Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 952 True Form Liberation

"True liberation!"

Su Yuan stood in mid-air, the power of space flowing outside his body, and his eyes turned into flowers in the sky and stared straight ahead.

In all directions, the Green Underworld is still the same as before. Not to mention it has not collapsed into nothingness, it has not even changed at all!

Everything just happened just happened in the depths of Su Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness, in the spiritual space constructed by the countless black phoenixes.

And now, back to reality!

"Immeasurable power..."

Su Yuan raised his right hand and felt the world expand and contract in his hand.

"Then give it a try."

Su Yuan waved his hand, and a big silver hand that shook the space suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then, Su Yuan thought, and the flowers in the sky lit up slightly.

In just an instant, the already huge silver hand suddenly grew dozens of times in size, and shot towards the mountains derived from the Green Underworld below!


The mountains shattered, the ground cracked, and a large area including several large mountains was turned into powder!

Such power is simply not inferior to the top epic skills!

Then, the silver light on the flower in the sky in Su Yuan's left eye swirled wildly, and the entire field of vision quickly shrank, and in a matter of seconds, it had already rushed hundreds of miles away.

Until finally, it landed on a hill thousands of miles away.


In an instant, the bright silver light penetrated thousands of miles, and everything in it was erased, leaving only a little scalp-numbing space power in mid-air!

"Is this true form liberation? The power of the soul is much stronger...!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and then he realized why Wuliang Xuanfeng erased all the space skills so casually.

All those space skills have been upgraded to the realm of transformation by Su Yuan, and his understanding of them is extremely profound.

But now, with this understanding, and with the help of the ability to control space after the liberation of his true form, Su Yuan can easily "reconstruct" most of his skills, and they are even much more powerful than before!

For example, Wuliang·Void Monument Breaker: retains the power of space vibration, and also adds unlimited power so that it can easily grow countless times!

For example, Wuliang·Dongxu: Use unlimited power to gather the power of space in the left eye, which is even more terrifying and several times larger than before. At the same time, it can shorten the distance of thousands of miles by countless times. In the blink of an eye, it can penetrate the void with the power of space compressed to the extreme!

And as the intensity of the infinite power increases dramatically, in addition to these originally embedded skills, the developed Sky God Jade, Painted Earth Prison, Silver Cage, etc... all have greatly increased power and greatly reduced consumption!

The Sky God Jade, which originally consumes terrifying amounts of energy, probably consumes more than the original Sky God Cannon when its true form is liberated.

In addition, with the intensity of true form liberation, even Tisza may not be able to break through the immeasurable power unless it is accumulated in quantity!

"In this way...below the king level, there is nothing to fear!"

Feeling the strength, Su Yuan's eyes sparkled.

This is the strong self-confidence that comes from the soul card that he relies on fundamentally.

The liberation of the true form of the Infinite Black Phoenix can be described in one word... that is "expansion"!

Numerical expansion!

Su Yuan pulled out the demon sword and swung it in rapid succession. Sword lights flashed everywhere in front of him.

Previously, it was necessary to accumulate momentum to use Wuliang to slash, but now, with a single swing of the sword, it can cross the space and appear at the desired target.

This is precisely because the intensity of the immeasurable power has increased dramatically, with no upper limit for expansion and no lower limit for contraction. All manipulation of space is almost completed in an instant!

Moreover, by taking advantage of the immeasurable characteristics, the power limit of all skills has been greatly increased.

In the true state of liberation, even the Void Monument Breaker surpasses the epic and approaches the legend.

And Dongxu itself is a top epic pupil technique, and now it has been strengthened immeasurably from two aspects. The improvement is terrifying, and in terms of lethality alone, it is almost as good as the magical power!

Although these skills reconstructed and developed by Immeasurable Power often consume a lot of energy because they require a large amount of star power to be used.

But true form liberation has the effect of reducing star power consumption, and now Su Yuan can replenish star power through the Phoenix Veins of the Blue Underworld...

Unless he encountered Nalan Ying's powerful and targeted skills like "Zhu Yi Heng Chang", Su Yuan would hardly have to worry about star power consumption!


Su Yuan rubbed his left eye, which was a little blurry, burning and painful.

"The load on the eyes has also increased several times compared to before... If it weren't for Xuan Feng's liberation, the power was already concentrated in the pupils, and I'm afraid the left eye would be about to explode at this moment!"

After a lot of testing, Su Yuan thought, and the bright flowers in his eyes slowly dissipated, and the domineering power of space was also released.

The soul card in the sea of ​​stars dimmed a little, and a feeling of exhaustion spread throughout his body from the inside out.

Obviously, true form liberation consumes the power of the soul card and cannot be opened casually.

"True liberation is finally here!"

Su Yuan felt the state of the soul card again, then suppressed his excitement and left the Green Underworld immediately.

At this moment, Bingtong was sitting on the ground practicing, while Ruanruan turned into a slime and leaned on his delicate and smooth thighs with her eyes closed and meditating.

Seeing Su Yuan coming out, both of them opened their eyes immediately.

"Master!!" Ruanruan jumped up and rushed to Su Yuan's shoulder.

Luo Bingtong also walked up to Su Yuan and asked slightly nervously: "Success...?"

Su Yuan had just released his true form. As beast masters, the two of them could still faintly feel the difference in Su Yuan.

Su Yuan smiled and said, "Well, it worked!"

"Okay!" Ruanruan jumped up happily.

Luo Bingtong's blue eyes also flickered, looking very happy.

Su Yuan himself was also very happy. At this point, the liberation of the true form was finally completed!

It went smoother than expected, and...it was a surprise!

Later, Su Yuan briefly talked to Bingtong and Ruanruan about his experience when he realized the liberation of his true form.

After all, whether it was Bing Tong who had returned from the secret realm of the Dragon Palace, or Ruan Ruan who had appeared after the Demon King's split soul last time, the two of them were quite close to the liberation of their true form.

Speaking of this, Su Yuan looked at the two women and began to think.

Whether it is Bingtong or Ruanruan, both have powerful talents and unlimited potential.

But the two of them are just like themselves before going to the Southern Continent. They are strong in all aspects, but their realm is insufficient.

Bing Tong is a descendant of the Dragon Queen, mastering the rules of time and the power of the true dragon.

Ruanruan is the reincarnation of the Demon King, with the Law of Devouring and the complete mimicry of several legendary holy beasts.

Even if the two women are in the Chongyang realm, they can still compete with the Three Yang realms like Taishangmen Nie Wu and Zhuque Yu Hezheng.

But if you go one step further and deal with Xu He, Xiang Liu Jiuying... opponents of this level, it will be very difficult.

It was for this reason that Su Yuan did not dare to release them to help in the previous battle.

But if the two women can be promoted to Sanyang and their strength improves by leaps and bounds, it will be very different!

Su Yuan's eyes were open and he was thinking, the liberation of his true form depends entirely on himself, and outsiders can't help him much.

But in terms of realm, maybe we can think of a way...

Su Yuan looked at the time and saw that only a few days had passed since he went into retreat.

Both Dayan and Qiguang are still digesting the three dragon veins in the middle, and they haven't made any big moves yet.

After thinking for a while, Su Yuan temporarily sent the two women to the beast control space, and then went to the Suzaku Hall.

As Su Yuan walked in the Yanting Palace, along the way to the Vermilion Bird Palace, people stopped and saluted everywhere.

"True Lord!"

"Su Zhenjun!"


A few days have passed, and Nangong Li's death and Su Yuan's succession as Zhuque Yuzhenjun have been announced.

Nangong Li, who was both famous and powerful, had just fallen. If ordinary people succeeded him, they would probably cause some criticism.

But Su Yuan is not just a genius with unlimited potential who is favored by his superiors...

There was [Chariot] and [Priestess] in the past, and now there is [World] and [Moon].

Su Yuan's ascension to this position was based on his own achievements step by step. No matter whether he was inside or outside, no one had any doubts about Su Yuan's succession!

Ten years after joining the company, from a newcomer to Yaoxing to now as the Supreme Lord of Ichigo...

Such a resume has never been seen since the founding of the Sky Patrol Division. It is simply a living legend!

Many envoys in the department only respect him, how can there be any criticism?

Soon, Su Yuan came to Suzaku Hall again.

Fang Qingxiao was in the hall, and he originally thought that Su Yuan came over for something.

As a result, his eyes fell on Su Yuan, but he could see the change at a glance.

"The true form is liberated?" Fang Qingxiao asked in surprise.

After Su Yuan saluted, he nodded and said with a smile: "I was lucky enough to get a breakthrough."

Even Fang Qingxiao couldn't help but exclaimed: "You are really liberated, it's only been a few days!"

True liberation, even if it is just a matter of time, there is no fixed number of days, months or even two to three years.

"Okay! Okay!"

Fang Qingxiao said two good words in a row, because Nangong Li's mood after his death finally eased a bit again.

"It just so happens that after being promoted to True Lord, you can choose a pseudo-sacred weapon among Yan Ting."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded: "Your Majesty, this is exactly why I came here, but...I don't have any shortage of pseudo-sacred weapons for the time being. I wonder if I can exchange them for other rewards?"

Fang Qingxiao waved his hand and said indifferently: "Of course, rules are dead, but people are alive. If you want a legendary star card, or something else, it will do."

Su Yuan said: "I want a star card."

Hearing this, Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan and said, "I guess you want a star card that can enhance your mental power?"

Fang Qingxiao also read Su Yuan's battle report and had a general understanding of Su Yuan's methods.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "I was right by the throne."

Nowadays, there are not many things that he lacks, but in many battles, only mental power is always in short supply.

We must try to solve this problem, otherwise the God's Broken Sword Light will lose its mental power after just firing it a few times.

"There are also spiritual legendary star cards in the company..."

After Fang Qingxiao thought about it for a while, he suddenly thought of something, and after thinking about it, his words stopped.


Seeing Fang Qingxiao thinking for a while, Su Yuan reminded him softly.

Fang Qingxiao came back to his senses, looked at Su Yuan, and thought of the fallen Nangong...

"No problem, the star card will be given to you in two days." Fang Qingxiao nodded.

That’s all, let’s go see the Qing Emperor once…

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