Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 960 Encounter

In the distance, many Qiguang knights who were fighting the star beasts turned their heads and saw this scene, and their expressions changed drastically.

"This...? Master Herman was also killed!"

"how come?!"

"Su Yuan of Su Yuan is also truly liberated!"


Many enlightened knights were shocked. Pula and Herman were killed one after another. How could they have any fighting spirit?

Ignas immediately issued an order: "Everyone, retreat!"

In an instant, many knights withdrew from the battle circle.

"Ignas, what should I do about the dragon vein?" someone asked.

Ignas said: "I can't control it, let's go, disperse!"

Thinking of Su Yuan's terrifying teleportation, he would definitely not be able to escape even if he ran together, Ignas immediately ordered everyone to scatter and flee.

As for returning to the Golden Light Barrier...

Ignas didn't think how long the barrier could block the monster-like enemy!

And with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan had flown high into the sky again.

Looking at the Qi Guang people and numerous star beasts fleeing in all directions, Su Yuan's eyes were indifferent, and an extremely exquisite birdcage appeared just as he waved his ten fingers.

"Silver cage!"

Su Yuan closed his hands, and the silver dragon disappeared from his hands.

At the same time, in all directions, huge circles of silver rings suddenly appeared, covering all the knights and star beasts like woven birdcages!

"What's this?!"

"Can't get out! It's his space power!"

"Holy Light Cross Slash!"

"Iron-cutting heavy sword!"


The Qiguang Knights took action one after another, attacking the silver cage one after another.

The Purple Gold Titan, the remaining giant dragons, and other high-level star beasts were also using their own methods to attack the silver cage crazily.

However, let alone any damage, these attacks alone cannot touch the silver cage at all!

Su Yuan stood up in the air, unfolded the gift of liberation, and slashed out with his sword to cross the space and strike at the Light Knight and the Star Beast.

Many Burning Sun knights and star beasts could not withstand such an attack. In an instant, broken limbs flew everywhere, blood splashed everywhere, and many Burning Sun star beasts were killed like lambs waiting to be slaughtered!


The giant storm dragon and the other two star beasts rose into the sky first to kill Su Yuan.

Su Yuan raised his hand and slashed with his sword several times in a row. Before the storm dragon and other star beasts could rush forward, they were cut into several pieces by the sword light!

On the side of the dragon vein, the sword light flashed, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the screams of humans and animals came and went...

After a long time, Su Yuan stopped swinging his sword.

With a "bang", the Purple Gold Titan fell down and broke into two halves on the ground!

At this point, the ground was covered with blood, and no one was alive except Su Yuan.

Su Yuan looked down, his eyes closing and opening as he opened and closed his true form.

Waving his hand to release Ruanruan to clean up the mess, Su Yuan rubbed the demon knife in his hand.

The demon sword was filled with blood, and as it killed dragons, titans and many other high-level star beasts, it was visibly revived to the naked eye.

"If we can kill more Burning Sun Star Beasts, the Demon Sword will be able to recover sooner than expected..."

"Master, it's ready!"

After a while, Ruanruan handed over a large handful of star cores, including the Lava Explosion Dragon and the Purple Gold Titan, to Su Yuan.

"Ruanruan, just swallow them all." Su Yuan smiled.

"Pfft?" Ruanruan's eyes were filled with joy, "Thank you, Master!"

Ruanruan swallowed all the star cores in his mouth. With the Devouring Law operating at full strength, a large amount of energy was absorbed crazily, and the star power fluctuations on Ruanruan also increased visibly with the naked eye...

Su Yuan took the soft and soft eyes back into the beast-controlling space first. With so many Burning Sun Star Cores, complete digestion by the Devouring Law would allow the soft and soft to accumulate a lot!

Then, Su Yuan raised his head and looked at the dragon vein that was about to be born in the distance.

The earth's energy is gathering and the star power is surging. It's obvious that it will be formed soon!

"Dragon Vein..."

Su Yuan also had a bit of yearning in his eyes. After all, this was dragon vein...

With a flash of silver light on his body, Su Yuan easily entered the golden barrier with a teleportation.

Feeling the surging earth energy, Su Yuan whispered: "Qing Ming is coming!"

Silver light floated outside Su Yuan's body, and the phantom of the Blue Underworld descended on the spot.


Along with the phoenix cry, the phoenix pulse also flew out.

However, Su Yuan did not intend to exploit this dragon vein.

Not to mention, this dragon vein has not yet been fully born, and it takes a lot of time to swallow a dragon vein!

"Sure enough, I can swallow it now!" Su Yuan's eyes lit up after receiving Feng Mai's feedback.

When he was in the Southern Continent, he did not take Qing Ningjie with him.

When I was in the Mediterranean, I also tried it, and the Phoenix Vein at that time could not swallow the earth energy of the Dragon Vein.

But at this moment...

With the liberation of the true form, the power of the soul is further enhanced, and the Phoenix Vein clearly shows that it can swallow the Dragon Vein!

As long as it can be swallowed, that’s good!

After another glance, Su Yuan took a deep breath and resolutely looked away.

Still behind enemy lines, the Knight of Truth was unexpectedly killed. It would be bad if the other party had the means to find out the situation~

He had already earned money by killing two people. Although Su Yuan's strength had greatly increased now, he still wouldn't make a fool of himself at Qi Guang's door to kill people before evacuating as soon as possible.

There is no need to take this risk.

Su Yuan raised his hand to form a seal, directly activated the teleportation command, and returned to the ice and snow at the beginning.

Then with a stroke of his finger, the cracks in the space opened and he stepped into the gray world again...

Returning to the gray world, Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light and he returned the same way.

Through the turbulent flow of space, Su Yuan returned to the cave again.

However, as soon as he came out, Su Yuan suddenly noticed something in his eyes and teleported away from the spot.

The next moment, a ray of extremely fast white light shot past the place where Su Yuan came out, and instantly penetrated all the cave walls thousands of meters away!

Su Yuan appeared next to him, and before he could take a breath, silver light flashed from all directions, and a large number of silver threads cutting off the space came from all directions to form a network and kill him quickly. At first glance, it was a trap laid in advance!


Silver light flowed in Su Yuan's eyes, and the immeasurable power spread out and immediately separated the surrounding silver threads. Another burst of expansion caused many surrounding silver threads to collapse on the spot!

With this method, Su Yuan knew who it was without even thinking about it.

"Come out, Bashu." Su Yuan raised his head and looked forward.

"Hehehe, Sir Su Yuan, you really have a keen intuition..."

Accompanied by a silver bell-like laughter, the space in front was slightly distorted, and a beautiful woman wearing a golden crown and a ceremonial dress appeared from the front.

It was the gray realm monster that had some interactions with Su Yuan before - Bashu!

"Little girl, I have met Your Excellency Su Yuan." Ba Shu smiled and bowed slightly.

Su Yuan looked at Bashu, and then his eyes fell to the side.

Because not only Ba Shu, but also a tall man with red hair and thick eyebrows and an unusually burly figure was beside her.

And this person is none other than Basen, the Royal Palace's Ten Weapons Envoy who had met Nangong Li before!

Bassen was quite surprised: "Bashu, do you know this person?"

Ba Shu smiled and said: "Of course... the last time we met, Mr. Su Yuan gave me unprecedented pleasure~"

Basen curled his lips when he heard this. All the people who had made Ba Shu "pleased" before were cut into countless pieces by the lines of space...

This crazy bitch must not target herself!

But soon, Bassen also noticed the red-brilliant red bird robe on Su Yuan. He held his chin in thought and said, "This costume... I remember that someone else seemed to be wearing it before."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Nangong Zhenjun?"

"Probably." Basson nodded and asked, "Where are the others?"


"Oh?" Bassen frowned slightly, "Oh? Those masters have already fallen. It's really surprising..."

Bassen looked at Su Yuan and grinned: "Since you have inherited his position, I wonder...if you can have that strength!"

Hearing this, Ba Shu's eyes moved slightly.

And the green air surged from Basen's body, and he rushed towards Su Yuan like a roaring physical chariot!

Su Yuan's expression remained as usual, and a silver light flashed in his eyes, unfolding an infinite barrier.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and Bassen punched down, but it stopped three steps away from Su Yuan and was blocked by immeasurable force.

However... although Bassen didn't hit Su Yuan, the green energy still exploded out of thin air in his fist, which was astonishingly powerful!

Excitement filled Bassen's eyes: "The power of space is completely different from that of Ba Shu...it seems to be much weirder!"

As soon as the word "many" came out, Bassen's skin seemed to be congested, and the turbulent green energy outside his body suddenly turned purple.


In an instant, an extremely strong pressure swayed from Basen's body. Even the hard black stone walls of the surrounding caves could not withstand such strong pressure and large areas cracked and shattered!

Bassen suddenly took two steps again, and the infinite barrier was dented by its pressure. The distance between him and Su Yuan was less than half a meter!

"It's really amazing. Such a powerful force of space is so close in front of me but even I can't overcome it!" Bassen's eyes burst out with an increasingly intense excitement.

Then, Bassen flipped his hand, and a long black stone knife fell into his hand.

The black light circulated on the knife and struck down with the knife, and the infinite barrier was finally cut open!


However, the boundless barrier broke, and Su Yuan pulled out the demon sword and held the black stone sword.

Bassen was quite surprised: "Oh? The strength is not small... huh?"

Before Bassen finished speaking, a burst of domineering spiritual light suddenly spread out from Su Yuan's body, and the sudden and powerful force immediately knocked Bassen back.

"God descended to earth?" Bassen looked surprised and looked Su Yuan up and down again, "I haven't seen many human beings who understand that God descended to earth!"

There was a bit of surprise in Ba Shu's eyes, and she licked the corner of her mouth: "As expected of Your Excellency Su Yuan, you are really amazing..."

Su Yuan looked away from Basen and turned to look at Bashu: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you if you show up again?"

Ba Shu smiled and said: "I showed you the way and saved your people. You are not so heartless, right?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

Regarding the previous incident of He Zheng being helped by Ba Shu, He Zheng also took the initiative to find Su Yuan and told Su Yuan about the incident.

Now, Ba Shu leads the way first and saves people later, so she really doesn't owe Su Yuan anything.

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