Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 959 Small test, fierce killing

"Lord Pura!"

The knights who were fighting the star beasts on the battlefield also noticed Pula's head flying up and suddenly dying violently, and their eyes widened in horror!

When Herman saw the silver-haired man appearing in front of him, his expression darkened to the extreme.

"Suzakuyu, Su Yuan?!"

Herman recognized it immediately. Isn't this Su Yuan, one of the S-class targets?

Moreover... the Suzaku robe the other party is wearing seems to be taking over the position of True Lord Suzaku.

"Damn it!"

Herman also didn't expect that Su Yuan, Suzaku Yu, would suddenly appear here and kill Pura with one sword!

This is the Forest of Warcraft northeast of Qiguang. How did he cross the empire?

But right now, it's not the time to think about these things.

The information about Su Yuan of Su Yuan quickly emerged in Herman's mind, and he flew back while urging the blue steel in front to kill.

"Kill him, Blue Steel!"

Multiple steel strips glowing with azure brilliance rushed toward Su Yuan like darting pythons.

However, the silver light flashed, and Su Yuan easily moved away from the blue steel.

Herman knew that Su Yuan was teleporting, so he raised his hands to control it. The blue steel flying speed suddenly increased greatly, turning into a stream of light and zigzagging up to chase the teleporting Su Yuan.

However, without too much involvement, a silver light flashed in front of Herman, and Su Yuan suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Teleport so far?!"

Herman was shocked. He had deliberately distanced himself just now, but he didn't expect Su Yuan to teleport in front of him!

In shock, Herman opened the five fingers of his left hand, and the blue light suddenly condensed into an extremely tight and surprisingly hard steel shield.

Su Yuan slashed down with his sword, and with a "dang" sound, it left a medium-deep sword mark on the steel shield.

"As the intelligence said, the defense is indeed very strong..."

Seeing the steel shield blocking the attack, Su Yuan nodded secretly.

He didn't use Divine Break with this sword. In fact, Herman was already on guard, and he couldn't kill or seriously injure the opponent with one blow.

Even if there are three peanut gods, they cannot consume mental energy casually.

Herman, on the other hand, used the power of Su Yuan's sword to quickly distance himself again.

Su Yuan raised his long sword and looked at Herman who was flying away: "When you feel in danger, you will keep the distance between you and your opponent so that you can have more reaction time... So, are you already afraid? [High tower】?"

When Herman heard this, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

In fact, Su Yuan just suddenly killed Pula with a sword, which really shocked Herman's heart, and he still hasn't calmed down yet!

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, his body flashed with silver light, and he teleported to catch up again, slashing with his sword.

Herman raised a high-density blue steel shield to resist, but it was extremely difficult.

However, Herman's eyes flashed slightly. It turned out that many blue steels released earlier had suddenly come back from behind Su Yuan!

At the same time, the blue light in Herman's right hand flourished, and dozens of blue steel beams that had been ready to attack instantly attacked Su Yuan from the front.

After a series of attacks from both front and back, Su Yuan really couldn't avoid it!

However, the next moment, all the steel that was about to be shot stopped around Su Yuan as if it was still.

Herman's pupils narrowed: "Huh?!"

Naturally, a lot of information about the S-class target "Suzaku Yu Suyuan" has been collected in the temple.

It's not that Herman didn't know that Su Yuan had the ability to manipulate space for defense.

I just didn't expect that this ability was so strong that even Blue Steel was able to defend himself after he was liberated!

Herman frowned, opened his hands, and more turbulent blue light surged towards Su Yuan like a waterfall.

Although it was blocked by Wuliang, it was still densely intertwined to form an airtight steel ball!

"Iron bound kill!"

Herman held his right hand empty, and hundreds of pieces of blue steel suddenly compressed and compressed towards Su Yuan who was defending with immeasurable power, as if he was trying to break the law with force, locking Su Yuan in like a lava bursting dragon.

However, there was a flash of silver light, and the next moment, Su Yuan, who was still in the ball of steel, teleported out!

Herman was shocked: "What?!"

"You want to trap the Overlord of Heaven in a scrap iron prison?" Su Yuan sneered, and the black light of the demon sword in his hand suddenly slashed down!

In a hurry, Herman quickly raised his shield in front of him, and at the same time, the blue light on his body was full of defense.

Then the light of the Divine Broken Sword fell, and blood splashed up. A deep wound was cut on Herman's chest, and the steel shield and the left hand holding the shield were severed together!


Herman was furious. Seeing Su Yuan swinging his sword to kill again, he immediately shouted: "Body of holy steel, indestructible body!"

Suddenly, a strong blue light surged from Herman's chest.

In all directions, all the blue steel released seemed to have its power drained away, and turned into fly ash and scattered in the air.

At the same time, Herman's body erupted with intense blue brilliance. Countless blue lights intertwined and compressed crazily, turning into a dark blue steel man in the blink of an eye!


Su Yuan slashed with his sword, but it could only leave a faint white mark on Herman's body!

"It's amazing. It is indeed the strongest [tower]..." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, quite surprised.

Putting aside Tisza's weird ability, [Tower] Herman should be the strongest defensive player in the Secret Society of Truth!

In fact, Herman's move is made of fine steel compressed ten times the density of the original. The defensive power alone is unimaginable, and it has truly reached the level of "not bad"!

"Get out of my way!"

When Herman raised his hand, the blue light in his right hand squirmed and stretched wildly, turning into a giant steel fist and hitting Su Yuan.

With a flash of silver light on Su Yuan's body, he suddenly appeared behind Herman and struck down with another divine sword.

However, the indestructible Divine Broken Sword Light, although it opened a deep wound, could not cut through Herman's body with just one sword!

It's the same level as "God's Cut", but even a little higher than the super defensive True Form Liberation...

Su Yuan thought rapidly in his mind.

The blue steel entangled and gathered on Herman's severed left hand, directly replacing the arm and turning into a steel sword. He turned around and slashed towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, but he teleported directly into the air.

Herman raised his head and looked at Su Yuan who teleported to high altitude, frowning.

"This space teleports...!"

Whether it's distance, cooling or the ability to ignore steel barriers... the other party's teleportation is much stronger than what the intelligence said!

And to suddenly have such a strong teleportation ability, is it because he has embedded a new skill card, or is it...

Just at this moment, a burst of silver light surged high in the sky...

For Su Yuan, in this situation, facing such an extremely defensive opponent, it is naturally best to directly send Hua Tiandu, who has unparalleled offensive capabilities.

The God-Breaking Sword Light consumes a lot of mental power to cut through everything, but the "Ember" with similar effects consumes very little as the ability to liberate the true form. Sooner or later, it will be able to kill Herman!


Since I have just realized true liberation, now is the time to give it a try!

Knocking his left hand on his chest, Su Yuan's eyes suddenly glowed: "From now on, I will stand in the sky, the immeasurable black phoenix!"


Along with a sonorous and powerful phoenix chant, a burst of silver light suddenly surged from Su Yuan's body.

Looking down at Herman below, Su Yuan saw the silver flowers in the sky dazzling, and the silver space patterns on his body were even more mysterious!

"Is it really true liberation!"

Herman's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly felt a strong pressure on his face!

Su Yuan, Su Yuan, had killed several truth knights before his true form was liberated. Now that his true form has been liberated, how much stronger must he become!

"Ten levels of prison, demon-sealing tower!"

Herman formed a seal with his hands and suddenly pointed towards the sky.

Suddenly, blue clouds surged in the sky, and countless tassel-like blue lights fell down, surrounding Su Yuan in circles and layer by layer. In just a few breaths, a dark blue steel tower was formed. !

Compared to the rough application of the power of blue steel just now, it is a more skillful skill at this moment.

The indestructible blue steel is best at trapping besides defense.

Herman stared at the tower, wondering whether this move could limit Su Yuan's teleportation!

Su Yuan did not teleport, but...


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound.

The densely packed blue steel suddenly bent, and the top of the entire steel tower suddenly expanded outward in a large circle!

Herman's pupils shrank and he quickly transmitted energy into the blue steel of the tower.

However, at the next moment, a terrifying wave shook, and the violent expansion of space directly exploded the blue steel tower alive, turning into a blue aura that shattered and scattered all over the sky!


Herman's eyes trembled. He never expected that Su Yuan would break through his blue steel tower in this way!

"Wire Dance!"

The star power outside Herman's body surged like a tide, and hundreds of blue steels like ferocious pythons rushed towards Su Yuan in the sky.

Seeing this, Su Yuan pointed downwards: "Infinite."

Like ripples on the water, hundreds of blue steels soaring into the sky were all pressed down by the open infinite barrier, as if there was an insurmountable space fault!

At the same time, Su Yuan raised his right hand, and a ball of silver light appeared in his palm, and then it became brighter at an astonishing speed!

Feeling the increasingly terrifying fluctuations on the silver ball of light, Herman's heart trembled. He found that it was impossible to break through Su Yuan's boundless barrier and immediately withdrew and flew back.

Su Yuan's expression remained as usual, his pair of empty pupils locked onto the retreating Herman, and a massive amount of space power crazily poured into the Sky God Jade in his hand.

Herman's heart was beating wildly, and he found that no matter how much he retreated, there was always a feeling of panic lingering in his heart.

After a few breaths, the space behind him was slightly distorted, and suddenly a ball of silver light filled with destructive waves flew down!


Herman was shocked and immediately turned around and crossed his arms in front of him.

The Sky God Jade flashed briefly and then expanded and exploded, turning into a dazzling silver light that instantly turned everything within a few miles into powder!


After a few breaths, the silver light dissipated.

In the huge pit, a large piece of Herman's dark blue steel from head to toe was shattered, and a lot of blood seeped out from the broken steel body.

As expected of [Tower] Herman, he endured all this.

You know, with the liberation of the true form, this attack on the Sky God Jade is much stronger than before.

At this moment, Herman struggled to hold on to the ground and was about to stand up.

However, in a flash of silver light, Su Yuan had already swooped over and stepped on Herman's chest!

"In this case, I should be able to penetrate your defense."

Su Yuan leaned down and stared at Herman. In his left eye, the power of space that had been compressed to the extreme made people feel numb!

Herman's pupils trembled, he was horrified, and he struggled wildly to try to escape.

However, a powerful and immeasurable force swept away from Su Yuan's body, crushing Herman to the ground with his steel broken!

The next moment, the silver flowers bloomed in the sky.

A beam of silver light instantly hit Herman's face, and after just a brief stalemate, it penetrated and shot downwards an unknown distance!


In a blink of an eye, the silver light dissipated.

Su Yuan narrowed his right eye slightly.

And below, most of Herman's head has been completely obliterated by the power of annihilated space...

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