"That's right, it's perfect!"

Everyone's heart was solemn.

Tisza's abilities so far have been nothing short of perfect.

It's not that scary or violent, but it's mysterious and impeccable!

"It seems that you have also felt my divine power."

A sneer appeared on Tissa's face, and then he grabbed the knight's holy sword and rushed over!

Since Yang Ming and Hua Tian were injured earlier, everyone in the Tianxian Division did not dare to attack at will, so they had to use various defensive techniques first.

The art of water mirror, the Eight Desolations Xuan Crystal Screen, the Wheel of the Earth, the Infinite Power...many powers are blocking Tissa.

The lucky light wheel behind Tisza lit up, and the "unfortunate" power fell on the holy sword. All defensive methods were almost unable to stop the opponent for too long.

This is not the way to go.

If you only defend but don't attack, how can you stop a powerful opponent who is charging wantonly?

Everyone understood this truth, but it was also because the enemy in front of them was so incomprehensible that they couldn't think of a good solution for the moment.

Tong Xueer's expression condensed, and she raised two Hunyuan Pearls in her hands to try to block her.

But Tisa didn't care at all and allowed the Hunyuan Pearl to hit him.


Two muffled sounds came from Tisa in succession, but Tong Xueer grunted when she attacked, covered her chest and took two steps back.

But after receiving these two blows, Tong Xueer was keenly aware of something and said quickly:

"Although it is a counterattack, it will be affected by one's own defense. It should be an invisible rebound attack!"

After all, Tong Xueer is the true king, even in this situation, she has already started to test the enemy's ability as quickly as possible!

The two Hunyuan Pearls just now surged with the same force and intensity, and Tong Xueer immediately dispersed her own defense significantly after the first Hunyuan Pearl hit Tisa.

And the result is that the effect of the counter-injury received by the two blows is indeed different!

Everyone in the field was a master and immediately understood what this meant.

"It's true." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, which was consistent with his own speculation.

Tisa should be using Luck to instantly save the attack and reflect the attack back to the caster.

Therefore, the "misfortune" Tisza refers to is the "attack" process, not the "injury" result. There is an essential difference between the two.

To put it simply, it is like having a person with invincible defense. Even if he attacks Tisza, he will not be harmed at all due to counterattack!

"Are you looking for my divine luck?" Tissa sneered and continued to slash with his sword, "So what if you understand that, it will only make you more desperate!"

Different from the calm at the beginning, Tisa seemed to be a little more arrogant than before after her power was sublimated.

But...with such perfect abilities, he does have the arrogance!

Tisa swung his sword and slashed continuously, carrying the unfortunate sword light and constantly cutting through the restrictive skills of the people in the Tianxian Division. It didn't take long before he was the first to kill Yang Ming!


Yang Ming formed a seal in his hand and let out a low shout. As a last resort, he released a less lethal thunder net to entangle him.

There is no way, Zichenshan's thunder spells basically cause damage, even the control skills.

Tissa didn't avoid it at all and ran directly into the thunder net.


Yang Ming groaned, and his body was immediately injured by the lightning net!

And Tisa slashed the thunder net with two swords, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed to Yang Ming and was about to strike down with one sword.

"Not good!" Yang Ming's heart froze.

"Paint the ground!"

At the critical moment, Su Yuan gathered his momentum and slashed with his sword, and an infinite silver line drew out and immediately separated Yang Ming and Tisa!

"The power of space is really troublesome."

Tisa's eyes were slightly cold, and the lucky light wheel behind his back was turning. He swung his long sword and struck several swords on the silver line.

But in the blink of an eye, he cut through the silver cord and slashed towards Yang Ming with a sword.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed behind Tisa, and He Xianyin, who was sneaking again, transformed into a white snake and rushed out, holding two daggers and stabbing Tisa in the lower back on both sides.

With two "chi chi" sounds, two handfuls of blood burst out from He Xianyin's left and right waists. The left side of his waist was black and swollen. His face suddenly turned pale, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

"What next?!" Yang Ming took the opportunity to retreat and his expression changed drastically. He didn't expect that He Xianyin actually dared to hit him hard. He thought he was just trying to cut him off.

Tissa sneered: "You still don't know, is this kind of attack seeking death?"

Saying that, he ignored Yang Ming who was retreating, turned around and slashed at He Xianyin behind him with his sword!

However, the next moment, Tisza paused and felt a strong sense of paralysis coming over his body, and the long sword he swung could not continue to fall...

"Paralyzing poison?" Tissa's eyes were slightly cold.

"Oh? It seems that some negative effects are still useful..."

Although He Xianyin was bleeding profusely from the left and right sides of his waist, his eyes lit up when he saw this situation, and he slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

The two daggers have corrosive toxins and paralyzing toxins attached to them respectively.

Now the continuous damage caused by the corrosive toxin has returned to himself, but the control effect of the paralyzing toxin...has remained on Tisa!

This shows that the non-damaging effects carried by the attack will not be counterattacked by the opponent!

When facing an enemy with strange abilities, it is particularly important to obtain intelligence.

And the reason why He Xianyin dared to exchange injuries for information so boldly... was of course because everyone from the Tianxian Division was outside him at the moment!

I saw silver light rising from He Xianyin's feet, and Su Yuan was ready to change his body.

If Tisa counterattacked with the paralysis effect at this moment, He Xianyin would be replaced by Su Yuan immediately.

This is the difference between people from the original sect like Yang Ming and many experts from the Tianxuan Division. Although the people from the sect are strong, they do not have so much experience in fighting together and colleagues who can serve as backup.

Since Tisa was paralyzed, Su Yuan did not replace He Xianyin.

He Xianyin did not stop, and swung the dagger again to continuously cut Tisa's body.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...!"

Wounds appeared on He Xianyin's body, and cold sweat continued to flow down his face, but he still applied the paralyzing poison without stopping to extend the control time as much as possible.

As a person who is good at attacking and killing, He Xianyin knows very well which parts of the human body are the most vulnerable, and will not injure himself to death, or even affect his actions!

With the help of He Xianyin to buy time, the others were not idle either.

Su Yuan turned around and asked, "Tong Zhenjun, can you still use the seal?"

For this kind of opponent who "cannot even be beaten", it is naturally best to use the technique of sealing.

Whether it works or not, you have to give it a try.

Tong Xueer felt her own condition, shook her head slightly and said: "The star power is a bit worse!"

Su Yuan didn't say much, turned his hand and took out a ball of slime and threw it to Tong Xueer.


Ruanruan flew to Tong Xueer and called out.

Tong Xueer stared blankly at the soft ball that flew to her shoulder. She was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes lit up.

"It's... cute!"

A true king, facing a formidable enemy, is actually a little out of line at this moment.


And soon, the devouring black light on Ruan Ruan's body lit up, and along with the devouring law that unfolded in reverse, a vast amount of star power was poured into Tong Xueer's body.

Tong Xueer quickly came back to her senses, her eyes lit up, and she immediately urged Xinghai to frantically absorb and refine this majestic star power. The three Yangs of Xinghai that had been depleted were quickly restored at this moment, visible to the naked eye.

However, in just a moment, He Xianyin's body was covered with various slender bloody scars, as if he had been hurt, but his movements were still precise and without pause.

Yang Ming, Tian Hui and others, and even Su Yuan were secretly frightened by this.

He Cixi is really ruthless...

But it is obviously not possible to continue like this. Tong Xueer has to find another way before she can use the seal.

"Control requires control or defense that can block the power of misfortune..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

Law against law, Su Yuan could not break through the power of luck to hurt Tisa, and Tisa could not directly touch the infinite power.

However, because Su Yuan had never been truly liberated, Tisa's unfortunate force broke him open.

If you want to stop Tisza, since the "quality" cannot keep up, you can only think of a way from the "quantity" point of view...

Su Yuan's eyes flashed, and immeasurable power surged in his hands. As he waved his hands, circles and circles of smaller versions of the "painted ground as a prison" silver rings appeared one after another in front of him.

These silver rings were not punched out directly, but were intertwined with each other according to Su Yuan's thoughts, and gradually woven into a closed silver birdcage.

At this moment, Tisa's eyes flashed with light in front of him, and he suddenly broke free from the paralyzing poison.

Seeing He Xianyin swinging the dagger and slashing down again, Tisa immediately swung the spirit-enchanted holy sword and slashed towards He Xianyin.

However, there was a flash of gray light on He Xianyin's body, and he dodged it as nimbly as a snake and retreated quickly!

"Do it!" Jiang Lan and Tian Hui had already prepared their skills. Seeing He Xianyin retreating, they immediately released them together.

"The entangled river of resentment at the Funeral Bridge!"

"Trapped in the Demon Swamp!"

One of the two women releases water and the other delivers sand.

The endless mud swamp rushed down, and before Tissa could take action, all sides were turned into a huge clay mire in the blink of an eye!

Tian Hui clasped her hands together and shouted: "Compress!"

In an instant, the entire clay swamp formed by the combination of the two spells shrank suddenly.

At the same time, Tian Hui's entire body seemed to be squeezed by huge forces from all directions, and some dripping blood immediately oozed out.


Tian Hui shouted loudly again, and the entire clay swamp shrank again.

At this time, Tian Hui's eyes were bloodshot and blood was flowing from the corners of her mouth.

Jiang Lan next to her was startled: "Tian Sanxi, don't force yourself!"

Tian Hui did this to increase the density of the clay swamp and strengthen his control over Tisza.

Tian Hui's clasped hands trembled slightly: "Press...!"


At this moment, the brilliant sword light of the golden six-pointed star burst out, and Tisa directly chopped the entire mud into pieces!


Tian Hui's pupils shrank, she didn't expect to be freed so easily.

But Tong Xueer was not too surprised.

Because, in a short while, Tisza had already given the power of misfortune to this clay mire, greatly reducing its intensity.

Tisa flew out of the shredded mud and said in a cold voice: "Sludge, rotten water, such a despicable thing cannot trap me..."

"So, what about...Silver Cage!"

The silver light flourished, Su Yuan closed his hands, and the small silver cage woven with dense silver rings in front of him suddenly disappeared in his hands.

But outside Tissa, a huge cage composed of circles of silver rings suddenly shrank, trapping her inside with nowhere to escape!

Tisa narrowed her eyes slightly, waved her hand and struck out with several swords.

Tisa thought that he would easily cut off these spatial silver cords like before.

But now, it is actually difficult for the long sword and even the sword light to touch these bright spatial silver lines!

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