Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 976 Join forces


Xiahou's expression moved slightly and he looked up.

Subsequently, the entire Qingdi Wheel was eroded from the inside out, visible to the naked eye, as if it had been gnawed by countless termites, and the interior was already devastated.

"Bang!" With a sound, the Qing Emperor wheel exploded, and Ting Kun and Oi Yi appeared on the scene again.

Ting Kun was surrounded by thunder chains, with lightning-like thunder horns growing out of his head, and his eight wings lit up behind him.

The misfortune turned into a black-green energy body, and a large number of tiny particles rushed out of it, which broke the Qingdi Wheel.

The two great demons from the gray world surprisingly also launched their true form of liberation!

"You broke through so quickly..." Xia Hou's eyes fell on Eryi and he frowned slightly, "Is it corroded by toxins?"

When Kira saw this scene, she felt happy.

"What a powerful seal..."

Ting Kun's eyes turned cold, and a large tangle of purple lightning suddenly wrapped around his body. With one step, it suddenly turned into a flash of lightning that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and rushed towards Xiahou!

The thunder exploded, the thunder roared, and it came menacingly!

"Tree dragon!"

However, Ting Kun did not evade. He raised his hand and punched the tree dragon with a thunderous punch.

"Zi la!"

The thunder fist hit the tree dragon's head, and in just a moment, the violent purple thunder spread to the entire dozens of feet long tree dragon.


Lightning flashed in Ting Kun's eyes, and he shouted coldly. Thunder exploded in an instant, and the tree dragon, which was dozens of feet long, only trembled slightly before it exploded into sawdust all over the sky!

Before Xia Hou could hit the second tree dragon, Ting Kun had already rushed to the front from among the broken wood chips, wielding thunder and lightning, and punched it down with a domineering punch.

Xiahou Qingdilong was not afraid even after fusion, he raised his right hand and faced him directly.


Green light and thunder exploded instantly, and Xiahou and Ting Kun each took a few steps back.

Ting Kun was quite surprised. The human in front of him was not only powerful in magic, he was also so powerful in close combat.

Ting Kun pulled his left hand, and the thunder chains flew out from his body. The tangle of lights turned into a thunder net covering Xiahou.

Xiahou knew that this was Ting Kun's pseudo-sacred weapon as the user of the Ten Weapons, so he did not blindly take it. As he stepped back, the huge tree beside him rushed up and turned into a three-headed tree dragon, crashing into the thunder net, and was about to push it away. .

Seeing this, Ting Kun snorted coldly: "Accumulating Thunder Chain!"

Countless thunder elements collided violently on the thunder net, and the power gathered and superimposed, suddenly bursting out.


In one moment, the thunder light almost illuminated the night sky, and in the next moment, the three tree dragons instantly shattered under the net of lightning chains.

Such power is simply terrifying!

After just one test, Xiahou already understood the power of this pseudo-sacred weapon, the Thunder Chain, and his expression became slightly condensed.

Although there is nothing mysterious about it, it is simple and crude.

And Ting Kun activated it again, and the thunder net turned into an electric chain and shot towards Xiahou!

The lightning chain was extremely fast, and now it was too late to condense the tree dragon to block it.

However, Xia Hou turned his left hand and took out an Aoki Token with a brilliant light and a foot long.

"Qingshen Dingguang Order!"

Xia Hou narrowed his eyes and immediately activated the order, throwing out the thunder chain directly.

The thunder chain was illuminated by the green light of Qingshen's Light Order, but the spiritual light stagnated and suddenly stopped in place as if stuck!

As the leader of the Five Emperors and the longest-reigning Lord Qinglong, how could he not have any treasures?

This Qingshen Light-fixing Order is the sealed holy weapon given by the Red Emperor. It can fix the divine light and destroy the spiritual weapons. It has endless wonderful uses.


Ting Kun's expression changed. He didn't expect that the Thunder Accumulation Chain would be controlled by the opponent like this. He immediately let out a cold snort and turned into a bolt of thunder and rushed over.

Xia Hou raised his eyelids, made a fist with his right hand and punched him again!

The green trees are dense and the thunder is bursting.

As a thunder-type holy beast, Ting Kun is very aggressive.

But Xiahou had the Qing Emperor Dragon in his body, and his physical strength was terrifying, so he was not afraid of Ting Kun's thunderous offensive.

In the blink of an eye, the two have fought several times.

"Bang bang bang... bang!"

After another fight, the two of them took a few steps back.

"You can stop me, but what about them?"

Ting Kun looked at Xia Hou intently and suddenly spoke coldly.

Xiahou turned around and looked. In the distance, the three-headed tree dragon restraining the death substitute had been beheaded by Kira!

As the black light circulated, all three Death substitutes returned behind Kira, all looking this way.

And high in the sky, Eyi also raised the black bowl in his hand. The dim light circulated at the mouth of the bowl, and a black and green python slowly stretched out its huge body as thick as a bucket from the mouth of the palm-sized bowl.

"It's a bit tricky..."

Xia Hou frowned slightly. The three major enemies looked around, and he couldn't help but feel a little troublesome.


Without giving Xia Hou any more chance to think, Ting Kun shouted in a deep voice and killed him first with thunder surging all over his body.

Kira raised the sickle, and three death substitutes rushed out at the same time.

In Eyi's hands, the black and green python ejected from the mouth of the bowl, revealing itself to be hundreds of meters long!

Suddenly, there are enemies from three sides!

Xiahou turned his hand and held the Qingshen Fixing Light Order, pouring a large amount of star power into it. Once the green light is strong, he will use all his strength to activate this treasure's defense.

But at this moment, Xia Hou suddenly noticed something, and the corners of his dry mouth curled up into a slight smile.

In a flash of thought, the seal in his hand changed, and the green light calming order that he was about to release suddenly disappeared from his hand.

In a blink of an eye, Thunder, Poisonous Python and Death's substitute will all arrive.

At the critical moment, a silver light flashed beside Xia Hou, and a figure appeared on the scene.


Following the dull voice, the space was slightly distorted, and then a terrifying invisible force exploded.

Whether it was the charging Ting Kun, the black poisonous python, or the triple death shadow... all the enemies were pushed away by Wuliang!

Next to Xia Hou, Su Yuan, who had silver hair and silver eyes, raised his eyes and looked at the crowd.


"he came!"

Ting Kun and Ou Yi were shocked by the situation, while Kira's pupils shrank suddenly and she was frightened.

It's self-evident what it means for Su Yuan to appear here!

Karen...dead? So fast? !

Kira turned her head and looked inexplicably frightened. Although all directions were cut off by Xiahou's tree dragon, upon closer inspection, she actually felt a burst of death energy... It was the death energy coming from Karen!

As for Huang Xiang, although he was not dead yet, his breath was weak and there was no movement. He must have been seriously injured.

Karen is really dead!

"Su Zhenjun, you are here." Xia Hou said.

Su Yuan said: "Excuse me, Mr. Xia, for blocking these people for so long."

"It doesn't matter." Xia Hou shook his head slightly, then a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Then let's kill them all!"

Su Yuan raised his head and looked at Ting Kun and the others who were facing a formidable enemy outside, nodded and smiled:

"Okay, just as Xia Zhenjun said!"

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