Xueer shouted, and the mountain suddenly fell towards Tisa below.

Tissa still stayed where he was, watching the black light in the sky flowing layer by layer and crushing the mountains of the void.

It's not that he doesn't want to avoid it, but that the terrifying power of magnetism is all concentrated on Tissa, making it difficult for him to move even an inch!

The power of this thousand mountains has exceeded the limit that Tisza can withstand due to his own luck. I am afraid that only Tiger can resist it!

For a moment, Tisza felt the terrifying pressure falling from the sky, but...

It’s just pressure!

Tisa's expression remained normal and she whispered to herself: "The luck given by God makes me invincible..."

Intense and mysterious fluctuations of holy light suddenly rushed out of Tisa's body.

In the holy light, two completely different wings, black and white, stretched out from behind Tisa.

And what connects the two wings in the middle is not Tisza's back, but a circle of light with flashing runes!

At the moment when the mountain was about to collapse, Tisza stretched out his hand somewhere ahead...


The mountain crashed down on Tisza and plummeted downwards.

But just when the mountain was about to fall to the sea, countless cracks emerged from the mountain.

Then...accompanied by the bright holy light, the entire Yuanci Mountain, a thousand mountains united into one, turned into countless rubbles and exploded!

Such a huge movement immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone stared at the bottom of the mountain until the aura and gravel dissipated, and finally Tisa's figure was revealed.

I saw Tisa standing above the sea, with her black and white wings spread out, and her lucky halo lighting up.

Bathed in the divine radiance, there was no sign of any injuries on his body... He really looked like the son of a god!

Tong Xueer's pupils shrank, and everyone in Xuanwu Yu looked at Tisa in shock.

Under such a blow from Tong Xueer, the opponent was still unscathed!

"Mr. Bob?!"

Suddenly, Carly from high in the sky exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and saw many various wounds suddenly appearing on Bob's body.

Some hit directly in the face, some penetrated the chest, and some penetrated the waist and abdomen...

Some are fatal, some are serious, and some are innocuous...

With the appearance of these wounds, the breath of life in Bob's body has dropped to as weak as a candlelight!

Because these various wounds should have appeared on Bob's body a long time ago, it was precisely because of the protection of Tissa's lucky power that these injuries were avoided.

But now, all this luck has been taken back by Tissa.


Bob spoke in a dry voice. There was no anger or fear in his eyes, but only admiration and regret.

It can be seen from the wounds on his chest and face that without Tisza's luck, Bob would have died long ago.

Bob knew very well that it was Tisa who saved him.

As for the arrival of this day, Bob has already been prepared.

Tissa walked step by step from the sea to mid-air: "Thank you for your hard work, Bob."

"it's my honour……"

As soon as Bob finished speaking, he completely lost his breath and fell into the deep sea.

At the same time, the lucky halo between the wings behind Tisza emitted an even brighter and mysterious brilliance!

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