Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 975 Leaving

In the silver cage, Karen was turned into a corpse on the spot.

"Is he dead..."

Su Yuan looked at Karen in the silver cage. At the moment, he could be regarded as taking revenge for Nangong Zhenjun.

Now that he has ascended to the position of True Lord and killed the murderer of the previous True Lord with his own sword, at this moment, his position as True Lord of Suzaku can be considered truly complete!

The silver cage dissipated, and Su Yuan flew forward in a flash.

At this moment, red light flowed on the Dagon staff floating in front of Karen, and the crimson eyes suddenly opened.


Su Yuan looked at each other, feeling like his soul was being sucked into him.

However, this staff seemed to know that it could not absorb Su Yuan's soul like this. His crimson pupils turned and he looked at Karen next to him.

In an instant, a fresh soul was pulled out from the corpse...it was Karen!

Karen had just died, and his soul was a little dazed at first, but he soon realized that it was the Dagon staff that was sucking him.

"no no!"

Karen screamed silently in horror!

And with a single heart, Su Yuan could vaguely feel Karen's fear and struggle.

But this struggle had no effect. In the blink of an eye, Karen's soul was absorbed by Dagon's staff.

This is the result of prepaying the soul and using the body of the scorching sun to activate Dagon's staff with all its strength!

With his body dead and unable to repay, Karen himself will have his complete soul taken away.

With a flash of crimson pupils, Karen's soul stopped moving.

"What a weird thing." Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this time, the red light on Dagon's staff was shining brightly, and it actually activated the star official jade pendant on Karen's body.

In an instant, brilliance circulated on the jade pendant, and a starlight gathered momentum and then fell down to teleport Dagon's staff out of here.

"Want to leave?"

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a flash of silver light, he appeared in front of the falling starlight. Taixu's sword intent surged on the demon sword, and he slashed out with one sword.

The light of the Divine Broken Sword can cut through reality and reality. The teleportation starlight in this secret realm was cut off by the light of the Divine Broken Sword. The Dagon staff that was about to teleport away suddenly stopped in place.

At the same time, Su Yuan raised his hand and moved it, drawing the ground into a prison and unfolding it to enclose the Dagon Staff.

And without stopping in his hand, silver halos fell down one after another, as if he was weaving a silver cage again to completely seal the staff of God.

Sensing Su Yuan's intention, Dagon's staff shook for a while as if he was quite angry. His crimson eyes looked directly at Su Yuan with red light, and a powerful mental shock suddenly hit him!

However, between Su Yuan's brows, the golden, silver, and lead three-flower mark circulated with spiritual light, instantly dispelling this mental shock.

"Although you are a holy weapon, you are still a 'vessel'. Are you still trying to attack me when no one is in charge?"

Su Yuan sneered, the speed in his hand increased, the silver light flashed, and in an instant the silver cage fell down and locked the Dagon staff inside.

At this moment, a large number of red runes suddenly lit up from top to bottom of Dagon's staff.

Then, accompanied by a strange and cold aura, those crimson eyes stared at Su Yuan as if they were alive, with a look of appraising eyes.

It seems that there is someone else behind these pupils.

In an instant, Su Yuan felt a strong pressure coming towards his face.

"King level!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he immediately realized that there was a king-level manipulating this staff.

Since the sealed holy weapon was given, how could there be no guarantee measures?

The East Main Road is different from the Southern Continent. There are only two behemoths, Dayan and Qiguang.

Since you gave the sacred weapon to someone below and it was taken away as a trophy, do you still want the other party to hand it over?

Therefore, Qi Guang's four sealed sacred instruments all bear the marks of their original owners and can be easily manipulated.

Faced with the possible scrutiny from the original owner of the staff, Su Yuan looked at him without any hesitation and had no intention of dodging.

Now that my strength has greatly increased, if I meet a king-level outside, I may not be an opponent, but it is just such a long-distance temporary control...

"Driving Sword·Liuguang!"

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold, he pressed the sword seal with his hand, and the four flying swords immediately turned into streams of light and surrounded and killed Dagon's staff.

Although it may not be able to cause any substantial damage to this sacred weapon, it can also suppress its performance and avoid counterattack.

However, the crimson pupil on Dagon's staff stared at Su Yuan again, but had no intention of attacking Su Yuan.

A burst of red light as thick as blood swayed from Dagon's staff, blocking all the four azure swords strengthened by the flow of light.

Afterwards, the sticky blood kept churning.

Su Yuan frowned and immediately understood that the other party still wanted to take back the staff.

As soon as his mind moved, the gift of liberation unfolded. The four swords that had turned into flowing light flashed with divine brilliance, and their power suddenly increased, cutting through the red light like random flashing meteors.

Although the red light was completely chopped into pieces in just a few breaths, the Dagon Staff was nowhere to be seen.

"He still ran away." Su Yuan frowned slightly.

It is indeed not easy to keep the sealed holy weapon, and this staff is evil and not of much use to me.

After Su Yuan thought secretly for a while, he calmed down.

Then he glanced at somewhere on the ground, and then with a flash of silver light on his body, he headed to the other side...

In the sea of ​​trees, Xiahou sat cross-legged, with a pair of eyes filled with blue light, as if he had become one with the Qing Emperor Dragon!

Behind him, three giant green wood dragons have bitten the phantom of the god of death... And there are three phantoms of the god of death!

That's right, Kira can have three death substitutes in total!

However, the three Death God stand-ins were all bitten by the Aoki Dragon that was transformed into the Green Emperor Dragon by Xiahou Zhenjun.

Although the Death Stand is invisible, high-speed, and has the power to kill directly, it also gives up the advantage of the entity, that is, it does not have much strength and defense.

At this moment, the three stand-ins were bitten by the giant green wood dragon, almost turning into wooden sculptures and being tightly restrained in place.

And in front, Kira himself, who was wearing a black robe, was still waving a scythe, with a pale face, fighting against the ferocious tree dragons that were dozens of feet long and were attacking from all around!

"Damn, just doing this is already a bit strenuous!"

Kira dodged while staring at Xiahou sitting on the giant tree in front, her heart getting heavier and heavier.

Not only is Xiahou powerful and his power of life can limit his power of death, Qingdilong can also see his death substitute.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, the sequelae of the previous battle with Baihu Yufang Yuan have appeared, and now it is quite difficult to summon three death substitutes.

On the other hand, the other party has continuous aura, majestic star power, and his accumulation in the Three Yang Realm has almost reached the limit. He is worthy of being the leader of the Five Great Flames, Qinglongyu Zhenjun.

If this continues, he will lose sooner or later!

Just as Kira was thinking, suddenly, the huge Qingdi Wheel sealing Ting Kun and Ou Yi in the distance shook slightly.

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