Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 965 Domination

Following a strong wave, Ruanruan immediately closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Su Yuan raised his hand and put Ruanruan into the beast control space.

"This time the devouring is completed, I think I will be able to break through the Three Yangs." Su Yuan nodded secretly.

Along the way, the golden elixirs of three more Twenty-Eight Star Officials were swallowed softly, and they were only one step away from the Three Yang Realm.

The Devouring Law is so overbearing that the small bottleneck between Chongyang and Sanyang does not exist at all for the Devouring Law.

At present, there is a more powerful Jindan that breaks the military star officer, and this time he will definitely be able to break through Sanyang!

"It seems that I was right to let Bing Tong break through last time..." Su Yuan thought like this and turned to look at Bing Tong next to him.

Seeing Su Yuan's eyes, Bingtong tilted his head in confusion, as if saying "What's wrong?"


Su Yuan smiled and shook his head, then picked up the Pojun jade pendant and looked at it carefully...

"The Star Official Jade Tablet of Ziwei Palace seems to point to the core of the secret realm..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful.

This secret realm is extremely vast, and this large area of ​​​​the palace is only under the jurisdiction of Pojun Xingguan.

At this moment, Su Yuan was looking somewhere, but he couldn't see the end.

"It seems that we should be able to find clues to the dragon's veins. In addition, there seems to be the treasure of the Star Palace...the treasure of the Ziwei Star Palace?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. Whether there was a treasure or a dragon vein, he had to go and take a look as soon as possible.

Turning his hand to take back the token, Su Yuan said to Luo Bingtong: "Then let's... huh?!"

At this moment, Su Yuan suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming from the side!

Between the lightning and flint, Su Yuan couldn't even teleport in time. With a thought, Su Yuan used immeasurable power to block the attack at his side, and at the same time raised his hand to resist.

The next moment, with a trace of fluctuation, a golden eye pattern suddenly crossed the infinite barrier and landed on Su Yuan's arm.

"This is?"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and he suddenly felt as if the arm was missing.

Then, the whole left hand twisted slightly and grabbed it towards his neck!

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold.


The sword light flashed and blood splashed. Su Yuan directly swung the demon sword and chopped off the out-of-control left arm!

When Luo Bingtong saw this scene, her pupils suddenly shrank: "Su... Yuan?!"

Su Yuan's eyes were slightly cold, but he noticed that the sense of crisis hit his heart again. With a flash of silver light on his body, he teleported away with his ice eyes!

The next moment, a golden eye mark hit the wall of the palace behind.

"As expected of Su Yuan, you are really decisive..." A rich and somewhat magnetic voice came from a distance.

Su Yuan looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a broad build and a golden vertical pupil appearing in front of him...

From the cloak of truth on his body, it is not difficult to tell his identity——

"[Emperor], Parker."

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, pulled out the glazed azure sword and slashed it on his left shoulder with a backhand sword. As the green light circulated, the flesh buds swelled, but after a while, they returned to their original state.

"Yes, it's me." Parker looked at Su Yuan's regenerated left hand and smiled suddenly, "Yes, according to Tisa, you still have such a treasure that can regenerate a severed limb. It's a pity... "


At this moment, the cold training surged, ice blossoms shot out, and a terrifying icy breath suddenly rushed from the side!

Su Yuan turned around and saw Luo Bingtong's eyes filled with murderous intent, and his small face was extremely cold.


Su Yuan was so surprised that he was about to say something, but Luo Bingtong's body flashed with golden light, and time accelerated and he killed him with a knife!

Looking at Luo Bingtong, who was flying towards him, the dazzling golden light in the royal golden eyes between Parker's brows once again lit up, shooting straight towards Luo Bingtong.

Luo Bingtong opened the five fingers of his left hand, and a wall of ice instantly condensed in front of him.

The next moment, the golden eye mark landed on the ice wall, but was blocked.

And Luo Bingtong flew up from behind the ice wall, and the time fluctuations on his body were already extremely strong!

Su Yuan's expression froze slightly, he realized something, and immediately teleported away from the place.


Following Luo Bingtong's soft yet extremely cold voice, a huge blue-gold realm suddenly unfolded.

In an instant, everything was frozen in sight...including [Emperor] Parker!

The next moment, Luo Bingtong came to Parker. Cold light surged from the knife. In an instant, the knife flashed and cut Parker into countless pieces!

But at this moment, Parker's golden light flashed, and it turned directly into a burst of holy light energy.


Luo Bingtong's eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that he had failed.

And soon, the frozen time domain dispersed, and Luo Bingtong also noticed what was locking him, and he was about to leave immediately.

But at this time, under the ground, four golden light pillars shot up and penetrated Luo Bingtong's body, freezing him in place!

For a moment, Luo Bingtong was not only unable to move, but even the movement of his star power was stagnant.


At the critical moment, Su Yuan teleported over with his sword.

The light in his eyes was like substance, and he had suddenly opened up his heart.

Countless information poured into his mind, and Su Yuan instantly captured an energy trajectory and raised the demon sword.

The next moment, along with a trace of energy fluctuation, a golden pupil suddenly appeared on the demon sword, blocking it accurately!

Then, Su Yuan looked up, with immeasurable power flowing in his eyes, and soon saw the two people standing in the distance.

In addition to [Emperor] Parker wearing a crown, there is an older but upright old man not far away——


At this moment, a dazzling golden light surged out of Parker's golden eyes, indicating that the power of royal power was about to be unleashed again.

And Su Yuan's eyes were filled with silver light. With one step, he had crossed a large distance and came to the two of them!

"Infinite moment!"

As early as when Luo Bingtong used Freeze Time, in order to avoid accidents, Su Yuan was already searching for enemies and preparing for this technique.

At this moment, a burst of intense silver light suddenly burst out from Su Yuan's eyes, and all directions turned into a silver field.


[Emperor] Parker and [Pope] John froze under the impact of endless spiritual information.

But at this moment, the golden pupils between Parker's brows flickered slightly, and his eyes flashed, and he suddenly broke free from the boundless shackles of the moment!

"He is indeed a master of mental power."

In a flash of thought, Su Yuan teleported directly to the stunned John and was about to cut him off with his sword.

But at this moment, a golden eye mark lit up on John's face, and then he waved his staff expressionlessly to block Su Yuan's slash!


Although John was sent flying out at once, it was still better than being split in half on the spot.

"He was also dominated?"

Su Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, turned around and saw Parker with a sneer on his face.

Unexpectedly, Parker planted the golden eye's dominance mark on his companion in advance and controlled him to resist.

Before Su Yuan had time to strike a second time, he was locked by Parker's royal golden eyes again.

With a flash of silver light on his body, Su Yuan immediately teleported away and dodged away.

This round, in an infinite amount of seconds, was basically a complete failure!

This is the first time this has happened.

First of all, it's because the enemy is an extremely rare super master in mental control, and he is actually able to be directly immune to the Infinite Moment!

Secondly, it was because he used this technique in a hurry without much testing and without knowing the details of the other party...

However, Su Yuan was also worried that something would happen to Luo Bingtong, so before she rushed forward, he decisively prepared this technique to counterattack the enemy.

Su Yuan's mind was spinning, and he saw the ice pupils flying up from behind, and then dispersed for an instant.

"Is this the legendary skill... Unfortunately, no one can 'control' me." Parker smiled.

Su Yuan looked at him: "With the ability of 'control', no wonder you are called the [Emperor]"

"Excellent." Parker smiled, "Weren't you able to easily defeat our tricks?"

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. Just now Bingtong rushed forward but was countered by the opponent's combo.

If it were anyone else, he would have been restrained instantly and would have been in a bad situation... or even defeated!

After the four people on both sides looked at each other for a moment, Parker shouted in a deep voice: "The will of God, the hundred eyes of kingship!"

With a burst of intense golden light, Parker directly launched his true form of liberation!

Although he looks relaxed, Parker is not stupid.

Facing Su Yuan, who had killed six truth knights one after another, since the sneak attack was fruitless, how could he take it lightly!

In the blink of an eye, the rich golden light dissipated, and when Parker appeared in the field again, even Su Yuan could not help but shrink his pupils.

Just like the royal golden eyes between the eyebrows... At this moment, Parker suddenly has a hundred eyes all over his body, which looks weird and terrifying!

At this moment, hundreds of eyes turned to look at Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong.

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he teleported away with his ice pupils.

However, even if they retreated, the hundred golden pupils only glanced briefly and immediately locked onto the two of them!

"Wanhua·Eight-foot Ice!"

Luo Bingtong raised his hand and pointed, and black ice surged in front of him, turning into a thick ice shield!

In an instant, a large number of golden eye marks fell on the ice shield. The ice shield shook slightly and was directly controlled to decompose, turning into ice shards and dissipating on the spot!

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Can you even control the energy?"

The previous Golden Eyes could control his left hand, but only living creatures.

But fortunately, it will be blocked by real objects such as demon knives and ice.

However, at this moment, even Wanhua Xuanbing can control it and decompose it directly!

The ice shield collapsed, and Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong were once again exposed to countless golden eyes that followed.

Su Yuan grabbed Bing Tong, and it immediately turned into a piece of silver light that flickered infinitely in the field.

But how can this stop the Hundred Eyes of Royal Power covering all directions like rain? If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it, and you will no longer be able to hide it in a short while.

Su Yuan held down Liuli Tianqing, and a huge nine-headed water snake suddenly appeared in front of him in the mist of blue light.

As soon as Xiang Liu came out, the sea water burst out, the tide surged, and endless waves blocked the way!

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