Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 967: Use the formation to suppress the formation

A secret realm, above a certain pavilion.

A short, plain-looking, black-haired young man stood here.

It was none other than the [Fool] from the Secret Society of Truth.

At this time, the photon jumped, suddenly came from a very far distance, and transformed into John's figure.

"So, Parker is dead."

Before John could speak, the black-haired young man had already spoken.

Not a question, but a statement.

John opened his mouth, then stopped when he heard the words. The ring in his hand flashed and released Parker, who had half of his head submerged.

The Fool turned his head and looked over, and said calmly: "It's really ugly... Parker."

John said: "I met Su Yuan, the Su Yuan. In addition to Su Yuan, there is also an extremely powerful dragon."

John quickly told the Fool about his previous sneak attack on Su Yuan, but was counterattacked and killed.

"Are the dragons who master the black ice technique capable of shooting hundreds of miles?" The Fool looked thoughtful.

John asked: "Are you going to resurrect him?"

The Fool shook his head: "Of course not... John, your God's blessing can only be used by me. That's what it said above, do you understand?"

John frowned and said, "There are still several years before my end. Even if I resurrect a few people at this moment, it won't be a problem."

The Fool said expressionlessly: "Even so, it will consume your power, and by then, you may not be able to be 100% 'completely resurrected'.

Without a complete resurrection, how can I guarantee that my overdrawn soul card will be repaired? "

John looked at Parker on the ground and wanted to lie in order to save others.

But when he faced the dark and shining eyes of the young man in front of him, he could only take back his words.

Under the power of the other party, any lies and cover-ups will be self-defeating.

And if you go against the other party's wishes, you may have your ability taken away directly.

Unless you die, you can't break free from the shackles set by Lord Constantine.

John was silent for a while and said: "Then Parker..."

"Give the body to Karen. The ability to control it can also be of some use to him."

John's expression froze, and then he sighed secretly.

After a long time.

Following the guidance of the Pojun Jade Pendant, Su Yuan came to a palace that was far more prosperous than before.

Unlike other places that are full of heavenly soldiers and generals, there has not been a single heavenly soldier outside the palace for a long time.

"is it here?"

Looking at the front door decorated with countless tiny stars, the star pattern on it is strikingly consistent with the Pojun mark on the jade pendant.

Su Yuan immediately raised the jade pendant, and the starlight shone brightly on the door, and then opened it to both sides, revealing a jade staircase climbing upward.

Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly and he walked in immediately.


Behind Su Yuan, the door slowly closed again.

Su Yuan glanced back, then climbed up the steps and walked forward along the passage.

On both sides of the jade staircase passage, there are continuous scenes of stars and purple and gold runes, which look very mysterious and luxurious.

After walking continuously for a long time, I finally saw the end, but it was a heavenly gate studded with stars.

As Su Yuan stepped onto the jade steps and entered the Tianmen, a square suddenly opened up in front of him.

The square is surrounded by sculptures.

Jiaomujiao, Kangjinlong, Ditu raccoon dog, Fangri rabbit, Xinyue fox, Tail fire tiger, Ji water leopard...

Dou Mujie, Ox Taurus, Female Earth Bat...

Kui Mulang, Lou Jin Dog, Wei Tu Pheasant...

Jingmuyan, Ghost Golden Sheep, Liutu Deer...

It was the Twenty-Eight Star Officials, and the Ghost Golden Sheep, Liutu Deer, etc. that Su Yuan had encountered before were also among them.

"I only encountered a few of these stars before, but now all twenty-eight of them are here?"

Su Yuan stepped forward step by step with a normal expression, and the eyes of the twenty-eight stars lit up one by one with dazzling light like stars.

When Su Yuan reached the center of the square, the eyes of the last star also lit up with stars, as if he had come to life.

"Xingxu listens to the order and captures the enemy!"

The leader Jiaomu Jiao shouted loudly, and all the stars began to move around Su Yuan.

The stars flickered, and within a short time, the twenty-eight constellations were divided into four parts: southeast, northwest, and northwest.

Bright starlight lit up from a group of stars, and the stars were connected by star chains. Suddenly the stars in the sky twinkled, and the increasingly intense starlight was guided and fell down.

"Seven-level formation, Four-Continent Star Formation?"

Su Yuan looked at this scene, but his eyes moved slightly.

Because he had the Pseudo Zhoutian Star Formation, Su Yuan had also learned about the seven-level formations related to the stars when he studied the formations before.

And this Four Continent Star Formation is also an ancient formation that relies on the power of the stars.

Each of the four continents contains gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and seven constellations. Together with the efforts of everyone, they form a powerful and huge constellation!

Quality is far greater than quantity, and the great thing about the formation is that it can maximize quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes, which is a skill that can greatly increase the upper limit!

Just as Su Yuan was thinking, the increasingly intense starlight burst down, almost submerging the entire square.


With roars, the Azure Dragon constellation in the east, the Suzaku constellation in the south, the White Tiger constellation in the west, and the Xuanwu constellation in the north all appeared from the starlight.

The spirit beasts of the four constellations are all covered with bright stars, are huge in size, and are extremely powerful.

Looking down at the palm-sized Su Yuan below, the four constellations roared and jumped up to attack him!

Su Yuan clenched the demon sword with his right hand, and pulled out the glazed azure with his left hand. With both swords in his hands, raging sword intent surged out of himself.

"Bingdi Heiliankai!"

The two lotuses bloomed, and one hundred and eight rays of Taixu Sword Qi exploded. The dense network of sword Qi slashed wildly on the star bodies of the four constellations, and large pieces of star debris suddenly collapsed!


However, the star power gathered by the Qixiu Star Officials was as majestic as the sea. After a stalemate, the four constellations roared, and the Taixu Sword Qi gradually collapsed in one hundred and eight vertical and horizontal cuts!

"The seven-level formation that gathers twenty-eight star officials is really powerful...!"

Seeing that Bingdi Heilian was about to be crushed, Su Yuan flashed silver light and teleported directly to the sky.


The jade bricks shattered, and the ground cracked under the bombardment of the four constellations!

The four constellations just looked around briefly and saw Su Yuan teleporting to high altitude.

With the control of the stars in the constellation, the green dragon waves its long tail, the red bird spreads its wings, the white tiger interlocks its claws, and the black dragon raises its head.

The wood of the green dragon, the fire of the red bird, the gold of the white tiger, the water of Xuanwu...

In an instant, powerful attacks with four attributes soared into the sky and headed straight for Su Yuan who was high in the sky!


Su Yuan pointed with his left hand, and an infinite barrier instantly blocked the area below.


The attacks of the four constellations landed on the boundless barrier, causing a strong wave of waves.

With the help of the seventh-level formation, the extremely majestic star power of the four constellations slowly pressed immeasurable power towards Su Yuan!

However, at this moment, Su Yuan flipped his hands and a simple formation diagram fell into his hands...

It is the third remaining formation of Zhuxian!

"In order to use this formation, all this year has been devoted to the formation..."

Looking at the four majestic constellations below, Su Yuan's eyes burned.

"Use the formation to suppress the formation, then let me see... the power of this ancient first killing formation!"

Su Yuan waved his hand, and the brilliance above the remaining formation of the Immortal Punisher suddenly disappeared in front of him in a flash.

The space fluctuated slightly, and then the space within sight suddenly changed in the entire field, like a scroll unfolding, creating a scene of desolation.

At the same time, the four green and red yin and yang swords flew out of Su Yuan's body.

Seeing that his immeasurable power was about to be completely crushed by the four beasts, Su Yuan squeezed the sword formula and shouted coldly:

"The Trap Immortal glows red everywhere, kill!!"

In an instant, a burst of red light appeared above the four green and red yin and yang swords.


The four swords all made an extremely excited sword chanting sound. They flickered briefly before disappearing into the space of the sword array and suddenly disappearing.


At this moment, the majestic attack from the four star beasts and the twenty-eight star officials finally crushed the immeasurable barrier.

However, Su Yuan's eyes shone brightly, and he just pointed downwards, and four blood-red sword lights suddenly slashed past him.

"Swiss, swiss, swish!"

The sword light passed by, Qingmu, Lieyan, Gengjin, Xuanshui... four powerful attacks with different attributes, but they were chopped to pieces by the blood-red sword light in the blink of an eye!


The four constellations were immediately furious, and they roared in the sky. The bright and magnificent light of the stars exploded outside themselves, and they were about to launch another offensive to blast away the four sword lights.

However, the red light flashed in the field, and more and more blood-red sword lights appeared in the void, entering and exiting Qingming, and they were killing each other in large areas!

"Bang bang bang...!!"

Red light flashed randomly, and the starlight shattered!

The blood-red sword light passed by, and the starlight was smashed and exploded.

The four constellations erupted with majestic star power, each using their own methods to try to resist the bombardment of the remaining formation of the Zhuxian.

However, the power of the Zhuxian Remnant Formation is unparalleled and its killing power is unparalleled. It killed the four constellations and shattered the stars all over their bodies. They could only use the power of the stars to attract the light of the sky and repair the large injuries on their bodies caused by the sword light of the Zhuxian Remnant Formation!

The Four-Continent Star Formation can not only gather the power of the stars to form four constellations, but can also guide the stars for recovery.

And under the starlight in this secret realm, the recovery effect is even more powerful to the extreme.

Under the killing blows of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he could barely survive with the starlight in the night sky.

If you want to completely eliminate the four constellations, I'm afraid it will take some effort.

Su Yuan's eyes flickered as he looked at the four constellations that had been completely suppressed by the Zhuxian remnant formation.

"The four constellations and the seven constellations include metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang respectively, so any attribute can be derived.

Green Dragon controls wood, Suzaku controls fire, White Tiger controls gold, and Xuanwu controls water.

But to defeat the four constellations, it is not right to directly defeat the main attribute constellations, but to defeat the preceding derived attributes..."

Su Yuan thought quickly in his mind.

Oriental green dragon, water and wood;

Southern Suzaku, wood makes fire;

Western white tiger, native metal;

Northern Xuanwu, metal generates water.

So if this is the case...


Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he controlled the formation again with a thought.

Red light flashed, and countless sword lights converged and killed at the four positions of Qinglong's "Ji", Suzaku's "Well", White Tiger's "Stomach", and Xuanwu's "Ox"!

These four positions correspond to the water in the east, the wood in the south, the soil in the west, and the gold in the north.

I saw stardust flying everywhere, and then it was broken by countless flashes of blood-red sword light!


Almost at the same time, the Ji Shui Leopard, Jing Mu Qian, Wei Tu Pheasant and Ox Taurus that made up the four constellations were chopped to pieces by the blood-red sword light!

If before, the sword light passed by and the starlight guided it, the four constellations would quickly recover again.

However, at this moment, the four constellations seemed to have been hit hard, and the stars all over their bodies dimmed and their aura plummeted!

"Hit the gate of life." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he squeezed the seal, "The Immortal Killing Sword Formation... kill!"


Red light rose everywhere, stars shattered, and the four constellations that had lost their ability to recover were unable to withstand the endless killing of the Immortal Killing Formation.

With a "bang" sound, the four constellations exploded, and the remaining twenty-four constellations inside showed shock, and then were drowned by the large bloody sword light...

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