Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 974 Three-party melee (4)

Seeing Huang Xiang blocking him, the last cyan mark in Karen's five-star pupils lit up.

With five abilities, how could he not have the ability to heal and last?

In an instant, a powerful vitality that was not much weaker than Liuli Tianqing rushed out. The blood on Karen's left chest stopped, and the flesh buds squirmed, seeming to want to heal...

"Huh? What!"

Karen's expression changed, but he found that it was difficult to regenerate his body!

"You have five levels of liberation, and I have several levels of magical power..." Su Yuan's voice came from the front.

Too weak and divine, no treatment is allowed.

Although the 22 members of the Secret Society of Truth are all extremely top True Form Liberators, even so, their supernatural powers may not be worse than True Form Liberators!

"Damn it!"

Karen looked shocked, looking at the Dagon staff with red light flashing in his hand, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes.


At this time, the black earth gathered in front of Huang Xiang and turned into a thick black crystal wall blocking the front.

Su Yuan was not polite, and as soon as he raised his hand, several Taixu Sword Qi slashed out!


Sword marks suddenly appeared on the black crystal wall transformed from black soil, but they were not broken by a single blow.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. As expected of Xuantu who was good at defense, Huang Xiang of the Chongyang realm could actually block his attack?

Of course...that's all.

As soon as Su Yuan's thoughts moved, the divine radiance of the gift all over his body shone with great momentum.

He raised his hand and slashed out with several swords. The sword energy burst out, and the black crystal wall summoned by Huang Xiang was cut open on the spot and exploded into a large area of ​​black sand!

Su Yuan teleported and appeared in front of Huang Xiang. Silver light flashed in his left hand, and the Sky God Cannon was pressed directly on his body.


The silver light exploded with unparalleled momentum. Huang Xiang, who was only in the Chongyang realm, was directly thrown away, and blood mist exploded on his body!

And that's not all, Su Yuan raised his hand again: "Infinite·Big Splitting Stele Hand!"

High in the sky above Huang Xiang's head, the incomparably thick power of space swayed away with a "buzz".

Then, a big silver hand that covered the sky suddenly came down and hit Huang Xiang who was covered in blood.

How could Huang Xiang, who was seriously injured, be able to withstand such an offensive? He was slapped into the ground by a big silver hand on the spot.


The big silver hand fell to the ground, the ground cracked, smoke and dust rose, and suddenly there was no movement...

At the same time, Karen, who stepped back, finally made a decision as his expression changed.

"No matter what, the injury must be cured!"

Karen's eyes fell on Dagon's staff, and his eyes condensed: "Enforce it, Dagon's staff!

Karen shouted low, and the deep ruby ​​on the staff shone slightly, as if there was a strange red eye in it.

As for Karen, who was looking at him, a little of the soul in his body seemed to have been cut off, falling into the Dagon staff from his eyes.

In an instant, Karen trembled all over, and her face suddenly turned a little pale.

But on Dagon's staff, it lit up with a cheerful and eerie bright red color, and a powerful power blessed Karen's body.

The green light on Karen's shoulder bloomed, and the power of regeneration blocked by the Divine Break suddenly broke through the shackles of the forbidden treatment. As the flesh buds squirmed, the shoulder and even the entire left hand grew back again in a few seconds!

The Dagon Staff has the powerful power of "enforcement" and is an "effect" legendary sacred weapon that specifically strengthens soul power and skills.

Even if the energy level is very low and the energy is insufficient, it can still be forced to take effect with the help of the power of the divine staff!

However, it is difficult for the Burning Sun to fully exert its power as a sacred weapon, and the same goes for Dagon's Scepter.

What's more... Dagon itself is not a sacred object. On the contrary, it is a relic of the ancient evil wizard!

If Karen wants to fully use this staff, he must prepay part of his soul and try to redeem it later.

"It's a pity that it was solved so quickly?"

Karen looked up and looked at Huang Xiang, who was buried in rubble and could only vaguely feel a faint breath, and couldn't help but feel a little pity.

Of course, Karen didn't regret Huang Xiang's life, it was just a pity that he lacked a useful "shield".

But at this moment, Karen has also prepared a new offensive.

After tasting the sweetness of Dagon's staff, Karen once again pre-appropriated some souls into the staff.

"Archangel's Sword!"

Karen raised his staff high, and the door to heaven suddenly opened above his head, and then flew out a huge eight-winged archangel whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

The archangel looked up at Su Yuan, raised his hand, and thousands of holy swords of light gathered in one place, turning into a solid holy sword in his hand!

Although the face cannot be seen clearly, the eyes of this archangel are golden and extremely bright!

Su Yuan wanted to dodge, but when he met the archangel's eyes, he suddenly felt a sense of inescapability.

Su Yuan had so much experience in combat. Seeing Karen, who had fully recovered from his injuries, strike such a powerful blow now, he knew that the opponent had managed to exert more power of the holy weapon.

"Using the sword to return to heaven!"

Su Yuan's eyes condensed, and he immediately unfolded the sword-controlling technique, and the marks of the Supreme Purity suddenly lit up on the four swords outside him.

The next moment, the archangel also waved the holy sword in his hand.

With a swing of the sword, the holy sword suddenly disappeared, but a sword-shaped holy light fell from high above the head in an instant!


The holy light was so dazzling that it could not be blocked even by immeasurable power.

This is one of the effects of the Archangel's Sword, and you will definitely be punished by God!


Karen's eyes were filled with joy.

This blow is the strongest blow of the Holy Sword of Light, plus the power of the Archangel Sword under Dagon's staff...

However, the next moment, the holy light dissipated.

In the four swords outside Su Yuan's body, the spiritual light on Yin Liuguang and Yang Liuguang dimmed.


Karen was shocked, this was actually blocked!

Su Yuan nodded in admiration: "It's really amazing. One attack actually shattered two Kaitian defenses. I can only block such a move again..."

Su Yuan admired from the bottom of his heart. He shattered two Yujian Huitian blessed by the Shangqing Seal at once, which showed that the power of this blow almost exceeded the limit of Sanyang!

But when Karen heard this, she felt the blood surge in her chest, and her expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"Damn it!"

Karen didn't expect that Su Yuan actually had such a wonderful skill. At this moment, his special move failed. Although he was shocked, he couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant to retreat.

After the true form was liberated, he could use five abilities at the same time, which would consume a lot of money.

And just now, he activated the power of Dagon's staff and used the Archangel's Sword, and his body had already suffered a lot of damage.

On the other hand, although the opponent used all kinds of powerful tricks, he had the same recovery methods as Wood, and he still has stable aura and sufficient star power until now...

This is not the way to go!

Karen raised his head and looked forward. In the sea of ​​trees, Kira seemed to be suppressed...

Karen's eyes flashed, and when he hesitated, Su Yuan had already rushed forward.

"Damn it!"

Karen's face darkened, and the silver light on his body was about to move away.

But this time, Su Yuan didn't pursue him, he just pushed the four soft objects on his body out together...

The next moment, Karen appeared from a distance and was about to wave the Dagon Staff to resist as before.

However, the expected sword light did not arrive, and when everything went dark, several soft and cute slimes jumped into his face.


Karen was startled, and then an unpleasant feeling arose in her heart.

However, there was no chance to think more.


The four soft clones gathered together, emitted a bright light, twisted and collapsed, and instantly turned into a black hole, swallowing Karen up before he could react!

Legendary skills, infinite abyss!

In the past, when Ruanruan was only in the Chongyang realm, Su Yuan would be quicker to do anything on his own, and there wouldn't be many opportunities for her to take action.

But now, once entering Sanyang, Ruanruan is no longer just a decoration!

Even if it may not be as good as the masters of Zhenjun level, it cannot be ignored.

The infinite abyss can devour the target's star power with a soft upper limit of star power...

And with the soft power of stars, no matter who is below the king level, they cannot withstand its devouring!

So, either... Karen is just drained into the abyss;

Or, you can only break out with all your strength, most likely with the help of that weird staff.

And even the latter is undoubtedly adding insult to injury for Karen at this moment!

Su Yuan raised his hands, and the delicate cage was woven with circles of silver thread on his fingertips.

As time passed, the soft abyss in front of him suddenly began to vibrate. In just a few breaths, the vibration reached its limit.

With a "boom", the black light shattered.

Among the endless raging flames flying like firebirds, a red phoenix broke through the abyss and rose into the sky!

"Master!" The black light gathered, and softly returned to Su Yuan's shoulder with a hint of regret, "I couldn't kill him..."

"Well done."

Su Yuan praised him softly, and then raised his head to look at the flaming phoenix transformed by Karen in the distance.

"A hundred birds are paying homage to the phoenix, and I still used Zhenjun Nangong's ability to come out..."

Su Yuan's eyes were slightly cold. He closed his hands and the silver cage woven with hundreds of silver threads disappeared in front of him.

Ahead, before the flaming phoenix transformed by Karen had returned, a space cage composed of hundreds of silver rings suddenly appeared in all directions.


Karen was shocked and immediately used Nangong Li's overbearing red fire to hit the silver cage in all directions.

But at this moment, the strength of the Infinite Silver Cage has reached an astonishing level due to the accumulation of "quantity".

Karen had just exploded with strength and broke through the infinite abyss. At this moment, it was undoubtedly wishful thinking to break through a more mysterious and powerful silver cage.


Su Yuan pointed toward the silver cage, and the huge silver cage immediately shrank inwards.

But in the blink of an eye, with the pressure of immeasurable power, the flames on Lieyanhuofeng were directly crushed!

Karen returned to his human form, his face extremely pale.

"Become a living person!"

Karen turned the cloak of truth behind him and tried to use the space transfer technique.

But it was surrounded by a silver cage composed of hundreds of prison lines, and it was impossible to move out. In Karen's current state, even the Dagon Staff was somewhat powerless.

In just a few breaths, the silver cage has shrunk to within a stone's throw!

A look of horror appeared on Karen's face, and the flames, lightsaber, golden eyes, power of space... all the power exploded outside her body, holding on to the silver cage that shrank outside her body.

However, at this time, Su Yuan's left eye already had a rich silver light.

Karen's pupils shrank suddenly: "No!"


The silver light burst out and passed away quickly.

The next moment, a bloody hole appeared on Karen's face!

Magician, die!

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