Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 978 Leader

"The power of devouring? Such a strong power of devouring!"

Ouyi was shocked, how could he have such a powerful devouring power.

For people who are good at using all kinds of abnormal energy, the Devouring Law is simply a complete defeat!

The situation was over, and without any hesitation, he immediately took out the Xingguan Jade Pendant and activated it.

When the stars in the sky are twinkling, there will be stars falling down.

"If you leave, how can I resurrect my incarnation..."

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, and as soon as he closed his hands, the silver cage shrouded the misfortune in all directions.

The guiding starlight falling from the sky above the secret realm was unable to fall due to the immeasurable power of the silver cage!

"What!" Eyi's pupils shrank, he was slightly startled and then immediately patted the black bowl in front of him.

The black bowl expanded violently and became the size of a water tank, and infinite black energy rushed out like wolf smoke.

But the target is not Ruanruan or Su Yuan behind him, but the silver cage above his head!

At this moment, looking at Ruan Ruan who was rushing towards him and Su Yuan who was free from behind, Ou Yi had completely lost his will to fight and just wanted to save his life!

A large amount of black energy rushed up, relying on the increase of the pseudo-sacred black bowl, and eroded towards the place where the starlight hung above with all its strength.

Ruanruan flew towards him, but was blocked by the thick poisonous smoke from the black bowl.

"Bang bang bang!"

Ruanruan punched down several times one after another. Although the poison gas exploded, it was difficult to penetrate it.

"Ruanruan, use this."

At this moment, Su Yuan waved his hand, and two streaks of light flew to Ruanruan's side...

It is Yin Liuguang and Yang Liuguang!

Although Xiang Liu Jiuying is gone, Ruanruan is a better user of Yin and Yang Liuguang at this moment!

"Thank you, Master!" Ruan Ruan's eyes lit up, and she immediately caught the yin and yang light, and then the water light on her body flowed, splitting into two clones, Shenwu and Lingkun.



The real fire surges into the sky, and the heavy water boils.

Shenwu and Lingkun worked together, and the yin and yang streams instantly intertwined and turned into a pair of cold and frightening light scissors!

"Yin Yang streamer scissors!"

Ruanruan let out a low shout, and the yin-yang streamer suddenly flew out, cutting off the defense of the poisonous wolf smoke like a twist, and shot past Eryi's body!

"How is that possible!" Eryi looked stunned, and was cut off on the spot before he even had time to react!

With a "bang" sound, the corpse once again turned into strong poisonous gas and exploded, sweeping half of the sky.

If you were an ordinary person, you would really want to avoid these churning viscous poisonous gases.

But between Shenwu and Lingkun, Ruanruan's body opened the five fingers of his right hand, and an astonishing swallowing vortex instantly began to spin.


With a "buzz" sound, the surging poisonous gas was immediately sucked in, and it was swallowed up by the whirlpool in just a few breaths!

The smoke on the black bowl broke off, and the black bowl trembled slightly and returned to the size of the mouth of the bowl. The brilliance seemed to be condensing something.

Su Yuan waved his hand, and the demon knife immediately flew to Ruanruan.

"Deal with him, Ruanruan."

"Yes, Master!"

Ruanruan took the demon knife and walked directly to the black bowl.

The misfortune was resurrected once through the black bowl... Or, rather than being resurrected, it would be more appropriate to say "survive by cutting off the tail".

Unless one has the power of the soul in this area, such a move usually hurts the root, but it only happens a few times.

After just a few breaths, the black air rose from the black bowl, and the misfortune with a face as white as paper rushed out again.

However, when he looked up, he saw a beautiful girl with long sea-blue hair waiting for him with a sword, and there was not a trace of poisonous gas left that should have filled the surroundings!

"Not good!" Ou Yi's heart was shaken, but Ruan Ruan had already swung the demon sword and slashed it down.


Blood and water burst out, and blood spilled into the sky on the spot.

The black bowl shook slightly and then shattered.

The red light on the demon sword flourished, as if he was extremely excited.

But after a while, as the blood surged, a figure appeared in the field... It was the incarnation of the demon!

Looking at Ruan Ruan in front of him, Yao Po nodded towards her, then took the demon sword from Ruan Ruan's hand and came to Su Yuan in a flash.

"Back." Su Yuan took back the demon knife.

Yao Po grinned: "Well, it's faster than expected!"

There is no need to say more about the body and the clone. Su Yuan raised his hand and put away the demon soul first.

In an instant, the spiritual light lit up in the sea of ​​​​stars, the divine wind and divine fire, everything came back.

Su Yuan turned around and looked around. In front of Xiahou, at the bottom of the towering tree, Kira had completely turned into wood and had become a part of the tree.

"Come back, Ruanruan." Su Yuan greeted.


Ruanruan killed the enemy for Su Yuan. At this moment, she was in a good mood. She put away her clone, transformed into a slime again and flew to Su Yuan's shoulder.

And with a flash of silver light on Su Yuan's body, he came to Xia Hou.

"Xia Zhenjun."

Xia Hou turned around and said, "Su Zhenjun is really a young man with extraordinary strength."

Su Yuan said: "Zhenjun has given you the reward."

Su Yuan also nodded secretly. Although he had never seen Fang Yuan take action, the Xiahou Zhenjun in front of him was indeed very powerful.

I have seen Xuanwu Yu's True Lord Tong Xue'er take action before, but at that time Tong Xue'er faced the "perfect" [Wheel of Fortune] Tisza, whose condition was already extremely poor.

But today, the cooperation with Zhenjun Xiahou was very easy.

It was also because of this that he was able to deal with his opponents so smoothly.

At this time, Xia Hou suddenly looked somewhere on the ground: "There seems to be someone who has not been solved yet..."

Xia Hou waved his hand, and a giant tree grew wildly on the ground in the distance, suddenly pushing a person out from the rubble and dust...

It's Huang Xiang!

Xia Hou's eyes turned cold, his fingers clenched tightly, and Qing Mu Hengsheng wrapped the man tighter and tighter!

Su Yuan said: "Zhenjun, wait a minute, he is one of our own."


Xia Hou's eyes moved slightly, and after looking at Huang Xiang for a while, he understood. No wonder this man could survive from Su Yuan's hands.

Xia Hou waved his hand and dispersed the entanglement of green wood.

Huang Xiang flew down and looked at Su Yuan in front of him. A boyish smile suddenly appeared on his face that had been accustomed to being indifferent for many years.

"Long time no see...Su Yuan!"

Su Yuan knew at a glance that Huang Xiang was still the Huang Xiang he knew after all these years.

Stepping forward and patting him on the shoulder, Su Yuan smiled and said, "Well, long time no see!"

Until this time, Su Yuan was finally able to have a good talk with Huang Xiang and ask him what happened to him.

And Huang Xiang also told Su Yuan all about his experiences over the years.

It turned out that Qi Guang had gone to the Northern Continent before, and the Beidalu tribes were fighting in a melee, which was extremely chaotic.

Qi Guang, on the other hand, managed to capture many talented tribesmen at once and brought them back to the Eastern Continent for research and experiments on divine blessings.

In order to catch up with the progress and cope with the disaster, these experiments were extremely rough. In the early stages of the experiments, many people from the Northern Continent, as well as a large number of criminals captured by Qi Guang for the experiments, died.

Qi Guang's experiment made a breakthrough, and among this group of people, only Huang Xiang survived with his unique talent...

Su Yuan and Xia Hou were quite sad after hearing this.

"Then why didn't you leave? Why did Qi Guang resort to tricks?"

Huang Xiang said: "We do all have restraint methods planted in our bodies during the divine blessing... Unless we die, it will be difficult to erase."

Su Yuan frowned: "I'll quietly return to Dayan with you this time. I hope some domestic experts can help you solve it."

Huang Xiang smiled and said: "I have already untied it."

"Huh?" Su Yuan was quite surprised.

Huang Xiang smiled and said: "Surviving a catastrophe will bring you blessings. For the experiment, Qi Guang used countless treasures.

After some experiments, my soul card was upgraded again, and I realized the true liberation of the 'miracle' from the divine blessing.

Through this ability, I have already 'died' many times and completely got rid of the mark. "

Su Yuan was confused: "Then you..."

There was a burst of hatred in Huang Xiang's eyes: "I was accidentally seriously injured and fell into the Northern Continent in the secret realm. Thanks to my friends from the Black Sand Tribe, I finally got Xuantu...

But in the end, Qi Guang killed all my friends! "

Su Yuan nodded regretfully and didn't say much.

In the great tribulation, life and death are uncertain, and they also died due to the tribulation.

Huang Xiang said: "Qi Guang doesn't know my true identity either, thinking that I am a native of the Northern Continent tribe.

Now that the earth realm is rising, I will continue to lurk in Qiguang, thinking that I can secretly help Dayan when the time comes. "

Xia Hou's eyes lit up: "So, you should have a lot of information about the Secret Society of Truth, right?"


Except for the [Magician] and [God of Death] who died just now, there are still several people left in the Secret Society of Truth, and all of them are not simple.

Xia Hou asked: "According to our information, the Secret Society of Truth has four sealed sacred weapons.

The holders are [Sun] Phoenix, [Wheel of Fortune] Tisa, and [Magician] Karen who just died in the hands of Su Zhenjun.

But there is another thing that seems to be a coin, I don’t know who is in it? "

"The Coin of God..." Speaking of this, Huang Xiang's expression became solemn, "The holder is the No. 0 seat of the Secret Society of Truth, the leader of the Secret Society of Truth appointed by Constantine himself - [The Fool]."

"[The Fool]..."

Xia Hou frowned. As of now, there is the least information about this person, and he doesn't even have a name.

"Since he is the leader, then he is the strongest person in the Secret Society of Truth?"

Huang Xiang pondered for a while and said: "At least, he is the most mysterious. About him, I have only heard that 'fools are not stupid, they know everything'."

"Knowing everything?" Su Yuan narrowed his eyes and thought, "Even a king cannot claim to be 'all-knowing'. How can this [Fool] be so powerful?"

Huang Xiang shook his head: "This should just describe his ability, but Lord Constantine values ​​him extremely, otherwise he would not have given the Secret Society of Truth to his leadership."

Xiahou thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "It is certainly not easy for a sun knight like [Sun] Phoenix to accept his leadership willingly."

Su Yuan nodded.

Phoenix himself has never seen it, but Tisza himself has experienced it.

Although Tisa has a cold temperament, both in terms of ability and means, he is enough to lead a top organization.

Not to mention the "knight among knights", Phoenix, who is the Knight of the Templar Day!

Huang Xiang told Su Yuan and Su Yuan in a concise and concise manner the information he knew about the Secret Society of Truth.

Then, Xiahou looked at Su Yuan and said, "Then the next step is the dragon veins and treasures here..."

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