Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 945 Holy Grail


After a violent earthquake, the aura slowly dissipated.

And the entire Holy Sword Domain also collapsed in the surging tide of star power.

Continuous attack, maybe the holy sword field is extremely strong.

But in terms of instant range burst capability, the Sky God Jade, which consumes most of Su Yuan's star power and has the gift of relief to increase its power, is still more terrifying!

At this moment, as the realm collapsed, the situation in the field gradually became clearer.

Su Yuan stood in mid-air, staring at Tisa in the aura in front of him. He saw that the lucky light wheel behind Tisa dimmed a little.

But just like before, he still couldn't hurt the opponent.

Tisa also held a long sword, also looked at Su Yuan, whose breath had slipped a lot, and said lightly:

"Using such a large-scale one-hit space move before the true form is liberated will consume a lot of star power... Or do you believe that the person just now can stop me?"

Just as Tisa said, although Su Yuan's "Sky God Jade" is powerful, it consumes much more than ordinary attacking magical powers.

Because of the principle of making the Sky God Jade, the more star power is consumed, the attack range and power will increase at the same time, and there is no way to reduce the attack range to increase the power.

Like the Air God Cannon and the Air God Bomb, their power is getting smaller and smaller.

So at this moment, even if the Holy Sword Domain is blown up by Su Yuan, if it consumes all of Su Yuan's star power, it will not be a loss for Tisa.

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, holding Liuli Tianqing in his left hand: "No... I have always only believed in myself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the glass appeared everywhere, and the green light was dense!

In the blink of an eye, three figures with powerful auras appeared on the scene.

Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying are two great villains, as well as the super master Hua Tiandu from the Southern Continent!


The terrifying star power pressure spread out, and for a moment, even this space was trembling!

"A very powerful aura, a powerful dead puppet? No wonder..."

Tisa raised his eyebrows slightly and understood why Su Yuan would rather spend a lot of money to break through his own territory.

Because the field is like a small formation barrier, it is very powerful when fighting against many, and will greatly limit the performance of the Dead Man Puppet.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Not only Yang Ming, but also a super master like Hua Tiandu who has absolute offensive and killing capabilities, but has weak defensive methods, was indeed restrained by Tisa's Holy Light Domain just now.

On the contrary, Nalan Ying, who has profound Taoism and colorful mysterious light, should not be too afraid of the holy sword field.

It's a pity that Nalan Ying's refining has fallen to the pursuit of the Curse King.

But that’s not all…

Su Yuan thought, and suddenly a bright silver light spread out from the position of the sea of ​​stars on his body!

In an instant, it seemed as if it was connected to another space, and surging star power poured into Su Yuan's sea of ​​stars, as if there was no need to refine it.

The little star power that was originally left in the star sea suddenly recovered at an astonishing speed!

This ability to steal star power directly from space...

"[World]?" Tisa's pupils shrank and her expression became a little more solemn, "It seems that you gained a lot from the battle with Wood!"

Su Yuan said: "Of course, since we are both from the space system, we will naturally gain a lot..."

After the battle with Wood, Su Yuan's understanding of the power of space once again made rapid progress.

And the most important one... is to use the phoenix veins of the Blue Underworld to assist in refining and directly replenish star power!

Although the efficiency may not be as high as the mana tide that can be filled in a blink of an eye, the speed is quite amazing, and the durability is not comparable to the mana tide.

Unless you use tricks like the Sky God Jade, there will basically be no shortage of mana!

While Su Yuan could quickly restore his star power, with a thought, the Yin and Yang swords among the four swords outside him suddenly flew down in front of Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying.


The two demons roared in unison, and immediately activated the two pseudo-sacred weapons with the water of the Sea of ​​Evil and the Netherworld Infant Fire.

The yin and yang streams intertwined for a moment, then turned into a huge pair of blue-green scissors and headed straight for Tisza high in the sky.

Tisa swung his long sword, and the runes on the sword flickered for a moment before he suddenly slashed it down, and the holy light shot towards the yin-yang streamer like a pillar.

However, unexpectedly, the mighty Holy Sword Jianguang was cut through by the Yin-Yang streamer scissors like mud after just a brief stalemate!


Tisza, who had always been calm, also changed his expression.

According to normal thinking, the four swords controlled by Su Yuan must be better than these two swords...

I never expected that the yin and yang scissors are so powerful!

How did Tisa know that Su Yuan himself had not exerted the power of Yin and Yang Liuguang at all.

In just one breath, the yin and yang scissors cut through the sword light and passed over Tisa's body!

Tisa's body glowed with white light, but she was still unscathed.

But Su Yuan, who had been observing the lucky halo, his eyes lit up.

It is worthy of being the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissor that has made many masters become jealous of it. Even though Tissa has the Holy Armor to reduce the damage at this moment, the power of luck consumed by this scissor is still no less than that of his own divine sword!

With one strike, Su Yuan thought, and Xiang Liu Jiuying once again controlled the Yin and Yang streamer to fight back.

As the temperature rose sharply, Hua Tiandu also launched his true form of liberation and swung his sword to fight out!

Tisa's expression condensed, and she placed a seal on the knight's holy sword with her left hand, and suddenly pulled the sword horizontally.

"The Ring of God!"

The golden light flourished, the divine patterns flowed, and a golden halo like a substance swayed outside of the body. The defensive power was even stronger than the city wall blessed by the formation!

But whether it's the Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors or the broken sword blessed by Hua Tiandu's Ember, they are the king's top attacks!


With just a slight touch, the Yin-Yang Scissors and the Burning Remnant Sword cut into the God's Ring, but the two breaths were staggered to kill Tisa!

Tisa's expression froze, and then the aura shattered with a "clang" sound, revealing a light clone!


The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes flashed, and he used all his strength to activate Yi Xin Wu Chen and Omniscient Vision, and found Tisa's location in just a blink of an eye...

Right next to you!

Su Yuan was so rich in combat experience that he had long expected that Tisa would try to attack him and use offense instead of defense.

The god's hegemonic body unfolded, and Su Yuan slashed towards the back with a backhand sword!


The terrifying force caused Tisa to fly out and appear.

Before Tisa could stabilize his figure, a flash of silver light appeared in the field, and Yang Ming's figure appeared again.

Outside him, nine thunder snakes entangled with purple and green currents were already ready!

Although he was surprised by the amazing aura of Hua Tiandu and others in front of him while he was refining his form, Yang Ming was not slow and directly used his special skills!

"The punishment of evil is the death of nine snakes!"

The lightning flashed, and the nine snakes were like light, and they immediately rushed to Tisa's body, entangled head to tail and locked Tisa tightly.

Tissa frowned and mobilized all his star power to break free from this technique.

But this is a furnace-level legendary skill. Tisza has just used up all his clones, and it is difficult to break free quickly at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, a black shadow flashed in front of him, but Hua Tiandu, who was all skinny and with a broken sword, was coming towards him!

In an instant, Disa felt an extremely strong crisis.

Hua Tiandu swung his sword.

"Hei Wu."

The temperature rose sharply, and the fire on the charred sword disappeared in a flash, as if nothing had happened.

And the next moment, a large area of ​​space, including Tisza, was suddenly burned into black nothingness by the terrifying instantaneous high temperature!

Tisa's whole body was shocked, and she looked at Hua Tiandu in surprise. The little luck left behind her almost completely disappeared!

The Yin-Yang Streaming Light Scissors also followed closely and cut past Tisa.

In an instant, the lucky halo behind Tisza dimmed and almost bottomed out!

At this time, the seal in Yang Ming's hand changed, and the nine thunder snakes locking Tissa suddenly became brighter. The next moment, they suddenly exploded, leaving a roaring and hissing purple-green thunder pool in mid-air!

In Qiguang territory, Nott City.

This is a remote ordinary city, equivalent to a third-level city in Dayan.

At this moment, in a large shopping mall several floors high, people were shopping.

One of the elegant and dignified couples walked to a luxury counter and took out an extremely beautiful blue necklace.

The tall Vasya smiled and said: "Elena, this necklace of the Goddess of the Sea is made of the blue heart stone I found on Monte Island last month. Let it be used as a token of our wedding."

"This is too expensive!" The beautiful Elena next to her looked at the necklace and exclaimed, "Vasya, blue heart stone is a rare third-level material..."

Vasya smiled and said: "As long as you like it..."

With that said, Vasya was about to pick up the necklace and put it on for Elena.

But at this moment, there was a sudden and violent noise in the direction of the mall entrance.



"Cultists attack!"


"What's going on!" Vasya was startled and quickly looked back.

Many people were already running over from the front: "There are people from a cult who are causing terrorist attacks. Run quickly and use other doors!"

Vasya could vaguely see that several people in purple cloaks were running rampant in front of them, waving their weapons and killing ordinary people in the mall one after another who had no strength to restrain themselves!

"Two high-level silver level, three mid-level silver level!" Vasiya's expression condensed, and she quickly saw the strength of these people.

Elena's eyes were frightened and she said: "Vasya, let's go quickly!"

But when Vasya looked at the tragic situation ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly. He had broken through the gold level not long ago, and now he could still contain these cult thugs, reduce casualties, and wait for the support of the city guard!

However, Elena is only at the silver mid-level, so it’s best to withdraw first.

"Elena, you go first, I'll go..."


Before he finished speaking, a short knife stained red with blood penetrated from Vasiya's chest.

Vasya's eyes widened and she turned her head to look behind her in disbelief.

But a gold-level thug with a ferocious face sneaked over and stabbed Vasiya through the heart from behind.

"Death returns, the soul lives forever, and I send you back to the embrace of the Ghost God!"

The cult thug looked fanatical and withdrew his dagger, blood splashing across Elena's face.

Elena came back to her senses and screamed in horror: "No...!"


The cult thug cut her with a knife, and Elena's beautiful head immediately flew up, and blood spattered on the blue heart stone necklace that represented love.

And the cult thugs continued to slaughter crazily in the mall...

At the same time, planes crashed, towers collapsed... all kinds of misfortunes and accidents happened all over Qiguang.

And as these unfortunate things happened, a lot of invisible energy gathered in a certain direction out of thin air...


Su Yuan and Yang Ming both stared closely at the roaring thunder element.

This time, Tisza's lucky power must have been exhausted. I wonder if he can be severely damaged in one fell swoop... or even killed directly!

Not long after, the aura gradually dissipated, and Tisa reappeared in everyone's sight.

The glow of lucky power was flowing all over his body, but he still had no injuries at all!

In front of Tissa, a bright golden Holy Grail slowly rotated, and the rich golden light like liquid in the cup continued to flow into his body.

The wheel of luck behind Tisa, which had been dim and exhausted, was now extremely bright again!


Yang Ming's pupils trembled. It was hard to imagine that Tisa could survive such an attack without any injuries!

Can there be such a perverted person below the king level?

Su Yuan's eyes fell directly on the Holy Grail in front of Tisa, and his eyes froze.

"Seal the Holy Artifact!"

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