Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 969 The battle begins

Somewhere, under the Starlight Dragon Veins.

Wen Renfeng sat cross-legged with her back against the Dragon Vein Tianzhu, waiting quietly on the spot.

Now, Wen Renfeng had driven into Dayan's Pulse Setting Pillar.

Right now, it's just a matter of holding on to this place and waiting for others to occupy the remaining dragon veins.

Wen Renfeng rubbed the Yi Ming Xuanzhi in her hand and slowly closed her eyes.

At this time, hundreds of miles away.

[Star] Stella, who is petite and has beautiful blue hair, stood on the spot.

The four cross stars behind him were bright and dazzling, and the true liberation had suddenly begun. The bright starlight converged on the four cross stars at high speed, gradually emitting powerful fluctuations that made people feel scalp numb.

"Last time I attacked him, he counterattacked me out of thin air. If I am seriously injured after this shot, John, you have to help me."

Stella turned around and said to John next to her.

John waved his staff and applied a layer of holy light protection to Stella with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, no matter how serious the injury is, I will heal it for you!" John promised solemnly.

Stella nodded. As the [Pope], John was good at various auxiliary spells, especially healing spells.

With its powerful healing skills, it can heal any serious injury.

Looking back, Stella's cross-star eyes flickered, and she locked onto Wen Renfeng in the distance.

This time, the full blow of True Form Liberation should be able to kill the opponent in one fell swoop. In this case, the opponent's counterattack will naturally not fall on him.

And if he fails to shoot the man, he will not be injured to death. With John's healing skills, he can be saved...

As Stella was thinking, the four cross stars behind her shone to the extreme.

Taking a deep breath secretly, stars flashed in Stella's eyes.

"Crush it, the ultimate cross-star killing gun!"

The four cross stars behind him shone brightly, and all the energy gathered together in an instant, turning into an extremely bright starlight and shooting towards Wen Renfeng under the dragon vein light pillar!

Even at the Burning Sun level, the range of spiritual perception is limited.

Super long-range attacks have another advantage over ordinary long-range attacks, that is, they are difficult to detect and can increase the attack intensity arbitrarily!

The ultimate cross-star killing gun used after the true form was liberated was faster and stronger than the last blow that hit Wen Renfeng in the station... it penetrated everything!

Suddenly, the Cross Star Killing Spear had traveled hundreds of miles and reached Wen Renfeng's eyes.

This blow seemed to be aimed directly at Wen Renfeng's head.

At this critical moment, Wen Renfeng opened her eyes.

In his eyes, a golden thread of cause and effect was extremely bright... It was the thread of cause and effect that was cut off during the last fight.

It turned out that Wen Renfeng had already predicted Stella's attack!

The Ming-Yi Xuanzhi in Wen Renfeng's hand was full of brilliance, the golden plum blossoms were dazzling, and a mysterious wave suddenly spread out.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

"Reversal of cause and effect, absolute reversal." Wen Renfeng said in a low voice.


After one shot, a huge bloody hole suddenly appeared on his forehead.

However, it did not appear on Wen Renfeng's forehead...

But hundreds of miles away, on Stella’s forehead!


John suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Stella who was twitching in front of him, and immediately waved his staff to form a seal at full speed.

"God's Embrace!"

Infinite holy light shot up from John's feet, and a huge shadow of an eight-winged angel with an unclear face appeared behind Stella, opening his arms to embrace her.

Such top-notch healing techniques can be effective even for serious injuries.

However... Stella's injury at this moment is not serious, but it is fatal!

This kind of damage that kills with one hit is already doomed to death for a normal star card master!


Stella's bright eyes with shining cross stars stared blankly at Wen Renfeng, who was covered in golden light and unharmed in the distance, without thinking about how this blow could be like this.

How did he find himself...

Even if you find yourself, how do you fight back?

This time's counterattack is obviously different from the previous one. I don't know how much more relaxed and comfortable...

"Holy weapon...?"

Stella's eyes finally fell on the Yiming Xuanzhi in Wen Renfeng's hand, and then quickly dimmed...


John exclaimed, stepped forward and hugged Stella who was about to fall, his trembling pupils still a little dazed.

After Parker, another companion died suddenly and violently in front of him.

"Damn it...God's protection!"

John shouted lowly, and a warm and powerful cross of holy light swayed from John's body.

It is not what one wants to do without saving someone, let alone a "companion".

This time, John couldn't help but want to use resurrection after all!

At this moment, a woman suddenly appeared next to him, pressing her slender white fingers on John's back.


John turned his head to look at the other person, with a beautiful face and a cold expression, wearing a cloak of truth.

"Karen, what are you...!" John exclaimed in shock.

The person coming is none other than [Queen] Karen.

"Sealing Spirits, Five Jue." Kallen said expressionlessly.

In an instant, heavy dark purple runes lit up from under Kallen's five fingers, turning into five rune chains and rushing into John's sea of ​​stars!

John's whole body was trembling with spiritual light, and the true liberation that had just unfolded suddenly became chaotic.

Looking at Kallen in front of him, John knew that it was the opponent's sealing technique, and immediately shouted lowly, his star power surged to fight against the five absolute seals.

"John, stop." Kallen spoke slowly with a cold voice, "Even Lord Constantine has ordered that God's protection should be reserved for fools."

There was a bit of struggle on John's face, and he seemed to be hesitant.

Seeing this, Karen raised her hand and pulled out the knight sword from her waist and slashed with the sword. The sword light burst out, and in one breath, Stella was slashed into a bloody mist!

At this moment, John has truly been liberated. If he insists on breaking free, Kallen can completely seal it only if he is liberated.

Simply destroy Stella’s body.

Seeing this scene, John's pupils shrank, and a look of confusion suddenly appeared on his face.

Kallen said coldly: "When we take action, you don't need to do anything. We just need to provide basic assistance... Let's go, Tisa has already gone up first."

With that said, Kallen put away her knight sword and walked forward step by step.

And when John looked at Stella who was chopped into pieces, hesitation rose in his eyes.

In fact, even if there is no corpse, he can be resurrected.

Just the price...

Closing his eyes, John made the sign of the cross for Stella on his chest.

Then he sighed and stepped forward with Kallen.

Under the starlight dragon vein, Tissa walked over step by step.

"Cause and effect, counterattack...your abilities are similar to mine." Looking at Wen Renfeng holding the Yi Ming Xuanzhi in front of him, Tisa's eyes showed some interest.

"[Wheel of Fortune], Tisa..." Wen Renfeng's eyes narrowed slightly and he shook his head slightly, "You and I are fundamentally different."

The golden light flew over, the photons moved, and after a while, John came over with Karen.

Wen Renfeng looked at the people in front of her, with the golden plum blossoms spinning slowly outside her body.

"It seems that we have to go all out..."

In the Heavenly Palace, eight people faced each other.

In the extremely spacious hall, the atmosphere was extremely condensed at this moment.

If anyone who is not as good as Zhuoyang comes here, they may feel uncomfortable in the chest under such pressure!

Dayan and Qiguang are at war with each other, and Bassen and the other three Gray Realm Ten Weapons Masters will certainly not make the first move.

"It's such a big show, let's come down here to kick off the show~" Karen curled her lips, spun around and flew towards Su Yuan and Xia Hou, "The opening scene is everyone's favorite transformation!"

While still on the way, the cloak of truth outside Karen's body grew larger and larger, and in just one or two breaths, it had expanded dozens of times to wrap up Su Yuan and the two of them.

Su Yuan looked at the other party, his eyes flashed with silver light, and he opened up his immeasurable power to hold up the cloak of truth that was about to be covered.


The cloak of truth suddenly turned into countless fragments and exploded with immeasurable power.

However, the next moment, behind the broken cloak of truth, a huge and strange black box suddenly appeared, swallowing Su Yuan and the two of them immediately.

Karen raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "This devil's black box contains countless torture instruments and mechanisms for slaughtering devils. It can directly cut people into pieces and smash them. It can be regarded as a 'great transformation of a living person' in another sense~"

However, the next moment, there was a flash of silver light, and Su Yuan grabbed Xia Hou's arm and came out of the black box.

"Thank you Su Zhenjun."

Xiahou spoke in a low voice, unable to hear any emotion or anger.

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "Xia Zhenjun, you're welcome."

"You actually teleported out of the devil's black box in one go?" Karen's expression was slightly stagnant, and then he raised his eyebrows, "This teleportation ability is much stronger than what John said~"

Most of the trapping skills like this have their own isolation effect.

And Su Yuan and the other two could teleport out easily?

That's a punch on the cotton, and all your efforts are in vain!

It was disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. Su Yuan connected his five fingers and fired many air bullets towards Karen like machine guns.

Dark light flickered on Karen's body, and illusions suddenly appeared quickly in all directions.

Although it was continuously defeated by the air god bullets, it was not overtaken by the rain of bullets.

This technique is called Phantom Teleportation. Although the distance is much closer than Su Yuan's teleportation, it has almost no cooldown, is fast to perform, and leaves afterimage interference. It is a displacement skill specialized in combat.

Seeing this, Su Yuan made a stroke with his left hand, and an infinite barrier immediately blocked behind Karen and restricted his movement.

Suddenly, it was inevitable.

"Extreme escape is also a classic of magic!"

Seeing that Su Yuan's air bullet was about to hit him, Karen laughed, turned around, and the cloak of truth expanded again, and then suddenly disappeared in place.

"Space magic..."

Su Yuan looked thoughtful. It seemed that the magician Karen was not only also able to use space magic, but was also very skilled at it.

But Su Yuan could tell that this was not Karen's own power.

It's more like...power copied and picked from other places!

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