Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 944 Fighting Destiny (2)

"What a powerful holy sword. Its power is comparable to that of Taixu Sword Qi!" Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing the sword light rushing forward, Su Yuan immediately teleported to dodge, and Yang Ming also turned into a streak of thunder and shot away.

Then Su Yuan had a thought in his mind and wanted to use the Four Azure Swords to kill Tissa again.

But at this moment, Tissa, with the blessing of the "Holy Sword" and "Holy Armor", the attack and defense were greatly increased, and the sword light blocked the four swords from the outside without waiting for them to approach.

That's not all. Tisa formed a seal with her left hand at high speed and suddenly pressed it down under her body.

"Judgment Angel, Domain of the Holy Sword!"

Countless complicated runes lit up from under Tisza, and even the most brilliant cross holy light shot out from Tisza's feet!

When the holy light passed by, in the blink of an eye, there were densely packed thousands of golden holy swords floating around the outside, forming a holy sword field!

"Field skills?" Yang Ming looked at the countless dazzling golden holy swords in all directions and his pupils shrank.

Silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and under his unwavering observation, extremely dangerous fluctuations came from each holy sword.

At this time, Tissa also wielded the Knight's Holy Sword again and slashed at Su Yuan and Yang Ming.

However, there was a flash of light, but no sword light flew out from the holy sword in Tisa's hand.

"Huh?" Yang Ming was quite surprised.

But Su Yuan immediately noticed something and reminded: "Behind!"

But they saw a flash of light on a holy sword behind Su Yuan and Yang Ming, and suddenly there was an extremely sharp golden sword light cutting across them!

Su Yuan teleported away immediately, and Yang Ming also reacted and turned into a bolt of thunder and flashed under the sword light.

"The Domain of the Holy Sword not only changes the direction of the sword light, but also... can also increase the quantity of the sword light!"

Tisza swung his sword again, and suddenly many holy swords lit up all over the field, and large swaths of sword light poured out from all directions!

"Sword returns!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he immediately recalled the four azure swords with their shining aura, formed a sword net and slashed at the holy swords flying around.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The sword intent raged, auras exploded, and under the fierce exchange, only surging auras of various colors could be seen in the entire field.

The True Sword Control Technique of the Shangqing Dynasty is indeed the top method of the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect. It integrates offense and defense, and has endless magical uses. Even in the face of unparalleled domain magical powers, it can actually protect Su Yuan!

But Yang Ming's side... was a little difficult.


The roaring purple and green thunder pool trembled violently, and was continuously torn into pieces under the sword light!

Under such a terrifying offensive in the Holy Sword Realm, it is impossible for ordinary people to completely dodge.

Even Su Yuan, who had no divine wind, could only deal with it with sword control, and Yang Ming naturally did the same.

However, Yang Ming does not have the magical-level Shangqing Sword Control Technique and four pseudo-sage-level swords.

After some dodging, he had no choice but to deploy the Xingluan Thunder Pool to confront the endless large sword lights in the Holy Sword Field!

But at this moment, the Holy Sword of Tisza has transformed, its domain has expanded, and it can also give the opponent "misfortune" through attacks...

Even if Yang Ming's Xingluan Thunder Pool reaches the magical level, it won't be able to block it for long.

It's not that Yang Ming is weak...it's that Tisa is too strong!

In this field, combined with the spirit-possessed angel, it is simple and crude, and it is simply invincible for opponents with high attack and low defense.

"about there!"

Tissa flew above the thunder pool, raised her sword high, and the light of many holy swords around her was projected onto the sword.

"A sword from heaven, kill!"

The sword light shot up to the sky and the earth, and the terrifying golden light pillar immediately split the Xingluan Thunder Pool in half and exploded on the spot!


Yang Ming groaned. Although he avoided the blow, his face turned pale and he suffered a lot of backlash.

Tisa slashed through the thunder pool and was about to kill with his sword in a flash.

But at this moment, a silver ring suddenly surrounded Yang Ming and protected him.

It's Su Yuan's painting that serves as a prison!

In a flash of silver light, Su Yuan appeared in front of Yang Ming.

"Yang Sanxi, his domain magic power is too strong, we have to try to break it open." Su Yuan said.

Yang Ming nodded solemnly, naturally understanding this truth.

However, to break through this field, let alone having such a powerful skill, even if there is, it will definitely consume a lot of money and it will be difficult to deal with this enemy.

Su Yuan said directly: "I can break through this field. Can I ask Yang Sanxi to hold it on for me for a while?"


At this time, the black wings behind Tissa flashed in front, and he slashed down with a sword. Su Yuan was unable to hold on to the ground-drawing prison that he had prepared to release.

When Yang Ming saw this, he didn't waste any words. He nodded decisively and said, "Okay, Su Sanxi can use the technique, but I will do my best to hold him back!"

Seeing Yang Ming agree, Su Yuan raised his left hand, his star power surged crazily, and in the blink of an eye, a silver ball of light appeared in his palm.

It’s the Sky God Jade!

Yang Ming could feel the sharp spatial fluctuations from the Sky God Jade. In a panic, he turned over his hand and took out a thunder and lightning chessboard.

The ten chess pieces on the board are lifelike, and they all come alive in the flash of lightning.

There are thunder dragons roaring, electric tigers galloping, and various thunder beasts with violent auras such as elephants, horses, pythons, and monkeys. It is a fake holy weapon.

At this time, Tissa in front had also cut through the barrier and rushed down with a large sword light.

Yang Ming's eyes condensed, and he raised the chessboard in his hand: "Ten Beasts Thunder Shake Board!"

"Ho ho ho!"

The dragons roared and the tigers roared, and many thunder beasts flew up from the plate. Their bodies soared to twenty or thirty meters in length and they directly crashed through the sword light and rushed forward.

The chessboard rotated and grew larger under the feet, and thunder nets rose up from the edges, trapping Tisza inside like a colosseum. Even the outside view was blocked, and only the "cracking" thunder and lightning inside could be heard. Voice.

Suddenly, even all the sword lights in the field were restrained by Yang Ming.

Su Yuan was quite surprised: "Yang Sanxi, there is such a powerful treasure."

I originally planned to divide my mind into two tasks and use the Four Azure Swords to guard the many sword lights, but since this is the case, there is no need.

Su Yuan opened his hands and used all his strength to mobilize the star power in his body to pour into the Sky God Jade.

Time gradually passed, the Sky God Jade became larger and larger, and with the sound of bursts of thunder exploding, the movement on the chessboard became smaller and smaller...


There was another loud noise, and a corner of the chessboard suddenly shattered, and a raging sword light burst out, sending Yang Ming flying out.

At this time, Yang Ming's body was covered with sword wounds, and there were even two sword wounds so deep that his bones were visible, which was shocking to see!

Without caring about his injuries, Yang Ming quickly asked Su Yuan, "Su Sanxi, are you okay?"


Su Yuan raised his left hand, and a force of space immediately acted on Yang Ming.

Yang Ming's eyes moved slightly, but he did not resist, and was taken into the Qingming Realm by Su Yuan on the spot.

"The Sky God Jade!"

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and threw the Sky God Jade directly towards Tisa.

Wherever the silver light ball passed, the space was crushed layer by layer, and with just one breath, the Sky God Jade expanded hundreds of times in size!

Tisa's pupils shrank, and he immediately raised the holy sword high to control the field with all his strength.

In an instant, the thousands of holy swords in the entire holy sword field all lit up, and they all slashed out at the Sky God Jade that was about to explode!


The two energies of silver and gold were like planets colliding. After an explosion, the intense light instantly drowned everything in the field!

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