Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 977 Kill the enemy

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiahou made a seal with his hand.

In all directions, green light shot into the sky, and huge bronze doors suddenly appeared behind Ting Kun and others.

And if you look carefully, you will see that it is not a huge bronze door, but a cyan token that has become countless times larger and glows with metallic luster...

It is Qingshen Dingguang Order!

The Qingshen Dingguang Order that rises from the ground like a wall directly cuts off all escape routes for Ting Kun and the others!

Not only that, many Green God's Fixed Light Orders also suppressed the spiritual light, making everyone feel that the star power was sluggish and extremely difficult to operate.


This sudden change made Ting Kun and others in the field feel frightened.

At this moment, Su Yuan's right eye lit up with an increasingly astonishing silver light.

Kira looked at Su Yuan, vaguely suddenly remembered something, and was about to pull back in shock.

But with the immeasurable barrier in front and the huge bronze door of Qingshen's Dingguang Order behind, there was nowhere to retreat for a while!


Kira immediately summoned three death substitutes to surround them, and at the same time, he did not forget to shout at Ting Kun and Ting Kun.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. At this moment, Karen is dead, and Kira and the two gray demons share the same enemy.

Not only are they competing for the dragon veins and the treasures in this place, but also whether they can deal with the two true kings of the Tianxian Division, and even... whether they can escape from the hands of the two opponents!

If it were just Kira himself, it would be difficult for Xiahou alone to deal with it, let alone Su Yuan, the Su Yuan who is now unparalleled in killing!

When Ting Kun and He Yi heard Kira's warning, their thoughts turned to lightning, and in an instant they exploded with all their star power.

Even Bassen was instantly killed by the other party. It's better to believe that he has it than to believe that he doesn't have it!

Ting Kun shouted loudly, and the thunder lock flew back outside his body. Under the entanglement of the thunder light, it turned into a thunder net to wrap around him.

Not far away, Misfortune controlled the black and green python that was forced back by Wuliang to fly back, opened its mouth and swallowed him!

The next moment, the silver light in Su Yuan's right eye became extremely bright.

"Infinite moment!"

The sky flower was dazzling, and extremely bright silver light burst out from Su Yuan's eyes, forming a huge field in an instant.

Within the domain, Ting Kun, E Yi... everyone was controlled in place, including Zhenjun Xiahou!

For a time, only one person in the entire field was still able to move...

That is Su Yuan!

"Three Peanut God."

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the gold, silver and lead three-color lotus mark between his eyebrows lit up. As the light flowed, a large piece of spiritual power in the lead-colored lotus flowed down and submerged into Su Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, Su Yuan's eyes shone brightly, and his already exhausted mental energy was filled again!

Su Yuan held the demon sword and unfolded the gift of relief. His eyes were like gods, and the extremely terrifying Taixu Sword Intent suddenly rushed out.

After cultivating the Three Peanut Gods, it not only provides mental power reserves, but Su Yuan's mental attack and control have also been greatly strengthened.

At this moment, Taixu Shenduan has the blessing of [Three Peanut Gods] and the gift of liberation, which is extremely powerful!

Su Yuan raised his eyes and looked at the three of them, stood on the spot and suddenly struck down with his sword!


With a flash of sword light, the thunder net collapsed and blood mist burst out!

The thunder net outside Ting Kun's body couldn't withstand such a domineering strike from Su Yuan at all. He only resisted briefly and turned into a thunder chain and flew away.

And Ting Kun inside was cut in half from head to toe!

The sword light flashed again, the big snake was cut in two, and the poison roared!

The black and green python, along with the misfortune swallowed in it, was cut off directly!

Large black and green toxins were everywhere, sweeping half of the sky in an instant, and there was a self-exploding poison trap where the bad luck was cut off.

However, Su Yuan slashed his sword in the air and left quickly before the poison spread.

The sword flashed three times, and heads flew everywhere among the gods of death!

The Taixu Shenjuan cuts both the entity and the void. Even the Death God's substitute cannot stop it at all.

Kira, who was among the triple death substitutes, had his head chopped off on the spot.

The silver light converged and dispersed in an instant.

The bright red brilliance on the demon sword was beating incessantly, and I was very excited!

Xia Hou quickly opened his eyes and quickly scanned the field: "Su Zhenjun, how are you?"

Su Yuan looked at the three places in the field and said: "One death and two injuries, the effect is acceptable."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ting Kun's body, broken in half, fell from the air and hit the ground with a "bang".

As the legendary sacred beast that wields explosive thunder, Ting Kun's strength, speed, and star power are all extremely tyrannical, and he follows a fierce and domineering path.

Normally, even if he loses to his opponent, he can still escape with the speed of thunder.

But at this moment, he was blocked by Qingshen Dingguang Order, and controlled by Momo Momentum, and was killed on the spot with a sword!

However... the other two people have some weird ways to save their lives.

In the turbulent black and green poisonous gas in the mid-air, the black bowl of brilliance was flowing, and the faint black gas was rising from it.

Within a moment, Ouyi reappeared from the black energy, but his face turned pale, and his eyes when looking at Su Yuan were full of panic!

As for Kira, a burst of rich death power rolled around, and all three death substitutes exploded, scattering large pieces of death power and retracting into Kira's body.

Kira's body became half-real and half-empty visibly, and a rich power of death emanated from her body.

But Kira's face was quite ugly, because this was the sacrifice of all the triple death substitutes!

"It would be extremely difficult for even Phoenix to kill my Triple Death Stand with one sword!" Kira was horrified.

It would take an unknown amount of effort to gather three more layers of Death Stands.

After all, the power of Death's stand-in is huge, and "replacing death" is just one of its functions.

No matter how frightened Ou Yi and Ji La were, Su Yuan and Xia Hou looked relaxed.

Xia Hou nodded and said: "Su Zhenjun has such amazing magical powers, and he is also a swordsman. He is really unbeatable..."

Xia Hou secretly admired him in his heart. In hundreds of years, he had never seen such a talented and beautiful person, and... so young!

Su Yuan said: "Thanks to Mr. Xia Zhenjun for activating the secret treasure to limit the retreat of a few people, otherwise I wouldn't be so relaxed."

Previously, Xiahou wanted to activate the Qingshen Dingguang Order to defend, but after noticing Su Yuan's approach, he decisively switched from defense to control and used the giant sky cover to cooperate with Su Yuan to kill the enemy.

This is the true king’s judgment!

Although they failed to kill three people at once, the remaining two were forced to resort to life-saving measures.

Xia Hou said: "Then let's solve it quickly."

Su Yuan held the demon sword that pulsed with red light and said with a smile: "Then the [God of Death] will be handed over to the True Lord."


Xia Hou stared at the God of Death, and with a flash of green light on his body, he was about to fly out.

But still halfway, Ouyi suddenly pointed at the black bowl.

In an instant, Xiahou's pupils trembled and stopped in place. His face was filled with black energy and he was twitching. Even the azure light in his eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.

Ouyi's eyes were filled with joy. This was the "invisible poison" he secretly cast with the help of the black bowl from the beginning.


Ouyi looked at Su Yuan in front of him. The other person's expression was as usual, but there was no reaction.

Kira looked at Xiahou, whose face was twitching. Although he didn't know what means He Yi had used, he would not let go of this opportunity.

It's not that Kira is impulsive, but that the battle situation has reached this point. Facing a strong enemy, he has exhausted all his cards and can no longer tolerate any further delay!

With a flash of black light, Kira suddenly rushed to Xiahou at high speed like the death substitute before.

With a swipe of the sickle, it struck the sluggish Xia Hou.

But before Kira could feel happy, an extremely strong wood element rushed from Xiahou's body along the sickle to Kira's body.

The wood element spread rapidly, and with just one breath, Kira's right hand and even his entire right arm almost turned into wood under this wood element!


Kira was frightened and wanted to struggle.

Xiahou's body instantly turned into a wooden sculpture and stuck him tightly. At the same time, a piece of green wood grew from the top of the "Xiahou" wooden sculpture and transformed into Zhenjun Xiahou again.

Seeing that the mysterious seal in Xiahou's hand was completed, he suddenly slapped Kira, whose pupils suddenly shrank.

"The new star in the tree world!" Xiahou said in a deep voice.

An extremely dazzling green light suddenly lit up from Kira's body. The trees grew wildly, branches grew wildly, the blue light reached a thousand meters, and in a few breaths, it grew into a towering tree with Kira as the center!


With a scream, Kira, who had merged with the big tree, stared at Xiahou in front of him with wide eyes. He felt that the power in his body was constantly being drained away by the big tree at high speed and turned into nutrients for growth, and he could not move at all.

"I said, you are still a little young." Xiahou said in a deep voice.

Since Su Yuan was aware of the poison spread by misfortune, how could he not inform Xia Hou secretly?

And Xiahou has many means, so how can he not have a way to deal with it.

However, the experienced Xia Hou did not directly eliminate these toxins, but quietly prepared a trap.

When these toxins are activated, the Substitution Technique and Tree God Nova will be deployed, and at worst they can kill an opponent...even if the opponent has resurrection or death substitution techniques!

On the other side, Su Yuan didn't show any pretense at all, and threw out Ruanruan with a wave of his hand.

"Go ahead, Ruanruan."

"Yes, Master!" Ruanruan directly transformed into a human form and rushed towards Ouyi ahead.

The silver line between Su Yuan's ten fingers moved across the space, and he prepared the technique again.

Seeing Ruanruan rushing towards him, Ouyi was a little startled and confused. He immediately pointed his finger and large swaths of black and green poisonous gas turned into pythons and rushed towards him.

However, Ruanruan didn't dodge at all. Countless blue stars lit up in his body, and he launched his divine blood weapons and struck at the poisonous pythons one after another.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The poisonous python was unable to resist the fists armed with soft divine blood, and was blown up one after another.

But when Er saw this, his eyes turned cold: "Seeking death!"

Even the legendary dragons with abnormal physiques and extraordinary physiques can be severely damaged by my own poison in a few breaths, let alone a mere slime monster... huh? !

Before his thoughts stopped, Ou Yi's eyes suddenly widened.

The exploding toxins quickly overwhelmed Ruan Ruan's body, but there was a layer of deep black light flowing all over Ruan Ruan's body.

The terrifying poison that could corrode a giant dragon, as soon as it touched the black light, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no movement!

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