Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 972 Three-party melee (2)

In mid-air, Su Yuan's Sky God Jade was also gathering its momentum to the extreme, and the terrifying fluctuations on it made the surrounding space tremble and shatter!

"Go ahead."

Su Yuan waved his hand, and the Sky God Jade hit Karen who was facing the four swords.

Karen's eyes froze, and he turned his hand and threw the cloak of truth again.

Bright silver light covered the cloak of truth, and suddenly rotated and enlarged, directly covering the entire Sky God Jade, as if it was going to be transferred out using space magic.

Su Yuan raised his hand to try to intercept the transfer with the power of space. He noticed the transfer trajectory of Karen's power of space, and his eyes moved slightly, but he did not stop it.

But seeing the silver light flourishing, the Sky God Jade that disappeared under the cloak of truth suddenly appeared above the heads of the three Ten Weapons Envoys in the distance!


Ting Kun and others all looked shocked. Suddenly thunder roared, purple energy surged, and black snakes swarmed. The three of them responded with all their strength at the same time.

The next moment, silver light flashed, the Sky God Jade expanded dozens of times and exploded, the terrifying silver brilliance instantly drowned the three Ten Weapons!

When the light dissipated, the purple chain thunder light swayed outside Ting Kun, and Bassen took out the long black stone knife. Ou Yi's face turned pale, and the wounds on his body were recovering at a high speed like shedding skin...

There were large wounds on all three of them, and they were all seriously injured!

A cold light flashed in Eyi's eyes, and he seemed to have seen the clues, and said solemnly: "It seems that they don't want us to look around."

Ting Kun said directly: "Which side should I help?"

To add insult to injury, or to check and balance both sides?

But in fact, at this moment, it is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

"Then...I'll go first!" Basen gripped the black stone sword tightly and shot towards Su Yuan in a flash.

Seeing this, Ting Kun said, "Then let's deal with one side first."

Seeing Basen make his choice, Ting Kun and E Yi followed suit in a flash.

But before the two of them took two steps, there was a tree dragon transformed into a large blue giant tree in the air in front of them, opening its mouth wide and falling from the sky!

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

Sawdust flew everywhere and the ground continued to crumble. Ting Kun and Oi Yi, who had just been about to step forward, were immediately forced back.

Ting and Kun turned around to look, only to see Xiahou, who was dealing with Kira in the distance, raising his finger.

"You two, just stay here for now."

Xiahou's eyelids drooped slightly, and as he waved his hand, more huge tree dragons kept falling from the sky, temporarily blocking both Ting Kun and Er Yi inside!

Ouyi looked at Xiahou, his eyes flashing coldly: "Then let's deal with this side first."

The chain outside Ting Kun's body flashed with lightning: "Okay!"

The two simply turned around and charged towards Xia Hou, who was trying to intercept him.

On the other side, amid the roar of purple energy, Bassen had also turned into a phantom and rushed towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan raised his left hand, and the boundless barrier swung open, immediately blocking the charging Bassen from the outside.

Su Yuan turned around and looked at Basen calmly.

"What, you want to die?"

Last time, because he was in the gray world, and for the sake of Ba Shu saving He Zheng, he didn't take action against the two of them.

Now in Ziwei Palace, it's okay that I didn't take care of him first, but he dared to rush in when he was dealing with the enemy... It seemed that he really wanted to die!

But Bassen grinned and said: "Ba Shu was so flattering before, I really want to see how much strength you still have!"

Su Yuan asked: "Do you want to see it with your life?"

"How crazy!"

Bassen frowned, his eyes were cold, and without saying any more, he immediately swung the black stone sword and chopped it down!

"Breaking the law, Black Stone!"

This sword is a pseudo-holy weapon transformed from the fifth-turn black stone holy flower, and has only two functions.

One, it is extremely hard!

Second, it is the method of exorcising spirits!


With the combination of huge power and the magic-breaking power of the pseudo-sacred weapon, the boundless barrier slowly broke open.

But at this time, there was a strong spatial force swaying from Su Yuan's body.

"Forget it, it's not good for Xia Zhenjun to stop three people alone, so let's solve it as soon as possible."

As Su Yuan closed and opened his eyes, two mysterious silver flowers in the sky bloomed in his eyes.

But the black stone sword that was about to strike at Su Yuan's face suddenly stopped under the gaze of Kong Hua's eyes, making it difficult to move forward at all!

"Back off." Su Yuan looked at Basen and said coldly.

In an instant, Bassen felt an overbearing and immeasurable force blast away from Su Yuan's body, and he was irresistibly thrown away with his knife!

"So much stronger!" Bassen looked shocked!

Before Bassen could stabilize his figure, a silver light flashed above his head, and Su Yuan suddenly appeared, with a dazzling Sky Cannon in his hand...

Bassen's pupils shrank.

And the next moment, Su Yuan had already shot Bassen...


The silver light exploded, the ground collapsed, and an air cannon directly collapsed Bassen into the ground.

"Bloodfire Mad Bull!"

With an angry shout, Bassen stood up and directly launched his True Form Liberation.

The bloody beam of light shot up. Bassen still stood, but his upper body had turned into a strong sacred bull with two horns, and large areas of rich blood seeped out of his body.

Under the influence of this blood, the purple energy churning outside Basen's body turned into the same blood color in just a blink of an eye, and his aura suddenly became extremely tyrannical!

However, at this moment, the bloody beam of light that had just shot up was crushed from top to bottom by some domineering force!

In the blink of an eye, Su Yuan flew down and came to the top of Bassen's head, which was surrounded by blood.

The already cracked ground collapsed again under the tremendous pressure of space expansion, erupting with countless rocks.

And Su Yuan fell from the sky, and under the pressure of the huge and immeasurable power of the God's overlord body, he pinned Bassen to the ground.

"Damn it!"

Bassen shouted loudly, and more blood in his body continued to turn into energy, and the blood outside his body surged to keep standing up.

Su Yuan held down Bassen with his left hand, and at the same time, the silver light on his right hand was highly compressed, and an air cannon had condensed again.

In Su Yuan's current state after the liberation of his true form, the speed of the condensed air cannon is comparable to Dragon Flash!

Bassen's pupils shrank, but Su Yuan had already fired an air cannon into Bassen's face.


Silver light flashed, and the surging power of space instantly turned hundreds of meters in radius into powder!

Bassen's soul power can strengthen the physical body with Qi. After the true form is liberated, the physical body's defense and physique have almost reached the top of the Three Yangs, and he can still struggle after receiving such a blow.

"Ah! Damn it..." Bassen yelled out in anger.


The silver light rose again, another air cannon fell, and Basson's roar was suddenly interrupted.






After several explosions, it finally became quiet.

When the roaring silver light dissipated, a huge pit had already appeared on the spot.

Under Su Yuan's body, there was only a pool of rotten flesh and countless pieces of broken flesh and blood.

Vaguely, you can still see some humanoid appearance.

Su Yuan glanced indifferently, picked up a bloody star core and stood up.

"It's really... vulnerable."

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