Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 963 Star Officer

But as the golden armor disappeared, a "golden elixir" remained in place.

With a flash of silver light, Su Yuan appeared on the ground, retracted the demon sword and picked up the golden elixir.

"Such pure energy."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. Although the energy in this golden pill is not as good as the Sun Spirit Pill refined from the same level of star core, it is not much worse!

To be able to produce such things is indeed a secret realm supported by huge earth energy and several dragon veins!

Su Yuan turned around and took a look. It seemed that the Heavenly Weapons of the Huiyue and Yao classes did not have golden elixirs, only the Zhuoyang class did.

Su Yuan immediately called out Ruanruan and drank the golden elixir.


Black light circulated around Ruanruan's body, and he used the Devouring Law with all his strength. However, all the energy of the golden elixir was absorbed in a short time, and the aura on his body actually increased visibly to the naked eye!

When Su Yuan saw this, he was also very happy.

At this time, under the action of Jiang Lan, Lin Mo and others, the heavenly soldiers and generals in the field were quickly wiped out.

"Zhenjun, everything is solved."

Jiang Lan and others flew back and got some "golden elixirs" in their hands.

However, for Jiang Lan and others who have accumulated in the Three Yang Realm for countless years, the effect of "Golden Pill" is relatively limited.

At this time, General Liu Mu came over with another General Xu Chao.

"Su Zhenjun." General Xu Chao bowed with excitement, his eyes filled with reverence.

Su Yuan Zhenjun, more than half of today's truth knights were killed by him, and he is even called the "truth killer" in the army!

Even though the situation in the secret realm is unclear, with this person standing in front of you, it gives people the feeling of being able to deal with everything with the divine needle of the sea!

Su Yuan nodded slightly in return, and then said: "General Liu, General Xu, you two will build fortifications here first to guard this entrance;

Jiang Lan, Lin Mo... everyone in Zhuqueyu will be divided into groups as before, and you two will lead the investigation. "

"Yes, True Lord!" Everyone agreed.

The silver light in Su Yuan's palm flashed, and he used immeasurable power to issue the teleportation order.

Space gates and teleportation orders are techniques for folding space to travel over long distances.

Although it was melted by Xuan Feng, it is the easiest to recreate with immeasurable power. Even if Su Yuan is not freed, he can still use it easily now.

Su Yuan took out a Vermillion Bird Talisman and handed it to Liu Mu: "General Liu, if you encounter a strong enemy, activate this Talisman and I will rush back immediately."

Liu Mu's eyes lit up: "Yes, thank you Su Zhenjun!"

Su Yuan warned Jiang Lan and others: "This secret realm is not only Qi Guang, but there may also be gray realm monsters. You should explore carefully and pay attention to safety."

After Jiang Lan and others respectfully agreed, they immediately dispersed and took action on their own.

Su Yuan's body swayed, then turned into a streak of silver light and shot forward.

Not long after, Su Yuan thought, and a silver light flashed beside him, and a white-haired girl wearing a black dress appeared.

"Boss." Ashley bowed slightly.

Su Yuan said: "Ahilia, look for the dragon vein."

Ashley nodded slightly, then the fate track in her eyes turned, and she used the oracle technique to predict.

After a moment, Ashelia opened her eyes, stretched out her hand and pointed: "Boss, the 'energy' here is greater."

The "energy" that Ashelia refers to is either a rare treasure or vision in the secret realm, or there are more and more powerful enemies.

Secret realms are different from danger zones in that they may have their own rules and mechanisms.

But no matter what, if you go to a place with greater "energy", you can usually get in touch with the core of the secret realm more easily.

It may be difficult to directly predict the location of the predicted dragon vein, but if you get in touch with the core of the secret realm, it is not difficult to find clues to the dragon vein.

Su Yuan nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Ashley stretched out her hand and grabbed the corner of Su Yuan's clothes.

Infinite freedom, today's teleportation can also bring some people to teleport directly through "contact".

Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and he moved forward...

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yuan and Ashelia flew over a large number of pavilions and pavilions, passing through many obstacles blocked by heavenly soldiers, and finally saw a majestic star palace that was as large as a city.

Su Yuan did not hesitate, and took Ashley into it in a flash.

As soon as they entered, there were flashes of light in the star palace, and many celestial soldiers lacking consciousness and cold expressions flew out and surrounded Su Yuan and the two of them.

However, Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and under the infinite teleportation, these heavenly soldiers could not even catch the corners of Su Yuan and Ashley's clothes.

After teleporting towards the center of the star palace for a while, Su Yuan suddenly felt something, and immeasurable power lay outside with a thought.

The next moment, in the twinkling of stars, a stone mountain suddenly pressed down from the top of Su Yuan's head, but was blocked by immeasurable force.

Then the ground shook, and sharp spikes of gold and iron shot up, but they were still blocked by the immeasurable force from all directions.

"Bold maniac, how dare you break into the Star Palace!"

At this moment, two people wearing purple star robes came out from the front, and it was one of them with black iron ram's horns who spoke.

They are also secret creatures, but these two people seem to have some sanity.

Su Yuan looked at the two of them, but his eyes moved slightly:

"Ghost Golden Sheep, Liutu Deer?"

Judging from this appearance, it seems to be the legendary Twenty-eight Star Officials, so here...

Before Su Yuan could think about it, Gui Jinyang and Liu Tuzhang were already making seals with their hands.

"Tiangai Mountain!"

"Ki Tielin!"

The two of them joined in unison, and the stone mountain suddenly became several times larger, and the golden and iron ground thorns grew like thorns. The upper and lower parts combined, trying to crush Su Yuan's boundless defense.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Su Yuan sneered, and used his immeasurable power to push the stone mountain away, bending the gold and iron thorns on the spot!


As secret realm creatures, Ghost Golden Sheep and Liu Tu Deer showed extremely humanistic looks of surprise in their eyes.

Su Yuan said: "Ahilia, you go back first."

"Well, boss, be careful." Ashley grabbed Su Yuan and returned to the Green Underworld first with the silver light flowing around her body.

With a flash of his body, Su Yuan teleported to the top of the two star officials, raised his hand and punched them down.

The two star officers were shocked and hurriedly raised their arms to resist, but were smashed into the ground by Su Yuan with great force on the spot!

With the light flowing, Gui Jin Yang and Liu Tu Deer quickly stood up again. Apart from anything else, their defense was still very strong.

But before the two of them could take a breath, four flying swords of green and red yin and yang suddenly struck down, making the two of them look frightened, and immediately deployed the Geng Metal Ring and the thick earth wall to defend themselves.

However, the four flying swords cut through iron and gold, criss-crossing each other, and seeing countless pieces of gold and gravel flying in all directions, the defense of the two star officers was about to be broken in an instant!

"Willow soil deer, gold and stone combined!"

The Ghost Golden Sheep shouted, and Liu Tu Deer worked together to activate the combined skills.

The two of them were surrounded by metal and stone. In the blink of an eye, there was a powerful combination of metal and stone blocking the outside. The sound of "clang" kept ringing, and even the Four Azure Swords couldn't kill them for a while!

But the next moment, the four flying swords suddenly passed through the void and disappeared outside.

Liu Tuzhang was shocked: "What's going on? Has that monster given up?"

The ghost golden sheep said coldly: "It seems that the thief can't break our golden stone!"

Liu Tuzhang frowned, opened a hole in the stone and stone and looked at it: "No...be careful!"

The next moment, the sword flashed, and four extremely bright sword lights flashed like stars outside the golden stone that the two people spread out!

Within a few breaths, the metal and stone jade was covered with countless sword marks, and then exploded on the spot with a loud bang.

"not good!"

The two star officers were startled and tried to block the four swords.

There was a flash of silver light above his head, and Su Yuan teleported ahead, hitting the two star officers on the top of their heads with the highly compressed air cannon in his hands.


The silver light exploded, and the upper half of the two star officers' bodies, including their heads, shattered directly. They turned into a sheet of flying light and dissipated in the field, leaving behind two larger golden elixirs!

In fact, the strength of Gui Jinyang and Liu Tuzhang is not weak, perhaps close to the level of the three seats in the Tianxian Division.

However, Su Yuan has magical powers and his soul power has also been greatly enhanced. No matter what method he uses, it has far exceeded the ordinary three Yangs. It is not something that these two people can compete with.

Seeing the many heavenly soldiers around him once again killing without mercy, Su Yuan thought, and shot out four swords to kill them, and in a short time the whole place was cleared!

Su Yuan directly handed over two Xingguan's golden elixirs to Ruan Ruan for swallowing.

The power in these two golden elixirs is much stronger than that of the golden armored general in front.

As the devouring was completed, the accumulation in Ruanruan's body increased significantly, and it was actually faintly approaching the Three Yang Realm.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up: "If this continues, maybe Ruanruan can break through first!"

Ruanruan had already devoured a large number of high-grade and high-quality star cores when he killed Herman and Pula before, and he had improved a lot in the past year.

Now, for Ruanruan, who has no bottleneck in the Devouring Law, with some golden elixirs, the Three Yang Realm is just around the corner!

Su Yuan glanced towards the depths of the Star Palace, then continued to kill towards the front with Ruanruan...

Somewhere in the secret realm, in front of a magnificent star hall.

A tall and burly man and a woman wearing a golden crown came to the square in front of the temple.

Facing the heavenly soldiers and generals rushing out from all directions, the golden-crowned woman moved her ten fingers, and countless silver threads cut out of her body.

The armors worn by many heavenly generals were as if they were made of paper, unable to stop the silver thread at all.

After a while, hundreds of heavenly soldiers were cut into pieces one after another, even the Scorching Sun Golden Armored Heavenly General was the same!

"It's amazing. No matter what, your move is really useful for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers." Basson crossed his arms and joked casually.

Ba Shu raised her eyebrows: "What, you want to give it a try?"

Bassen laughed: "Forget it then, I won't have much fun fighting with you."

Fighting against Bashu doesn't have the feeling of a head-on punch, so it's not pleasant!

The two of them did not pay attention to the golden elixirs exploded by the generals, but instead focused their attention on a humanoid statue with angry eyes and tangled muscles in the hall ahead.

This statue is dressed in a star robe, a jade crown on its head, and a jade pendant hanging from its waist with the word "Kaiyang" written on it.

Ba Shu raised her hand, and the silver thread immediately cut through.

However, there was starlight flowing above the statue, and it was not harmed at all.

"Oh? It's not easy~" Ba Shu's eyes moved slightly.

At this moment, stars shined in the night sky of the secret realm, and one of the stars was even more brilliant.

Suddenly, bright starlight fell straight down, crashing through the hall and pouring onto the statue!

After a few breaths, the starlight gradually dispersed, and a tall star official with an amazing aura appeared on the scene.

"What kind of evildoer is attacking my Ziwei Heavenly Palace!"

Something happened in the middle, the second chapter will be later

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