Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 951 Boundless freedom

The practice of the soul card requires communication with the soul card.

And the best place to communicate with the soul card is naturally the Green Underworld where the soul card evolved.

Qingming Peak is the highest point in Qingming World and the closest point to the sky.

Su Yuan sat cross-legged motionless, unable to even feel his breathing.

Three days passed, and I had already entered a deep state of meditation.

Suddenly, the Green Underworld shook more and more violently.

Afterwards, the entire world continued to collapse towards Qingming Peak from the outside in.

But Qingming Peak, which was already the highest, was rising higher into the sky, higher and higher... until it reached an unknown height.

Su Yuan opened his eyes and looked straight ahead.

In front of him, there was a phoenix with silver eyes and black body, covered with space patterns like silver flowers.

This was originally a phoenix vein...but now, it is a phoenix vein possessed by the "Infinite Black Phoenix".

Su Yuan looked at Xuan Feng in front of him: "He is finally willing to show up..."

Perhaps it was a rare opportunity to face Su Yuan face to face. Xuanfeng also looked at Su Yuan and then said: "Do you want more of my power?"

Su Yuan: "That's right."

Xuanfeng said calmly: "You have rare treasures such as divine wind and divine fire, as well as ever-improving skills. You can kill enemies along the way. Do you really need my power?"

Su Yuan listened carefully to what Xuanfeng said, but he vaguely heard a hint of resentment from the other party's mouth?

Actually, it is.

Just like what Yang Yifeng said before when talking to Yang Yifeng, the most important advantage of Su Yuan's strength is the various skills he has improved along the way using the Stardust System.

And it is precisely because of these powerful skills that can be easily improved that the cultivation of soul cards and soul power falls into a vicious cycle.

It was originally a rare and powerful space soul card, but since its awakening, it has always been difficult to get Su Yuan's "favor". Why don't you let Infinite Black Phoenix feel resentful?

Su Yuan felt that he was wrong, nodded and said: "Indeed, in my eagerness for success at first, I did not pay attention to the most fundamental soul power.

However, with the silence of the divine wind and divine fire, I also realized that the power of space is the most suitable and convenient power. "

Xuanfeng turned his head slightly and snorted coldly.

Unlike other soul cards, the Infinite Black Phoenix is ​​already a legendary quality soul card despite its extremely high growth rate.

But Su Yuan only awakened the soul card when he was sixteen years old, and the Infinite Black Phoenix was not even "twenty years old" at all costs.

For a soul card that is dependent on the Star Card Master and is inanimate itself, this is extremely "young".

Su Yuan pondered for a moment and said sternly: "Although it's a little late, it's better than never doing it. Now that the disaster is coming, I need more of your power. Until now, you will be my most important strength."

It's like coaxing a child, but that's what Su Yuan thought in his heart.

Xuanfeng pondered for a while after hearing this, and then said: "I want to help you, yes, but there are conditions."

"you say."

Wuliang Xuanfeng looked at Su Yuan, with silver light flowing in his eyes: "You are the cleanest I have ever seen at this moment, but... you are not clean enough.

There are too many impurities around me. If you want more power, then let me get rid of the dross. "

The "dregs" mentioned by Wuliang Xuanfeng are presumably those non-space system star cards.

All star cards are embedded in the sea of ​​stars with Xuan Feng as the center.

For Wuliang Xuanfeng, it was like having a lot of messy garbage piled around him.

And according to Wuliang Xuanfeng's intention... is to abolish them?

Skills that have been embedded cannot be replaced. This is the common sense of star card masters.

If these skills are abolished, it undoubtedly means that the skill slots will also be abolished!

Su Yuan's eyes were filled with silver light as he stared at Xuan Feng.

After pondering for a moment, Su Yuan nodded in agreement: "Okay!"

This is not easy, and there is even a bit of a game.

Because Xuan Feng wanted to abolish these skills, Su Yuan was not sure what exactly it would abolish.

For Xuanfeng, any non-space skills are bound to be rubbish, including the three legendary magical powers of the Three Phase God Controlling, Wind, Thunder and Fire, as well as the True Sword Controlling Technique of the Supreme Purity, etc...

But no matter how unsure he was, Su Yuan couldn't ask easily.

If you ask, it is very likely that there will be a gap between you and Xuanfeng.

Even if there is only a trace of estrangement, true liberation will be even more difficult!

Seeing Su Yuan agree, Wuliang Xuanfeng didn't say anything more, his eyes lit up with silver light, his wings spread out, and the silvery space patterns outside his body flickered.

Countless silver runes flew out from Xuan Feng's body, and as they intertwined back and forth, the overbearing power of space quickly enveloped Su Yuan and seeped into the sea of ​​stars within his body.

Su Yuan's whole body was shaken, and there was a shattering sound of "kaka ka ka..." inside his body.

Starting from the Star Disciple level, you can have strong flaming fingers, hardened iron clothes, and wind walking steps...

Bronze level ghost wolf summoning, hell flames, sun burning technique...

Silver-level Void Monument Breaker, Frost Dragon...

Gold level Trinity...

Until the last Huiyue level killing and purification technique!

Each of the skills that had contributed to Su Yuan's success were shattered, even the inlaid skill slots!

And this is not over yet...

Just when Su Yuan thought it was over, space skills such as Void Monument Breaker, Transformation, Star Overlord, and Space Gate also collapsed one by one!

Su Yuan's heart trembled. He didn't expect that the Infinite Black Phoenix would actually smash all these space skills!

But fortunately, Xuan Feng has not abolished many legendary magical powers, including the epic quality [Time Rewind] and other important skills.

Su Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and knew that he was not wrong.

The reason why I quickly agreed is because no matter what, I and Wuliang Xuanfeng are always one.

Even if Wuliang Xuanfeng has its own likes and dislikes, in the final analysis, it will not do anything that is not beneficial to itself.

Not long after, after the pupil technique [Dongxu] was also shattered, the smashing of the Star Card by the Infinite Black Phoenix finally stopped, and the many space runes surrounding Su Yuan slowly dissipated.

At this moment, in Su Yuan's sea of ​​​​stars, apart from the [Teleportation] that came with him when he first awakened, there are only a few purple and gold star cards such as [Three-Phase Royal God] and [Time Rewind].

Even the [Air Cut] and other soul cards embedded in the lower three levels were all shattered by the Infinite Black Phoenix!

Seeing such an empty sea of ​​stars, Su Yuan was not used to it for a while.

He opened his eyes again and looked at Xuan Feng in front of him: "Fortunately, he still left me with the [Time Rewind] skills."

Xuanfeng: "You're welcome."

Su Yuan: "..."

Su Yuan: "But I didn't expect that you would actually melt away the [Void Monument Breaker], [Transformation] and even the pupil technique [Dongxu]..."

Xuanfeng snorted: "If you don't melt it, how will you get enough energy to improve you?"

"Huh?" Su Yuan was slightly startled.

Xuanfeng: "Although the space skills that were melted are very effective, they are not strong enough, and you can't use them much now.

These skills are nothing more than various effective uses of the power of space.

Since it once existed, it is not difficult to recover these skills as the creator and weaver of space. "

Xuanfeng said, the silver lines on the dark body suddenly became extremely rich, and countless strange energies surged towards Su Yuan...

In the blink of an eye, the teleportation on the soul card quickly became dazzling!

Originally there was only blue teleportation, but suddenly the immeasurable power of the immeasurable black phoenix was added!

Teleportation is originally the soul card that comes with the Blue Sky Phoenix when it awakens.

At this moment, the energy of other star cards was gathered, and then guided by the immeasurable power of the legendary quality immeasurable black phoenix, it suddenly underwent a fundamental transformation and gradually emitted a dazzling golden brilliance.

In just a short while, it completely transformed into a skill of legendary quality!

【Infinite freedom】

[Quality: Legend]

[Level: Unable to upgrade]

[Introduction: Movement in space at the will of the heart, the ultimate freedom technique of the Overlord of Heaven, removes consumption, removes cooling, increases teleportation distance, and is not subject to conventional constraints and barriers. 】

"Legendary teleportation skill, a super enhanced version of teleportation?"

Su Yuan's heart skipped a beat. It was just a blue-quality [teleportation], and he was still using it to this day.

And now, how powerful will the legendary quality [Infinite Teleportation] be?

Remove consumption, remove cooldown...

Does this mean that you can teleport anywhere you want?

Moreover, teleportation in the past was subject to some restricted skills, which made it impossible to complete the teleportation, but now it is "not subject to conventional constraints and obstructions"...

It is indeed the "ultimate art of freedom to move the heart at will"... It is truly terrifying!

Is it worth it to smash so many skills in exchange for a legendary level [Infinite Freedom]?

Of course it’s worth it!

As the saying goes, quality is far greater than quantity!

What's more, the skills that were erased were all below legendary level, and most of them were skills that had long since ceased to be of much use!

And being able to upgrade the master-quality [Teleportation] to the legendary [Infinite Freedom]... is simply a huge profit!

And this is just the preparatory work for true liberation.

The potential of the boundless black phoenix, the more profound power...

Xuanfeng looked at Su Yuan: "Then, I'll start!"

Xuanfeng spread his wings, took two steps forward and hugged Su Yuan.

How to deeply understand the power of soul cards?

Physical proximity can better promote spiritual communication.

The power of space flashed, and the immeasurable black phoenix took Su Yuan straight into the sky, turning into a sky-covering phoenix and wrapping Su Yuan inside.

In an instant, the Qingming World shook violently, and the remaining Qingming Peak began to collapse from bottom to top.

But for a moment, the world returned to nothingness, with only the silver light in mid-air...

Time passes, I don’t know how long it has been.


In the world, the silver light suddenly converged, and after a flash of brilliance on the body of the Infinite Black Phoenix, the entire body shrank and returned to Su Yuan's body.

As the Infinite Black Phoenix disappeared, the power of the space outside Su Yuan's body became stronger, and the same mysterious and gorgeous silver patterns as the Infinite Black Phoenix gradually appeared all over his body.

Until the end, Su Yuan opened his eyes, and amid the surge of silver light, the bright silver flowers in the sky suddenly bloomed in his pupils!

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