Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 971 Three-party melee (1)

Seeing the 50 royal golden eyes appearing all over Karen's body, Su Yuan's eyes also condensed.

"Can you actually use True Form Liberation?"

That's right, Karen's true form liberation, a great magician who specializes in magic, can push the other five acquired abilities to the level of "semi-liberation".

And that’s not all…

Karen raised the staff in his hand, and the dark ruby ​​gem on the staff gave off a strange and evil light. In an instant, a powerful force blessed him.

"Evil witchcraft, the divine power of Dagon!"

Karen shouted lowly, and the 50 royal golden pupils on his body grew again...

In the end, the number reached 80, which is almost the same as the original Hundred Eyes of King Power!

"These humans are really powerful... They are worthy of being the top force in the world."

Seeing such a fierce confrontation, Ting Kun and the other three people from the gray world next to them were also secretly frightened.

Ou Yi narrowed his triangular eyes and looked at the two sides confronting each other in the field. He took out a small black bowl at some point in his hand, and wisps of black particles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye rose from the bowl and spread towards the surroundings.

Bassen licked the corner of his mouth with excitement: "If I read correctly, the person from the Qiguang Kingdom should be able to use a variety of abilities, right? It is indeed very powerful. I really want to try it... Of course, the one from the Great Yan Kingdom Talent makes me more interested. In this situation, isn’t he still liberated?”

Ting Kun's expression was also extremely solemn.

Sure enough, humans wearing the cloak of truth are very powerful!

But that person over there seems to be equally powerful at the moment, and...

Ting Kun's eyes couldn't help but fall on the glazed azure in Su Yuan's hand, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"This force of vitality is so familiar. Could it be that... it shouldn't be."

Ting Kun vaguely felt that the aura and ability of this sword were somewhat similar to the No. 02 Sacred Tree that was accidentally lost by the imperial court.

Not to mention that the previous 02 sacred tree has disappeared, and the sacred tree is arrogant. Without the restraint of the imperial court, how could it be so easy to succumb to humans?

Furthermore, converting the Holy Tree into a weapon requires [the art of weaponry]. How can humans on this continent have the art of weaponry...

Ting Kun was a little confused, but he couldn't be sure for the moment.

At this moment, all 80 golden pupils on Karen's body lit up, and the golden pupils flickered and stared in all directions.

Not just Su Yuan, but also the three Ten Weapon Users!

Ting Kun and the others had just seen the power of this golden-eyed stare, so how could they stay where they were.


Ting Kun shouted, and it immediately turned into a bolt of thunder and shot away.

Green energy rose outside Basen's body, and a black light flashed around Eyi's body, both of which pulled away.

But for Su Yuan, the King's Golden Eyes "can be hit as long as he sees them", but it is more difficult to deal with it with immeasurable power...

But...Su Yuan now has more means than before!

As Su Yuan thought, a slime appeared on his shoulder...it was Ruanruan.

At this moment, Ruan Ruan, without deliberately suppressing it, has an aura that is as unfathomable as an abyss... He has suddenly reached the Three Yang Realm!

"Swallow it, squishy!"


Ruanruan shouted excitedly, opened her mouth wide, and the devouring power gathered in front of Su Yuan at high speed and turned into a dark devouring vortex.

In the blink of an eye, golden eye marks followed Wang Quan's hundred eyes and fell on the swallowing vortex.

But these golden eye marks had just appeared, and they were swallowed directly by the swallowing vortex. Let alone controlling them, they were unable to stir up any trouble at all!

"This power...devours?"

For the first time, Karen's brows raised.

The ability of the rule system is best at leveraging a very strong and strange power with a small amount of star power.

After all, the Royal Golden Eye itself does not have much energy, but its effect is astonishing because of the rules of "dominance".

However, the Law of Devouring doesn’t care what your rules are, it only looks at the quality and quantity of the energy itself!

The ability of the Golden Eyes cannot cause too much trouble under the Devouring Law.

But even so, Karen King Quan Baiyan's ability is not completely useless.

First, it can limit Su Yuan's close combat.

If the distance is too close, it will be difficult to block all the gazes of 80 eyes.

Secondly, King Quan’s Golden Eyes can withstand the moment of immeasurable power!

Through the information sent back by John, Karen also knew that Su Yuan also had such a spiritual power.

However, Su Yuan does not lack long-range means.

"Let's try it first."

Su Yuan made a seal with his hand, and with a thought in his mind, Tian Qing's four swords shot down towards Karen.

Karen's eyes flashed, staring directly at the four swords.

The Azure Four Swords are extremely fast and difficult to track, but Karen has 80 golden eyes after all.

After a while, golden eye marks landed on the four swords one after another.

However, in [Shangqing Sword Controlling Secret], the word "roy" not only represents the flexibility of control, but also represents the absolute power to control the sword!

In the art of wielding a sword, if someone can easily take away the sword, then why should you wield a sword?

The four swords at the level of pseudo-sacred weapons, the magic-level sword-controlling art of the Supreme Purity, plus Karen's own fake and weakened version of the King's Golden Eyes...

The clear air circulated on the four swords, and with just a slight shock, the golden eye marks were dispersed and they continued to kill Karen!


Karen frowned slightly, but even Parker himself could not control the pseudo-sacred weapon 100%.

At the moment, it seems that to control these four swords, I am afraid that three or four golden pupils must hit at the same time, but that is too difficult!

Seeing the four swords coming, the "light saber" mark in Karen's five-star barrier-like pupils lit up.

"The holy sword slays evil and heresy is ruled!"

Suddenly, white light pulsed outside the body, and hundreds of Holy Swords of Light burst out from outside, killing the Four Azure Swords!

While Su Yuan urged the Four Azure Swords to attack Karen, on the other hand, two more Air Cannons were condensed in his hands and he threw them down.

In terms of attrition and protracted war, how could Su Yuan be afraid with the support of Phoenix Vein?

With Ruanruan restraining the weird King Power Golden Eyes, Su Yuan was able to suppress Karen without even needing true form liberation!

At the same time... Su Yuan was still staring at the three Ten Weapon Users.

With his pure heart, Su Yuan could already feel that there was an imperceptible evil energy coming from the three Ten Weapon Masters.

Su Yuan secretly told Ruanruan to swallow this energy, and then looked at Karen below.

"Then, let me put some more pressure on you."

As Su Yuan raised his hand, the immeasurable power in his palm gathered at high speed, emitting an increasingly bright silver light... It was the Sky God Jade!

At the same time, Zhenjun Xiahou not far away also took action at the right time.

As soon as he put his hands together, more than ten giant black and green trees were entangled and turned into a ferocious and domineering wooden dragon that pressed towards Karen.

He had to deal with the Azure Four Swordsmen who were the masters of the Shangqing Sword True Art, and he also had to resist the terrifying wooden dragon.

Karen suddenly discovered that although he was truly liberated, the pressure he was under did not decrease much.

At this moment, the viscous power of death exploded, and Kira followed suit to launch her true form of liberation.

After a burst of dark aura, a shadow of the god of death invisible to others appeared behind Kira.

Kira raised his head and looked at Xiahou. As the ghosts surged, the shadow of the God of Death suddenly appeared behind Xiahou like teleporting.

As Kira swung the scythe, the huge scythe in the hand of Death God also slashed towards Xiahou!

Although Xiahou did not see the shadow of the God of Death, when Kira waved the sickle, he still vaguely felt that there seemed to be an extremely cold force falling on his side.

With his strong fighting instinct, Xiahou quickly turned his body sideways.

The next moment, the God of Death slashed Xia Hou's right shoulder with his sword, leaving a black line after the slash.

A burst of strong death power rushed out from above the black line, and the part of Xiahou's right arm below the black line suddenly drooped, as if he was "dead".

"Oh? A heretic who is a substitute, and has a high-level power of direct death..."

Xiahou's drooping eyes became serious. Seeing that Kira was about to slash with his sword again in front of him, the wood element surged under him, and a huge tree immediately carried Xiahou up.

The next moment, a circle of dark traces of death slashes appeared on the giant tree.

Afterwards, the entire giant tree suddenly stopped growing. Even if Xiahou activated his vitality, it would be difficult to break through this "power of death".

Kira looked up at Xiahou, and the shadow of the God of Death once again flashed behind Xiahou and slashed out with a huge sickle.

Not only is it invisible, but it’s also fast, and it kills you instantly!

This is Death!

Although he couldn't see it, Xiahou jumped up and dodged the attack of the Death Scythe beautifully.

At this moment, black light burst out, but Kira, who was covered in black light, flew over and slashed at her with a sickle...


The air was slightly stagnant, but Xiahou raised his left hand and directly grabbed the sickle that Kira had chopped down.

"Huh?!" Kira's pupils narrowed.

Xiahou raised his eyes and looked at Kira. Different from his old body, his eyes were full of green light and bright!

Kira felt a chill in her heart when she was stared at like this.

With a flicker in his eyes, the God of Death's substitute moved again and appeared behind Xia Hou in an instant.

Kira had deliberately misled him before. In fact, the actions of the God of Death did not require any action from Kira's body at all!

The dark light circulated, and the huge sickle with the power of death was raised, and it was slashed at Xiahou.

However, the sickle failed to fall!

Because behind Xia Hou, a wooden dragon with blue eyes rushed up and bit into the huge scythe!

"Huh?!" Kira looked shocked.

And Zhenjun Xiahou's body was also covered with green wood chips that looked like dragon scales.

Even the dead black line left on his right arm suddenly collapsed under the strong vitality.

True form liberated, Blue Emperor Dragon!

"It's very simple." Xia Hou looked at Xia Hou in front of him calmly and said slowly, "Death and life, your power and mine are completely opposite. So at this time, the competition is all about the accumulation of one body..."

Xiahou raised his right hand that resumed action, and it was already covered with tight cyan "dragon scales".

"And you...are too young."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiahou punched Kira on the chest.


Kira was shocked and was thrown away on the spot!

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