Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 955 Three Peanut God

【Three Peanut God】

[Quality: Legend]

[Introduction: Taoist Shen Zang can refine the top spiritual magic with the top three flowers; improve the total spiritual energy, spiritual defense and spiritual attack...]

"It seems to be a very comprehensive skill."

After taking a first look, Su Yuan nodded slightly.

Whether it's total power, defense or mental attack, it's all what you need.

After all, it is a legendary-level mental skill, so the improvement is expected not to be too bad.

Su Yuan didn't look much and directly mounted the [Three Peanut God] on it.

Anyway, there is only this spiritual skill, so there is no need to waste your energy looking for others.

With a flash of golden light in the body, the last skill slot of the Burning Sun level has been set!

Turbulent mental power spurted out from the sea of ​​consciousness. Su Yuan felt as if something was about to be born, and couldn't help closing his eyes to cope with it with all his strength.

The lead-colored brilliance outside his body flourished, and within a few breaths, a lead-colored lotus flower emerged from Su Yuan's head.

Su Yuan opened his eyes, feeling filled with thoughts and all kinds of mysteries emerging in his mind.

"It increases the total amount of mental power by 50%, and that's not all. You can actually use this flower to replenish your mental power!"

As the skills were embedded, Su Yuan was pleasantly surprised.

Su Yuan has discovered that in addition to the increase in the total amount of spiritual power, this lotus flower with lead-colored brilliance is also filled with extremely rich spiritual power.

As long as one has a thought, these mental powers can fall directly into the sea of ​​consciousness and directly replenish one's mental powers.

"This is just one lotus. If there are three lotus flowers... let's see if they are full first!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he immediately summoned the system.

The amount of stardust points brought back by Yao Po and Bing Tong last time amounted to tens of millions, which was more than enough even if [Shangqing Yujian Zhenjue] and [Rongling Wangshen] were upgraded.

At least below the king level, there will be no shortage of stardust points.

"Promote [Three Peanut Gods] to the pinnacle!"

Following Su Yuan's command in his heart, 1,300w of stardust was consumed instantly, and surging system energy poured into the newly embedded [Three Peanut God].

The Three Peanut Gods suddenly burst out with extremely bright golden brilliance, and countless Taoist runes continued to rise from outside Su Yuan's body.

After a while, gold and silver auras rushed out of the sea of ​​self-consciousness. In the dense aura, they turned into two gold and silver lotuses hanging next to the lead-colored lotus.

Three flowers gathered at the top, hanging down a large chain of mysterious runes, and finally gathered on Su Yuan's forehead to form a three-flower mark.

Su Yuan opened his eyes, his eyes were originally silver, but now they were even more sparkling and stunning!

After briefly experiencing the changes in his body, Su Yuan opened the upgraded system panel again.

【Three Peanut God】

[Quality: Legend]

[Level: reaching the pinnacle]

[Effect: Evolve the three flowers of heaven, earth, and people.

Passive effects:

Human Flower: Provides 100% of the total mental power.

Earth Flower: Greatly improves mental defense and mental resistance.

Smallpox: Greatly strengthens mental attack and mental control.

Active effects:

Shengshen: Consume the spiritual power carried by a lotus flower to replenish one's own spiritual power to perfection.

Lotus body: The three flowers are gone and the lotus body is reborn. When the body dies, use the power of the three flowers to reshape the body and resurrect it in place, while purifying all negative states. 】

"Three Flowers Gathering... What a powerful spiritual skill!" Su Yuan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In addition to the all-round passive improvement of the total mental power, mental defense, and mental attack of the three lotuses, the two effects of "Shen Shen" and "Lotus Body" are even stronger than the other.

"Born God", three lotuses can replenish mental power three times. Although Taixu and Divine Breaking cannot be used arbitrarily, it is completely enough.

And "Lotus Body" is far superior to extremely rare rebirth skills such as "Killing Pursuit Technique". It takes effect passively, has no prerequisite restrictions, and also has a powerful purification effect!

In other words, even if you die due to continuous damage such as curses and toxins, the curses, toxins, etc. on your body will be purified and dispelled when the lotus body is reshaped.

Of course, the premise is that the gap with the opponent is limited. If there are too many enemies like the Curse King, it is difficult to say whether they can be purified.

"Although I thought that the spiritual skills of legendary quality would never be bad, I didn't expect that they would be so strong!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up with joy, he was quite surprised and satisfied with this.

It is said that for king-level powerhouses, blessed by the power of law, their every move has unimaginable power.

There is no fixed formula for the moves, they are basically skills developed through the power of laws.

Therefore, in king-level battles, epic and below-epic skills are almost ineffective.

However, legendary skills are still the main method of king level besides the power of law.

And this [Three Peanut God] is definitely a powerful skill that can be called a trump card for kings!

Even though Su Yuan now has legendary skills, he would think that legendary skills are useless.

In fact, there are very few people like Su Yuan.

Even the Three Yang Envoys of the Tianxian Division only have three or four legendary star cards on average, and one who has a magical power is considered an elite.

The top three masters usually have more than one magical power.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, Su Yuan raised his hand and put it between his eyebrows, temporarily covering up the Three Flowers Gathering Seal.

No matter how fast you practice, your magical powers in one day are too exaggerated, so you still have to cover up when you need to.

"So now, the shortcomings of mental strength, which is not a shortcoming, have been completely made up for!"

Su Yuan smiled with satisfaction.

Now my star power has the Blue Underworld Phoenix Vein; my spiritual power has the Three Peanut Gods; my life power has the Glazed Azure Sword...

With the power of the soul, skills and star weapons... he completely solved all his battery life problems!

"Then the next step is the Immortal Killing Formation and the Demon Sword. The knowledge of the formation is still being accumulated, and the Demon Sword..."

Su Yuan turned over his hand and took out the demon knife, the brilliance on it was extremely dim.

After the last silence, the recovery time of the Demon Sword was one year, and now it will take ten years!

"However, after being promoted to a pseudo-sacred weapon, you can quickly recover by killing powerful monsters..."

Su Yuan's eyes showed he was thinking, let's see if there is enough time or not.

It would be best if you could restore the demon sword before you become a king.

Otherwise, we will wait until we reach the king level.

"The next step is to recharge our batteries and improve our formation in preparation for a big battle."

Demon City Academy.

In the skills theory class, Geng Qiuyi, who has been promoted to Huiyue, is teaching a group of sophomore students.

Suddenly, an increasingly noisy sound came from the direction of the square outside the teaching building.

Not just in the square, but also from upstairs and downstairs, there were noisy sounds.

If the sound insulation effect of the classroom was not good, it would be so noisy that class would be impossible.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened!"


Sensing the abnormality outside, many students in the room whispered.

Geng Qiuyi, who was above, frowned: "Hey, hey, everyone, please be quiet."

After hearing Geng Qiuyi's lecture, the students below suddenly became more honest.

One of the girls said timidly: "Teacher Geng, there seems to be a lot of commotion outside."

"What's going on? In Demon City Academy, the sky won't fall!"

Geng Qiuyi flipped through the textbook and raised his head to look at everyone.

"You're already a sophomore, not a freshman. You guys should be more mature and don't make a fuss at the slightest sign of trouble."

"Yes, Teacher Geng!" Everyone also smiled.

Although Geng Qiuyi appears to have a hot temper, he is straightforward and enthusiastic, and he gets along well with the students as both a teacher and a friend.

It is said that last time, because the class students were maliciously targeted by several students from the Magic City Academy in the United Secret Realm, they almost got into a fight with the teachers from the Magic City Academy!

It can be said that Geng Qiuyi is now one of the most popular teachers Huiyue among the students in Yaodu.

Geng Qiuyi curled his lips and continued his lecture.

To be honest, Geng Qiuyi still prefers practical guidance to indoor teaching.

At this time, the noise outside the classroom became louder and louder, as if something terrible had happened.

"These guys..." Geng Qiuyi felt irritated and opened the door directly, "It's noisy outside..."

"Senior Su Yuan, top three on the Burning Sun List!"

"Look at the Burning Sun List! Look at the Burning Sun List!"

"Zhenjun Zhuque!"


In the corridors and squares, people ran around telling each other, shouting excitedly.

Although the sounds are noisy, they all revolve around one person...

That is Su Yuan.

Geng Qiuyi immediately understood what the students outside were talking about, his expression froze, and he was suddenly stunned.

In the classroom, some students have already taken out their mobile phones and opened the latest Burning Sun List...

"Number one on the Burning Sun Ranking, Tianxun Division, White Tiger True Lord Fang Yuan."

"Second on the Burning Sun Ranking, Xiahou, Xuantian Division, True Lord Qinglong."

And the third one on the Burning Sun Ranking...

"Third on the Burning Sun Ranking, Tianxian Division, Su Yuan, the Vermillion Bird Master..." The boy exclaimed and jumped up with his phone in hand, "Look, the third one is Senior Su Yuan!!"

As the boy spoke, the eyes of the entire classroom widened. After quickly checking the list, each one of them blushed quickly.

Not nervous, but excited!

Ever since Su Yuan first appeared on the Burning Sun Ranking, the whole country had been in a state of sensation for a while.

And Yaodu College naturally promoted Su Yuan as a "famous alumnus"!

After all, this is a super master who has been on the Burning Sun Ranking at the age of thirty.

Since he is a genius from his own college, of course he must publicize it well. Isn't this more effective than any admissions discount?

The Antarctic College defeated the masters from the five southeastern colleges; the battle for the Holy Spring in the Magic City defeated the two colleges in the Imperial Capital; directly repelled the visiting Qiguang student delegation...

In addition, Su Yuan was a figure from ten years ago, and many students have heard of many of his deeds.

Suddenly, not to mention Yaodu College, students from various colleges and universities across the country regarded Su Yuan as their idol!

And now, it has suddenly reached the top three?

"Third! Senior Su is really third!"

"Still True Lord Suzaku? True Lord, isn't he the most powerful level in the Tianxun Division where there are many experts!"

"This is too awesome, worthy of Senior Su!"


Suddenly, the whole classroom was boiling.


Just at this moment, there was a muffled sound.

Many students were shocked and looked towards the door in silence, but it was Geng Qiuyi who punched the classroom wall beside him and cracked it!

There was a muffled sound, and a large piece of the podium made of black stone and iron suddenly dented.

"Teacher Geng, Geng, be more mature..." A tall boy next to him swallowed his saliva and said.

If it were normal, Geng Qiuyi would definitely give him a big dick.

But now, Geng Qiuyi has no such thoughts at all, and his eyes are full of strong surprise.

"What a guy! Su Yuan... is actually third on the Burning Sun List?!"

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