Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 968 Internal and external dragon veins

Within a moment, the four swords soaked in red light flew back to Su Yuan's side.

As for the Twenty-Eight Star Officials, and even the Four Continent Star Formation... they were all suppressed and killed!

"To overwhelm people with strength and kill without equal, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation is truly overbearing!"

The originally majestic Silu Xingxiu Formation was suppressed from the beginning to the end under the Zhuxian Sword Formation, leaving no room for resistance!

Su Yuan felt a little excited. After spending so much time raising his formation attainments to level seven, the performance of the Zhuxian Sword Formation was really not in vain.

Combined with the Shangqing Sword Control Technique, the killing power is unparalleled!

Su Yuan withdrew the four swords with a thought, and then waved his hand. The vast space of the sword array around him quickly converged, and finally turned into a simple scroll of the array and fell back into his hand.

Su Yuan put away the formation map with satisfaction, and then felt his own condition.

Even though the Phoenix Vein continued to provide star power, his star power still dropped a lot.

"This consumption is really not small. If it were an ordinary three-yang, without other supplements, I'm afraid it would only be able to support a small moment at most."

Su Yuan nodded secretly and flew down.

The dead twenty-eight star officials turned into a burst of rich starlight and converged towards the jade pendant on Su Yuan's body.

The jade pendant shone brightly, and countless stars twinkled in the sky. Following the jade pendant's guidance, an extremely bright star beam suddenly fell on Su Yuan.

Su Yuan suddenly felt a strong pulling force coming from high in the sky, but he did not resist and allowed it to take him up into the sky...

After a while, the starlight surrounding him dissipated. Su Yuan turned around and saw that he had arrived in a magnificent and huge heavenly palace!

Su Yuan looked around and found that he was standing on a "Pojun" high platform.

In all directions, including the high platform he stood on, there were a total of thirteen high platforms ten feet in diameter.

They are Qisha, Pojun, Greedy Wolf, Tianxiang, Jumen... Big Dipper and Southern Dipper, a total of thirteen.

Among these high platforms, two of them were surrounded by stars like the Pojun high platform where he was.

Nothing can be seen clearly inside, and no breath or movement can be detected.

"It seems that there are people like me who got the jade pendant and passed the test... except for me, there are currently two people."

Su Yuan thought secretly, there were two steps to get here.

The first is to defeat the Star Officer to get the jade pendant, and the second is to break through the seventh-level formation and ascend to this point.

And whether it is the Pojun Star Officer who has the true form of liberation, or the Four Continent Star Formation formed by the Twenty-Eight Constellations, it is not something that ordinary people can handle.

Even if other people's experiences are different, the difficulty is not much different.

To be able to come here, the other two people present are definitely top experts...

As time passed, starlights circled backwards from other high platforms, and new people arrived one after another.

At a certain moment, all the high platforms in the field shook slightly and slowly fell to the ground.

"Did it move?"

Su Yuan opened his eyes from his trance and looked forward.

Among the thirteen high platforms, only eight were surrounded by stars at the moment, while the other five were empty of people.

I think the few remaining vacancies were obtained by killing the Star Officer to get the jade pendant, but they failed to break through the formation and were "eliminated".

"There are eight people in total... not too few."

Su Yuan stood up, his eyes slightly serious.


Soon, all the high platforms retracted to the ground.

The starlight on the high platform also trembled and then suddenly disappeared.

In an instant, a total of eight people were all exposed to their respective fields of vision.

And these people in the field...

The person closest to Su Yuan's left side was thin, with a sallow complexion, and looked to be an old man in his sixties or seventies.

But on his upright body, there is a pure Qingzhen dragon robe... It is the Qinglong Yu Xiahou Zhenjun!

In addition, among the remaining six people, three were wearing the costumes of the Ten Weapons of the Gray Realm.

Ting Kun with a solemn expression, Bassen with an excited expression, and Hao Yi with a gloomy face and triangular eyes...

And among the last three, there are two knights of truth wearing the cloak of truth.

[God of Death] Kira, and... the [Magician] who killed the true king, Karen!

And the last person is neither the Knight of Truth nor even the Three Yang Realm, but a Double Yang Realm.

He has an ordinary appearance and a yellowish complexion, and looks very young. He is wearing the same divinely blessed clothes as Bob and Carly, Tisza's previous entourage.

However, Su Yuan's eyes immediately fell on this person...

"Huang Xiang!"

Su Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, this person was Huang Xiang whom he hadn't seen for a long time!

Although Huang Xiang's face has changed at this moment, the demon incarnation had already seen each other the last time he was in the gray world.

So at this moment, Su Yuan naturally recognized him at a glance.

While Su Yuan looked at it, Huang Xiang also looked at Su Yuan.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then moved their eyes away without any trace, but in that instant, countless messages passed by...

At this moment, the eight people in the field were looking at each other quickly.

Bassen looked at Su Yuan with interest.

Last time Ba Shu let the opponent leave from the gray world, but she didn't expect that she would meet him so soon, and also under such a situation where masters gathered together!

"Now... we can finally see how capable this person is!"

However, no matter what Bassen thought, Su Yuan did not notice him.

At this moment, after Su Yuan's eyes moved away from Huang Xiang, he locked his eyes directly on Karen...

Unexpectedly, instead of meeting the traitor Liu Dongming, he met this person first.

[Magician] Karen, who holds the magic staff and is the person who killed Nangong Zhenjun...

Su Yuan's eyes flashed with cold light. Since he has succeeded to the position of True Lord Suzaku, he must kill both the traitor and the murderer!

"The killer of truth, Lord Suzaku Yusu, has a strong murderous intention~"

Karen met Su Yuan's gaze with a smile on her lips.

I have already killed a True Lord Suzaku. If I kill another True Lord...

So, should I be called the "Suzaku Killer" or the "True King Killer"?

Karen looked around, his eyes already full of anticipation: "Such a grand stage, such a luxurious team, this performance, it's really exciting to think about it!"

The [God of Death] Kira next to him said to Huang Xiang in a dry voice: "Tian Yu, I didn't expect you to come here."

Huang Xiang bowed slightly and said: "Lord Kira, it took me a lot of time to come here reluctantly. If you read correctly... I was the last one to come over. I haven't fully recovered yet, so I'm afraid I can't help. Too busy."

Kira glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "As expected of a 'miracle', the candidate core of the secret society..."

Huang Xiang didn't say anything more, but he quickly started thinking in his mind.

"Oh, it's so lively..." Bassen swept across the field and turned to Ting Kun, "Five human masters, it seems that it will be difficult for you to get the treasure in this mythical secret realm~"

Upon hearing this, Ting Kun glanced at the enlightened Karen and the God of Death with a serious expression.

Previously, he and Mao Jiu had snatched a Greedy Wolf Jade Pendant from the hands of two people wearing this costume.

However, even though he successfully took away the jade pendant, the man's ability... is still shocking to think about at this moment!

After a fight with him, until the end... he was unable to hurt the other party!

And at the back, Zhenxing Jiefang on the opposite side almost killed himself!

If "Ji" hadn't come to block that person, it's hard to say what the outcome would have been.

According to the intelligence, those wearing this kind of clothing are the Knights of Truth from the Kingdom of Light in the north of this continent.

Right now, there are actually two more people here, and I don’t know how strong they are.

But no matter what, I must try to repel these people... for the sake of the thunder-type treasure in the mythical Ziwei Palace!

"Basen, Ouyi, try your best to help me this time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with five humans." Ting Kun said in a deep voice.

Although Ou Yi's face was gloomy, he was speaking no nonsense at this moment.

"It's not that difficult~ At this stage, the conflict between the two countries on this continent is much greater than that of us who 'keep to ourselves'. Don't worry, they will kill first..."

This is also true. Although they are all wary of the Ten Weapon Users next to them, Su Yuan and Qi Guang's Karen are already attentively confronting each other and are at war with each other.

At this moment, the jade pendants on everyone's bodies became brighter.

Suddenly, both Dayan and Qiguang understood.

This is the road leading to Ziwei Palace.

In the Ziwei Palace, there are not only three dragon veins, but also the treasure of the mythical Arctic Emperor Ziwei.

And among the eight people in the field, only one can go to Ziwei Hall...!

At the same time, in the secret realm outside.

The originally calm night sky suddenly flashed with stars, and it suddenly seemed like day!

Then, beams of bright light shot into the sky.

Connecting to the stars above and reaching the palace below, surging star power surged out!

"Yes!" Jiang Lan looked at the nearest bright star pillar in front, "This aura is dragon vein!"

He Zheng and Ding Jin next to them also looked up.

"However, it seems a little different." He Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the bright star pillar, "Maybe there are some secret realm rules in it."

At this moment, news from other emperors was also received.

Ding Jin checked the news: "There is also this kind of starlight dragon vein near Bai Huyu's He Cixian, and Qilin Yu's Wen Renci... there is one next to him!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they all looked over.

However, there was some surprise on Ding Jin's face, and he continued: "According to Wen Ren's investigation, there seem to be five starlight dragon veins in total.

Moreover, the Five Sons Lianxing must be occupied by the five veins together in order to completely leverage the dragon veins here! "

"Five items must be captured together!"

Everyone's hearts trembled, and then they all felt a chill in their hearts.

This means that these five dragon veins will belong to one party!

And under the decline of one and the other, that is a gap of ten!

It goes without saying what this means to Dayan and Qiguang...

Fight to the death!

With five dragon veins, no one can give up!

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