Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 966 Kill and retreat

The sea water is turbulent and the momentum is overwhelming.

However... not even Luo Bingtong's Ten Thousand Transformations Black Ice can stop the control of Parker's King Power Golden Eyes, let alone Xiang Liu's condensed Niehai Water?

In the blink of an eye, with the gaze of hundreds of eyes on Parker, a large number of golden eye marks controlled the disintegration of the sea water, and then hit Xiang Liu's body like a sieve.

Xiang Liu's figure was slightly sluggish for a moment, then he turned his hand and took out the Sea Underlord, suddenly turned around and swiped at Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong behind him!

Su Yuan had already sensed Xiang Liu's loss of control through Liuli Tianqing. He unfolded his celestial body and sent him flying towards Parker with a sword.

Seeing that Xiang Liu stabilized his body and was about to attack again, Su Yuan thought in his mind, the glazed azure flashed with brilliance, and a large area of ​​cyan vitality suddenly escaped from Xiang Liu's body, and the entire huge body turned into a pile of rotting corpses.

In the distance, John waved his staff, and a golden light enveloped the two of them, and they instantly jumped to the other side.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and just as he was about to make a move, Luo Bingtong's voice came.

"Help me... block it."

But he saw ice and snow billowing outside Luo Bingtong's body, and Wanhua Xuanbing drew a huge ice barrier underneath her like pen and ink.

Vaguely, one can feel a vast and unparalleled ice element surging rapidly in the barrier.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. This move was very familiar. It was the mysterious ice technique used when he and Bing Tong "merged" for the first time... Ten Thousand Swords Returned to the Sect!


Su Yuan immediately agreed, holding Liuli Tianqing and releasing Jiu Ying again.

The fire burned brightly, and Jiu Ying roared loudly and turned into a giant creature and pushed forward!

"court death!"

The royal eyes all over Parker's body flashed wildly, and in an instant, countless golden eye marks fell on Jiu Ying.

In fact, it is just a golden pupil, which can invade the sea of ​​consciousness and completely control the target as long as it is shot in the head.

Not to mention, there are so many golden eye marks on Jiuying’s body!

With a thought in Parker's mind, Jiuying's entire body exploded and disintegrated directly under the powerful power of control, turning into a ball of blood and rotten flesh on the spot!

"I want to see how many more human shields you have!" Parker sneered.

However, the next moment, the ice barrier flourished, and the infinite black ice blades swarmed out from under Luo Bingtong like a goddess scattering flowers, covering the sky and the sun!

Luo Bingtong stretched out her hand and said, "Kill him!"

With a command, thousands of black ice blades shot out, killing the two Parkers!

"What!" Both Parker and John's expressions changed.

All the 100 royal eyes on Parker's body flashed violently, and a large number of golden eye marks continued to hit thousands of ice blades, instantly gaining control of each ice blade.

But what's the use? For thousands of black ice blades, what Parker controls is just a drop in the bucket, and there is no way to stop the tide of thousands of swords!

In the blink of an eye, Ten Thousand Swords were about to kill, and John waved his staff solemnly: "The Ring of the Holy See's Protector!"

Suddenly golden light surged, and a golden halo suddenly swayed, blocking Wanjian from the outside like an indestructible golden wall.

However, Wanjian Guizong was extremely domineering, and the sound of "clang" was heard endlessly. In just a few breaths, the golden halo was already crumbling under the offensive of the Xuanbing Blade!

Parker's face darkened: "This beast master not only has the ability to freeze time, but also has such a mysterious ice technique!"

His sight was blocked by Wan Jian, and he couldn't even see what was going on outside, let alone activating the King Power Golden Eyes.

John said calmly: "Since it's Su Yuan, let's retreat first. Fortunately, there are 'photon beacons' along the way."

Parker looked at the protective ring that was about to collapse, his face looked a little ugly, but he nodded solemnly: "Okay, let's go!"

John raised his hand to form a seal, waved his staff, and a burst of rich golden light immediately enveloped the two of them.

"Photon jump!" John shouted.

The golden light surrounding the two people shrank rapidly, reaching the point where it was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye in a blink of an eye, and then disappeared in a flash!

"Clang clang clang...bang!"

The Vatican's protective ring shattered, and countless ice blades fell down like a sea of ​​sky in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the scene turned into a mountain of ten thousand swords!

With a flash of silver light, Su Yuan teleported into the air with Luo Bingtong, only to find that the two of them had disappeared, leaving only some aftermath.

"Light displacement skills..."

Su Yuan glanced briefly, and vaguely discovered something with a pure mind, and immediately flew down to take a closer look.

Although the traces of photon transition are extremely subtle, with the infinite power of the "magnifying glass" and the dedicated "collector", no trace can be escaped.

Soon, Su Yuan found the trajectory direction of the photon transition!

Su Yuan's eyes flashed coldly: "You hurt me and you just want to leave like this?"

As soon as he thought about it, a strong silver light suddenly swayed from his body, and he had suddenly launched the true liberation!

Su Yuan's eyes surged with immeasurable power, and the space quickly shrank. Within a few breaths, he saw Parker and John who had moved to another photon beacon.

Hundreds of miles away, John said solemnly: "The white-haired girl next to Su Yuan alone is very difficult. If you want to kill them, you have to find one or two more people."

Parker had released his true form and said a little weakly. He was about to say something when suddenly a white light burst from his forehead...

John was slightly startled and looked at Parker, who had half of his head in front of him annihilated in an instant.

"Parker...is dead?!"

John never expected that Parker would die like this!

"Damn it!"

Suddenly coming back to his senses, John's expression changed drastically.

He raised his hand to put away Parker's body, and then formed a seal with his hands. The golden light once again enveloped his body and turned into a photon that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and jumped further away!

In place, Su Yuan narrowed his left eye slightly.

"Hundreds of miles away, just the right distance..."

At a distance of several hundred miles, John's golden eyes of royal power could not be used at all, but they were within the shooting range of Su Yuan Wuliang Dongxu!

Having moved hundreds of miles quickly through photon leap, Parker and John did not expect that Su Yuan could actually launch such a terrifying attack across such a long distance.

Even among the Secret Society of Truth, only [Star] can do it!

Su Yuan slowly opened his burning left eye, ready to forcibly condense the second shot of Infinite Hollow.

However, John had once again transformed into a photon and disappeared.

The distance was too far at this time, and Su Yuan didn't know which direction he was jumping to, so he could only give up.

With a thought, Su Yuan unlocked the true form of liberation and suddenly felt a little weak.

Like the transformation skill, true form liberation also consumes the most when it is turned on.

“It’s a pity that [Pope] John was not able to stay.”

Su Yuan felt very sorry, but fortunately, he killed [Emperor] Parker.

Otherwise, let him withdraw. For others, this ability to attack Yin people first is too strong!

You know, if you don't have the azure blue and boundless freedom, you will have to cut off one of your arms first.

And after Bingtong used the freezing time, she would be counter-controlled by Parker...The result would be a bit unimaginable!

With Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying refining their forms, Su Yuan could still abandon them at will, but Bingtong certainly couldn't give up.

"How...like?" Luo Bingtong asked.

Su Yuan was still thinking, nodded slightly and said: "Kill the [Emperor]."

When Luo Bingtong heard this, her face was still cold. For Parker actually forcing Su Yuan to cut off his left arm, the murderous intention in his heart could not be calmed down!

Seeing this, Su Yuan smiled and touched Luo Bingtong's head.

"It's okay, I have recovered, and Bing Tong, you are also very powerful. If it weren't for your Wan Jian Guizong to beat them away, I wouldn't have such a good chance to deal with him."

Feeling the warmth on the top of her head, the coldness in Luo Bingtong's eyes suddenly softened, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Well..."

Su Yuan found her cute and nodded her small nose, then took out the Pojun Jade Pendant and hurried towards the distance according to the instructions...

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