Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 970 The Great Magician

A round of testing between the two sides is a long story, but in reality it only lasts a moment.

But as soon as we started, the battle began!

Behind him, the black light on Kira's body transformed into a close-fitting black robe, and disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye, without even the slightest breath.

This kind of stealth technique is really similar to that of He Xianyin.

But there are also various ways to deal with invisibility.

Next to Su Yuan, Zhenjun Xiahou raised his hand to form a seal and said in a low voice: "Baimu Shentu."

The ground trembled, rich green light surged, and in an instant, hundreds of giant black and blue trees hugged by three people rushed out!

Feeling the powerful power on the black and blue giant tree, the sneaking Kira's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately swayed to dodge and continued to move forward.

With his flexible body skills, Kira easily avoided Bai Mu Shen Tu's attack.

But Xia Hou lowered his eyes slightly, and the seal in his hand changed: "A hundred trees are the foundation, and thousands of branches grow in all directions."

In an instant, hundreds of giant black and green trees were filled with auras of light, and endless branches suddenly sprouted wildly, their tangled roots covering all directions like a net!

No matter how strong Kira's stealth ability is, she is not the Hermit Damia who can ignore obstacles and walk freely. At this moment, she can only turn over her hand and take out the sickle, spin around, and chop all the black green branches outside her body.

But in doing so, it also exposed its position.

Seeing this, Xiahou pointed with his left hand, and thousands of thick, hard black green branches all rushed towards Kira like rolling waves!

How could a mere four-foot sickle stop such a massive offensive?

Kira immediately lost his invisibility, and as soon as he thought, a cold black energy swept away from his body. When the sickle was swung, all the branches turned black and necrotic.

"The power of death..."

Xiahou raised his eyes slightly to look at Kira, snorted coldly, and a dense green light lit up outside himself.

On the many black and green branches that were originally affected by the power of death and spread necrosis, plant cells grew crazily at a hundred times the normal speed.

The density of the black and green branches has increased countless times due to the crazy proliferation of plant cells. Not only has the size expanded, but the black and green luster on the surface has also become as hard as metal visibly to the naked eye!

As a result, the thousands of black green branches that had just been killed by Kira immediately pressed down on Kira again, almost drowning them in a few breaths.

"What an amazing power of 'growth'!"

Kira's pupils shrank, even though she had already learned about this person's ability from [Justice] and [Tower], but experiencing it personally at this moment, the vast and huge power of vitality is simply frightening...

He is worthy of being the longest-serving True Lord Qinglong in the Tianxuan Division!

At this moment, Karen, who was not far away, once again grabbed the cloak of truth on his body, turned it around and quickly enlarged it, and a force of space covered Kira, who was surrounded by thousands of black and green giant trees. On the body.

The next moment, Karen took off the cloak of truth and put it on again, and Kira in the distance suddenly appeared from under the cloak.

Thousands of black green branches in mid-air suddenly closed up, but they were thrown into the air, and Kira was no longer there.

Xiahou raised his eyes slightly and looked at Karen and Kira who had escaped.

"This space spell is more flexible than expected, but..."

Xia Hou's eyes moved up. High in the sky above the two of them, Su Yuan's right hand fired an air cannon and landed with a crash on the two of them!

Karen and Kira's expressions changed slightly, and they were about to activate the space technique again to leave.

"You want to use the same trick two or three times?"

Silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes. As a pure space star card master, he had already captured the space energy trajectory of Karen's "great transformation into a living person".

With one finger of his left hand, he drew it out, and the strong spatial silver line immediately blocked it.

Karen noticed that the transfer had failed. Although he was frightened, Karen's eyes lit up like a roulette wheel.

In both pupils, the silver mark representing the spatial ability was removed and replaced by a golden pupil mark. Then, a golden eye grew between Karen's eyebrows.

At the same time, Karen turned over his hand and took out a staff inlaid with deep ruby.


Karen raised his head and glanced at the Sky God Cannon that crashed above his head. A golden pupil mark suddenly appeared on the Sky God Cannon.

The Sky God Cannon paused for a moment, then shot back and headed straight for Su Yuan above!


The next moment, the air cannon exploded, and the roaring power of space was completely blocked by the infinite barrier.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down at the familiar golden eyes between Karen's eyebrows.

"The [Emperor's] Eye of Dominance?"

Isn't this appearance and power the ability of [Emperor] Parker who died under Wuliang Dongxu before?

"It seems that the [Emperor]'s eye of domination is the same as the space ability just now. This [Magician] Karen has indeed acquired the abilities of others."

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, logically speaking, the ability to copy others is often inferior to the original body.

But right now, Karen directly controlled the Sky Cannon to fly towards him!

You must know that the [Emperor] was only able to control non-living things after the true form was liberated.

The reason for this is either that the [Emperor] had reservations before, or...

Su Yuan's eyes fell on the crimson staff in Karen's hand.

"Is that the staff of God among the four sealed sacred weapons? It looks a bit sinister."

Golden light surged from the royal golden eyes between Karen's brows, and another dominating gaze was about to be issued.

This controlling gaze can hit the target as long as it sees it, but the invisible and infinite power cannot prevent it.

Su Yuan was about to dodge, but a large black green branch that grew crazily blocked him.

The next moment, the golden eye mark staring from Karen's brow fell on one of the black and green branches. Before the branch could move, it was directly crushed by the surrounding giant trees.

Su Yuan looked up and saw hundreds of black green branches, under the control of Zhenjun Xiahou, rushing towards the Karen duo below.

[Emperor]'s ability is strong and weird, but its shortcoming is also quite obvious, that is, it must "see" the opponent.

Similar to Luo Bingtong's Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan before, Zhenjun Xiahou's Thousands of Black Green Branches can also deal with King Quan Golden Eyes relatively easily.

What's more, Karen only has one golden eye at the moment!

But at this time, a rather strange smile appeared on Karen's face.

"It's not just about your own abilities. Don't forget, you also have masters who died in my hands..."

Saying this, the mark in Karen's eyes changed again, from golden eyes to red-striped firebirds.

The next moment, boundless red flames burned into the sky!

"This is...!" Seeing the red flames burning up the sky, both Su Yuan and Xia Hou shrank their pupils.

The extremely hard giant black and green trees were unable to withstand the domineering red flames, and large areas turned into pitch black ashes.

In the blink of an eye, everything was covered in a sea of ​​fire!

"The power of Zhenjun Nangong..."

In the red light reflected by the flames, Su Yuan looked at Karen and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xia Hou waved his hand and cut off all the black green wood branches behind him.

Nangong Zhenjun's red flames are not only extremely powerful, but will also burn out all objects in contact.

"Nangong's flames." Xiahou raised his eyelids to look at Karen. His eyes, which had never fluctuated much, were gleaming with a bit of coldness at this moment.

Before the flames completely dissipated, Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light, and he teleported to Karen's side and slashed out with his sword.

There was a flash of black light next to him, and Kira had already swung his sickle to stop Su Yuan's sword.

The swords and sickles clashed, and a strong force of death suddenly rushed out with the sickle, spreading to Su Yuan's right hand holding the sword and trying to erode it.

"The power of death?"

Su Yuan sneered and pulled out the glazed azure with his left hand. As soon as the blue light turned, a strong life force surged out, instantly dispelling the death energy.

"This sword..."

Kira's expression condensed slightly, and she also remembered the information about this "Sword of Life" in Su Yuan's intelligence.

Before Kira could think about it, Su Yuan's domineering aura emerged, and the god came down to earth and spread his force, sending Kira flying out!

With no more obstacles in front of him, Su Yuan came directly to Karen and slashed him with his sword!

Karen looked normal and waved the staff in his hand to resist.


With a crisp sound, the staff actually blocked the demon sword firmly.

I saw the azure blue hegemonic light flowing on the surface of Karen's body, and it was astonishing that he was also a god descending to earth!


Su Yuan was slightly surprised. Most of the knights of truth only had outstanding abilities. He didn't expect that Karen, a warlock, could master such a unique skill as descending from the gods.

"It seems that you are surprised..." Karen smiled and stared at Su Yuan in front of him, "Among the 22 knights of the Secret Society of Truth, two are original knights.

One of them is the current [Sun] Phoenix, and you already know that.

As for the other person...that's me! "

"Really..." Su Yuan suddenly understood.

Although before the Earthly Tribulation, Dayan and Qiguang separated the north and south poles of the continent, and there was not much communication.

But after all, it is a pillar type of super combat power. There is also some information about the Knights of the Light in the Sky Patrol Division, at least they still have their names.

No wonder I haven't been able to detect another sun knight who received the blessing. It turned out to be the Karen in front of me who could change abilities and easily disguise himself.

At this time, the golden pupils between Karen's eyebrows had also been fully charged.

When Su Yuan saw this, he immediately teleported away from where he was.

Karen didn't mind when he hit nothing. Star power surged from his body, and a blue five-star barrier suddenly appeared behind him.

"The warm-up is over, let's let this performance reach its climax!"

Karen laughed. In the five-star barrier behind him, there were red firebirds, royal golden eyes, twisted space... On each corner, there was a pattern representing ability!

"A great magician who is ever-changing and practices infinite truth!"

The barrier behind him suddenly disappeared, and as soon as Karen closed and opened his eyes, it turned into a five-star barrier engraved with five kinds of marks!

Previously, whichever ability you switch to will be used.

But at this moment, the true form is liberated, but it is possible to use the ability of copying at the same time, and...

"One Hundred Eyes of Royal Power!"

Karen shouted lowly, and dense golden eyes of royal power suddenly appeared all over his body.

Counting them carefully...there are 50 of them!

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