Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 946 Perfect

"I said, you can't threaten me..."

Tisa raised her hand to grab the Holy Grail suspended in front of her, and looked at Su Yuan and others with a calm expression.

"The Holy Church has given four sealed holy vessels, and the Holy Grail I hold was originally the holy vessel in the secret hall of the Holy See, responsible for protecting believers all over the world.

In the past, the Holy Grail gave blessings and protection to others, so now, through the Holy Grail, I can take back the luck of all believers..."

The Holy Grail in Su Yuantisa's hand suddenly understood: "Is it possible to transfer misfortune to others in order to gain a lot of luck... But it may not be easy to offset the luck you need, right?"

"It's okay." Tisa rubbed the Holy Grail and nodded slightly with an expressionless face, "Only a few hundred people died in that moment."

"Only a few hundred people died"?

Even Su Yuan couldn't help but frown when he heard this: "You have killed so many people in your country, don't you feel any guilt at all?"

Tisza looked indifferent: "The world is divided into hierarchies. Aren't the weak and subordinates serving us? Without our blessing, how could there be Qiguang's current prosperity and the comfortable and comfortable life of the subordinates?"

"This guy..." Su Yuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

He passed on his injuries to others and killed countless civilians in the country, but he himself didn't even have the slightest sense of guilt or guilt, let alone being intolerant!

Although this Holy Grail is a light-based holy weapon of the Holy See, it is extremely evil in Su Yuan's eyes at this moment.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, he immediately controlled Hua Tiandu to kill with his sword again.

When Yang Ming heard what Tisa said, he was also very angry and squeezed the seal with his hands and launched the thunder technique.

The yin and yang flowing light scissors cut three times in a row, and the energy on them was almost exhausted. Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying turned into two rays of blue and green light, unfolded and merged together, and summoned the stick of the underlord of the sea of ​​​​internal fire to follow.

But Tisa was holding the Holy Grail and was only attacking but not defending at the moment. The continuous slashes with the Holy Sword forced Hua Tiandu, Xiang Liu Jiuying and others to retreat continuously!

Su Yuan frowned. For now, this Tissa is really invincible!


With a flash of sword light, Yang Ming was sent flying back.

Hua Tiandu slashed at Tisa with his sword. Tissa curled up his lips and ignored it at all. He slashed at Hua Tiandu's shoulder with his backhand sword.

Blood splashed instantly, and Hua Tiandu's left arm flew up on the spot.

And the golden light swayed in the Holy Grail, and the power of luck in the halo behind Tisza always remained overflowing!

"Is it going to be eaten up by him like this?" Yang Ming covered the wound and frowned.

Su Yuan also thought secretly. Although Tisa was almost immortal at the moment, he could still resist it. It would not be difficult to persist until the Pulse-fixing Pillar was formed.

But the question remains, what exactly is his goal...


Just at this moment, a huge roar came from another place.

Su Yuan and others quickly looked back.

But they saw gravel flying and the fog gradually dissipating... Tong Xueer, He Xianyin, Jiang Lan and others stood in the air.

But the huge and ferocious [Strength] Tiger turned into a broken corpse and fell towards the sea.

"Okay, I finally killed one!" Yang Ming's eyes were filled with joy and his expression became more exciting!

But after hearing what Yang Ming said, Su Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he vaguely realized something!

"The wait has finally come..." A low sigh came from Tisa's mouth.

Then, Tisa raised his hand and grabbed Tiger's corpse in the distance. It seemed that an extremely huge invisible force flew out of Tiger's corpse and fell back into the lucky halo.

In an instant, Tisa's body flashed with spiritual light, and her lucky light wheel suddenly brightened!

Yang Ming was extremely surprised: "This is...?!"

"He is really waiting for Tiger to die!" Su Yuan's voice was deep.

Su Yuan finally understood why he always felt a sense of disobedience before.

Because from the very beginning, Tisa did not want to seize this dragon vein, but wanted to wait for Tiger to die!

Think again about what Tian Hui said, those followers who had their luck taken away before...

Since there is a star weapon like the Holy Grail, Tisa can already take it out.

Unless the use of the Holy Grail has extreme limitations or side effects, there is absolutely no need to consume the lives of your subordinates.

And the reason why Tisa did this can only show that...the death of the previous followers and even Tiger at this moment, in addition to providing immediate luck to Tisa, also has other benefits for Tisa.

For Zhenxing Jiefang, there can only be one benefit...

That is to enhance the ability of true form liberation!


On the lucky light wheel, the extremely dazzling brilliance enveloped Tisa's whole body in an instant and exploded with a bang.

The holy light passed by, and Tissa appeared in front of everyone again.

Her beautiful golden hair had grown a lot longer, and the black and white wings on her left and right now turned into three pairs of six black and white wings.

Su Yuan looked at the other party carefully, feeling that Tisa was even more unpredictable at this moment.

It had an extremely powerful power of luck before, but now it has gone even further. It is hard to imagine what changes have occurred!

"Swish swish!"

There was a flash of light, and Tong Xueer, He Xianyin and others also flew over.

Except for Tong Xueer, who was already severely injured and exhausted, the rest of the people were only slightly weakened and had no obvious injuries in the process of surrounding and killing Tiger.

Looking at Tissa bathing in the holy light in front of her, Tong Xueer asked in a solemn voice: "Su Sanxi, what's going on now?"

Su Yuan shook his head slightly and just said: "[Wheel of Fortune] Tissa is probably much more difficult than expected..."

When Tong Xueer heard what Su Yuandu said, her expression couldn't help but become more solemn.

At this moment, although Tisa was alone in front of everyone in the Tianxian Division, his expression was as usual, and there was even a hint of intoxicated joy in his eyes.

"In our Secret Society of Truth, the two of us work as a team, and our abilities can complement each other.

Before, I tried my best to provide Tiger with luck, protect him from death, and help him fully unleash his power.

And the more I help him, the more he owes me... Although I can't take away his luck directly, according to the agreement, after his death, what he owes me will be doubled..."

Tissa talked to himself, seemingly still immersed in his sublimated power.

And quietly, He Xianyin had already spread out his invisible presence and sneaked deep behind the obsessed and happy Tissa.

Seeing Tisa who seemed defenseless, He Xianyin clenched the prepared dagger and launched the "Snake Thrust" to stab Tisa in the head.

But at this moment, He Xianyin, who had a super sense of crisis, suddenly withdrew his sword, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on his vest.

In the dark, an extremely strong crisis hit my heart, as if if this sword was thrust out, I would face intense misfortune!

At this time, Yang Ming's technique was ready, and the Furious Thunderbolt hit Tisa again.

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan controlled Hua Tiandu to swing his broken sword and strike down with one strike.

No matter what changes Tisa has undergone now, we must test it.

Facing Yang Ming and Hua Tiandu's offensive, Tisa remained motionless, as if he was possessed by his improved abilities.

In the blink of an eye, thunder exploded and sword light slashed through.

The lucky light wheel behind Tisza lit up, but he was still unscathed.

"Can you really beat him to death?" Yang Ming frowned.

Upon seeing this, Tian Hui and Jiang Lan, who had rushed over, started using their spells with solemn expressions, preparing for a coordinated attack.

Su Yuan frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that something was wrong. No matter how invincible Tisa was and how lucky she was, she would not be a living target.


Just when everyone was about to take action, He Xianyin suddenly appeared and shouted loudly.

At this time, Tisa also slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

Suddenly, Su Yuan felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Through Yi Xin Wuchen, Su Yuan suddenly discovered that some power seemed to be gradually falling on Yang Ming and Hua Tiandu!

"All misfortunes against me will bear their own consequences!"

Tisa spoke indifferently, and at the same time, both Yang Ming and Hua Tian had black scales representing misfortune tilting toward them.

next moment……


Yang Ming's skin was torn open in front of him, and a large wound appeared like a thunderous explosion. His face turned pale, and he was seriously injured on the spot!

Hua Tiandu's chest was splashed with blood, and a sword wound so deep that his bones were visible almost split him in half!

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly and their eyes looked shocked.

"Yang Sanxi?!"

When everyone was shocked, Tisa swung his long sword and was about to turn around and land the sword on Hua Tiandu's body.

Su Yuan, who was in a pure state, had already reacted first, stretched out his right hand, and used immeasurable power to shorten the space and directly catch Hua Tiandu back.

"Rebellion between life and death!"

Star power poured into the glazed azure, and Su Yuan turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword, directly cutting through the bodies of Yang Ming and Hua Tiandu.

In an instant, rich vitality burst out, and the injuries on the two men recovered quickly and visibly.

"Be careful, it's a retaliation!"

Tong Xueer spoke in a deep voice, her big black eyes trembling.

Tian Hui and others also reacted, their eyes filled with incredible looks!

"In this case, it is indeed quite perverted..." Su Yuan's face also showed unprecedented solemnity.

In other words, at this moment, Tisza can not only use "luck" to resist the harm of others, but also inflict the harm that should have been suffered on the opponent?

If your "luck" is limited, that's it. Sooner or later you will be able to find a way to die.

But with the Holy Grail in his hand, can he continue to replenish his luck?

Such an opponent can no longer be summarized by words such as "powerful", "top", and "terrible".

Looking at Tisza holding the Holy Grail and bathing in divine glory, if I really had to use one word to describe it, the most appropriate one would be...


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