Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 939 Two Enemies (4)

"What kind of ability is this!"

Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, Tisza even killed one of his own people!

Tisa waved the cross sword and rushed towards Tong Xueer in a flash.

Tong Xueer frowned, Tisa's ability was really weird and she hadn't understood it yet.

To be on the safe side, Tong Xueer opened her hands, and the surging power of Saturn gathered and started the Earth's Wheel again.

But behind Tissa, the black wings glowed slightly as the aperture circulated.

Tissa struck out with his sword, and golden sword light suddenly shot up into the sky.

But the hard Earth Wheel was split into two halves on the spot with one sword strike!

Instantly blood splashed, and an arm covered with black crystal gravel suddenly flew up...

Tian Hui, Xuanwu Yu and others all looked blank and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"True Lord?!"

But they saw that Tong Xueer's right arm, whose sleeve had been shattered by Tiger earlier, was now cut off by Tisa's sword!

Tong Xueer's pupils were trembling, and she couldn't help but feel a little absent-minded.

This was the first time in my life that I had an arm cut off!

It stands to reason that with the defense of the Earth Marrow Demon Body now deployed, it has surpassed that of the top epic star weapons. How can he still get his arm cut off? !

"Under the shroud of misfortune, everything will become extremely fragile..." Tisa said calmly, and slashed with another sword while turning his hand.

Tong Xueer quickly came to her senses. At this moment, the Hunyuan Pearl was used as a seal. She quickly deployed her star power to resist and retreated.

As for Tisza, who made a successful attack with one blow, he naturally refused to give in. He swung his cross sword and kept attacking at close range.

Seeing this, Tian Hui, who was high up in the sky, was extremely panicked, and quickly deployed the gods and ghosts to escape into the void to prepare for help.

But after Carly's expression changed, she quickly made a decision.

Kali opened her hands, and the majestic water element rushed away from her Naga Mermaid body.

"With me as the boundary, the sea and the sky are the same!"

In an instant, it was as if the world had turned ninety degrees upside down, and endless sea water was rushing towards Kali, Tian Hui and many other Xuanwu Royal Envoys.

The sky and sea, which were originally divided up and down, now seemed to be divided into left and right sides.

The sea level dropped rapidly on the left, while the entire thousand-foot-high space on the right was filled with sea water, submerging Tian Hui and everyone else.

"What amazing star power and control!"

Tian Hui, who was invisible and invisible, and other Xuanwu Yu masters were all frightened, and were restrained here by the strong power of sea water.

For a moment, Carly restrained everyone with one person's power, preventing anyone from helping Tong Xueer.

In the distance, Tong Xueer, who only had her left hand left, retreated while continuously deploying rock and earth spells to attack Tisa.

But these attacks were either avoided by Tissa, chopped into pieces, or... were completely blocked by his weird abilities!

Moreover, even if you put aside that weird ability, Tisza's own strength is extremely powerful!

But with a flash of cross sword light, Tong Xueer narrowly dodged past, and the sea water hundreds of feet below was cut off!

Whether it's star power, swordsmanship or combat prowess, Tisza has no flaws at all, as if he is a perfect person.

And it is precisely because of this that he can attract the followers of noble masters such as Arman.

Tong Xueer was first consumed a lot by Tiger, and then used the Qianshan Pendant, but one of her arms was cut off by Tisa, who was liberated by her true form...

At this moment, he was being chased by Tisa again and again, and it didn't take long for him to fall into a precarious situation.

Tong Xueer's thoughts were racing, procrastinating like this was not an option.

And as long as Tissa can be solved, Tiger, who is blocked by the Hunyuanzhu Town below, can also be solved!

After thinking like this, Tong Xueer's eyes froze, and the rock elements surged from her body. She shrank to an inch and appeared high in the sky.

"Earth Marrow Demonic Body, 100%!"

"Crack, click, click...!"

The black crystals that had covered more than half of Tong Xueer's body spread again, but after a while, the broken black crystals were all over Tong Xueer's body.

Tong Xueer's eyes were bloodshot, her skin and flesh were cracked and blood was flowing all over her body, as if she had endured a huge load.

But at the same time, the power of the soul increased again!

Seeing Tisa chasing after her again, Tong Xueer raised her hand and pointed: "The Earth's Wheel!"

The rock elements surged wildly and instantly turned into a high-speed rotating octagonal roulette wheel.

Tisa's eyes were slightly cold, and his black wings lit up slightly. The unfortunate force fell on the cross sword and he was about to cut it off with one strike!

But before the cross sword could fall, the octagonal Earth Wheel separated by itself and turned into eight triangular earth cones, and suddenly shot at Tisza!

The seal in Tong Xueer's hand changed, and she said in a deep voice: "The Wheel of the Earth's Spin: Eight Extremes Binding!"

In an instant, the runes of "Qian", "Kun", "Zhen", "Xun", "Kan", "Li", "Gen" and "Dui" appeared on each of the eight triangular cones.


Tissa frowned slightly, feeling an astonishing sealing power locking her movements, making it difficult to move even an inch!

Even without the demon-suppressing pillar seal of the Liuhe Hunyuan Pearl, Tong Xueer, as the Xuanwu True Monarch, is also an expert in guarding and sealing techniques!

In addition to defense, the furnace-level Earthquake Wheel also has a sealing effect!

Tisa was quite surprised: "Compared to offense and defense, sealing is indeed a relatively effective method for me... However, it is only 'relative'."

With a thought in Tisa's mind, the lucky light wheel circulated, and the white wings shone brightly.

The eight triangular ground cones that originally restrained Tisza made "kack-kak-kak" sounds one after another, and all of them began to break apart!

Tong Xueer couldn't help but feel frightened again when she saw Tisa breaking away from the seal so quickly.

But...this little time is enough!

With her left hand remaining in a high-speed seal, Tong Xueer stared at Tisa closely, with a few strands of blood flowing down her big, round eyes.

"Yuanci... Thousand Mountains Fall!"

It’s still this move, falling from a thousand mountains.

But at this moment, it was the Thousand Mountain Fall that was being pushed with all its strength by the 100% Earth Marrow Demon!

Thousands of mountains and valleys reflected the entire sky, and then quickly gathered into a big mountain.

Tissa had already broken out of the seal of the Earth's Wheel, but immediately felt a terrifying force of magnetic energy falling on her body.

You don't need to look to know what's going on, because the sunlight above your head has long been blocked by the Yuanci Mountain.

Tissa's expression could not help but become a little more solemn, and then turned her head to look at Carly, who was restraining everyone in the distance.

The huge movement of Yuanci Qianshan falling naturally attracted the attention of Kali, Tian Hui and others.

At this moment, Carly met Tissa's gaze and immediately understood something. She only felt an extremely strong and creepy feeling in her heart!

"No, Lord Tisza, don't...!"

When Carly was frightened, she retreated violently, escaped into the sea water, and shot away in the distance.

However, the light wheel behind Tisza slowly circulated, and a mysterious wave spread out, as if there was an invisible force withdrawing from the distance.

And not long after, a sexy and graceful corpse floated up from the sea...it was Carly who was trying to leave!

When everyone in Xuanwu Yu saw this, they were all frightened.

The nimbus behind Tisza is now filled with aura, overflowing with divine brilliance, and full of wonderful power fluctuations!

Everything happened in a few breaths. The mountain of magnetism strengthened by 100% gravity of the earth marrow demon body fell downwards as Tong Xueer squeezed the seal.

Tisa's eyes froze, and the power of the lucky light wheel continued to flow towards the white wings. The strong holy light almost submerged Tisa's body.


After all, this was the full blow of Lord Xuanwu. Even if Tissa resisted with all his strength, he was still pressed downwards by the Yuanci Mountain!

After just one or two breaths, Tisa was already unable to resist the boundless power of the Yuanci Mountain that shook the world. The skin all over his body was chapped and blood overflowed!

"He can't block this blow!"

Everyone in Xuanwu Yu was overjoyed. Now that Tisa had sacrificed his last subordinate who was not weak, he was still forced into a desperate situation by Tong Zhenjun's trick!

Tong Xueer's eyes also lit up, and she raised her hand to form a seal again. As long as Tisa couldn't take the blow, she would kill him with all her strength...

At this moment, Tissa's voice suddenly came from under the Yuanci Mountain.

"You don't think that in order to counteract this move, I need to take away extra luck from Carly..."

The voice was so calm, so calm that Tong Xueer felt that she had thought something wrong.

And soon, Tong Xueer's pupils shrank suddenly, and she suddenly lowered her head and looked into the sea water!

"not good!"

The calm water suddenly became turbulent.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Black pillars rose into the sky.

Then the seawater shook violently, and a strong black shadow with a terrifying aura rushed out of the sea...

It was Tiger who was previously sealed by the Hunyuan Pearl!

At this moment, Tiger's eyes were filled with frightening red light, and his body was covered with strong muscles and huge bones. It was even more terrifying than before!

"Not good!" Tong Xueer recalled the six Hunyuan Pearls, her face suddenly darkened, and she suddenly understood.

That's right, Tisza's lucky power is not used to directly resist the attack of the Yuanci Qianshan Pendant, but is used to help Tiger break free from the seal of the Demon Suppressing Pillar and then help himself block this technique!

In fact, to break the Kaiyuan Magnetic Thousand Mountains Pendant, for Tissa, the luck he had recovered from Bob was enough...

The reason why we have to wipe out Carly and take back a lot of luck is to achieve multiple goals with one stone and help Tiger break free from the seal of Liuhe Spell and Demon Suppressing Pillar!

If it were a powerful demon-suppressing pillar seal, it would be extremely difficult for anyone below the king level to break free.

But once Tiger was sealed, his anger accumulated and his power continued to rise!

Secondly, Tong Xueer had used Hunyuan Beng once before, which resulted in one of the Hunyuan Pearls having insufficient power and leaving a flaw in the seal of the Demon Suppressing Pillar.

Although for ordinary battles, this flaw is nothing, after all, the strength of the seal is still extremely high.

But the third point... with Tisza's luck, this flaw was infinitely magnified!

Therefore, Tiger, whose strength continues to increase, successfully breaks through the seal of the Demon Suppressing Pillar.

At this moment, the "unfortunate" black wings behind Tisza lit up, and the power of the Wheel of Fortune was injected into the Yuanci Mountain with Tisza's left hand.

Tiger, who rushed out of the sea, had a fierce light in his eyes, and punched the bottom of Yuanci Mountain with all his strength from bottom to top!


Yuanci Mountain shook violently and stopped falling, causing the entire space in all directions to tremble.


Along with the sound of large pieces of shattering, countless cracks quickly appeared on Yuanci Mountain...

Then there was a loud "bang" sound, and the entire Yuanci Mountain exploded in front of everyone's eyes!

And among the smoke and rubble that filled the sky, two figures flew up.

Tisa, who is blessed by God, and Tiger, who is blessed by God, stand in the void, staring at Tong Xueer, who is white-faced, gasping for air, and has only one left hand.


Tong Xueer bit her lower lip, her expression darkened to the extreme...

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