Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 961 Convocation

However... whether a person owes something or not is just a personal matter. The biggest problem is that the two sides are in different camps!

Su Yuan said: "You, the Gray Realm, are eyeing me, Great Yan, and there is no room for relaxation based on this alone. Speaking of which, I will not be soft-hearted when it is time to take action."

Ba Shu smiled and said: "At least, no conflict has broken out now, right?"

Su Yuan pondered for a moment and asked, "So, what are you doing here now?"

"When a human expert comes in, I naturally want to come over and have a look. I heard that the person coming is using the power of space, so I guessed it was you, so I found this place based on the turbulence of space..."

Bashu paused, looked at Su Yuan and asked, "In my opinion, Your Excellency has mastered True Form Liberation?"

Su Yuan raised the demon sword slightly: "What, you want to give it a try?"

"Of course I want to see your Excellency's liberation." Ba Shu smiled and shook her head, "But... not now."

Su Yuan said: "Not now...if next time, I don't know when it will be, I will not come to the gray world again."

But Ba Shu pointed out something: "That's not necessarily true, maybe we'll see you again soon~"

Su Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Hehehe~" Ba Shu smiled, but had no intention of saying anything more.

Su Yuan looked at Ba Shu for a while and then said, "If you don't want to fight, then get out of the way."

"As ordered, of course my little girl will not block your way." Ba Shu chuckled and immediately stepped aside to get out of the way.

But Bassen still stood there, the excitement in his eyes getting thicker, and he was a little eager to try.

Seeing this, Ba Shu stepped forward and pulled him aside.

Bassen frowned and was about to say something, but when he turned his head, he caught a glimpse of the solemn look deep in Ba Shu's eyes. He said nothing more when the words came to his lips.

When Su Yuan saw this, his body flashed with silver light, and he teleported forward.

Seeing Su Yuan disappear from sight after a few flashes, Basen frowned and asked, "Aren't you going to keep him?"

The smile on Bashu's face slowly faded, she shook her head and said, "I can't stay."

"Huh? If we two attack together, can't we keep this person?"

"Not to mention, his spatial ability is even more peculiar, and..." Ba Shu pondered for a while, with a serious look on his face, "If we really want to force him to stay, there's no telling who will be left behind..."

Basson raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Bashu said: "When I was in the Chongyang Realm, I couldn't beat him even when I was liberated in my true form. Now he is not only liberated, but also a god descending to earth... The pressure on me at this moment is stronger than expected."

"Really..." Bassen thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Forget it this time. If I have the chance, I would like to see how much strength he has and whether he is worthy of your caution."

Bassen was still quite dissatisfied with the result this time, and always felt that Ba Shu was too cautious.

Two of my own ten weapon users came over to check the situation. If they didn't find the person, they would forget it. If they found the person, they would just let him go.

"What do you want to explain above?" Basson asked.

"Just say it's empty~" Ba Shu spread her hands indifferently, then turned and walked away, "Let's go back."

Basen shook his head and headed towards the imperial court with Bashu...

Su Yuan did not stop along the way and teleported infinitely back to Yanting to meet with the throne to report.

With Boundless Freedom, whether it is fighting or traveling, it becomes one or two levels stronger.

And knowing that Su Yuan had killed [Justice] Pula and [Tower] Herman, Suzaku Yu and even the entire Tianxian Division were overjoyed!

As soon as Su Yuan came to the True Lord, he killed two more knights of truth, and his reputation suddenly became more powerful!

So far, among the 22 Knights of Truth:

[Chariot], [Priestess], [Hermit], [Moon], [World], [Judgment], [Justice], [Tower], [Lovers], [The Hanged Man], [Strength], Half of them are dead!

Among the remaining people, [Sun] Phoenix, [Wheel of Fortune] Tisa, and [Magician] Karen each hold sealed sacred weapons, which may be more troublesome...

Just like that, half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, the earth's energy has grown steadily, and one or two dragon veins have been born in the Black Snow Kingdom, Fire Luo Kingdom, and around Great Yan...

But since [Justice] and [Tower] were killed in battle, the Secret Society of Truth has become more cautious in its actions.

There were many conflicts between Dayan and Qiguang, but there was no significant loss of combat power.

I originally thought that the star veins would grow steadily and at a high speed like this, and from time to time there would be fierce competition for the dragon veins between the north and the south.

But what I didn't expect was that suddenly, the rapidly growing earth energy disappeared...or rather, it gathered in other places.

A year later, somewhere in the mountains between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Ursa.

In the originally scorching sun and cloudless sky, there was a burst of spatial fluctuations.

Then, a large area of ​​colorful rays of light shone down from nowhere, and suddenly auspicious clouds surged and the sky was filled with colorful clouds.

"what happened!"

Some star card masters from the Fire Kingdom were hunting star beasts in the mountains. Seeing this scene, they were all amazed and curious.

Such an auspicious scene has indeed never been seen here in the Fire Kingdom!

And not long after, among the many auspicious clouds, the shadow of an endless celestial palace emerged.

The buildings above the Heavenly Palace are majestic and majestic, and something seems to fly out vaguely...

"Huh? What is that?"

Because the distance was too high and too far, the fire star card masters below could only see a lot of black dots flying out.

But as these black spots got closer and closer, everyone was able to see them clearly.

Those were countless heavenly soldiers and generals wearing golden armor and cold expressions!


Everyone below was shocked and didn't know what was going on.

At this time, some of the heavenly soldiers and generals at the front had drawn out their silver spears and threw them towards the people below!

Silver spears rained like rain, and blood mist suddenly rose, and a large number of star card masters and star beasts were killed together!


"It's a secret monster! Run!"


The sound of panic came, and everyone fled in all directions...

And many heavenly soldiers and generals were chasing them in all directions...

Xuntian Division, Sixiang Hall.

Su Yuan sat in front of the table, with the remains of the Immortal Killing Formation on the table.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door.

"True Lord."

But it was Jiang Lan who came from outside and said hello.

At this moment, Jiang Lan's eyes were filled with water, and her aura was deeper and thicker than before.

That's right, Jiang Lan had successfully completed her true form liberation a few months ago!

Su Yuan stood up and said, "Second seat Jiang."

Jiang Lan said: "True Lord, the throne is sending an order, and the Four Elephants Hall is summoning."

When Su Yuan heard this, he turned over his hand and took out the black card and took a look at it. Only then did he realize that there was news.

It's just because I studied the formation way too seriously that I didn't even find it.

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