Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 973 Three-party melee (3)

Su Yuan put away the bloody star core. At this moment, a strong burning sensation came from high in the sky...

Astonishingly, it was a blast of brilliant sky fire that was extremely fast!

Su Yuan's expression remained as usual, his left hand was raised high, and immeasurable power immediately lay across it.

With a "buzz" sound, the surging terrifying flames suddenly stopped on top of Su Yuan's head, making it difficult to fall!

With the liberation of his true form, with the intensity of Su Yuan's soul power at this moment, it is extremely difficult for anyone to break through his immeasurable power with violence.

Unless it can be fought with the same level of rules.

Otherwise, if the enemy wants to attack him, he will basically have to wait for an opportunity to attack him while he is attacking, just like he did when he realized [Infinite Moment] in Shen Nian Dao.

Su Yuan's silver light flashed and he appeared in mid-air.

"The sword returns."

As soon as his mind moved, the four Azure Swords suddenly returned to the outside.

After all, he was doing two things at once. In the short time it took Su Yuan to kill Basen, there were already one or two golden eye marks on each of the four swords.

As Su Yuan recalled, the golden eye mark was immediately erased.


In the distance, the other two Ten Weapon Masters who were stopped by Zhenjun Xiahou had also noticed the situation here.

Ting Kun exclaimed, and Ou Yi was also shocked!

The Royal Court's Ten Weapon Envoys are constantly changing, but compared to rookies like Bashu, Bassen can be regarded as an old man among the Ten Weapon Envoys.

But just for a moment, he was actually... killed by that person instantly? !

"Where are you...looking at!"

Just when the two of them were frightened, Xiahou's deep and dry voice came from the side.

Xiahou squeezed the seal with his hand, and the ground suddenly shook. As the black and green giant trees writhed, a huge tree dragon with an open mouth rushed up from the feet of Ting Kun and Ting Kun.


Ting and Kun were startled and immediately rose into the sky.

There is no room for distraction in the exchange of moves between masters. At this moment, the aura above the green dragon was filled with light, and its speed suddenly increased, swallowing up Ting Kun and Ting Kun in one gulp.

But a few seconds later, accompanied by a burst of thunder, countless purple electric currents seeped out from the blue scales of the giant tree dragon with a metallic luster.


There were more and more purple lightnings, becoming more and more violent, making people's scalp numb, and in a blink of an eye, they almost covered the entire tree dragon's body!

The tree dragon let out a painful roar and was about to be gradually annihilated under the thunder.

However, Xiahou in the distance had a normal expression and held the seal in his hand: "Swallow the dragon's wood, the blue emperor turns the wheel."

Just as the tree dragon was about to be smashed to pieces by the Ting Kun duo inside, another huge tree dragon burst out of the ground, opened its mouth and swallowed the tree dragon that had been shattered by the purple lightning!

However, this did not stop, the ground continued to shake, and several tree dragons rushed out of the ground one after another, swallowing the tree dragons in front of them like greedy snakes.

Until finally, a tree dragon with a fat belly was formed.

Then there was a shrill roar, and a blue light caught people's eyes. As if the belly was bursting, nine dragon heads burst out of the belly, forming a tree dragon seal like a wheel!

For a moment, no purple lightning thunder could rush out.

Xiahou turned around and looked at Kira in front of him.

"Come on, I'll deal with you first!"

Xiahou raised his hand and pointed, and the Qingdi Dragon surrounding him roared, and immediately rushed forward with Xiahou...

"I didn't expect you to kill the monster so quickly." Karen looked at Su Yuan who was liberated in his true form, his expression filled with solemnity.

That gray realm monster had finally mastered true form liberation, but it was brutally killed by Su Yuan in a matter of seconds!

Su Yuan raised his hand to hold the demon sword and nodded slightly: "Now, it's your turn."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword intent on the sword surged, and he slashed at Karen with one strike.

Karen's eyes flashed, and countless holy swords of light immediately came forward. The lightsabers shot out in all directions, cutting Taixu's sword energy into pieces.

Su Yuan also knew that such an attack alone would not be able to do anything to Karen.

Although he could delay the opponent until his star power was severely depleted, now that he had been liberated, Su Yuan had no intention of delaying the battle.

"Ruanruan, then I'll leave it to you."

Su Yuan had a thought in his mind and secretly gave an order.

"Don't worry, Master!"

Ruanruan's eyes condensed, and the water on his body turned into four Ruanruan clones, hugging Su Yuan's shoulders and left and right waist respectively.

As mentioned before, because the Golden Eyes themselves do not have much energy, it is not difficult for the power of devouring to deal with the Hundred Eyes of King Power.

But the problem is that if Su Yuan gets too close and takes the initiative to kill, Karen's eyes of royal power will not be completely blocked by Ruanruan.

Therefore, Ruanruan just proposed this primitive "stupid method" to Su Yuan, by using multiple clones of himself to resist the Royal Hundred Eyes as much as possible.

Seeing Su Yuan's actions, Karen immediately realized something and immediately activated the many holy swords of light outside him.

The next moment, Su Yuan teleported to the front, surrounded by immeasurable power, directly opening all the Holy Swords of Light.

But Karen was also prepared, and red fire surged above Dagon's staff.

"Red Bright God Fire Lotus!"

Karen waved her staff and shouted loudly. Using herself as the heart of the lotus, a red lotus blossomed with blazing heat.

The red flame burned everything and spread from Su Yuan's body in an instant!

However... against the Eye of Royal Power, Wuliang just doesn't have any defensive effect, but this kind of flame...


A piece of the red fire lotus that spread for thousands of meters suddenly bulged out, and Su Yuan was seen calmly standing in the sea of ​​fire. Not only was he unscathed, but he used immeasurable force to push the red flames away!


Karen, who was in the heart of the lotus, was startled. While activating the fire lotus, 80 hundred eyes of royal power and a large number of holy swords of light moved simultaneously.

However, the Holy Sword of Light, like the red flames, could not get close to Su Yuan at all.

As for the golden pupils of Wang Quan's Hundred Eyes... I saw the four slimes on Su Yuan's body, all of them stretched out their devouring power and were ready to block them. They blocked the golden pupils like a bullet in the basin!

Su Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Karen, with a cold light in his eyes:

"If True Lord Nangong comes in person, it may be possible to break through my boundlessness, but it is definitely not something that an inferior imitation like yours can do."

"Inferior imitation?" Karen's face suddenly darkened when he heard this, "Damn it, I am a practitioner of truth!"


Su Yuan sneered, his star power surged, and he took several steps forward. The lightsaber and red fire in front of him were pushed back wherever he passed!

With his sword intent soaring into the sky, Su Yuan came to Karen in an instant, raised his demon sword high and struck it down with one strike.

The light of the Divine Broken Sword stretched several feet in length, and the Holy Sword cut through the fire lotus and was about to fall on Karen in the heart of the lotus!

Karen was horrified and quickly waved the Dagon Staff in front of him!


There was a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, and Karen was directly knocked back from the lotus heart!

The sealed sacred weapon is a sacred weapon after all, so don't even think of damaging it at all with the light of the Divine Broken Sword.

However, as Karen was knocked back, all the surrounding red flames suddenly faded.

"Damn it!"

Karen's expression darkened, and as the silver light flashed, Su Yuan came over again, holding the glazed azure in his backhand, practicing slashing like a flower with his two swords, pressing forward step by step!

There was a fierce exchange of blows between the two sides, but in such a close fight, how could Karen be Su Yuan's opponent?


Not long after, there was a muffled sound, and Karen was sent flying out.

Looking carefully, even if he has a celestial body, Karen already has several sword marks that are not deep or shallow at this moment!

If the suppression is sufficient and an advantage is generated, it must be turned into a victory!

Before Karen could retreat far, Su Yuan had already arrived in an instant.

With a stroke of his left hand, a silver line suddenly appeared behind Karen to stop him. The sword intent on the demonic sword in his right hand rose and the divine severing was launched again.

"not good!"

Karen felt a chill in her heart, turned around with her cloak of truth, and immediately launched a space transfer and exited several hundred meters away.

But before Karen could breathe a sigh of relief, the space in front of him fluctuated, and a black sword light followed him through the void and fell down!


Karen's pupils shrank suddenly and he quickly dodged sideways.


Blood spurted out, and Karen's left arm and almost half of his left chest were cut off starting from his left shoulder!

If it had been any slower, it would have been possible to be cut in half on the spot.

"Doing whatever you want..."

Accompanied by a slightly cold voice, there was a flash of silver light in front of him, and Su Yuan was already approaching with his sword again.

As the Overlord of Heaven, Su Yuan's perception and control of space are extremely powerful.

What's more, there is a pure heart?

At this moment, Karen only needs to carry out space transfer, and Su Yuan can calculate its landing point in an instant, so he can hit it by surprise and hit it hard!

Karen's face turned pale after being hit hard, and for the first time, there was a hint of panic in his eyes!

Seeing Su Yuan coming to kill him again, Karen stepped back again through space transfer.

But almost at the same time, Su Yuan teleported and slashed with his sword.

Although Karen was on guard now and waved the magic staff in time to resist.

But he was seriously injured and only had one hand, so he couldn't block it. With a muffled groan, he was immediately sent flying again!

"Damn it!"

Karen was shocked. How many more times could he be able to block him if he continued like this?

Suddenly, Karen remembered that there seemed to be another person on his side.

"Tian Yu, help me!"

Karen immediately shouted loudly.

Almost at the same time, black sand surged up all over the sky and rushed out to block Su Yuan!

Su Yuan swung his sword and slashed continuously, and the Taixu sword energy chopped the black sand into pieces in a blink of an eye.

But Karen also took this opportunity to retreat, and not far away, there was a yellow-haired young man with an ordinary face...

It's Huang Xiang!

"How dare you interfere in a mere Chongyang realm?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly and he spoke coldly.

Huang Xiang took a few steps forward, came to the front of Karen, and said solemnly: "Although I only have Chongyang, I will not let you kill Master Karen!"

"Okay, Tian Yu, stop him!" Karen was overjoyed.

At the beginning, Karen did not include Huang Xiang in his combat strength. After all, he only had the Chongyang realm.

That is to say, he was moderately and seriously injured at the moment, and Su Yuan's pressing attack was too strong, so he called Huang Xiang to block him.

Unexpectedly, among the people brought back from the northern continent, the only one who survived was actually quite extraordinary. He actually used black earth to block his opponent. No wonder he was listed as a core candidate.

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