Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 956 Forest of Warcraft

With the release of the latest issue of the Burning Sun List, all places in Great Yan, and even abroad in the Qingming Palace of the Western Desert and the Dragon Gate of the Black Wind Region...

The upper echelons of each force were also shocked by Su Yuan who suddenly broke into the top three after this update.

What is more shocking than his ranking is his record.

All other content has been cleared, and now there is only one line of text...

"Kill 4 Knights of Truth!"

The 22 truth knights of the Secret Society of Truth have strange abilities and terrifying strength, and their reputation has spread from north to south.

All forces in the entire Eastern Continent are trying to avoid him!

But Su Yuan alone has "killed 4 knights of truth"... This is too amazing!

The Top 100 List, especially the Burning Sun List, is indeed subject to some arrangements from above.

While using the list to enhance the confidence of the people of Dayan, it is also considered to interfere with the enemy's judgment if it is true or false.

Before, he tried not to highlight Su Yuan, but now that Nangong Li has fallen, Su Yuan just happened to kill two more knights of truth to become the true king.

There was no point in interfering anymore, so he pushed Su Yuan out. It could also boost morale and inspire people!

But at this moment, Su Yuan had no idea that he had become famous.

Now, Su Yuanzheng has returned to the Tianxuansi's relatives' home and his own home...

"Braised pork belly, ready!"

“The stir-fried spicy chicken is also good!”

Tang Shiyan's voice kept coming from the kitchen.

Luo Bingtong walked into the kitchen at a loss: "Auntie, I...are here to help!"

"No, no, no, Bingtong, just sit down!"

"Yes, Bingtong, just rest!" Ruanruan next to her closed the rice cooker, "Auntie, the rice is ready!"

Tang Shiyan: "Hey! Bingtong, Ruanruan, just rest on the sofa!"

Tang Shiyan pushed the two girls out of the kitchen and looked toward the living room, where he saw a white-haired girl in a black dress cleaning the room.

"Xiao Ai, please leave it alone for now. I'll clean it up later!" Tang Shiyan greeted and shouted to Su Yang, "Brother Yang, go and clean up quickly. How can I ask the little girl to clean up?" !”

That's right, Aixilia was also temporarily transferred from Qingming Palace by Su Yuan.

Currently, there are teachers guarding Qingming Palace, and Su Yuan himself has to deal with Qiguang masters, and Aixilia's power should be able to help a lot.

"Okay!" Su Yang hurried over, "Xiao Ai, I'll clean it, you go and have a rest."

Ashley smiled and said: "I'll clean it by the way. Uncle, please go and help Aunt Tang cook. There are so many dishes that Auntie can't handle alone."

"Oh...that's fine, that's fine."

Su Yang returned to the kitchen, but was immediately disliked by Tang Shiyan.

"Hey, why are you back again? I'll take care of the kitchen. You go find something to do on your own. Go, go, go!"

Su Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He just felt that he couldn't do it anymore: "This...then I can ask the store to send some fruit?"

"Go by yourself and pick something fresh! There are some apples, lychees, durians, dragon fruits, etc. I don't know what the little girls like to eat."

"Don't worry, I know this!"

While Su Yuan responded, he turned around and looked at the three girls in the family who had their own temperaments, and couldn't help but nod secretly.

"My son is really not bad, he is much better than me before... Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Shiyan, who was holding a shovel, pinched his waist.

Tang Shiyan rolled her eyes at him: "Don't be poor and go quickly! A young man is better than a young man. How can you compare with Xiao Yuan?"

Su Yang smiled and said: "No comparison, I just have you."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Shiyan's face turned slightly red: "Boss is not young anymore! Let's go~"

"Hahaha okay~" Su Yang laughed slightly contentedly, responded and went out first.

There was a rare bustle at home, and Su Yuan, who was looking at the array books in the bedroom, couldn't help but smile.

Su Yuan himself would stay at home for a short time every time he returned to Yanting.

But now, even Zhenjun Nangong has died in the battle, and no one can guarantee how long he can survive in the disaster.

At least, take advantage of this free time to spend as much time with your parents as possible.

Su Yuan handles affairs in the company during the day and goes home to accompany his parents at night.

But the time of such relaxation and happiness did not last long.

The dragon veins were born, and the earth's energy was still gushing out. In just one month, dragon veins were gathering again everywhere...

Su Yuan looked at the intelligence gathered from the Sky Patrol Department. There were signs of dragon veins gathering in various places such as the southeast of Great Yan, the north of Black Snow Country, the Black Wind Territory.

"One or two dragon veins should be able to come out of these places..."

While Su Yuan was dealing with Zhuqueyu's affairs, he was also thinking secretly.

Not long after, I received a summons from Fang Qingxiao...

In the Suzaku Hall, Su Yuan saluted: "The throne."

Fang Qingxiao got straight to the point and said, "Su Yuan, are you aware of the recent changes in the earth's energy?"

Su Yuan nodded: "Signs of dragon veins are appearing in Black Wind Territory and other places. Could it be that we need to make some preparations in advance?"

"It is true that we need to make some preparations, but...not because of the dragon veins in the south, but in the north."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Qi Guang?"

Fang Qingxiao nodded and said, "Do you still remember the gray passage leading to the north of Qiguang that you told me before?"


Fang Qingxiao said: "Now, according to the information obtained by the White Tiger Royal Detective, there is a gathering of earth energy in the Forest of Warcraft northeast of Qiguang. Now it seems that it is nine out of ten that it will be dragon veins!"

When Su Yuan heard this, he just thought for a moment and asked: "Even if you lay down the Pulse Determining Pillar in the Forest of Warcraft, it will be difficult to capture the dragon's veins. I wonder...do you have another goal?"

If there is a king-level confrontation between the dragon veins between the north and the south, Dayan and Qiguang, they will default to the Scorching Sun below.

But if it is within or near a certain party... If the Zhuoyang class wants to fight at this time, it will be asking for death!

Although the Forest of Warcraft does not belong to Qiguang, it is unrealistic for Dayan to cross Qiguang and compete for the dragon veins in the Forest of Warcraft...

Therefore, when Fang Qingxiao mentioned this dragon vein, he could only have other ideas...

"That's right." Fang Qingxiao took out a map and pointed to a certain place on it, "According to the deduction within the department, the dragon vein should be at this location."

"It's very deep..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly and he looked at the map carefully.

The deeper you go, the farther away you are from Qiguang, and the more powerful the star beasts in the Forest of Warcraft become.

Fang Qingxiao said: "If Qi Guang wants to capture the dragon vein at this location, it is likely to conflict with some tribes and ethnic groups in the Forest of Warcraft."

On the map, near the dragon veins, there are the Titan Royal Family and others.

Fang Qingxiao continued: "This time, I think Qi Guang will send a lot of people to scare the star beasts. We will wait for the opportunity to attack and kill these people as much as possible."

Su Yuan nodded to express his understanding.

"Originally, it would be most appropriate for Baihu Yu to do this, but Fang Yuan has not recovered from his serious injury, so he left it to us, Zhuque Yu."

Su Yuan said: "No problem, my strength has improved a lot now, and I want to test it out."

Fang Qingxiao said: "If necessary, you can take Jiang Lan with Lin Mo."

Su Yuan shook his head: "Jiang Cixi is still comprehending the true form of liberation, so it's better not to disturb her yet.

However, Lin Sanxi can be asked to lead people to assist the Black Snow Country and put some pressure on the north.

This kind of attack and killing is much more convenient for me to do alone, and I am more confident to escape. "

According to the regulations of the Southern Alliance, since it is the dragon vein around Black Snow Country, Great Yan will not fight for it, and will also provide assistance to resist the invasion from the north.

Hearing this, Fang Qingxiao nodded approvingly: "Don't worry, I have already discussed it with Tantai Spirit Master.

In the Black Snow Country, the Black Wind Territory, and even several locations in the north-central part of the country, Qilin Yu will be responsible for providing pressure and disrupting vision.

It just so happened that Wen Renfeng from Qilin Yu had also returned. According to Tantai, he also brought back a sealed sacred weapon. "

When Su Yuan heard this, he remembered the last time he cursed the king, and it was thanks to Wen Renfeng who gave him an early warning.

After the two discussed it for a while, Fang Qingxiao warned seriously:

"Move with the camera and save your life first. You have to be more careful."

Su Yuan bowed and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I understand."

Su Yuan knew that it was Fang Qingxiao who was still frightened by Nangong Li's death.

Fang Qingxiao nodded: "Okay, you go."

Su Yuan did not stay too long. After leaving the Suzaku Palace, he flew directly out of Yanting.

"The Gray World Passage, the Forest of Warcraft..."

Su Yuan thought for a moment, then turned into a flash of silver light and flashed towards the north at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

With his current infinite teleportation, it didn't take long for Su Yuan to arrive at the place where he last entered the gray world.

"It seems like this is it?"

Su Yuan raised his hand, his fingertips flickered with silver light and lightly traced it.

The space parted like ripples, and a spatial crack appeared. Su Yuan stepped in with one step...

In the gray world, in the desert.

In front of a certain entrance, there are dozens of transformed monster beasts led by two Huiyue-level teams, patrolling here boredly.

One of the fat men with green hair said: "We have been in this world for a few years. Arrow, will there really be humans coming in at our node?"

"I don't know. Since the higher ups have given orders, we will just do it." The tall dark-skinned man next to him said casually.

The green-haired fat man sighed: "I don't know when the higher-ups will order an attack on this world..."

The tall dark-skinned man said: "I don't know, it's not just a matter of energy level, but we also have to wait for other imperial courts to finish defeating the previous world. This Blue Starfish is a big world, and it's not that easy."

When the two of them were exchanging words, the space next to them suddenly fluctuated slightly, and then "chila" turned into a dark crack.

"Huh? Someone really came in!"

The green-haired fat man was startled and shouted loudly.

Other monsters around him also gathered around and looked at him warily.

In the eyes of the demons, a young man with silver hair and silver eyes walked out.

"It's really the same as before, not even a little bit different."

Su Yuan looked at the desolate scene around him. This gray world was exactly the same as the last time he came here.

The green-haired fat man shouted: "Go ahead, kill him...!"


Before he finished speaking, the silver light flashed away, and a blood hole suddenly appeared on the green-haired fat man's face, and he fell down on the spot with a look of shock.

The monsters around were a little dull, and the tall dark-skinned man suddenly showed a look of fear.

Su Yuan didn't mean to be polite to these minions. Silver light flashed on his five fingers, and air bullets were fired in all directions like machine guns!

"Puff puff……!"

Rain of blood splashed and stumps flew around. In just a few breaths, many gray beasts, including the tall dark-skinned man, turned into corpses...

Not far away, a Chuyang Realm team on the Gobi also immediately noticed something unusual.

"Boss, there seems to be something going on over there with Arrow and Fat Green!"

"Let's go and take a look..."

The leading Chuyang realm monster had just spoken, and the space in the field was slightly distorted, but suddenly a ball of silver light appeared in the field.


The highly compressed space power within it immediately made the scalps of all the star beasts in the field numb!

"Be careful! Rock-armored dragon turtle...!"


There was a loud noise, and a brilliant silver light suddenly exploded in the field.

After a while, only the mangled corpses were left in the field.

In the Chuyang realm, the enemy was killed instantly without even seeing it.

There was a flash of silver light, and Su Yuan appeared.


Ruanruan jumped up, and a large amount of water rushed out from the body. He took out the star cores from each corpse and stored them in the space ring.

Su Yuan looked at the corpses on the ground. Including this Chuyang realm monster, they were just sentries arranged by the gray world.

There is no need for them to actively report information. As long as they die, it means that humans with sufficient strength have entered the gray world.

However, Su Yuan's speed was enough to make these people unable to even see the tail lights, so it didn't matter if they were not discovered.

"Let's go."

He fell softly back on Su Yuan's shoulder, and Su Yuan rushed towards the previous cave leading to the north...

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