Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 953 Forging Yang

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Su Yuan didn't know what was going on in Fang Qingxiao's heart, so he bowed and thanked her respectfully.

After pondering for a while, Su Yuan spoke again: "Your Majesty, I have something else to ask of you."

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said, "You say."

When Su Yuan raised his hand, silver light flashed, and Ice Eyes and Ruanruanshi appeared beside him.

"Oh? These two little guys..."

Fang Qingxiao glanced at Ruanruan, and then his eyes fell on Bingtong again, his expression slightly condensed.

Fang Qingxiao has seen Ruanruan many times, but Luo Bingtong...

Fang Qingxiao's eyes lit up with golden red fire. After a brief look, he could already guess its origin after a little speculation.

"Descendant of the Ice Queen?"

Luo Bingtong nodded and bowed slightly in a sensible manner: "Luo, Bingtong, I have met... Fang Yuzuo."

Su Yuan said: "Your Majesty, I wonder if there is any way to give Bingtong and Ruanruan a chance to quickly break through Sanyang?"

Fang Qingxiao looked at Bingtong and Ruanruan, and naturally knew their powerful talents and potential.

Now that Su Yuan is the True Lord of Zhuque Yu, the increase in their strength means that Su Yuan's strength has increased, which in disguise also means that Su Yuan's strength has increased.

After thinking for a while, Fang Qingxiao said: "The fastest way is naturally to use the remaining essence of the dragon vein.

In this first dragon vein battle, we won two dragon veins. The dragon vein in the western desert was directly absorbed by Qin Linjiang of Qinglongyu.

And the dragon vein that you assisted the Xuanwu Yu people in the Mediterranean to resist the possession of the Knight of Truth is now being refined by Wang Xin of the Yanting Forbidden Army.

If Wang Xin successfully breaks through, the remaining essence of the dragon vein will be produced. "

Su Yuan's eyes lit up.

Fang Qingxiao continued: "However, the total amount of dragon vein remnant is limited, and it has to be distributed to other imperial masters, especially Xuanwu Imperial Second Chief Shi Cheng who was killed in this battle...

If there are too many people, the residual effect will be greatly weakened, so we can only get you one spot this time. "


Su Yuan nodded, his eyes fell on Bingtong and Ruanruan, and he began to think secretly.

After hearing this, Bingtong and Ruanruan just looked at Su Yuan quietly.

He didn't ask for it, nor did he refuse it.

If it were normal, that would be fine, anyone could take it, Bingtong and Ruanruan could give it to each other.

But having just experienced the first battle of dragon veins, the two women found that they were far behind against the top three Yangs such as the Knights of Truth, and they were completely ineffective.

Now, both Bingtong and Ruanruan are eager to improve their strength so that they can help Su Yuan in the next battle!

So neither of them spoke to interfere with Su Yuan's decision.

After Su Yuan thought about it for a while, he quickly made a decision.

"Then Bingtong."

Bingtong and Ruanruan are both important, and there is no preference for one over the other.

The reason why I chose Bingtong was entirely out of practical considerations.

First, aligning the Ice Eyes realm with one's own can increase the strength of [Rongling Wangshen].

As for Ruanruan, because he is now able to communicate with the Phoenix Veins of the Green Underworld to replenish star power, the reverse star power output of Ruanruan's Devouring Law is not so critical.

Secondly, Ruanruan has the law of devouring, and there are almost no bottlenecks. As long as the star core is enough, it will be easier to break through in the future than Bingtong.

Fang Qingxiao looked at Luo Bingtong and nodded: "Okay, but if I read it correctly, it seems that she just broke through not long ago, right?

If you don’t accumulate enough in the Double Ninth Realm, even if you have the remaining dragon veins, you may not be able to break through..."

Su Yuan gave a bitter smile: "If you fail to break through successfully, just think of it as accumulation."

Su Yuan also understands this truth, but Ruanruan only broke through in the Southern Continent, and his accumulation is also insufficient.

Although there is no bottleneck for Ruanruan, if they really want to ensure a breakthrough, they may have to absorb the remaining essence of an entire dragon vein. What will the other masters of Xuanwu Yu do?

Therefore, Bingtong and Ruanruan are currently the same.

Fang Qingxiao tapped the armrest of the big chair with his fingers, his eyes looking thoughtful.

"The remnants of dragon veins are extremely rare, that is, it coincides with the rise of the Earth Tribulation, otherwise it would have been extremely rare to have such an opportunity in the past thousands of years.

Now that you have won the dragon vein for Si Nei and have the opportunity for her to absorb the remaining essence, you should naturally try your best to break through in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to estimate the time it would take to finish the job..."

Having said this, Fang Qingxiao pondered for a moment, then stood up and walked down, coming to Luo Bingtong.

He raised his hand, and a golden-red flame lit up in his palm.

"Jun Tian is on fire!"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly as he looked at Jun Tianhuo, the seventh-ranked Jun Tianhuo passed down from generation to generation by the Suzaku Throne.

Fang Qingxiao said to Su Yuan: "I can use the Jun Tian Fire to melt the Chongyang in her body. Although it cannot improve her cultivation, it can precipitate and consolidate the existing realm and increase her confidence in making breakthroughs."

Fang Qingxiao paused and looked at the petite Luo Bingtong in front of him: "However, this process is very painful. Even Lin Mo couldn't persist in it before. I don't know how she is..."

"'Very painful'..."

Su Yuan's heart trembled slightly, even Fang Qingxiao said this, the pain in it can be imagined.

"I can."

Before Su Yuan could speak, Luo Bingtong had already responded in a low voice, her beautiful ice sapphire eyes serious and firm.

"Okay." Fang Qingxiao didn't say much, and the golden red fire in his palm swelled. "I'm going to start. Concentrate on locking the twin suns in the star sea. If you can't support it, tell me in advance."

Luo Bingtong nodded slightly, with a solemn expression.

And Fang Qingxiao slapped Luo Bingtong's thin shoulder with his palm.

With a flash of fire, countless golden and red runes rushed out from under his palm, quickly covering Luo Bingtong's body like a seal.

Then Fang Qingxiao took back his hand and raised his hand to form a seal. Suddenly, the flames were bright, and all the golden and red runes burst out with extremely bright brilliance like solar flares.


Golden-red flames suddenly ignited from Luo Bingtong's body.

Luo Bingtong's face suddenly turned white. Under the sudden intense pain, her whole body shook violently. In an instant, countless fine sweat appeared on her face, behind her ears, and on her neck...

Luo Bingtong gritted her teeth and didn't make a sound.

Ruanruan looked at Bingtong worriedly, clenching her fists unconsciously, secretly cheering for her.

Su Yuan also frowned, but there was nothing he could do. He could only hope that Bingtong could withstand the hammering of Jun Tianhuo this time.

Time passes little by little, and one day passes in the blink of an eye.

The burning of Jun Tian's fire is getting deeper and deeper, and Luo Bingtong's whole body is already trembling uncontrollably...

It wasn't until another half day passed that the seal in Fang Qingxiao's hand changed, and the many golden and fire runes on Luo Bingtong's body flashed and then suddenly dissipated like illusions.

Sensing the flames dissipating from her body, Luo Bingtong raised her head with difficulty and asked with a pale face.


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