After a long time, in front of the passage, a team of monsters flew over.

The leader is a tall, thin man wearing a purple uniform. This uniform is the "Armmaster".

"Sir, this is it." An old man with ant tentacles next to him said respectfully.

The tall and thin man looked carefully at the corpses on the ground with a slightly stern expression.

"They all died at the same time. Did they kill all the teams led by Commander Chu Yang at once? It seems... he was a master!"

The tall and thin man turned around, took out a "petunias" and put it to his mouth.

"There is a human master from Blue Sea Star within the Wing King's Courtyard. His purpose is unknown and he has disappeared."

The tall and thin man immediately conveyed the news about this place to the imperial court...

To the north, the Forest of Warcraft.

In the ice and snow, a group of polar ice wolves are surrounding and killing a white elephant.

The wolves are flexible and patient. They do not attack rashly, but just stay away from the white elephant.

While applying pressure, he seized the opportunity to tear the white elephant's body apart.

The blood on the white elephant's body continued to flow, and his body became weaker and weaker.

And if you want to run?

How can a cumbersome white elephant run as fast as a polar ice wolf?

Just like that, little by little, a group of silver-level polar ice wolves killed the gold-level white elephant.


The white elephant fell to the ground, and the wolves rushed forward, biting and devouring each other's flesh.

The meat of powerful star beasts is rich in energy, which will make the wolves stronger...

Suddenly, the space next to the wolves fluctuated slightly, and a human wearing a Suzaku black robe walked out of it.

Su Yuan quickly identified it and nodded slightly: "This is the right place."




The sudden appearance of humans immediately alerted all the ice wolves. They stopped biting the white elephant corpse and approached Su Yuan step by step vigilantly and aggressively.

"The frost giants and ice elves are dead, but now there are some low-level wolves and dogs wandering in this area?"


Without Su Yuan taking action, more than a dozen streams of water shot out from Ruan Ruan's body and entangled many ice wolves.


The many ice wolves had just let out some screams, but they suddenly stopped and turned into fistfuls of blood mist with a "bang bang bang" and were crushed.

Su Yuan was too lazy to clean up the three-level star cores. He took out the map and the bronze ground guide plate and looked at them.

"Sure enough, there is a large amount of earth energy surging. Such movement must be dragon veins..."

Su Yuan's eyes condensed slightly. After all, he had seen the birth of dragon veins many times. At this moment, he could basically conclude that dragon veins would be formed in the Forest of Warcraft, and it wouldn't be long!

Su Yuan took another look and found that the position and direction were consistent with what Si Nei had calibrated, and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Either the intelligence work within the department is in place, or the derivation technique above is accurate.

Su Yuan thought for a moment, took out the wood piece given by Ye Huang, and continued to move forward...

The Forest of Warcraft is extremely huge.

Although it is not as vast as the Ancient Forbidden Territory, its area is not smaller than that of medium-sized countries such as Black Snow Country and Rhine Country.

Here, there is not only ice and snow, but also mountains, deserts, volcanoes, seas...

At this moment, deeper in the Forest of Warcraft, in a mountain range where the lava field and the wet and dry rainforest meet.

Many enlightened knights and some high-level star beasts fought together.

Qi Guang and the Forest of Warcraft are slightly different from Great Flame and the Ancient Forbidden Territory.

Dayan and the Ancient Forbidden Territory made an agreement and agreement because Dayan was ruthless and fought back the Ancient Forbidden Territory regardless of losses.

As for the Forest of Warcraft, it's just because Qi Guang is too powerful and they simply don't want to conflict with it.

This is also the reason why the Bach family and even the other dukedoms must always be on guard against the Forest of Warcraft.

At this moment, Qi Guang's team had just advanced here.

Since there is a gathering of dragon veins here, not to mention anything else, the star power alone is extremely rich, and naturally it has attracted some high-level star beasts and ethnic groups around it to gather here early.

After meeting the people of Qiguang, many high-level star beasts in the Forest of Warcraft joined forces to fight against the Qiguang Knights, and thus the current situation emerged.

In the Forest of Warcraft, the survival of the fittest is the survival of the fittest, and the star beasts are very experienced in fighting.

Coupled with the most troublesome legendary holy beast of the Three Yang Realm - the three wolves of the Ice Prison, for a while, Qiguang found it difficult to eliminate these high-level star beasts.

There are three wolves in the ice prison. One releases icicles, one sprays freezing water, and the other breathes cold breath.

All the Knights of Enlightenment who were hit were greatly reduced in speed, trembling, and some even turned into ice sculptures!

"Let's solve it quickly." Behind the many knights, [Tower] Herman, wearing the cloak of truth, frowned. "Too many injuries are also a troublesome matter."

[Justice] Pura next to her grinned and said, "It's okay, I've already had some itchiness."

These two people were surprisingly the same duo who had been severely injured or even destroyed by Qinglong Yu Xiahou Zhenjun before.

But at this moment, not only the injured [Tower], but also the crippled [Justice] seemed to have recovered.

"I'll go." Herman took a few steps and said, "You were just saved by the 'God's Coin'. If you fold it again, you won't be so lucky."

Pula frowned, knowing that Herman was dissatisfied with the two of them being repelled by Xia Hou before, so she couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"I was restrained by him and didn't show much of my strength. I'm even more unhappy. Herman, sooner or later you will meet an opponent who restrains you!"

Herman didn't say much, and flew up directly. In a few breaths, he rushed into the air above the three wolves of the Ice Prison.

Opening his hands, a miserable blue light suddenly condensed between his hands, turning into a large blue brilliance and shooting towards the ground!


In the blink of an eye, the blue brilliance that hit the ground quickly solidified and turned into a steel prison, trapping the three wolves of the Ice Prison inside!

The three wolves of the Ice Prison let out a suspicious roar, and the ice flowed around them and they crashed into the azure steel prison in front of them.

However, with a "dang" sound, the extremely hard body of the three wolves of Ice Prison failed to break through the steel prison at all. Instead, they were shocked and took two steps back!


The three-headed wolves of the Ice Prison were immediately furious. The large mouths of the three heads that sprayed freezing water flashed with white light. After just a moment of gathering momentum, they turned into a high-frequency vibrating cold current blade and cut towards the steel prison!

Although this steel prison is hard, the three wolves of the Ice Prison are not a vegetarian either. The sound of "clang, clang, clang" kept ringing out, and soon they would cut off the two blue steel pillars in front of them.

However, at this moment, there were many blue rays of light shooting from above the head!

The three wolves of the Ice Prison sensed the danger and quickly retreated!

The blue light hit the ground and turned into hard steel with a blue shimmer, but it formed a circle of blue steel prison on the inside!

But before the three wolves of the Ice Prison could stand firm, there were waves of fluctuations above their heads.

The blue light in Herman's hand flashed, and the blue light turned into steel and flew down faster and faster, hitting the open space inside the steel cage.

"Roar!" The three wolves of Ice Prison were so angry that they pulled away and dodged.

But as the blue light went on, the area where the three wolves from hell could move became smaller and smaller, but after a while there was no place to dodge!

As for the is trapped layer by layer by steel cages!

"Damn human! Dare to tease me?!" The three wolves of Ice Hell looked at Herman above their heads and shouted loudly, "Go to hell, triple ice roar of Ice Hell!"

Strong cold light converged on the three heads of the three wolves of the Ice Prison at the same time.

First, the infinite cold breath surged out, then the tidal wave of frozen water rushed out, and finally the extremely cold ice quickly frozen and spread.

The three states of extreme cold power, with just two breaths, turned around and froze the entire prison made of dozens of blue steel!

The sound of "click" kept sounding, but after a while, cracks appeared on all the blue steel that made up the prison.

The three wolves of Ice Prison looked up into the sky with a humane sneer on their faces: "Damn Enlightened Humanity!"

At this moment, a strong cross of holy light exploded high in the sky.

"Only indestructible steel can build the highest tower." Herman's whole body glowed with a deep blue light, and he flew and landed on the top of the frozen blue steel, "Twisting and killing, the flower of steel!"

In an instant, all the blue steel glowed with blue light, and the sound of "click" came from the ice again.

But this time, it was not the sound of blue steel being frozen to pieces... but the sound of ice cracking!

I saw that all the azure steel was twisted and stretched in the ice like an angry python, like a group of snakes dancing wildly, and just a few breaths smashed the ice up and down in all directions!


The expressions of the three wolves of the Ice Prison changed greatly. Seeing Herman unfolding his true form of liberation high in the sky, he was frightened and wanted to retreat.

And as Herman pointed his finger, a large piece of blue steel broke free from the ice and shot out, entangling the three wolves of the ice prison!

"Extremely cold ice shield!"

The three wolves of the Ice Prison were horrified and quickly unfolded the extremely cold ice shield to cover their bodies, immediately blocking many of the restraints of azure steel.

In mid-air, Herman raised his left hand, and among the blue light, more blue lights swarmed out from his palm, and the spiral entanglement turned into a ferocious and formidable heavy steel gun!


Herman shouted, and the heavy steel gun suddenly came down and stabbed the three wolves of the Ice Prison!

The three wolves of the Ice Prison were horrified, and the ice-cold power surged around their bodies, struggling like crazy with all their strength.

However, the blue steel on the ground was like a soaring vine, dragging it in place...


With a muffled sound, the three wolves of the Ice Prison were pierced through the body by the steel gun and killed on the ground. They died suddenly on the spot!

Seeing that the three strongest wolves of the Ice Prison were all killed by Herman, the remaining high-level star beasts such as the Sunbird and the Eight-legged Beast were immediately frightened and fled in all directions.

"Want to leave?!"

Herman's expression was cold, and as soon as he raised his hand, the blue steel started to kill the remaining star beasts like swarming vines...

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