Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 964 Actions from all parties

As soon as Kaiyang Xingguan appeared, a strong murderous intention burst out of his eyes!

Looking at Bashu and Basen in front of him, Kaiyang Xingguan shouted loudly and then shot out.

"Heh, it looks like a powerful secret creature..."

Sensing the powerful aura from Kaiyang Star Officer, Bassen, who had always felt bored, finally became more interested. He took a step forward, and rushed forward with a fist as his body surged with green energy.


The fists clashed, and the air waves exploded!

There was a bit of surprise on Bassen's face, but after a brief stalemate, he flew out and directly hit the wall behind!

"Seeking death!" Kaiyang Xingguan snorted coldly, his fists were as bright as stars, and he was about to charge towards Bassen again in a flash!

Seeing this, Ba Shu raised her right hand, and the silver thread intertwined with a space net and immediately stopped in front of Kaiyang Xingguan.

However, Kaiyang Xingguan kept walking and sneered: "Fist strength, open the sky!"

There was a buzzing sound from the fist, and the sky suddenly darkened with one punch, and then starlight flashed, and the silver net was shattered after just a brief stalemate.

But just when he was about to smash the space network and prepare to continue forward, the black shadow fluttered, and Bassen, who had just been blown away, rushed back one step ahead.

"This strength is really awesome!"

Bassen's eyes were burning, the corners of his mouth were grinning, and purple energy surged all over his body. He hit Official Kaiyang directly in the chest without warning!


There was an explosion, and Kaiyang Xingguan was knocked out on the spot. The star robe on his chest was torn, and blood surged on his face.

But Basen's eyes showed excitement, he stepped out and rushed out again, fighting with Kaiyang Star Officer...

In front of another palace.

In front of Tisa, the stars descended.

"come yet?"

Tisa quietly stared at the star power beam that suddenly hung down in front of her. Within a moment, a star official with a "Greedy Wolf" jade pendant on his waist appeared in front of him.

Greedy Wolf Star Officer stared at Tisa, his eyes flashing: "Invading the Star Palace, who are you..."

Before Tanlangxingguan finished speaking, he saw Tisa in front of him turning his body slightly.

The next moment, there was a stream of light in the sky, and a bright and dazzling star stream penetrated countless halls and pavilions and came suddenly. In an instant, it hit the front door of the Greedy Wolf Star official who had just arrived, and directly killed most of his head. !

The greedy star officer's remaining right eye showed a bit of shock, and then he fell down and exploded with spiritual light.

"Spot on the target, Stella."

A smile appeared on Tissa's lips, and she was very satisfied with Stella's shot.

After taking a look at the dazzling golden elixir flowing on the ground, Tisa's eyes fell on the "Greedy Wolf" jade pendant next to her, and she stepped forward to pick up the jade pendant.

Before Tisza could appreciate it, at this moment, a ball of extremely fast purple thunder suddenly shot towards Tisza and hit Tisza!


The thunder exploded, and this astonishing impact directly knocked Tisza away, smashing countless palaces into pieces with "bang bang bang" and erupting in large amounts of smoke and dust!

On the spot, the lightning flashed away, revealing a tall purple-haired man.

It was Ting Kun, one of the Ten Weapons Envoys who had previously inspected the sacred tree.

Ting Kun leaned down and picked up the Tanlang Jade Pendant. After a brief inspection, his eyes lit up.


Ting Kun nodded. At this moment, he seemed to feel that someone was aiming at him from a distance.

However, Ting Kun's expression remained unchanged. He turned his head to look, with a hint of coldness in his eyes...

In a pavilion hundreds of miles away, Stella, holding a cross crystal gun, was already aiming at Ting Kun.

Just when he was about to shoot him, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Stella's heart trembled, and she launched a starlight jump without hesitation and retreated from the place!

The next moment, a sharp black sword light suddenly fell from his side.


The entire pavilion, which was more than ten feet high, was cut in two on the spot!

Stella's pupils shrank and she turned around, only to see a short-haired woman with a body as thin as a black cat and dexterous movements approaching with a long knife!

Stella immediately raised her crystal spear to resist, but was killed by the thin woman and kept retreating!

Although Stella has starlight leap and can move extremely fast in a straight line, her movements are far less flexible than those of a thin woman, and she can no longer hold up after a while.


With a loud shout and a bright star, Stella immediately launched her true liberation.

In an instant, the crystal gun in his hand disappeared out of thin air, but four dazzling cross stars appeared behind it.

"Quadruple swan song, kill the extermination star, die!"

Stella's eyes turned cold, and the four cross stars behind her glowed brightly. After a moment of gathering momentum, streaks of extremely bright starlight blasted towards the thin woman who was coming to kill. Each starlight could shoot thousands of miles and penetrate everything!

The sniper rifle that had been preparing for a long time now had the attack frequency of a machine gun.

This kind of offensive is simply terrifying!

The thin woman looked slightly stern, and for a moment, she could only dodge in a hurry under the four-layer starlight gun...

On the same spot, Ting Kun quickly withdrew his gaze, knowing that Mao Jiu had found the person who attacked from a distance.

At this moment, there seemed to be some movement in the smoke ahead.

"You were hit by a thunderbolt and you stood up so quickly?" Ting Kun's eyes moved slightly and he looked forward.

And among the gradually dispersing smoke and dust, Tisza slowly walked out.

Ting Kun saw the other party clearly and his expression became serious.

"You're actually...unscathed?"

Su Yuan walked forward with a soft shoulder, and Luo Bingtong followed closely beside him.

Along the way, he killed three more twenty-eight star officials and fed all the golden elixirs to Ruanruan. Now he finally arrived in front of the central star palace.

"Po Jun, it turns out they are all the star officials from Ziwei Palace..."

Su Yuan looked at the lifelike star official sculpture in front of him, his eyes moved slightly.

And soon, the stars fell from the sky, and the Pojun Star Officer with sharp eyes and lean body appeared in front.

"Trespassing into the Star Palace without permission will be killed without mercy!"

The Pojun Star Officer gave a sharp shout, turned over his hand and took out a long knife and killed him directly.

"I come."

Su Yuan was about to step forward when a strong cold light gathered beside him.

Luo Bingtong raised his hand, the ice dragon flashed with aura, and shot towards the Pojun Star Officer.

"Break the formation!"

Pojun Xingguan did not dodge or dodge, he slashed at Long Shan with his sword. After a moment of stalemate, the light of the sword and Dragon Flash were annihilated together.

"Awesome." Su Yuan nodded slightly, and could split the Holy Dragon's flash with a single slash. The attack of this Pojun Star Officer was indeed very strong.

However, there was a strong coldness on Pojun Xingguan's body, and his movements were a bit slower.

But with the surging fighting force on his body, he was instantly restored to his original state, and even had a fierce fighting spirit!

At this time, Luo Bingtong had also flown over to kill him!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The aura exploded and the swords flashed across the sky. Luo Bingtong and Pojun Star Officer fought for dozens of rounds in an instant, killing each other back and forth.

“Where did the monster beast come from that has such strength!”

Seeing that Luo Bingtong was helpless, the Pojun star officer felt a strong fighting force rising from his body, and two more double images appeared on the left and right sides.

"Break the formation of the army, three-dimensional murderous intention!"

"True liberation?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. This broken military star officer could actually achieve true liberation.

These two ghost images take up no space, but they can explode with abilities that are completely comparable to the original body!

Although it is not a terrifying ability, it is simple and crude, comparable to a super enhanced version of [left and right fighting]!

The two Pojun ghosts each slashed at Luo Bingtong with their swords, and they could also perform a combined attack with the Pojun star officer. They were truly unparalleled in Pojun!

Even though Luo Bingtong's physical body is terrifying and her sword skills are superb, she feels the pressure is doubled now that she is unable to defeat six hands with two fists!


Su Yuan let out a soft cry on his shoulder and stepped forward to help.

"Don't worry, Ruanruan." But Su Yuan stopped it.

I saw golden light flowing in Luo Bing's pupils, the power of time flowing around him, and his movements suddenly increased greatly.

The sound of "clang" continued, but he once again took over the offensive of the Pojun Star Officer.

And that's not all, Luo Bingtong formed a seal with his left hand, suddenly accelerated and slapped the Pojun Star Officer with his palm.

"Back...back!" Luo Bingtong said coldly.

The next moment, golden light flourished, and many dazzling runes rushed out of the general's star officer package from his palm.

But just a moment later, when the Pojun Star Officer appeared again, the two phantoms outside him disappeared directly!

"What kind of sorcery!" Po Junxing officer was horrified.

"Awesome...!" Ruanruan's eyes widened.

Su Yuan's eyes also condensed slightly. He already knew a little bit about Luo Bingtong's move because of Rong Ling Wangshen.

The Fusion Spirit Wangshen in the Dengtang realm can improve attributes and use some basic skills.

The Fusion Soul Wangshen in the Furnace Fire Realm can already use the soul power of the star beast, so Su Yuan also knows that Luo Bingtong's time-traveling move can return the opponent's state to a period of time ago.

Different from the acceleration of time obtained by relying on Guixu Divine Wind, Luo Bingtong is now a genuine time-based star beast!

Use the power of ice as a springboard to gain the ability to freeze time.

Obtain the Seven-Pointed Sea Emperor Crystal and gain the ability to accelerate time.

Then in the Dragon God's Relics, the power of the soul went a step further and gained the ability to go back in time!

In this way, Luo Bingtong is involved in the future, past, and present of the way of time!

At this moment, as Pojun Xingjun was returned to the state before the true form was liberated, Luo Bingtong waved the long knife with cold light...

"Ice burial!"

Cut through it with one knife, and ice flowers will grow!

In the blink of an eye, the Pojun star officer was frozen by the endless blooming ice flowers...and then suddenly exploded into ice shards all over the sky!

Luo Bingtong withdrew the long sword, and the ice chips flew away, leaving only the Pojun jade pendant and a golden elixir that was much larger than the previous twenty-eight stars!

Picking up the jade pendant and golden elixir, Luo Bingtong returned to Su Yuan and handed them over with both hands: "Here..."


Su Yuan smiled and praised, then took two items and gave the golden elixir to Ruanruan first.

"Ruanruan, it should be almost done after swallowing it." Su Yuan asked.

"Well!" Ruanruan's eyes shone with joy, "Thank you, Master, thank you Bingtong!"

After taking the golden elixir, she took a deep breath and swallowed it!

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