Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 950 True Lord

Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan and asked: "According to the information sent by Xuanwu Royal Child Xue'er, Su Yuan, you killed two people from the Secret Society of Truth?"

Su Yuan nodded and responded: "I encountered [The World] and [The Moon] in the Gola Mountains and killed them both. Of course, there was also the assistance of He Cixi."

"Not bad, not bad..." Fang Qingxiao smiled and praised with great relief, "In this way, four knights of truth have died in your hands!"

Jiang Lan couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, Nangong, Nangong Zhenjun, are you serious...?"

The smile on Fang Qingxiao's face faltered, he rubbed his brows, nodded and said, "That's right, Nangong... was killed in battle."

Jiang Lan's face turned slightly pale, and when she heard Fang Qingxiao speak, the last hope in her heart was shattered.

Fang Qingxiao looked at Jiang Lan and comforted him: "In disasters, everyone may die.

Now it is just the battle of dragon veins in the Earth Tribulation. When disaster strikes again, even we are in danger of falling.

Jiang Lan, don’t worry too much. "

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Fang Qingxiao looked at the three people below and took out a Suzaku Token with a black background and gold edges.

It was nothing else but the order of True Lord Suzaku.

"At this time of earthly calamity, the Suzaku Emperor cannot live without the True Lord. Now that Nangong has been killed in battle, we will choose the True Lord today."

Fang Qingxiao's eyes swept across Jiang Lan and Lin Mo, and finally landed on Su Yuan.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Su Yuan."


Although Su Yuan had expected it, he was still a little hesitant when it came to this step.

Not to mention others, there is Jiang Lan in front.

I am quite different in terms of qualifications and age.

Jiang Lan also understood Su Yuan's scruples, and without any further hesitation, said: "Star card masters are respected for their strength. Su Sanxi killed four knights of truth in a row. He is extremely powerful. I have no objection."

Lin Mo also nodded: "Su Sanxi is very suitable."

Fang Qingxiao walked down, picked up the token and said to Su Yuan: "Only talents are useful in disasters. Although you are young and have only been in the department for ten years, your talents are amazing and your actions are always satisfactory.

I wish you the position of true king, Su Yuan, are you... willing to take it? "

Unlike the second and third seats, Great Yan Zhenjun is truly the pinnacle of Great Yan King!

And now that it is the Earthly Tribulation, ascending to the throne as a true king basically means becoming a king.

But that's not the point...

In terms of power, Su Yuan doesn't need too much power. Even if he needs manpower to do something, he still has many manpower at Qingming Palace.

As for the king-level position, even without the protection of the true king, Su Yuan is quite sure that he can win a dragon vein during the earthly calamity.

And once you take over the position of true king, you will have to shoulder huge responsibilities as you gain power!

When you reach this point, you are truly the pillar of the country.

Not only must he be responsible for himself and Suzaku Yu, but he must also be responsible for the Xuntian Division and even the entire Great Yan!

At thirty years old, can you afford it?

In a flash of thought, Su Yuan's eyes were sure, and he bowed to accept Suzaku's order.

"Thanks to the Majesty's appreciation, my subordinates have no shirk in their duties!"

Although Su Yuan is young, although he has killed countless people, and although his methods are not limited to good or evil...

But in the face of big right and wrong, there is never any hesitation.

Nowadays, disasters and disasters are happening one after another, and wars are happening frequently. This is the time when Great Yan is in urgent need of strength.

As a native of Great Yan, since I have this power, I cannot refuse it.


Until this moment, Fang Qingxiao finally had a smile on his face again.

With a flash of the ring in his hand, Fang Qingxiao took out another Suzaku black cloak and put it on Su Yuan with his own hands.

Su Yuan was about to salute, but was supported by Fang Qingxiao.

Fang Qingxiao said: "The Tianxun Division is a military organization that pays attention to efficiency and does not have so many complicated etiquette and rituals. Su Yuan, now, you are the new True Lord Suzaku!"

Su Yuan responded respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Jiang Lan and Lin Mo next to them both saluted: "Su Zhenjun!"

Fang Qingxiao looked at Lin Mo and said: "The three seats are vacant. Lin Mo will be filled by Suzaku Yu, and it will be at your disposal."

Su Yuan's eyes lit up. He knew from the last time in Hongmeng Realm that Lin Mo was extraordinary and a low-key master who followed Fang Qingxiao.

After some more instructions, Fang Qingxiao raised his hand, and the scenery in front of him changed, turning into the blazing field of flames he had seen before.

Su Yuan asked: "Your Majesty, is this...?"

Fang Qingxiao said: "Use your soul power with all your strength and see."

When Su Yuan heard this, he immediately raised his hands, and the surging silver light gathered and unfolded the most lethal Sky God Jade.


Subsequently, Su Yuan used the techniques of shrinking the ground into an inch, drawing the ground as a prison, and the "Silver Cage" he had just mastered one by one.

Fang Qingxiao looked at it and his eyes brightened slightly: "If you can reach this level, you are only one step away from true liberation... It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

Su Yuan said: "I learned a lot from playing against masters who are good at using True Action Liberation, especially that [Wood] from the Secret Society of Truth is also a space system star card master.

In addition, I relied too much on the power of divine wind and divine fire before. Now that these two powers have become silent, my mastery of the power of the soul has become more profound. "

"No wonder, I really can't see any traces of divine fire on you." Fang Qingxiao nodded, and then looked at Jiang Lan, "Jiang Lan, you should be fast."

Jiang Lan nodded slightly: "I have been stuck at this step for more than thirty years. I have not made much progress in closed-door meditation. I have gained a lot of insights since the Earth Tribulation."

Fang Qingxiao said: "Disasters are not just disasters, they are also opportunities and luck. At such times, many geniuses often emerge one after another.

The practice of true form liberation is to strengthen the deep communication with the soul card, and outsiders can't help much.

Once this battle is over, dragon veins are born one after another, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of action. I hope you two can investigate as soon as possible. "

"Yes!" Su Yuan and others all agreed.

"Besides..." Fang Qingxiao's voice suddenly turned cold, "Liu Dongming!"

A trace of cold murderous intent suddenly flashed across Fang Qingxiao's body, immediately making Su Yuan and others' hearts tremble.

Fang Qingxiao turned his hand and took out a talisman.

"This is the hunting talisman refined by Yuwen Throne of the White Tiger Emperor who managed to capture the 'traces' of the original Liu Dongming Soul Lamp. If Liu Dongming is nearby, he can be found."

Fang Qingxiao handed the hunting talisman to Su Yuan and said coldly: "This person must be killed by us, Suzaku Yu, then we will leave it to you!"

Su Yuan took it: "I will definitely live up to the throne's trust."

"Okay, then go down."

Fang Qingxiao waved his hand, then turned and walked towards the hall.

Su Yuan and others bowed and then retreated.

Only Fang Qingxiao was left in the field, sitting on the main seat and looking at the empty position on the left.

In the end, Fang Qingxiao sighed secretly and shook his head...

"Congratulations to Su Zhenjun for ascending to the position of true king." Lin Mo said after coming out of the Suzaku Palace.

Su Yuan shook his head: "I just accepted the order in a critical situation. If it weren't for the death of True Lord Nangong, I would have no intention of taking this position."

This position is not necessary for Su Yuan, and he will definitely not stay there for too long.

Speaking of Nangong Li, Lin Mo also sighed.

And Jiang Lan next to her was even more depressed.

When Lin Mo saw this, he lowered his voice and said: "The most uncomfortable person at this moment is probably Lord Throne.

Nangong Zhenjun has outstanding strength, outstanding talent, steady and positive behavior, and is also a fire star card master like the emperor.

From very early on, the throne has been cultivating Zhenjun Nangong as his successor and even as a closed disciple...

If True Lord Nangong successfully survives this calamity and ascends to the level of king during the earthly calamity, he will be able to cope with subsequent calamities with the throne for thousands of years to come.

I never thought that when the Dragon Veins had just started and the Earthly Catastrophe had just reached its critical moment, True Lord Nangong would die young... Hey, this was a calamity! "

Jiang Lan was startled, but also reacted, realizing that Fang Yuzuo was already suffering enough, and he had to comfort himself...

"Liu Dongming... I will kill him sooner or later!" Jiang Lan's voice was extremely cold.

"I will." Su Yuan patted Jiang Lan on the shoulder, "I will help you and kill him with my own hands."

After leaving Suzaku Hall, Su Yuan returned to his room.

In this initial battle of dragon veins, our side had two out of three, which was considered a slight advantage.

And he killed [World], [Moon], [Judgment], abolished [Justice], severely damaged [Magician], [Death], [Demon] and [Tower]...

Generally speaking, the combat power of several True Lords is astonishing.

Unfortunately, it also cost the lives of Nangong Li, Shi Cheng and other experts from the Sky Patrol Division, and Tong Xueer, Ruan Jinglun, Meng Caiyue and others were also seriously injured.

"Besides that, the Secret Society of Truth really has a few super masters..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't help but think of Tisa again.

In addition to his invincible power of luck, Tisza is a super master among the five major families, with top swordsmanship, powerful and comprehensive skills, and he also holds the Holy Grail, the sealed holy artifact.

"According to the current information in the department, the Secret Society of Truth has four sealed sacred objects, namely sword, cup, staff, coin...

The Holy Sword is in the hands of [Sun] Phoenix;

The Holy Grail is in the hands of [Wheel of Fortune] Tisa;

The staff is in the hands of [Magician] Cullen;

So now, there is only one God's Coin left..."

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, Tisa's strength had been experienced personally, and it was evident that Karen could team up with Liu Dongming to kill Nangong Zhenjun.

Moreover, [World] once said that only "Karen" has ever entered its final ultimate prison.

From this point of view, the four people who hold the sealed sacred weapon are most likely the four strongest people in the Secret Society of Truth.

"However, no matter how powerful the enemy is, there is only one thing that is correct...that is to improve yourself!"

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, he released Ice Eyes and Ruanruan.

"Bingtong, Ruanruan, I will enter the Qingming Realm for seclusion next. If there is anything important, please wake me up."


"Master, don't worry!"

Luo Bingtong and Ruanruan also knew that Su Yuan was about to realize the true form of liberation, so they nodded seriously.

After Su Yuan gave some instructions, he returned to the Qingming Realm...

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