Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 962 Secret Realm

"It seems that there has finally been a change..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

Before, the continuously increasing earth energy suddenly disappeared, and the earth calamity seemed to come to an abrupt end.

But that is obviously impossible. The more you accumulate, the more it means something big is brewing!

Su Yuan knew that it was only a matter of time, so he didn't think much about it and just continued to study the formation.

Now, when the Four Elephants Hall is summoned, there is a high probability that the earth's energy that has been suppressed for so long has changed!

"Then let's go!"

Su Yuan stood up and went to the depths of Yanting with Jiang Lan...

Inside the Four Elephants Hall.

The five royal thrones of Yuwen Wuji, Fang Qingxiao, and Tantai Meng are on the left and right sides.

Su Yuan, Jiang Lan, Tong Xueer, Tian Hui and others stood below.

And sitting in the main seat at the top is Chihuang Jiang Tianchi, one of the Four Emperors of Great Yan and in charge of the Tianxun Division.

Unlike the Spirit Emperor, the Red Emperor, with his white beard and hair and broad shoulders, brought pressure that made even the Burning Sun level feel a tightness in their chests.

Just sitting in the main seat, the entire Sixiang Hall was filled with an extremely serious atmosphere, and no one dared to make a sound!

"Everyone, the earthly calamity is more severe than we imagined."

After everyone from the Four Imperial Guards gathered together, the Red Emperor finally spoke.

A deep and deep voice came from the Red Emperor's mouth, and his narrow, half-lidded eyes scanned the people below.

“Before, the reason why the earth’s energy suddenly became silent was that it was accumulating energy.

Nowadays, using massive amounts of earth energy as energy to reshape the mythical realm, a large-scale secret realm tentatively named ‘Tianxing Palace’ has appeared outside the country of Huoluo! "

"Tianxing Palace..."

The eyes of the five imperial masters all moved slightly, and Su Yuan also began to think secretly.

Based on the knowledge I learned in Guangchuan No. 4 Middle School, I already know that there are many reasons for the formation of the secret realm.

One of them is the secret realm formed under violent energy changes.

According to the Red Emperor, it was the massive energy of the many dragon veins during the Earth Tribulation that gave birth to a brand new secret realm.

But now is the time when the dragon veins are first born, the golden time when the earth's calamity reaches its peak and the earth's energy spurts out.

How much earth energy has gathered in such a long time... It's scary to think about it.

The question is no longer whether there are dragon veins, but... how many dragon veins there are!

The Red Emperor continued: "According to preliminary speculation, the dragon veins within it can be guessed at least."

"One hand at a time!"

Everyone's eyes were slightly condensed, at least five dragon veins, so many!

Is this the Earth Tribulation? A dragon vein that would normally take thousands of years to form.

At this moment, it has only been ten years since the Earthly Tribulation began. Counting this "Tianxing Palace" secret realm, there are more than 10 dragon veins that have appeared on the Eastern Continent!

Chi Huang said: "In addition, no secret realm creature can break out of the ordinary secret realm. In addition, the 'ancient fragments' that serve as the framework of the secret realm are not simple. There should be actions from the gray world behind this. You should be more careful.

Now, the northern army has taken the lead. You can set off immediately after making some preparations. "

"Yes, Red Emperor!"

The army may not necessarily play a big role, but the secret realm of Tianxing Palace seems to be quite large, so it naturally requires enough manpower to explore it and provide backup support to the experts of the Sky Patrol Division.


In the Tarot meeting, knights of truth sit on chairs with different patterns.

The seats that were originally full are now missing.

After some discussion about the secret realm of Tianxing Palace, the black-haired young man [The Fool] sitting at the top said calmly:

"Follow the instructions from above and do your best to deal with the secret realm and seize the dragon vein... Then, let's act separately!"


Everyone responded slightly, and then with a flash of light, they disappeared from their seats one by one.

In just a short moment, only [The Fool] was left on the seat.

The Fool fiddled with the golden coins in his hands, the golden light flowing in his eyes, and endless scenes seemed to appear before his eyes.

"Is it disadvantageous?"

The Fool seemed to see something and frowned slightly.

With a flick of his fingertips, the golden coin in his hand flew up, and finally fell back to the table and was held underneath.

"If the gods shine on us, even if it is disadvantageous, we will turn defeat into victory. What's more... since we take action, there is no disadvantage!"

The Fool removed his hand, and the upward-facing image of the coin turned out to be an angel holding flowers.

The fool's eyes sparkled with golden light, and then the brilliance on his body disappeared from the seat...

In the foreign land of Huo Luo, auspicious clouds are gathering, and the heavenly palace is looming.

In front of an entrance to the secret realm of Tianxing Palace, many Huo Luo and Dayan troops guarded the place.

The space was slightly distorted, and Su Yuan, dressed in a scarlet-bright Suzaku robe, rushed over with the Suzaku Yu people.

"Su Zhenjun." Dayan and the generals of the Fire Kingdom came up to greet him.

The two came here with military experts. One was to guard the star beast that rushed out from inside, and the other was to enter the secret realm to investigate the situation.

Su Yuan nodded, then looked at the general of the Great Yan Kingdom and asked, "General Liu Mu, how is the situation inside?"

Liu Mu said: "We have just solved the secret realm creatures near the entrance. It is very big and contains many humanoid monsters. It is also very difficult for us to break through."

It’s better to go see it yourself than ask any more questions. Su Yuan said: “Then let’s go in.”

General Liu nodded: "Okay, I'll go in with you."

Su Yuan and others flew up with General Liu and stepped into the auspicious clouds of the Heavenly Palace.

There was a slight flicker in front of my eyes, and the scenery changed rapidly.

Soon, he appeared in a beautiful fairy land, with stars pouring down and buildings connected to the city.

However, the light in front exploded, and the sound of fierce fighting continued, with three legions of troops fighting against the secret realm creatures.

As for these humanoid creatures in the secret realm, the heavenly soldiers are all of the glowing moon and shining star levels, and the heavenly generals wearing golden armor are of the scorching sun level.

Among them, the golden-armored heavenly general headed by him was clearly a cultivator in the Three Yang Realm.

On Dayan's side, another military general and two lieutenant generals were working together to deal with it.

Su Yuan glanced briefly and said, "Help me."

"Yes, True Lord!"

With an order, Jiang Lan, Lin Mo, He Zheng and many other Suzaku masters rushed out.

Su Yuan pulled out the demon sword from his waist and slashed at the golden-armored general of the Three Yang Realm with a single stroke from the air.


With a muffled sound, the opponent's golden armor was shattered and sent flying.

Several generals in the military were startled, turned their heads, and saw Su Yuan and others coming in with Liu Mu.

"It's Zhenjun Su Yuan of Zhuqueyu!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, this person's reputation has become so popular in recent years!

And the golden-armored general roared and was about to wield the Yanyue sword: "Where is the demon...!"

With a flash of silver light, Su Yuan appeared above his head, and the air cannon in his palm was thrown directly on him...


With a loud bang, General Jin Kaitian was blasted directly into the ground, creating a big crater!

The golden armored general was about to stand up with difficulty, but with a sword roar, the Yin Hong Demon Sword had already shot down and pierced through his chest.


General Jin Kaitian trembled, and then exploded into a flash of spiritual light and disappeared on the spot.

Kavin... I'm a little wet today

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