Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 940 Reinforcements

"Tisa, I'm lucky to have you." Tiger's face was filled with a cruel smile, "This stinky girl actually sealed me."

Tissa looked at Tong Xue'er, whose body was covered with earth marrow magic crystals, and said slowly: "It's not easy for True Lord Xuanwu to force us both to liberate."

"It's really not easy..." Tiger grinned, raised his right hand and slapped the air, "Then kill her now, Zhenkong Jin!"

Tong Xueer, who was already paying attention, saw the air in front of her twisting slightly, and soon felt something. With a cold look on her face, she immediately raised her remaining left arm and struck forward.

The terrifying huge force was exerted on Tong Xue'er through the air, causing Tong Xue'er to take half a step back.

"You can actually transfer power with the help of air!" Tong Xueer felt a little shocked.

That's right, Tiger was able to "beat a cow across a mountain" before, using liquid seawater to convey his terrifying power.

But at this moment... Tiger can even use the air directly to exert his huge strength!

Although the power is slightly less than a direct attack, it is undoubtedly much more terrifying than an ordinary star power attack.

On the other hand, Tong Xueer, even if the Earth Marrow Demonic Crystal was 100% covered, after using Yuan Magnetic Thousand Mountain Pendant again, the consumption of her whole body was already quite terrifying.

Tiger's eyes were filled with fierce flames, and his fists were swinging rapidly and hitting the air. The terrifying force was transmitted in front of Tong Xue'er through the air, causing Tong Xue'er to retreat repeatedly!

Under such an offensive, wisps of blood still seeped out from the skin covered by Tong Xueer's earth marrow magic crystal.

"Hurry and help Zhenjun!"

Seeing that the situation took a turn for the worse, everyone in Xuanwu Yu launched attacks one after another.

"The angry waves of the sea!"

"Ice Chi Nine Pillars Binding!"


"A bunch of minions are really looking for death!" Tiger laughed evilly and punched out his fists in the air, causing the waves to crack and the icicles to explode...

With one force, ten will be defeated. In the face of the pure and domineering power, many exquisite and complex skills and moves were crushed to pieces!

Then Tiger laughed ferociously, raised his hands, and looked at the Xuanwu Yu people in mid-air.

"Zhenkong·Hundred Flowers!"

Tong Xueer had just stabilized her figure. Seeing this, her expression changed and she quickly shouted: "Be careful!"

After Tiger's punches were so fast that they were blurry, the space in front of him was violently distorted, and then hundreds of invisible punches were shot towards the Xuanwu Yu people in the distance in the air!

Everyone in Xuanwuyu also knew that their opponent was strong, so they retreated and deployed various defensive skills.

In the blink of an eye, numerous fists like small cannonballs hit everyone's defenses in the air.

"Bang bang bang...!"

A dense rain of explosions sounded, and no matter what kind of defense it was, it was destroyed almost in the blink of an eye.

The aura exploded and blood mist spread everywhere. Three Xuanwu Yu masters were immediately injured, and one of them was even knocked directly to the sea, seriously injured and on the verge of death!

Among the crowd, only Tian Hui, who unfolded the Eight Desolations Xuan Crystal Screen, completely blocked it.

"It's you again...can you stop me!"

When Tiger saw that it was Tian Hui, the fierceness in his eyes suddenly surged, and the veins in his right hand popped out.

"Tiger Killing Fist!"

The force penetrated the air with such ferocity that it shattered the Eight Desolate Xuan Crystal Screen on the spot with a "bang"!

"Tiger, deal with True Lord Xuanwu first."

Behind him, Tissa's cold words came, which made the tyrannical Tiger sober up a little.

Tiger roared angrily and rushed towards Tong Xueer again.

However, Tian Hui had no intention of retreating. She swayed and landed on the water. The seal in her hand lit up and she pressed her hands on the sea: "Misty Mist!"

As the third seat of the Xuanwu Emperor, although Tian Hui is not as powerful as Tong Xueer and Shi Cheng, she is proficient in both earth and water.

At this moment, a vast body of star power poured into the sea water from Tian Hui's hands without reservation.

The entire sea surface shook slightly, but in the blink of an eye, large areas of mist rose up, turning into endless and vast white mist on the sea!


After Tiger rushed in, his powerful punch hit nothing.

Because Tong Xueer had already been moved away from the place by Tian Hui.

The misty fog will not only obscure the line of sight, but also greatly weaken other kinds of perception, including spiritual perception.

This technique does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. It not only restrains the enemy, but also restricts one's own side, so Tian Hui did not use it casually just now.

However, Tong Xueer was almost exhausted now with one against two, and the other Xuanwu Yu masters were unable to play any role in the face of these two knights of truth, so Tian Hui didn't have to worry so much.

With the blessing of a huge amount of sea water, the effect of misty mist is far better than usual!

"Where are you hiding?"

Tiger was already extremely violent, but at this moment his perception was limited, and he suddenly ran rampant in the field like an angry tyrannosaurus!

However, in the vast white fog, no trace of Tian Hui and Tong Xueer could be found. Instead, they were restrained by the water guns and water snakes that Tian Hui kept releasing.

While Tian Hui was hiding in the white mist, she continued to build up momentum by making seals with her hands, preparing to launch more powerful spells to buy more time for Tong Xueer.

At this moment, Tisa, who had been silent since being shrouded in white mist, suddenly swung his cross sword and struck down.

The sword light burst out, tearing apart the white mist and slashing directly to somewhere, and unexpectedly found Tong Xueer's location accurately!

Although Tong Xueer was frightened, she immediately controlled the Hunyuan Pearl to hit Jian Guang.

Although he successfully shattered Tissa's sword light, his position was also exposed.

Tiger grinned, took one step forward and rushed towards Tong Xueer like a cannonball!

Tong Xueer could only muster her strength to fight with her fists.


The terrifying power exploded from between the two of them, and it was covered in white mist, but it was still sticky.

Tong Xueer's face turned pale. Before Tiger could continue his pursuit, Tian Hui pulled Tong Xueer away again.

"You can't evade like this, my Earth Essence Demonic Body won't last long!" Tong Xueer said in a deep voice, the bloodshot eyes in her eyes almost dyed her eyes red.

After the Earth Marrow Demonic Body is opened to more than 50%, it will be under unimaginable pressure.

This pressure not only comes from the physical body, but also from the spirit.

Changes in severity rely on the ability of mental power.

Tian Hui's eyes were full of worry: "But your current state..."

Tong Xueer said solemnly: "Tisa has weird abilities. Sooner or later he will catch us. We must take the initiative. Tian Hui, please show me the direction!"

As he said that, Tong Xueer's body was shaken, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared into the white mist... It was the invisible ghosts and ghosts!

"Okay, True Lord!" Tian Hui also unfolded the invisible ghosts.

Tisa, who had a feeling in his heart and was about to find Tong Xueer's location again, raised his eyebrows, but suddenly lost his sense.

"More advanced concealment methods?"

Although they didn't know what it was exactly, there was no doubt that the two of them used a more powerful concealment method above the misty white mist, which caused them to lose their target.

Tisa narrowed her eyes slightly, and the wheel of fortune behind her became brighter, trying her best to sense Tong Xueer's position.

Unlike Tisa, Tiger stood on the spot and fired out bursts of explosive force regardless of consumption!

"Bang bang bang...!"

The sea water cracked in all directions, and the white mist stirred.

But with such an attack, it would be difficult to find the invisible Tong Xueer for a while.

"Do you think hiding like this will work...!" Tiger shouted loudly.

At this moment, Tong Xueer suddenly appeared somewhere behind Tisa, holding a black gun made of Hunyuan Pearl in her left hand.

The black light from the gun body flows, and the surrounding void is like glass that breaks when touched!

"Return to dust and annihilate attack!"

Blood flowed from the corners of Tong Xueer's eyes. This attack was done with all her strength. As long as it hits the opponent, she can use the power of returning to dust to turn the entire target into dust in one breath!

With the white mist blocking it, the shot directly hit Tisa's body.

But before Tong Xueer could be happy, a calm voice came from the side.

"Sure enough, he took action against me..."

Another Tisa suddenly appeared behind Tong Xueer from the virtual reality... also invisible!

Tian Hui, who was controlling Baiwu, suddenly exclaimed: "Be careful behind you!"


Tisa in front of Tong Xueer suddenly turned into a spiritual light and disappeared.

"Light clone!" Tong Xueer's pupils shrank suddenly, and without looking back, she launched an invisible ghost and dashed forward to dodge without hesitation!

When Tisa saw Tong Xueer running forward, he raised the cross sword unhurriedly, and a smile appeared on his expressionless face.

"Killing my clone also caused 'misfortune' to me, so the next blow... you won't be able to dodge!"

The power of luck behind Tisa continued to pour into the black wings, his eyes were cold, and he suddenly slashed with his sword!

The sword light flew past suddenly, passing through the "misfortune" given to him by Tong Xue'er, and in a blink of an eye, it tore through the fog and accurately slashed at the invisible Tong Xue'er!

Tong Xueer already felt that this blow could not be avoided, so she immediately stopped and activated a few Hunyuan Pearls to block her...


The sword light passed by, blood splashed, and a long bloody wound suddenly appeared on Tong Xueer's chest!

"True King!" Tian Hui's expression changed drastically, and she immediately rushed forward to take Tong Xueer into the mist.

However, under the guidance of Tissa's sword light, and accompanied by a burst of sonic boom, the humanoid Tyrannosaurus-like Tiger has also rushed over!

Tong Xueer's face became paler, but her eyes became more determined. As she thought, the sound of crystals "clicking" sounded again on her body.

The earth marrow magic crystals that originally covered the whole body merged with each other to form a whole piece, and continued to petrify and penetrate into the body, actually turning into a "stone man".

"True Demon Body? True Lord...!"

Tian Hui was shocked and vaguely guessed that Tong Xueer was going to use the "Earth Essence True Demonic Body".

As the intensity of use of the Earth Marrow Demonic Body increases, the load will become larger and larger.

Once the true demon body is fully crystallized, it will bring an extraordinary overdraft of life.

Not only will your lifespan be greatly reduced, your entire person will fall into a state of exhaustion that is extremely difficult to recover from. Once you use it for too long, you may even turn into a stone and die on the spot!

This is a desperate move that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred.

It is said that so far, Tong Xueer has only used it once when she encountered a king-level star beast in an S-level high-risk secret realm forty years ago.

But fortunately, Tong Xueer also got the opportunity to replenish her body in that secret realm.

But now Tiger is charging forward unstoppably, and Tisa is in front of him. It is already a desperate situation, and it is no longer the time to hesitate.

"Earth Marrow Demon..."


At the critical moment, thunder exploded in the sky, and a purple and purple four-cornered thunder seal suddenly fell from the sky, hitting Tiger directly and forcing him into the sea!

Tisa frowned in the air and looked up into the distance.

Tian Hui and Tong Xueer also immediately raised their heads.

But he saw thunder flashing past, and two figures appeared next to him.

One of the men was tall and tall, with thunder and lightning roaring from his fingertips, which was the source of the thunder seal just now.

The other woman with short hair had a calm expression and looked quite reliable.

"Third seat Yang and second seat Jiang!" Tian Hui's eyes lit up and she was extremely surprised, "The reinforcements are here!"

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