Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 942 Divide the battlefield

Yang Ming, Jiang Lan, Tian Hui and others were all shocked when they heard that Su Yuan had killed two more knights of truth.

Even Tong Zhenjun was forced into such a situation when facing two truth knights, and Su Yuan actually killed two more?

Even though there may be a gap in strength between the Knights of Truth, such a record still shocks everyone!

Tong Xueer was also secretly frightened, but she still reminded her in a solemn voice:

"These two are very powerful, it's best to separate them."

Su Yuan had used Glazed Azure to operate chariots and priestesses before, and knew that the members of the Secret Society of Truth cooperated very well with each other.

Hearing this, he immediately pulled out the demon sword, and the surging power of space gathered on the sword, and slashed towards Tiger and Tisa with one sword!

In an instant, a silver thread appeared between Tisa and Tiger.

"What is this?" Tiger frowned.

The next moment, the infinite space scrambled to pull away from the silver line. In just two or three breaths, it pushed Tiger and Tissa tens of thousands of meters away!

"Do you want to separate us?"

Tiger shouted lowly, raised his hand and made a fist to blast towards the silver line that was constantly expanding in space!

However, at this time, there was a flash of white light, and He Xianyin's dagger had already fired towards Tiger's face!

"You're really looking for death!"

Tiger looked angry and had no choice but to change his target and punch the dagger first.

The detached dagger was naturally unable to face Tiger's terrifying curled head, and was smashed away on the spot.

And just when Tiger was about to punch out again, a blue water mirror several meters high blocked his way.

Tiger punched the water mirror, but he felt an amazing force acting on himself instead!


The water mirror shattered, but Tiger's entire right arm was shattered by the sudden force, and he was knocked back several steps on the spot!

"Backlash? Damn it!"

After Tiger stabilized his body, he shouted loudly. He was blocked and harassed by several people from the Tianxian Division over and over again, and his expression became more and more irritable and fierce.

Before Tiger could make any other moves, white mist surged from the sea.

But it was Tian Hui who activated the misty fog again, and in a blink of an eye, it enveloped Tiger, He Xianyin, Jiang Lan and even Tong Xueer.

On the other side separated by the silver line, Tisza didn't express much about the divided battlefield. He just stood in the air with his sword and calmly looked at Su Yuan and Yang Ming in front of him.

Yang Ming said solemnly: "With less against many, you don't seem worried?"

Tisa said: "For Star Card Masters, it is not that important whether there are more people or less. What matters is the strength, and you... are not enough to worry me."

"This is too arrogant!" Yang Ming raised his brows, vaguely feeling Tissa's contempt.

Su Yuan also said: "Even if you are not worried about yourself, aren't you worried about your companions over there? At least, he seems to have used all his methods."

Tiger is good at frontal power confrontations, but at this moment, Tian Hui's mist is interfering with his performance, Jiang Lan is proficient in water power, and He Xianyin is good at assassination...

There was even Tong Xueer who had recovered from her injuries!

In addition, all four of them are invisible...

Even if Tiger's power is boundless, even if he can defeat ten masters with one force, he still won't get much benefit from facing so many masters!

Tisa slowly pulled out the cross sword and said:

“It would be his misfortune if he died here.

Luck and misfortune depend on each other, one ebbs and the other ebbs and flows.

As two hostile parties, if something unfortunate happens to our side...

That means that misfortune will also happen to you. "

Su Yuan frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable for no reason when he heard this.

After Yang Ming frowned and thought for a while, he couldn't help but snorted: "Shen Shen Nao Nao, then let me try what kind of misfortune you can bring!"

Yang Ming raised his hand to form a seal and suddenly pointed towards the sky!

"Nanzhangsheng, six-star thunder!"

The sun was shining brightly above our heads, but suddenly there was a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

I saw six stars flashing in the sky, and a blue thunderbolt falling as fast as lightning.

Tissa's face remained normal, and the divine light flickered under her feet. Relying on luck, she was able to dodge six thunderbolts one after another without any danger.

"Can you hide?"

Yang Ming sneered, the seal in his hand changed, and the six thunderbolts that hit the sea suddenly changed direction, turning back again to kill Tisa from all directions.

Tissa was not too surprised that Thunder was able to change its direction. With a thought, the holy light on the sword surged.

"Secret Sword of the Temple: Starlight!"

In an instant, Tissa swung six swords in a row, and the sword lights intertwined and turned into a sacred hexagram, cutting off several thunderbolts on the spot.

"Bang bang bang...!"

During the roar of thunder, six thunderbolts exploded on the spot.


Tisa had just put down the cross sword when he suddenly noticed something and raised his eyes again.

But he saw the thunder seals suddenly light up in the roaring cyan electric current, frantically extracting the surrounding thunder elements and the star power of heaven and earth, and in one or two breaths, they turned into six thunderbolts and shot towards him again!

"Eternal thunder?"

A hint of surprise appeared on Tisa's face, and she couldn't help but glance at Yang Ming.

But that's about it.

The aura of the lucky light wheel circulated behind him, and Tisa swung his sword towards the thunderbolts with an expressionless expression.

"Even if you live forever, you will perish under misfortune."

As Tisza's cross sword slashed out, the thunderbolts were accurately shattered again, unable to hurt Tisza at all.

Yang Ming made another seal to condense the six southern thunders, but the six divine thunder marks flashed slightly, but they failed to condense again!

"Does this break the South Dou Six Star Thunder?" Yang Ming was shocked.

Just as Tisa was about to make a move, the void in front of him fluctuated slightly, but he saw Su Yuan coming across the space, wielding the demon sword and slashing it down!

Although Tissa was frightened, he immediately waved his sword to attack.


The two swords clashed, and Tisa was immediately knocked back a few steps.

"This power is stronger than mine..." Tissa immediately knew what was going on.

However, it doesn't matter if they are strong. After all, with Tiger's divine power and Tong Xueer's light weight, the power of these two people is even more terrifying.

While Tisa was thinking, Su Yuan came closer with his sword again.


In the blink of an eye, the two of Su Yuan had exchanged blows dozens of times.

Although his strength is not as good as Tong Xue'er and Tiger, in Tiza's opinion, the pressure brought by Su Yuan is slightly stronger than Tong Xue'er.

Within a moment, Su Yuan struck Tisa in the chest with his sword, and the Taixu Sword Qi burst out, directly sending Tisa flying away.

But when Tisa stabilized her figure, there was no injury at all on her chest!

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Even Taixu sword energy can be easily prevented. As Tian Hui said, his ability is really amazing..."

Previously, Tian Hui had told Su Yuan and others that Tisa could withstand considerable damage.

This reminded Su Yuan of Pisces Barrieux from the previous zodiac.

However, unlike the essence of Bayrieux's "absolute avoidance", Tisza's "lucky" defense is more like a damage reduction.

When the attack intensity is less than the limit that its luck can accommodate, it will not be able to cause any damage to it.

And this limit... is actually still above the attack of Taixu Sword Qi, which is quite terrifying!

But Tisa was also slightly frightened.

"As expected of Su Yuan who has killed several knights, even his pure sword energy has reached this level, almost breaking my luck of liberating my true form..."

Tisa used the power of his sword to distance himself, but Su Yuan in front had already teleported closer and suddenly struck down with his sword!


Tisa quickly blocked with his sword, but was knocked back dozens of steps by Su Yuan with all his strength.

Before Tisa could stabilize her figure, a wave of waves suddenly came from above her head.

Tissa suddenly felt an extremely strong crisis. When he looked up, he saw Su Yuan standing on the spot and slashing down with his sword from a distance. The dark sword light suddenly fell on top of him across the space!

Tissa's pupils shrank suddenly.

"God's End!"

The light of the Divine Broken Sword struck Tisa on the shoulder in an instant.

The supreme Taixu Sword Intention annihilated the void, as if it was going to cut through Tisa's body directly!

However, the wheel of fortune behind Tisza suddenly became radiant, and infinite power poured into its white wings.


Soon, Tissa was chopped off on the spot.

Su Yuan's eyes fell on Tisa, and there was still no injury at all where he was struck!

However, Su Yuan was not disappointed.

"It seems to be working."

The silver light in his eyes was like substance. Su Yuan had already activated his heart when he slashed out the sword.

And with a pure mind, Su Yuan could clearly feel that the lucky light wheel behind Tisa consumed a considerable amount of energy!

This is enough!

There is no absolutely invincible ability. There will be ways to crack any ability.

"It seems that as long as the attack intensity is sufficient, his luck can be broken. And the heavier the damage resisted, the greater the consumption of lucky energy in the light wheel..."

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