Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1109: Not afraid of carbon dioxide

An Tian did not leave the hotel, but went to the open-air bar on the top floor of the hotel.

She ordered a glass of red wine, set up a slender and well-proportioned thigh, tasting the wine, and feeling quite comfortable.

A top domestic director, when he saw An Tian, ​​his eyes couldn't help showing a bit of surprise, he couldn't help but think.

Although An Tian seems to have a good temperament, it is obviously not rich or expensive, but what does it matter? How many women can resist the attraction of star aura?

He got up and came to An Tian, ​​leaning slightly like a gentleman, "Hello, can you meet me, I am Huang Daruan."

An Tian glanced at Huang Daruan casually with a pair of beautiful eyes, "I don't know."

Huang Daruan was slightly surprised. Although he is a director, sometimes he also acts. In fact, even if he is not acting, his popularity is no less than that of any top celebrity. Anywhere, he only needs to brush his face.

Huang Daruan changed his thoughts, and his heart was stunned.


What is her status? It is always impossible to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with a woman. It is all other women who fight to break their heads and take the initiative to give them a hug. She probably thinks that she is not a top director in the film and television industry. Right.

Huang Daruan took out a business card and placed it on the table under An Tian's nose.

There is only one title on the card-director.

He still had a polite smile on his face, but because he clearly showed his identity, he didn't ask for An Tian's consent, so he sat down in front of An Tian with some force.

Huang Daruan said, "That's it. I'm going to make a new movie recently. The investment in this movie can rank in the top three in my director career. All the leading actors are popular stars. But, this drama I’ve never been able to find the person I’m fond of. I don’t think anyone can really play this role."

Huang Daruan, like an artist, began to boldly appreciate An Tian, ​​"As soon as I saw you, I knew that a person like you from the bottom of my heart can perform this role vividly and vividly only by performing in his true colors. If interested, we can talk about the details."

Huang Daruan has shown an amiable smile. He is ready to accept An Tian's flattered expression.

Not far away, several actresses in the circle all looked at An Tian with envy.

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That's the female number two!

With An Tian's appearance, coupled with Huang Daruan's careful cultivation, everyone has vaguely seen that another yellow girl is rising in the showbiz.

One of the female stars who is already on the front line has already positioned An Tian as a strong opponent in her heart.

"Not interested." An Tian said calmly.

Huang Daruan's aura is very strong, but that doesn't mean that he has a deep cultivation of Qi.

After all, from the perspective of his circle, he is already a waver of the times, and he is like a star holding the moon wherever he goes. Everyone regards him as the head of the horse, and everyone respects him enough. He doesn't need any cultivation skills. .

Huang Da's face suddenly became extremely difficult to look.

Of course, Huang Daruan is very smart, and An Tian is obviously also a person of status. Since An Tian is not interested in acting, he will not be too difficult.

"Sorry." Huang Daruan got up and left.

There are not only Huang Daruan, but also some other successful people on the rooftop.

An Tian lightly rejected Huang Daruan, and her image rose a bit in the hearts of other people—this is the real stunner.

Because Huang Daruan has hit a nail in front of An Tian, ​​other people will not ask themselves to be boring, so they talked with An Tian in the past.

After sitting for almost two hours, an SMS alert sound came from An Tian's mobile phone.

"The target is already in a moderately poisoned state, and the body is exhausted, so you can kill it. It will be severely life-threatening after half an hour."

Seeing this news, An Tian showed a strategizing smile on his face.

Moderate poisoning is enough!

Although she only needs to sit on the rooftop for another hour, Lin Tiancheng will be deeply poisoned and then die. But she did not intend to do this.

She was going to talk to Lin Tiancheng, tell Lin Tiancheng about her plan, and then appreciate Lin Tiancheng's helpless and desperate expression.

An Tian got up and went downstairs, opened the door with the spare room key, and entered the room.

Lin Tianzhen was lying on the bed. He was a little surprised. He was about to get up, only to find that his limbs were numb, and he didn't listen at all. My mind was also dizzy.


Without hesitation, Lin Tiancheng immediately turned on 360 Antivirus and tested himself. The results showed that Lin Tiancheng was poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly spent 1 power check, and there were 6 power remaining.

Judging from An Tian's abnormal behavior, An Tian should be the person who poisoned him, but Lin Tiancheng still had to make sure.

An Tian entered the room, opened the window to breathe, and then smiled happily on his face, looking at Lin Tiancheng, "How do you feel?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "What did you do to me?"

An Tian said, "You know very well in your heart, why are you having problems? Lin Tiancheng, don't you have a good medical skill, can you still get ultrasound therapy? Why don't you start treatment? If I guess correctly, you can't move at all?"

At this time, Lin Tiancheng was completely certain that it was An Tian's method.

An Tian sat down on the chair proudly, "Let me tell you, I know your medical skills are very good, if it is a general poison, even if you are moderate, you should be able to treat yourself as long as you are aware of it in time. Carbon monoxide, no It is tasteless, and when you perceive it is moderate, you have lost the opportunity to self-medicate."

An Tian’s face bloomed with a smile, "Lin Tiancheng, Lin Tiancheng, let your martial arts be high-powered, medical skills can be mastered, I am just a little trick, don’t you want to hate Jiuquan?"

Lin Tiancheng's face became gloomy.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is really not fun!

If Lin Tiancheng was poisoned while falling asleep, he didn't know whether he would not wake up.

Lin Tiancheng walked through the wind and waves, and he had 360 antivirus. If An Tian poisoned him with carbon monoxide, he would not die.

Lin Tiancheng sat up and looked at An Tian with cold eyes, "I told you before that you can deal with me without compromise. The price of failure is to punish you for an hour. You did not agree, but you still have to be right. I hurt the killer, if so, don't blame me."

An Tian opened her eyes and looked at Lin Tiancheng, her beautiful eyes filled with horror, "How...how is this possible? You, are not poisoned?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "I am not poisonous, not to mention carbon monoxide, I am not afraid of carbon dioxide. You asked for it."

With that said, Lin Tiancheng walked towards An Tian step by step.

An Tian slapped his spirit, "No, no, you can't kill me!"


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