Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 941 Arrive together

The man and woman who arrived were Yang Ming and Jiang Lan who had come all the way from the rain forest on the east side with the power of thunder!

When the two of them saw Tong Xueer with a broken arm, they were shocked.

"[Wheel of Fortune] and [Power]...!" Yang Ming looked at Tisza and the two with a solemn expression, but there was also a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

Jiang Lan quickly came to Tong Xueer's side, raised her hand to form a seal and released an advanced hydrotherapy technique.

"Tongzhen-kun, are you okay?"

However, Jiang Lan did not know the healing technique of regenerating a broken limb, and could only help Tong Xueer heal her wounds and restore some star power.

"It's no big deal, it's just the load of true form liberation."

Tong Xueer turned pale and shook her head. When she saw Yang Ming and the two coming over, she hesitated and stopped using the Earth Marrow True Demonic Body.

"Be careful, these two are very powerful..."

Before Tong Xueer could finish her words, waves surged, thunder splashed, and the purple and green four-cornered thunder seal that was pressed into the sea suddenly collapsed.

Yang Ming's expression changed slightly, and Tiger's huge, oppressive body rose into the sky from the radiating electric current, and his scarlet eyes fell on the newcomers Yang Ming and Jiang Lan.

"Oh, here are two more people looking for death!!"

Tiger's form was ferocious and his voice was like that of a ferocious beast. His powerful roar made Yang Ming and Jiang Lan feel their chests suffocate, and they immediately understood that the opponent was stronger than they thought!

"I thought there would be a true king, but it turned out that there were only two or three seats... This is far from enough!"

The look in Tiger's eyes became more ferocious and excited, while in mid-air, Tissa frowned slightly.

From just now, I felt vaguely that my luck was a little unstable.

Tisa looked at Yang Ming and Jiang Lan...could it be the reason for the two people in front of her?

"Then let me test your level!"

Tiger roared, bent his legs slightly, took one step in the air and suddenly rushed towards the people in front of him!

Yang Ming snorted coldly, raised his hand, purple and green thunder and lightning entangled, turned into a green dragon and purple tiger that were several feet long and rushed out.

But Tiger didn't shy away. The divine power in his body gathered on his fists and smashed directly into the Thunder Dragon Tiger!


The dragon roared and the tiger roared, and the purple and green dragon and tiger thunder exploded into a roaring and hissing thunder pool, instantly drowning Tiger.

"Hit!" Yang Ming's eyes lit up.

Tong Xueer, who was not far away, said in a serious voice: "It's not that simple!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark and ferocious figure rushed out from the purple and green thunder, it was Tiger.

Tiger still has a lot of destructive and violent electricity left in his body, and his body is bruised and bruised in many places...but that's all!

Yang Ming was slightly shocked: "He was only slightly injured!"

The purple and green four-way thunder seal and the roar of dragon and tiger were all easily blocked by the opponent.

It wasn't because of Tiger's defense and physical strength, but because of Tiger's terrifying power that shattered these thunder attacks.

"Be careful, he's coming!" Tian Hui warned in a low voice.

Because of the appearance of Yang Ming and others, Tian Hui temporarily dispersed the misty fog.

Jiang Lan's hands were filled with water: "Yuan Hui's flow!"

The turbulent water blocked the front like lingering streamers, but Tiger didn't even swing his fist, and suddenly knocked the Yuanhui current into splashing water.

Jiang Lan's pupils shrank and she hurried over. She didn't expect [Power] Tiger to be so terrifying!

Tong Xueer's expression was always heavy, knowing that even if Yang Ming and Jiang Lan arrived, the situation would still not be optimistic.

If the two of them had come earlier and joined forces with themselves in their prime, they might have been able to defeat each other.

But at this moment...

Tong Xueer touched her empty right arm, her eyes were bloodshot, and strands of blood flowed from the fragments of the earth marrow magic crystal all over her body.

Not to mention defeating these two people, it may not even be possible to delay the completion of the Dragon Level Pulse Determining Pillar!

In the blink of an eye, Tiger was about to rush forward.

Tong Xueer's eyes condensed and she wanted to step forward again.

However, after a few breaths, Tong Xueer and others were surprised to find that Tiger was still strangely not far ahead and difficult to approach!

Several people immediately investigated carefully, and then discovered an invisible force barrier blocking the front.

"This is... the power of space?!"

Tiger himself quickly noticed the force of space that suddenly stood in front of him. He was so angry that he didn't take a closer look. He shouted loudly and summoned his divine power to smash it with brute force!

But just as Tiger raised his hand, he suddenly felt a cold feeling!

Tiger's pupils shrank suddenly and he quickly turned away...

The next moment, white light suddenly passed by Tiger's side.

In a flash of lightning, this white light left a bloody scar on Tiger's body, and the blood immediately splashed out!

Tiger was extremely angry and immediately turned his head to look.

But not far away, he saw a young man with a sinister expression holding a white dagger with a cold smile on his lips.

"you wanna die?!"

Tiger's eyes widened with anger, and he was about to take action in a flash.

But at this moment, a strong feeling of powerlessness surged into his body.

Tiger looked down and saw that the wound had begun to turn black!

The sinister young man smiled and said: "The more powerful this poison is, the faster it will penetrate. I advise you not to act rashly."

"What kind of seat is this?"

Tian Hui's eyes were overjoyed. He didn't expect He Xianyin from the direction of Gola Mountain to arrive so quickly!

Also, such a magical power of space... Now that He Xianyin has arrived, the person with He Xianyin...

But with a flash of silver light in the field, a handsome young man with silver hair and silver eyes appeared in front of Tong Xueer, Tian Hui and others.

"Su Yuan!"

"Su Sanxi!"

Seeing the silver-haired young man in front of them, Tian Hui and Jiang Lan both looked excited, and felt a little more at ease in their hearts for no apparent reason.

Su Yuan glanced at everyone and nodded secretly.

"Finally caught up..."

After solving the [World] and [Moon], Su Yuan took He Xianyin and unleashed the power of space to come with all his strength.

Now it seems that although it is a little late, it is still not too late.

Tong Xueer's eyes froze, and she felt a bit of strong murderous intent that had not yet dissipated from the silver-haired young man in front of her...

This means that the opponent has either carried out a large number of massacres, or has just killed an extremely powerful opponent in a fierce battle!

"Su Sanxi...huh?" Tong Xueer was thinking when she saw Su Yuan suddenly pull out the glazed sword from his waist.

"This is a healing sword, Tong Zhenjun, there is no need to worry." Su Yuan held the glazed azure, and the rich vitality on the sword pierced Tong Xueer's chest, "Death and life are reversed!"

In an instant, cyan vitality burst out from Tong Xueer's chest like a clear spring, and spread throughout her body in the blink of an eye.

Tong Xueer's expression was shocked, and she felt an astonishing vitality filling her body from the inside out through the glazed sword that penetrated her chest.

The wounds on his body that were injured by the Tigers and the Earth Marrow Demon's body were all quickly stopped bleeding and healed visibly to the naked eye, without even leaving any wounds!

And that's not all, the new flesh and bones on the right shoulder of the broken arm grew at a high speed, and as the green light surged, a brand new white arm grew out!

"This star weapon?!" Tong Xueer looked at the glazed azure in Su Yuan's hand in shock, "The rebirth of a severed limb has such a strong vitality!"

"A surprise attack...!"

Tiger in front finally suppressed the paralyzing toxin on his body, and was extremely angry after being sneak attacked and poisoned.

With this little time, Su Yuan not only repaired Tong Xueer's broken arm, but Tian Hui also quickly informed everyone of the information about the two enemies ahead.

"Luck and unparalleled power?" He Xianyin looked thoughtful.

Su Yuan also looked up at Tiger and the two.


Tiger's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and his aura of violence was even worse. The power of his fists was covered with power and he hit He Xianyin directly from the air!

He Xianyin had just learned from Jiang Lan that the opponent could exert great force from a distance, so when he saw this, he immediately swayed to dodge.

"Zhenkong·Hundred Flowers!"

Tiger missed a hit, his fists danced quickly, and after a moment of gathering momentum, he fired hundreds of cannonball-like punches that covered He Xianyin everywhere!

However, the gray light flowing around He Xianyin's body was like an extremely flexible snake that shuttled between countless punches. He did not retreat but advanced, quickly approaching Tiger!

"Looking for death, kill tiger fist!"

Tiger shouted loudly and raised his fist to hit He Xianyin.

But with a flash of inspiration, He Xianyin disappeared directly into the invisible!

"It's a ghost again?!"

Tiger lost his target and became extremely angry.

Thinking of the poison on He Xianyin's dagger, although Tiger was furious, he cautiously stepped back to buy more time to deal with it.

But at this time, a mysterious force appeared behind Tiger, preventing him from retreating in time!

"It's this power of space again!"

Tiger immediately noticed it, and while he was angry, He Xianyin suddenly appeared behind him, with a flash of spiritual light, turning into a swimming dragon and slaying from his chest!

"not good!"

Tiger's pupils shrank.

And just when He Xianyin was about to hit Tiger, there was a sharp sacred sword light that struck directly and directly broke He Xianyin apart!

"Oh? This sword is really powerful..." He Xianyin stabilized his figure, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up, and Tissa had already appeared beside Tiger.

Tissa looked at Su Yuan and said slowly: "I feel the misfortune of others from you... If I guess correctly, [the world] and [the moon] have died in your hands?"

Su Yuan looked away from the boundless barrier cut open by the sword light and nodded slightly: "That's right."

"What?!" Tiger's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a burst of disbelief in his eyes.

[Moon] Christine is one of the few opponents who can face him head-on. She has outstanding swordsmanship, and the power of her moon-shaped sword energy is astonishing.

And [World] Wood... was even praised by Lord Constantine as having unlimited potential.

Among the many knights of truth, no one except Karen has seen his last world.

Wood, who had high hopes, was killed by the man in front of him? !

"Suzaku Yu Suyuan..." Tisa's eyes became slightly solemn, "He is worthy of being an S-level target like the Four Great True Monarchs!"

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